Sociology final

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rape culture

Judge Aaron persky was asked by prosecutors to sentence a man found guilty of rape to six years in prisoon. instead judge persky handed down a sentence of six months in county jail. many felt that by handing down a light sentence for a serious crime, aaron persky was normalizing

economic factors

according to william julius wilson, racism has created a black underclass, bur this underclass is perpetuated by

mothers receive custody in a disproportionate numbers of cases

how is custody of minor children usually handled in divorce cases

there is virtually no chance of social mobility

which is true of social mobility in a caste system

Deviance clarifies morel boundaries and affirms norms

which of the following describes how deviance can be explained from the functionalist perspective?

differential association theory

_____ suggests that individuals learn to be deviant by interacting with others who are already deviant.

departure from the norm

Almost any ____ can have a. stigmatizing effect, including a physical disability, an addiction, or a mental illness.

Yes, but only because she lives in the United States where face tattoos are not the norm.

Imagine that a powerful and influential person living in San Francisco decides to tattoo most of her face with symbols. Would she be seen as deviant?

symbolic interactionism

the school of social thought that insists all social structures, including systems of stratification, are built out of everyday interactions is called

symbolic interactionism

the sociological perspective of ______ is concerned with how gender is constructed and maintained in our everyday lives


until recently south korea had laws in place banning marriage between people who belonged to the same clan. therefore they were required to practice


what are unmarried adults who are romantically involved and live together under the same roof practicing in?

other latino tenants were able to find places to rent in the area

what could be seen as evidence of individual discrimination if a landlord was found guilty of discriminatory practices for refusing to rent to latino tenants

racist beliefs can become part of economic life

what do recent theorists like tomas almaguer argue that differs from the belief that racism is a product of class differences

horizontal social mobility

what do sociologists call it when an individual changes their career but remains within the same social class?


what sort of social mobility often results from losing a job?

increase diversity

the goal of affirmative action is to

the new jim crow

a black man in the united states was convicted of a felony when he was 17. he is now 58 and has not committed any crimes since his release. however, he is still not permitted to vote. Michelle Alexander would describe this as an example of.

increasingly, both marriage and the family are less central to the lives of average americans

american ideology focuses on the importance of marriage and family values and assumes that the family is at the center of almost everyones life. how does this compare to the way people really live.

body hair

an example of a secondary sex characteristic is

through interactions between teachers and students

from an interactionist perspective, the most important way that schools socialize children into their gender identities is

intergenerational mobility

what is it an example of when the children of working class parents manage to attend college and get a job in a professional field?

reverse racism

what is it called when members of the dominant group whites in the case of race believes they are discriminated against because of their race

race is not a side effect of class; rather it permeates every aspect of daily life.

what is the relationship between race and class according to sociologists such as michael omi and howard winant

the continued existence of a distinct latino identity and culture in the united states

what racial issue does functionalism help to explain

social stratification

what term describes the division of society into groups arranged in a social hierarchy?

single fathers are still only about 15 percent of all single parents

which of the following is true about single fathers, despite geoffrey grief pointing out that "more fathers are rearing children alone following separation and divorce than ever before"

Prion was rarely used before the nineteenth century

which of the following is true regarding prison as a mechanism for punishing crime?

violations of social norms

which of the following would sociologists consider the best definition of deviance?

gender equality

your textbook describes the vanatinai society in new guinea as an example of

Differential association

Nowhere to grow by les whitbeck and dan hoyt explored the lives of homeless and runaway teens in the midwest. the authors found that "associating with deviant peers" had a dramatic effect on a wide range of deviant behaviors including increasing "the likelihood of serious substance abuse almost 32 times" what theory of deviance considers the way in which such interpersonal relationships help to predict deviant behavior?

applied by a large number of people.

a deviant label transitions from primary to secondary deviance when the deviant label is?

a microaggression

michelle was born and raised in the united states, but her grandparents are from korea. her white classmate was also born and raised in the united states, but his grandparents are from poland. he tells michelle that she speaks english very well because he assumes based on her race, that she is an immigrant. this is an example of

are middle class

most americans claim they are?

such beliefs justify social arrangements between dominant and minority groups that benefit those who accept them

plantation owners in early america often argued that enslaved africans were better off because they did not have the mental capacity to run their own lives. today, this seems both racist and idiotic. how could such racist beliefs flourish?

there has been an increase in cohabitation among unmarried couples

remarriage rates are lower today then they were in the 1960s because

a focus on social position fails to consider the emotional appeal that a deviant act has for an individual

robert merton's structural strain theory sees deviance as the result of a persons position in a social structure. what do you think jack katz, author of seductions of crime would say about structural strain theory.

everyday class consciousness

sociologists call the awareness of our own and others class statuses

departs from a norm and results in a negative reaction

A behavior, trait or belief is considered deviant if it

conflict theory

American criminologist Richard Quinney theorized that capitalism and the exploitation and oppression of the working class make deviant and even criminal behavior nearly inescapable for workers. the ruling class can make laws that target the poor. when the poor act out against repression, they become targets for law enforcement, while the rich and powerful remain free to do what they like. Quinney's theory falls under which sociological perspective?

what is considered deviant changes over time

Some subcultures have adopted branding as a form of body art, though it is no longer used as a form of punishment in the United States. This demonstrates that.

They were all finally released, but their "illnesses" were considered "in remission."

What happened to the pseudo-patients in David Rosenhan's "On Being Sane in Insane Places"?

It is not a serious enough norm violation to provoke sanctions.

Why would using the wrong fork to eat a salad at a dinner party NOT usually qualify as deviance?

blue collar or manual labor jobs

______ are the types of jobs usually available to members of the lower middle class.

conflict theory

______ argues that punishments for rule violators are unequally distributed, with those near the top of society subject to more lenient rules and sanctions than those at the bottom.


______ is an action or behavior that results in the unequal treatment of an individual because of their membership in a racial or ethnic group.

conflict theory

______ is the theoretical perspective that would lead you to consider the broader social effects of the division of labor between men and women in the household

which of the following examples could be associated with talcott parsons concept of the expressive roles

a mother providing love care and affection to her husband and children


a state is called ______ when whites are less than half the population

social reproduction

according to pierre bourdieu, _____ is the tendency of social class to be passed down from one generation the next and consequently remain relatively stable over time

the effects of racism are compounded by poverty

according to theorists like edna bonacich, what is the effect of a split labor market in which workers belonging to one race are paid less than those of a different race


every presidential candidate nominated by a major political party in the united states has been at least publicly

sex is biological gender is social

for most sociologists what is the difference between sex and gender

cultural capital

french sociologist and postmodernist pierre bourdieu suggested that social reproduction, or the tendency of social classes remaining relatively stable as class status is passed down from one generation to the next, occurs in part through the acquisition of

parental income was strongly correlated with academic achievement, especially in low income families.

greg j. duncan and a team of researchers analyzed the effect of parental income in the academic achievement of children. what do you think duncan found given what you have read about socioeconomic status and life chances.

cultural appropriation

halloween costume makers and retailers make generous profits from selling costumes that allow their wearers to be indian princesses or gypsies. what are they engaging in by profiting from the stereotypical display of marginalized groups without fully understanding and appreciating the culture?

children of divorced parents today are considerably less likely to divorce than were children whose parents divorced in the 1970's

how are children of divorced parents today different from children of divorced parents in the 1970's

structural mobility

many people became instant millionaires during the so called dot com boom of the late 1990's, although we usually think of social mobility as a result of individual effort. this is an example of

exercise is a luxury often accessible only to those who do not have to struggle with day to day existence.

members of the lower class exercise less often because


newlyweds were asked about how they met. the newlyweds explained that they were friends as children because their families attended the same church, but they did not start dating until much later when they ended up at the same university. this couple is an example of?

stratification is a characteristic of a society rather than a reflection of individual differences.

sociologists often point out that systems of stratification in the united states systematically favor white men. people sometimes contest this by referencing wealthy and powerful black women like oprah winfrey or toni morrison. a valid counterpoint to this argument is that.

the use of the word "queen" reminds us that women are more likely than men to live in poverty

"welfare queen" is an insulting term for a woman who is accused of cheating the government by collecting wlefare payments. there is no "welfare king" insult. what sociological truth is contained in the phrase "welfare queen"


A man tries to find unconventional and even illegal ways of making money. Into what category does this fit, according to Robert Merton's typology?


Robert Merton's typology of deviance outlines the strain that people experience as they attempt to access cultural goals through legitimate institutionalized means. In which of the following categories would gangsters and con artists be found?

feel at risk of being harassed by law enforcement

being born into a lower social class means that an individual will be more likely to

race is a social construct

brazilians have many other racial categories including moreno, mulato, meguinho, and pretinho. most of these terms do not have an equivalent in the united states. what does this tell you

they have more power resources and representation in social institutions.

how can you tell whites are still the dominant group in california despite demographic shifts

americans are much more accepting of interracial marriage than they were in the past

how have americans attitudes changed if they have at all regarding interracial marriage.

institutional discrimination is more systemic and widespread

how is institutional discrimination different form. individual discrimination?

institutional discrimination is more systemic and widespread

how is institutional discrimination different from individual discrimination

irish americans

in the united states _____ would have the most freedom in choosing whether or not to display their race or ethnicity

it produces and socializes children

in what way do functionalists view the family as responsible for the reproduction of society

racial differences are socially constructed and not genetic

the fact that immigrants from eastern europe, asia, and latin american tended to be shorter than native born americans was taken as evidence that there were inherent racial differences between these populations. however, the immigrants had children who grew up to be as tall as anyone else. geneticists now understand that although there can be considerable variation in height within a group due to genetics, height differences between groups are largely caused by diet. what does this demonstrate?

in our society the prospect of an ambiguously sexed person seems so threatening that surgical procedures are performed long before a child is old enough to know what is happening

the intersex society of north america recommends that "surgeries done to make the genitals look more normal should not be performed until a child is mature enough to make an informed decision for herself or himself" why is this advice necessary given that doctors would usually try to involve a patient in their treatment.

structural mobility

what do sociologists call it when large numbers of people move up or down the social class ladder as a result of changes to society as a whole?

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