Sociology Final

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In the United States, in general, voting increases with


What percent of the nation's families own 70 percent of the wealth in the United States


The global superclass may be composed of:

20-50 people

What percentage of people marry outside their racial-ethnic identity?

7 percent

According to the text, American women male, on average, what percent of American men's salaries?


The pay gap differential between men and women who work full-time jobs today is:


Only ______ of white Americans are poor compared to 25 percent of African Americans and 21 percent of Latinos

9 percent

Which one of the following is a status inconsistency?

A male elementary school teacher

In contemporary America, which of the following status sets would very likely be your master status?

AIDS victim

Regarding gender inequality and health care, surgical sexism is reinforced by the powerful motive of:


A society in which contracts replace handshakes and work centers on strangers and short-term acquaintances is a:

Gesellschaft society

What do the findings of research on patterns of mortgage lending confirm?

Discrimination is built into the country's financial institutions

______ is the term used to describe Goffman's perspective that life is like a stage play


In what ways do Native American families differ from most other U.S. families?

Elders play a more active role in their children's families

How did Erik Wright update Marx's class categories in response to criticisms that they were too broad?

He recognized that people can be members of more than one class at the same time

According to your text, on what do most sociologists agree concerning social class

It is best defined by Weber's dimensions of social class

What theorist is associated with world system theory

Immanuel Wallerstein

Why do functionalists consider prejudice functional for some groups?

It helps to create solidarity within the group by fostering antagonisms directed against other groups

A household differs from a family in which of the following ways?

It pertains only to people who occupy the same housing unit or living quarters

Who claimed that the culture of the least industrialized countries held them back

John Kenneth Galbraith

Marx said that farmers, beggars, and vagrants constituted the:


Which of the following is not a true statement regarding women and men in higher education (in the United States)?

Males outnumber females at the undergraduate level

In 2004, what state in the United States became the first to legalize same sex marriages?


Weber's concept of "rationalization" closely resembles Ritzer's theory of:


_________ that operate across many national boundaries also help to maintain the global dominance of the Most Industrialized Nations

Multinational corporations

Which of the following groups is often referred to as an "invisible minority"?

Native Americans

People who have something in common and who believe that what they have in common is significant are called a(n):


Which of the following statements about prejudice is incorrect?

Prejudice is always negative

_________ groups are essential to an individual's psychological well-being


________ require(s) the development of theories that can be tested by systematic research


On which of the following does micro sociology focus?

Social interaction

______ not only leads to different ways of expressing emotions, but even affects what we feel


In what area of the United States is poverty clustered?


__________ study the symbols people use to establish meaning and communicate

Symbolic interactionists

Based on his research, what did Ray Gold discover about status inconsistency?

Tenants related to the inconsistent status of the apartment building janitors by acting "snooty" toward them

Which of the following statements best describes changes in the distribution of U.S. income?

The percentage of income going to the richest 20 percent of the U.S. families has increased while the percentage going to the poorest 20 percent has decreased

Which of the following statements about WASPs is incorrect

They embraced whites from other European nations, helping them assimilate

Which of these statements regarding the jobs that have the most prestige is not true?

They require special talent or skills

Which of the following is not true regarding the status of women in early U.S. society?

Women could not be called to testify in court

A society whose chief distinguishing characteristic is an economy centered on the application of genetics is:

a biotech society

The practice of endogamy is most likely found in

a caste system

When some group members align themselves against others in the group

a coalition forms

All of the following are characteristics of bureaucracy, except:

a hierarchy with assignments flowing upward and accountability flowing downward

Polyandry is:

a marriage in which a woman has more than one husband

In American culture, if a person intentionally kills another person, the behavior violates:

a more

C. Wright Mills took the position that most important matters (in the United States) are decided by:

a power elite

A system in which groups of people are divided into layers according to their relative power, property, and prestige is:

a social stratification

The best description of a melting pot is:

a society in which groups quietly blend into a sort of ethnic stew

As compared with their fathers, about one-half of men in the United States have:

a status higher than that of their father

In general, physicians in U.S. society are:

a subculture

Which of the following is not one of the essential conditions of war as identified by Timasheff?

a totalitarian regime

Value contradictions occur when:

a value, such as one that stresses group superiority, comes into direct conflict with other values, such as democracy and equality

Despite writing an insightful examination of the United States, Harriet Martineau's work was ignored because she was:

a woman

The process of expelling a minority from a country or a particular area is called:

direct population transfer

Social class is based on all of the following except:


People and groups that influence our self-concept, emotions, attitudes, and behavior are:

agents of socialization

Karl Marx use the term _______ to refer to what happens in the bureaucracy when people begin to feel more like objects than people


Beliefs that justify social arrangements constitute:

an ideology

Goal displacement occurs when:

an organization has achieved its original goals and then adopts new goals

A condition of disorder and violence is:


Prejudice and discrimination

appear to characterize very society, regardless of size

The branch of sociology that focuses on using sociology to solve problems is:

applied sociology


are a world within a world, have values and related behaviors that set its members apart from the larger culture, and include ethnic groups (d -> all of the above)


are essential to our core values and require conformity

Total institutions:

are places in which people are cut off from the rest of society and are almost totally controlled by the officials who run the place

Paul Ekman found that everyone in the world experiences six basic:



are the most intense or intimate or human groups, require continuing active participation and commitment of both members, and are the most unstable of social groups. (d -> all of the above)

The basis of a caste system is

ascribed status

The process of being absorbed into the mainstream culture is:


The poor are more likely than other classes to die

at every age of the life cycle

Corporations and federal bureaucracies often misuse the idea of diversity by:

attempting to implement workshops on cultural differences

Durkheim said a religion is defined by all the following elements except:

authoritarian personalities

Social location affects an individual's beliefs and:


According to conflict theorists, prejudice:

benefits capitalists by splitting workers along racial or ethnic lines, contributes to the exploitation of workers, thus producing a split labor market, keeps workers from demanding higher wages and better working conditions (d -> all the above)

A family whose members were once part of other families is known as a:

blended family

All of the following are styles of leadership except:


The major criticism leveled against lobbyists and PACs is that their money, in effect:

buys votes

Small groups:

can either be primary or secondary groups


can lead to misunderstandings and embarrassment


cannot be generalized to all Latino families

ln Piaget's formal operational stage children are:

capable of abstract thinking

Private ownership of the means of production is an essential feature of:


The most likely segment of the population in the United States to experience poverty today is


According to William Wilson, new opportunities enabling middle-class African Americans to move up the social class ladder were created by:

civil rights legislation

Clusters, or internal factions, within a large group are known as:


_________ is the control of weak nations' labor and natural resources by powerful nations


All of the following except _____ are the underlying core values of U.S. society as identified by sociologist Robin Williams


The perspective that stresses society is composed of groups that engage in fierce competition for scare resource is:

conflict theory

The incest taboo:

consists of rules that specify the degrees of kinship that prohibits sex or marriage, helps families avoid role confusion, facilitates the socialization of children (d -> all the above)

Veblen labeled the lavishly wasteful spending of goods designed to enhance social prestige

conspicuous consumption

The result of being socialized into a self and emotions sets up effective _____ over our behavior


The theory that capitalism and socialism will grow more alike as they develop is called:

convergence theory

Religious beliefs include not only values but a unified picture of the world, called a:


The Ku Klux Klan is a:


The purpose of U.S. public education was to "Americanize immigrants" and to:

create an educated work force

Gatekeeping includes:

credentialing, tracking, social placement (d -> all the above)

Gender stratification is a:

cultural and social universal

A process by which schools pass a society's core values from one generation to the next is:

cultural transmission

A group's language, beliefs, values, and behaviors is known as:


What explanation for poverty is based on the assumption that the poor are fundamentally different from other people in the society

culture of poverty

The disorientation people experience when coming into contact with a radically different culture and when no longer able to depend on their taken-for-granted assumptions about life is known as:

culture shock

Learned and shared ways of believing and of doing penetrate our being at an early age. We take for granted what is "normal" behavior. This is the concept of:

culture within us

According to sociologist Melvin Kohn, middle-class parents try to develop their children's

curiosity, self-expression, and self control

Which of the following has been found to be the best leadership style?


What term do Hellinger and Judd use to describe the myth that the average citizen exercises power when he or she votes for representatives to Congress or the U.S. President?

democratic facade

The figure int he text that examines "professional degrees" shows that the greatest change for women has been the significant increase in:

dentistry degrees

In a matrilineal system:

descent is figured only on the mother's side

Besides gender discrimination, the largest factor in the gender pay gap seems to be:

differences in the career choices made by each gender

As societies get larger, their ______ becomes more specialized.

division of labor

Which of the following is a major cause of the feminization of poverty

divorce, births to unmarried mothers, lower wages paid to female workers (d -> all of the above)

A homeless person whose father is/was a physician has experienced

downward mobility

Children from one-parent families are more likely to:

drop out of school, become delinquent, be poor as adults (d -> all the above)

Since 1970, the number of children in the United States who live with both parents has:


In 1692, Protestant leaders in Salem, Massachusetts, executed 21 men and women who were accused of being witches. According to the functionalist perspective, such persecution would be considered a:

dysfunction of religion

In terms of authority within the family, an increasing number of U.S. families are:


Freud's term for a blanking force between the inborn drives for self-gratification and the demands of society is the:


In addition to structural changes in the economic system, Higginbotham and Weber found that women in Memphis from working-class backgrounds who subsequently occupied professional managerial, and administrative positions had all been:

encouraged by their parents to get an education

All of the following are functions of religion except:

encouraging wars for holy causes

Despite our culture's idealization of the concept of "romantic love", most people marry other people based on the group principle of:


Many people today are tracing their family lines. This is an example of:

ethnic work

Using one's culture as a yardstick to judge other cultures is known as practicing:


The study of how people use commonsense understandings to get through everyday life is:


What type of mobility occurs when large numbers of people move up or down the social class ladder, but, on balance, the proportions of the social classes remain the same?

exchange mobility

Couples who cohabitate before marriage:

experience shared support for each other's children

When performances do not go off as planned, we often have to engage in ____ behavior.


The view that biology is not destiny and that stratification by gender is wrong and should be resisted is:


Norms that are not strictly enforced are called:


Prior to the fall of the Soviet Union, the government required all Armenian children to attend school where they were taught only in Russian, even when Armenian was their first language. This would be an example of:

forced assimilation

Grou-wise, one of the common ways to reduce a feeling of alienation at work is to:

form a primary group

The primary sociological significance of surplus and trade is/was to:

foster inequality

According to John Dollard, the source of prejudice is:


Society as a whole unit made up of interrelated parts that work together is the premise of:

functional analysis

High school graduates who have difficulty with basic reading and math are known as:

functional illiterates

Males' and females' unequal access to power, prestige, and property is:

gender stratification

A new form of gender inequality in education is called:

gender tracking

The most significant change in the last 100 years has been the rise of:

global capitalism

The increasing proportion of older people in the United States has been referred to as the:

graying of America

Irving Janis uses the term ________ to refer to the collective tunnel vision that group members sometimes develop


All of the following except ______ is one of the three core values added by your textbook author James Henslin


Sociologists James Coleman and Thomas Hoffer found that Catholic schools produce better results than public schools because the Catholic schools:

have higher standards

Secondary groups:

have members who are likely to interact on the basis of specific roles, are characteristic of industrial societies, and are essential to the functioning of contemporary societies (d -> all the above)

The tendency of people with similar characteristics to marry one another is:


Conflict theorists might explain the high rate of divorce by looking at:

how men's and women's relationships have changed

The Milgram experiment demonstrates:

how strongly people are influenced by authority

A society that is egalitarian, small, and nomadic is a:

hunting and gathering society

The looking-glass self includes:

imagining how we appear to those around us, interpreting others' reaction to us, developing a self-concept (d -> all of the above)

Sociologists refer to groups that provide a sense of identification or belonging as:


Functional theorists argue that families help to avoid role confusion through the:

incest taboo

An expressive leader:

increases harmony and minimizes conflict in a group

Negative treatment on the basis of personal characteristics is:

individual discrimination

The basic component of the postindustrial society is:


What type fo mobility refers to the upward or downward movement in social class by family members from one generation to another?


A society's policy of exploiting a minority group, using social institutions to deny the minority access to the society's full benefits, is referred to as:

internal colonialism

When a group of people learn to be prejudiced against their own group this is referred to as

internalization of the norms of the dominant group

One area of life which is affected by social class:

is actually any/all of the above (is choice of mate, is politics, is sickness and health)


is an attitude, may be positive or negative, is often the basis for discrimination (d -> all the above)

The Horatio Alger myth

is beneficial for society, according to the functionalists, reduces pressures on the social system, and motivates people to try harder to succeed because they believe anything is possible (d -> all the above)

A minority group:

is discriminated against because of physical or cultural differences

A pluralistic society:

is made up of many different groups

According to conflict theorists, the ruling class:

is made up of people whose backgrounds and orientations to life are so similar that they automatically share the same goals


is the condition of living together as an unmarried couple, is eleven times more common than it was in 1970, has occurred before most couples marry (d -> all the above)

The sociological significance of gender is that:

it is one way society controls its members

The dominant group in a society almost always considers its position is due to

its own innate superiority

Culture includes:

language, beliefs, values (d -> all of the above)

Symbolic interactions stress that prejudiced people:

learn their prejudices in interaction with others

Although more people are living to an old age, the maximum length of life possible, the _______ has not increased

life span

In a political system, people whoa re paid to influence legislation on behalf of their clients are called:


According to sociologists, differences among individuals in behavior and attitude are due to:

location in the social structure

Which social class experiences the most stress in daily life?

lower class

Which of the following is not a defining characteristic of postindustrial economies?

machines powered by fuels

If a sociologist decided to research the perceptions that different social classes have of each other in the United States, which level of analysis would be appropriate?


When schools try to incorporate students with disabilities into regular social activities it is called:


A major concern of upper-class African American families is:

maintaining family lineage

The positive things that people intend their actions to accomplish are known as:

manifest functions

Assembly for export plants in Mexico are know as


There is no historical record of a true



means having inherited physical characteristics that distinguish one group from another

Patriarchy means that:

men dominate society

Sociologists refer to women as a minority group because:

minorities are discriminated against on the basis of physical or cultural characteristics

All of the following, according to Gilbert and Kahl, describe the working class except

most have attended college for one or two years

Sociologist Kathleen Blee, in interviews with women we were members of the KKK or Aryan Nations, found:

most women were recruited by someone who already belonged to the group, some women learned to be racists after they joined the group, intense racism was not the cause of their joining but the result of their membership (d -> all of the above)

According to world system theory, all of the following are groups of interconnected nations, except:

nations on the internal area which have extensive connections with the core nations

According to Paul Samuelson, if an income pyramid were made out of a child's blocks, where would most U.S. residents be?

near the bottom of the pyramid

Michael Harrington argues that colonialism fell out of style and was replaced by


In comparing child-rearing styles of middle and working class parents, Kohn concluded that:

none of the above

The family of orientation is:

none of the above

A group's way of thinking and doing, including language and other forms of interaction, is:

nonmaterial culture

Symbols are the basis of:

nonmaterial culture

Every group develops expectations concerning the right way to reflect its values. The group's expectations are called:



occurred when Hitler attempted to destroy all Jews, is the systematic annihilation of a race or ethnic group, often requires the cooperation of ordinary citizens (d -> all the above)

People often confuse race and ethnicity because

of the cultural differences people see and the way they define race

Robert Butler coined the term _______ to refer to animosity and hostility directed against people because of their age


According to Max Weber, social class is determined by:

one's property, prestige, and power

Usually, the significant others who first teach us our part in the gender-division of the world are:

our parents

All except one of the following are reasons why people live longer in industrial societies. Which one should not be included

performing regular physical fitness

From a conflict perspective, the real purpose of education is to:

perpetuate existing social inequalities

Diffusion of power among many interest groups is called:


The official measure of poverty calculated to include those whose incomes equal less than three times a low-cost food budget is the:

poverty line

According to Jean Piaget, children develop the ability to use symbols during the ________ stage


Workers in service industries do all of the following except:

produce material goods

According to Karl Marx, capitalists, who own the means of production, exploit the:


Taking the role of the other means to:

put ourselves in someone else's shoes

Which of the following is one of the dysfunctions of bureaucracies?

red tape and bureaucratic alienation (c -> both a and b)

The groups we use as a standard to evaluate ourselves are:

reference groups

Weber concluded that the key factor in the rise of capitalism was the Protestant:


You have an Introduction to Sociology exam to take tomorrow, but you also need to visit your mother who is in the hospital. What might you experience?

role conflict

The behaviors, obligations, and privileges attached to statuses are called:


The physical distinctions between males and females that are not directly connected with reproduction are:

secondary sex characteristics

Which of the following is not one of the five emerging values in the United States?


What frequently accompanies internal colonialism?


According to functionalists, the family:

serves certain essential functions in all societies

All of the following are achieved statuses except:


According to research by Dutton and Aron, what does love usually start with?

sexual attraction

Following a 1963 medical accident in which a male twin's penis was burned off and he was then raised as a girl:

she (he) rejected the feminine role, reverted back to a man, and eventually married a woman.

In his study of students in a large school district in the Southwestern United States, sociologist Geroge Farkas found that females and Asian-Americans averaged higher course grades even though they had the same test scores as other students. He concluded that the reason for this finding is that female and Asian-American students were more likely to:

show that they are good students by eagerly cooperating and quickly agreeing with the teacher

In what ways do child care arrangements of married couples and single mothers differ?

single mothers are much less likely to rely on the child's father for help

Which of the following is not true concerning slavery?

slavery in some cases was temporary, slavery was not necessarily inheritable, slaves were not necessarily powerless and poor (d -> all of the above)

The sociological perspective stresses the _______ in which people live

social contexts

The means that each society develops to meet its needs are:

social institutions

According to Durkheim, the degree to which people re tied to their social group is the level of:

social integration

Schools help mold students into a more cohesive unit by stressing:

social integration

Whereas macrosociology stresses the importance of social structure, micro sociology helps us understand the role _______ plays in our everyday lives.

social interaction

From the cases of institutionalized children , it is possible to conclude that:

social interaction is important for humans to establish close bonds with others

Income, education, gender, and race all reflect a person's:

social location

class system is characterized by

social mobility

The practice of passing students from one grade to the next even though they have not mastered basic materials is:

social promotion

During the 1940s, the emphasis in sociology shifted from ________ in the United States

social reform to social theory

The framework of a society that was already laid out before you were born is:

social structure

Larger groups are more ________ than small groups


You are a student, a friend, a son or a daughter, a sister or a brother. These characteristics are known as your:

status set

All of the following are correct statements regarding status symbols, except:

status symbols are always positive signs or people would not wear them

The Industrial Revolution is associated with the invention of the:

steam engine

What type of mobility refers to changes in society that cause large numbers of people to move up or down the class ladder?


Democratic leadership is generally considered most effective, but this finding might be flawed for all of the following reasons except:

study subjects were unethically handled during studies

Hunting and gathering societies are characterized by a

subsistence economy

Teacher expectations and face-to-face interactions are of interest to which theoretical perspective?

symbolic interactionism

The Thomas theorem is based on:

symbolic interactionism

In American culture, eating human flesh is a violation of a(an):


Karl Marx believed that religion:

takes the minds of the oppressed workers off their misery

Functions of education, in the United States, include:

teach knowledge and skills, child care, sex education (d -> all the above)

In addition to higher standards in the classroom, and a safe, secure learning environment, another solution for improving education is to improve standards for :


A study of Vietnam veterans, begun in 1985, involved the measurement of testosterone and showed that the men with higher testosterone levels

tended to have more sexual partners

The use of violence to create fear to bring about political objectives is:


The "wave" of the women's movement that is apparently switching focus from emphasizing equal opportunity for women to values that underlie work and social institutions is:

the "third wave"

The "second wave" of the women's movement began in:

the 1960s

The use of the steam engine to run machinery ushered in:

the Industrial Revolution

The sociological theory that language creates a particular way of thinking and perceiving is:

the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

According to your text, Latinos are distinguished from other ethnic minorities in the United States by:

the Spanish language

The factors affecting a group's sense of ethnic identity are

the amount of power the group has, the size of the group, the degree to which the group's physical appearance differs from the mainstream (d -> all of the above)

The term "sex" refers to:

the biological characteristics that distinguish females and males

The hidden curriculum is based on:

the conflict perspective

What is a difference between the earlier wave of immigration at the turn of the last century and the current wave?

the current wave is more global in content

Who are the least likely segment of the population to be poor?

the elderly

The mostly invisible barrier that keeps women from reaching the executive suites is:

the glass ceiling

The societies in which groups first developed permanent settlements were:

the horticultural societies

The acknowledged leader of a group is known as:

the instrumental leader

The hidden values of corporate culture contribute to:

the iron law of oligarchy

The tendency for organizations to be dominated by a small, self-perpetuating elite is called:

the iron law of oligarchy

Functionalists and conflict theorists focus on:

the macro-level of analysis

The focus on large-scale patterns of society is:

the macro-level of analysis

marx concluded that social class depends on one's relationship to

the means of production

The stage of learning to take the role of the other, which generally takes place from three to six years of age, is:

the play stage

What term did Mills use to refer to decision makers at the top of society?

the power elite

The Asch experiment demonstrates:

the power of conformity

Endogamy is:

the practice of marrying within one's own group

Those people who work for the owners. according to marx, are

the proletariat

The idea that bureaucracies with their rules, regulations, and emphasis, on results, would increasingly govern our lives is:

the rationalization of society

Sociologist Emile Durkheim found that all religions separate:

the sacred and the profane

To study the phenomenon of social networks, Milgram conducted an experiment called:

the small world phenomenon

Hall observed that North Americans used different "distant zones". The "zone" that marks impersonal or formal relationships is:

the social distance zone

According to Gilbert and Kahl, the members of which social class can attribute their location in the class system to having a college or postgraduate education?

the upper middle class

Full-time workers who must still rely on food stamps are part of:

the working poor

Which of the following statements best describes the place of homeless in our system today?

they are on the lowest rung with little or no chance of climbing anywhere, they are the "fallout" of our developing postindustrial economy, and in another era, they would have had plenty of work as unskilled laborers (d -> all of the above)

Sorting students into different educational programs on the basis of their perceived abilities is:


According to George Herbert Mead which of the following is not one of the three stages in learning to take the role of the generalized other?


Symbolic interactionists study religion to:

understand the meanings people give to their experiences

Lerner notes that the first people who were enslaved through warfare were:


In the United States, larger percentages of people (regardless of personal characteristics) do not vote because of:

voter apathy

All of the following statements about Cooley's theory of the development of self are correct except:

we move beyone the looking-glass self as we mature

One of the aspects of family transitions is:


Organic solidarity refers to a society:

with a highly specialized division of labor, whose members are interdependent on one another, and with a high degree of impersonal relationships (d -> all of the above)

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