Sociology Final

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________asserts that, in this circumstance, people perceive and respond to the crowd situation with their particular (individual) set of norms, which may change as the crowd experience evolves. This focus on the individual component of interaction reflects a symbolic interactionist perspective.

Emergent-norm theory

________ suggests we might view illness as a stigma that can push others to view the ill in an undesirable manner.

Erving Goffman

________ is the traditional dating period before engagement and marriage.


________ refers to the theory that prejudice is embedded in our culture.

Culture of prejudice

________ identified and explained three distinct types of authority

Max Weber

________ study how culture impacts attitudes toward disease and wellness.

Medical sociologists

________ is the systematic study of how humans manage issues of health, illness, disease, disorders, and health care for both the sick and the healthy.

Medical sociology

________ affects more than personal relationships; it shapes larger dynamics like social groups, professional organizations, and governments.


________are "meaning seeking," and their goal is to provoke inner change or spiritual growth in individuals. Organizations pushing these movements include Heaven's Gate or the Branch Davidians. The latter is still in existence despite government involvement that led to the deaths of numerous Branch Davidian members in 1993.

Religious/Redemptive movements

According to ________, the government has four main purposes: planning and directing society, meeting social needs, maintaining law and order, and managing international relations. According to this theory, all aspects of society serve a purpose.

Structural functional theorists

________ do not take into account the argument about whether or not it is appropriate to allow doctors so much power over deciding who is sick, and who is not. Nor do they consider people who are sick, but are unwilling to leave their positions for any number of reasons.

Structural functional theorists

In its narrowest, most technical sense, ________ is the formal process, or instruction in schools, by which society deliberately passes accumulated knowledge, skills, customs, and values from one generation to the next. Generally, this process results from any experience that affects the way in which one thinks, feels, or acts.


Proponents of ________ argue that it provides an outstanding opportunity for student-centered learning while circumventing problems that plague today's education system.


The term ________ can be used interchangeably with the term minority, while the term ________ is often substituted for the group that's in the majority.

subordinate group; dominant group

A study released in May 2011 showed that, among men and women who graduated from college between 2006 and 2010, men out-earned women by an average of more than ________ each year.


A Federal Reserve Bank study shows that ________ of the population holds one-third of our nation's wealth (Kennickell 2009).


A shorter, second period of globalization occurred from approximately ________ saw new and different technology as the driving force.

1800 C.E. to 2000 C.E

Occupy Wall Street was a response to the rapid increase in wealth by the top 1% since the


________ is a system for understanding collective behavior that credited individuals in crowds as rational beings. This theory refocuses attention from collective behavior to collective action, which is based on a shared interest.

Assembling perspective

Which woman was believed to have "heaved a brick through the rose-colored picture window of the American bungalow" by writing her book for the second wave of the women's movement?

Betty Friedan

Which of the following describe ways that class systems differ from slavery and castes?

Class positions are in some part achieved.

________ is prejudiced belief that one type of skin tone is superior or inferior to another within a racial group.


Which theory is deeply critical of social stratification because it benefits only some people, and not all of society?

Conflict theory

________ like fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome may be either true illnesses or only in the patients' heads, depending on the opinion of the medical professional. This dynamic can affect how a patient seeks treatment and what kind of treatment he or she receives.

Contested illnesses

________ is an alternative to arranged marriages in which the couple or group doesn't meet before the wedding.


________ is a process that accepts and encourages casual sexual encounters, including one-night stands and other related activity, which focuses on physical pleasure without necessarily including emotional bonding or long-term commitment.

Hooking up

________ describes the processes that increase the amount of specialization and differentiation of structure in societies resulting in the move from an undeveloped society to developed, technologically driven society.


When it comes to global stratification, the two most widely applied perspectives are the

Modernization Theory and Dependency Theory.

On September 17, 2011, an anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution, ________ began.

Occupy Wall Street

________is a way to explain movement success in terms of the ability to acquire resources and mobilize individuals.

Resource mobilization theory

________ were set up to accommodate an agricultural calendar so children could be home to work the fields in the summer


According to ________, struggles in the present era are driven by the desire to gain or protect power and wealth, whether in the form of land and resources or in the form of liberty and autonomy. Internally, groups within the U.S. struggle within the system, by trying to achieve the outcomes they prefer.

Social conflict theorists

According to ________, the struggles between and within groups have historically been spurred by the drive to protect or gain territory and wealth, and the need to preserve liberty and autonomy.

Social conflict theorists

________ refers to the ability to change positions within a social stratification system.

Social mobility

___________ can be defined as structured inequalities among different groups of people.


In ________ some leaders may be corrupt and seek to limit or even eradicate the liberties of the general population. They use a variety of means to perpetuate their authority. Economic and military might, as well as intimidation and brutality are often foremost among their tactics.

a dictatorship

According to Karl Marx, struggles between groups are necessary for the development of

a more egalitarian society

Each change in a single social institution leads to changes in ________ social institutions.


The difference between the terms "Arab" and "Muslim" is that Arab refers to ________ and Muslim refers to ________.

an ethnicity; a religion

One of the reasons for declining numbers of intimate partner violence reports by women

are likely due to more recent empowerment and protections for women.

Today in the United States, students of all races and ethnicities are permitted into schools,

but there remains a troubling gap in the equality of education they receive.

Not all transgender individuals choose to alter their bodies. Many will maintain their original anatomy but may present themselves to society as another gender

by adopting the dress, hairstyle, mannerisms, or other characteristic typically assigned to another gender.

Larger social patterns based on systemic inequalities tend to produce a person's social standing through

categorization into ranked groups based on wealth, income, race, education, gender, power, etc.

In a report on how U.S. healthcare compares to that of other ________ countries, researchers found that the United States does "relatively well in some areas—such as cancer care—and less well in others—such as mortality from conditions amenable to prevention and treatment" (Docteur and Berenson 2009)


Dependency theory suggests that

core nations choose which countries to loan money to and decide which labor markets will benefit the dominant countries with less thought given to the country targeted for development.

There are three primary forms of collective behavior

crowd, mass, and public.

According to Pierre Bourdieu, an example of ________ is that the educational system maintains a cycle in which the dominant culture's values are rewarded. For example, instruction and tests cater to the dominant culture and leave others struggling to identify with values and competencies outside their social class.

cultural capital

Gender stratification through the division of labor is not exclusive to the United States, all societies classify work by gender. When a pattern appears in all societies, it is called a

cultural universal

Because we grow up surrounded by images of stereotypes and casual expressions of racism and prejudice, ________ highlights how easy it is to project our stereotyped impressions onto groups in the manner in which we have seen them portrayed by the media without ever understanding the extent to which this may have influenced our thought processes.

culture of prejudice

Belief that men have, or have the right to, more sexual urges than women creates a

double standard

Before the Reynolds v. Sims, decision, unequal distributions of population enabled small groups of people in sparsely populated rural areas to have as much voting power as the denser populations of urban areas. After Reynolds v. Sims, districts were redrawn so that they would include

equal numbers of voters.

A child's education begins

from the moment of birth

When children do not conform to the appropriate gender role, they may face negative sanctions such as being criticized or marginalized by their peers. Both male and female peer groups, but especially boys, are subject to intense ridicule for

gender nonconformity.

What term do sociologists use to refer to a person's deeply held internal perception of his or her attitudes of masculine and feminine, based on social and cultural differences?


Social organizations worldwide take stands on such general areas of concern as poverty, sex trafficking, and the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food are examples of a

global level social movement.

The modernization and dependency theories represent two categories of theories to describe

global stratification.

The size, income, and wealth of the middle class

have been declining since the 1970s.

High-income countries have ________ less affluent nations.

higher rates of depression than

Many medical sociologists contend that ________ have both a biological and an experiential component, and that these components exist independently of each other.


Plessy v. Ferguson was a court case decided by the US Supreme Court

in 1896.

What is the most effective policy option for improving the health of low-income people?

increasing accessibility to health services

A person who starts his career as a carpenter's assistant and works his way up over the years to owning his own construction company has experienced ______.

intragenerational mobility

Social scientists today maintain that when it comes to "race," it

is not biologically identifiable and racial categories have been arbitrarily assigned.

Although modernization theory suggests that undeveloped countries could change of their own accord,

it may not be the goal of all such countries to do so, further, it may be that there should be other priorities for some of these countries.

The number of divorces ________ between 1960 and 1975.

more than doubled

Despite the cost of college today, it is more ________ than ever before to complete a college degree.


Historically, religion has been the greatest influence on sexual behavior in most societies, but in more recent years, ________ have emerged as two of the strongest influences, particularly among U.S. teens

peers and the media

In the DSM-IV, ________ represent "an enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the expectations of the culture of the individual who exhibits it." In other words,________ cause people to behave in ways that are seen as abnormal to society but seem normal to them.

personality disorders

The National Healthcare Disparities Report (2010) shows that even after adjusting for insurance differences, racial and ethnic minority groups receive ________ than dominant groups.

poorer quality of care and less access to care

Endeavors to gain ________ and influence do not necessarily lead to violence, exploitation, or abuse.


Conflict theorists believe that the public education system

reinforces and perpetuates social inequalities.

The focus of ________ theory would be on the inequalities of gender, social class, education, race, and ethnicity.

social conflict

According to ________, social problems are created when dominant groups exploit or oppress subordinate groups.

social conflict theory

Occupy Wall Street came not from the people in the middle of the socioeconomic strata, who exploited the power of ________ to enhance communication.

social media

The way that a society sorts people into rankings based on measures of factors such as wealth, income, race, education, gender, power, etc., is called

social stratification

And despite some U.S. citizens' knee-jerk reaction to any healthcare changes that hint of ________, the United States has one such system with the Veterans Health Administration.


According to structural functionalist theorists note that the most capable students may be identified early in schools through testing and classroom achievements, and such students are placed in accelerated programs in anticipation of successful college attendance.

sorting, or classifying students based on academic merit or potential

A ________ might be based on an interest that just one state in the U.S. might be interested in.

state level social movement

Much of the discrimination against homosexuals and bisexuals is based on

stereotypes and misinformation.

People with disabilities can be ________ by their illnesses.


After the establishment of the United States' government, discrimination against Native Americans was codified and formalized in a series of laws intended to

subjugate Native Americans and keep them from gaining any power.

A term that can be used interchangeably with the term "minority" is

subordinate group.

Schools face an issue of ________, in that most high school teachers perceive students as being prepared for college, while most college professors do not see those same students as prepared for the rigors of collegiate study.

teacher effectiveness

In today's world, some degree of education is necessary for people in most countries. Due to population growth and ________ in the next 30 years, more people will receive formal education than in any prior period of human history.

the proliferation of compulsory education

The major factors that affect education systems are ________ that are utilized to support those systems in different nations.

the resources and money

Which of the following are factors that have contributed to the increase in the homeless population in the United States?

the rising cost of housing

The notion of _________ describes the patterns of behavior that a sick person adopts in order to minimize the disruptive impact of his or her illness on others.

the sick role

Based on this work, Weber developed a classification system for authority. His three types of authority were defined as

traditional authority, charismatic authority and legal-rational authority.

There is no single, conclusive explanation for why people are ________. Their expressions and experiences are so diverse that it is difficult to identify their origin.


Government-sponsored, formalized discrimination against African Americans has been outlawed, therefore,

true equality does not yet exist.

Group size is not a characteristic of being a minority group. Which of the following groups could therefore be considered a minority group in the U.S.?


________ is a generalization about a group of people that may be either positive or negative

A stereotype

The U.S. Census Bureau reports that the number of unmarried cohabiting couples has grown from fewer than one million in the 1970s to ________ in 2011 and account for 10 percent of all opposite-sex couples in the United States.

8.1 million

In 2010, ________of children lived with a single parent only.

27 percent

The research on charter schools indicates that, compared to public schools, charter schools perform worse than public schools in ________ of the cases.

37 percent

The wealth of the top 5 percent had increased by

42 percent

________are focused on self-improvement and limited, specific changes to individual beliefs and behavior.

Alternative movements

In this form of government, members do not necessarily achieve their statuses based on ties to noble ancestry. Rather, they may ascend to positions of power because of military might, economic power, or similar circumstances.

An oligarchy

Restrictive immigration policies from the 1920s until 1965 curtailed all immigration, but

Arab immigration since 1965 has been steady.

The English had oppressed the Irish for centuries, eradicating their language and culture and discriminating against their religion which was ________, even though the Irish had a larger population than the English, they were a subordinate, disadvantaged group.


________ are self-governing public schools that have signed agreements with state governments to improve students when poor performance is revealed on tests required by the No Child Left Behind Act.

Charter schools

________ point to evidence that sexism in education continues to prevent women from achieving a full measure of social equality.

Feminist theorists

During the ________ of the women's movement, there was a notable connection between the slavery abolition movement and the women's rights movement. Women who were working toward the abolition of slavery came to realize that they had no real power to accomplish this task without earning the vote for women.

First Wave

Which of the following theories would suggest that racial and ethnic inequalities must have served an important purpose in order to exist as long as they have?


Immigration from ________ and ________ continued well into the late 19th century and early part of the 20th century, at which time the immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe began to arrive in larger numbers

Germany and Ireland

________ is generally associated with Western late adolescent behavior and, in particular, American college culture. The term has an ambiguous definition because it can include a variety of forms of physical activity between sexual partners.

Hooking up

________ is an entity or individual's ability to control or direct others, while ________ is influence that is predicated on perceived legitimacy.

Power; authority

________seek to completely change every aspect of society. These include the 1960s counterculture movement, including the revolutionary group The Weather Underground, as well as anarchist collectives. Texas Secede! is a revolutionary movement.

Revolutionary movements

________is viewed as a person's capacity for sexual feelings.


________ indicate that the person with the most access to value resources, such as money, held the most power. Additionally, disputes over the division of household labor also may become a common source of marital discord since household labor offers no wages and, therefore, no power.

Social conflict theorists

________ point to how doctors hold a disproportionate amount of power in the doctor/patient relationship, which provides them with extensive social and economic benefits.

Social conflict theorists

________ view government and politics as a way to enforce norms and regulate society's problems. They seek consensus and order in society and believe that dysfunction creates social problems that lead to social change.

Structural functional theorists

From a ________ point of view, the purpose of encouraging sexual activity in the confines of marriage is to intensify the bond between spouses and to ensure that procreation occurs within a stable, legally recognized relationship.

Structural functionalist theorists

________ suggest that family members take on status roles in a marriage or family, and both the family and its members perform certain tasks that facilitate the prosperity and development of society.

Structural functionalist theorists

________ focus attention on figures, emblems, or individuals that represent government, power and authority.They are most interested in the interaction between small groups who make decisions, or in the case of some recent congressional committees, demonstrate the inability to make any decisions at all.

Symbolic interaction theorists

________ study the dynamics of the classroom, the interactions between students and teachers, and how those affect everyday life.

Symbolic interaction theorists

________ consider the meaning of the elements of family such as the term, "parent." The term for this person is a symbol of a biological and emotional connection to a child, and is socially recognized as having the responsibility for a child's upbringing.

Symbolic interactionist theorists

Which of the following best describes the fortunes of the major social classes in the United States since the 1970s?

The rich have gotten much richer; people in the middle class have made no significant gains; and the poor have increased in number and grown poorer.

According to Max Weber, the power of ________is accepted because it has been accepted for a long time.

Traditional authority

Some rulings of the ________ have a direct impact on the political system, such as recent decisions about voter identification and campaign financing.

U.S. Supreme Court

Some nations called ________ recognize kings, queens, princes, princesses, and other figures with official royal titles. The power held by these positions varies from one country to another.

a monarchy

In the United States, we are experiencing ________ in our senior population as baby boomers begin to retire, which will in turn change the way many of our social institutions are organized.

an increase

Teaching models today are largely based on preparing students for industrial jobs, despite that being ________. A shift in one area, such as industrialization, means an interconnected impact across social institutions.

an outdated need

A concern to public health officials is fear among some parents that certain vaccines such as the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine are linked to higher risk of


What is considered "normal" in terms of sexual behavior is based on the mores and values of the society. Individuals are socialized to sexual attitudes

by their family, education system, peers, media, and religion.

A ________ is based on both social factors and individual achievement while a ________ is based on one in which people are born into their social standing no vertical mobility is allowed

class system; caste system

Our ________ , not our ________ , dictates which illnesses are stigmatized and which are not, which are considered disabilities and which are not, and which are deemed contestable as opposed to definitive by medical professionals.

culture; biology

Researchers have found that the rate of intimate partner violence ________ for women in low-income disadvantaged areas when compared to the incidence experienced by women who reside in more affluent areas.


Individuals may be identified or may self-identify with ________ groups in complex, even contradictory, ways.


As of 2006, the United States ranked________ among twenty-seven countries for college participation, but ranked ________ in the number of students who receive college degrees. These statistics may be related to how much time is spent on education in the United States.

fifth; sixteenth

Occupy Wall Street had a long and diverse list of social ills that were addressed by consensus, especially

financial issues.

It is not until victims choose to report crimes that patterns of abuse are exposed. Most victims studied stated that abuse had occurred ________ prior to their first report.

for at least two years

Opponents of ________ counter that homeschooled children miss out on the opportunity for social development that occurs in standard classroom environments and school settings.


In the United States, both paternal and maternal ancestors are considered part of one's family; such kinship is based on our


Television commercials and other forms of advertising reinforce inequality and gender-based stereotypes. In such forms of the ________, women are almost exclusively present in ads promoting cooking, cleaning, or childcare-related products, and are underrepresented in roles that involve leadership, intelligence, or a balanced psyche.

mass media

In a ________ residence systems, it is customary for the husband to live with, or near, his wife's blood relatives.


________ is thought to be disadvantageous to men because because it makes them outsiders in the home and community, and disconnected from their own blood relatives.

matrilocal residence

According to ________ undeveloped and low income countries are in their situation because they have not industrialized, but could do so if they simply chose to.

modernization theory

Because a society's political structure and practices provide insight into the distribution of power and wealth, ________ can carry a lot of influence in U.S. democracy.


More women than men worked in ________ lowest paying occupational fields.

nine of the top ten

Studies have shown that children will most likely choose to play with "gender appropriate" toys even when cross-gender toys are available because

parents give children positive feedback for gender normative behavior.

The majority of perpetrators of child abuse are


Leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Mohandas Gandhi, for example, commanded powerful movements that effected positive change without the ________ of military force.


According to ________, capitalism and the pursuit of profit lead to the commodification of health, which is the changing of something not generally thought of as a commodity into something that can be bought and sold in a marketplace.

social conflict theorists

According to ________, society is a struggle for dominance among social groups, like women versus men, that compete for scarce resources.

social conflict theory

The involvement of struggles that occur when the dominant group perceives a threat from the minority group would be explained by

social conflict theory

A person's sex, as determined by their biology, does not always correspond with their gender. Therefore,

the terms sex and gender are not interchangeable.

According to 2010 census data, only ________ of children under seventeen years old live in a household with two married parents.


According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2011), people with a disability had a higher rate of ________ than people without a disability.


A country's ________ has much to do with the amount of money spent on education. Countries that do not have such basic amenities as running water are unable to support robust education systems or, in many cases, any formal schooling at all.


Social stratification is based on categories of

wealth, power, income, and race.

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