Sociology Final Exam

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what do you call it when culture that were once distinct become similar?

cultural leveling

man's computer is hacked and identity sold


what do you call broad theoretical models of the social or natural world


corporal punishment designed to

mark the offender

Before the United States invaded Iraq, about 5.5 people out of every thousand would die each year according to a controversial study published in the British medical journal The Lancet. After the invasion, that number rose to over 13. This study was attempting to measure 15 a. immigration. b. suicide. c. morbidity. d. mortality.


All successful social movements are eventually incorporated into institutions


Gerrymandering involves the redrawing of voting district borders by the officials in power to benefit a political party.


goals of ethnography?

to understand the meanings people attach to their activities

what is the scientific method

the procedure for acquiring and collection concrete date

conduct interviews can only gather date from a limited number of people...

time consuming

goals of socialization

to teach norms, value, and beliefs

Climate change causes more severe droughts; stronger and more prevalent hurricanes, tornadoes, and cyclones; and more rain and flooding.


President Donald Trump's Twitter account is an example of social media making it possible for politicians to bypass traditional media.


Since leisure and recreation are largely commodified, some things that are one person's leisure are another person's job


norms develop out of culture's value system


sociologist claim that culture is the lens through which we perceive and evaluate what is going on in the world around us.


what criteria does a social class system use to stratify its members

wealth, poverty, power and prestige

What group was MOST likely to move away from the urban core to the suburbs? a. single mothers b. senior citizens c. racial and ethnic minorities d. whites


. Why did so many people feel dissatisfied working on assembly lines? Chapter 11 a. Assembly lines were not a very efficient way to produce things. b. Assembly lines made goods more expensive. c. Assembly lines forced people from different racial and ethnic groups to work together. d. Workers never had the satisfaction of seeing the finished product.

workers never had the satisfaction of seeing the finished product

idea that all individuals act like mirrors to each other

looking-glass slef

2. In societies across the globe, men and women have always performed different tasks to help the family function, and these roles have always been considered unequal.


Samantha believes all should have access regardless of wealth

conflict theory

Today, who do average Americans have in mind when they think of their families? 12 a. an uncle or aunt b. a brother or sister c. any person in their ethnic group d. a cousin

a brother or sister

society in which social mobility is highly restricted

a closed system

society in which social mobility is highly restricted by formal and informal rules like those of a caste system

a closed system

how do sociologist define ethnicity

a group with a shared ancestry or shared cultural heritage

which is considered a group

a high school chess club

group that provides standards by which an individual can judge his own accomplishments

a reference group

crimes committed by upper class are treated more leniently

conflict theory

definition of deviance

cons of social norms

Ori went to eat at his favorite restaurant and got food poisoning. His illness was treated right away. This type of illness would be classified as 14 a. palliative. b. chronic. c. acute. d. lifestyle based.


What sort of pollution is responsible for global warming?


12. Some people believe that women are better suited to be homemakers because they are naturally more caring and emotional than men. What perspective is expressed in this statement? a. an essentialist perspective b. a social constructionist perspective c. a macro perspective d. an interactionist perspective

an essentialist perspective

appearance, manner, style of dress, race, gender and age are all

an individual's personal front

when minority group is absorbed into the dominant group


sociology approaches both a micro and macro perspective. which is more useful?

both are useful in different ways because they provide different types of information about the same object of study

apartheid is a specific example of what system of social stratification


an action or behavior that results in the unequal treatment of an individual because of his or her membership in a racial or ethnic group is called


imprisonment was a rare punishment

earlier societies did not have resources

definition of culture?

entire way of life of a group of people and it acts as a lens through which we view the world

. What is the study of the social aspects of diseases? a. Eugenics b. Physiology c. medicalization d. epidemiology


tendency to use your own group's way of doing thing as the yardstick


socialization refers to

lifelong process by which people learn

which is true of social mobility in a caste system

little or no chance of social mobility

members of a group are influenced by other members

peer pressure

members of a dominant group believe they are discriminated against

reverse racism

what defines the official poverty in the US

the federal poverty line

Gene Genetic testing in utero can inform parents of possible genetic mutations in the embryo. There are ethical concerns regarding this type of genetic testing because some assert that the selection of only healthy babies is a form of a. eugenics. b. epidemic. c. genocide. d. bioethics.


what best characterizes microsociology?

examines interaction between individuals and how those interactions reflect larger social patterns

which best describes the approach taken by macro sociologist?

examines large-scale social structure to see how it affects individual lives

leadership style expected of women in society


The Flint, Michigan, water crisis involved dangerously high levels of nitrogen.


Which of the following would be an example of a "positive check" on population growth? a. family planning b. Emigration c. cloning d. famine


system of social stratification was in the final stages of breaking down when Karl Marx developed his ideas


term for signs people make with their bodies


what uses an inductive meth that involves collecting date and then generating theory?

grounded theory

patterns of interaction between groups and individuals

group dynamics

parts of the mind according to Sigmund Freud

id, ego, superego

what are sociologist trying to do?

illuminate the connection between the individual and the society

distinguish a group from a crowd?

individuals associated with a group feel a shared identity

social mobility that occurs over the course of an individual's life is called


How did the rise of the suburbs affect the way people used their leisure time? a. It encouraged them to join neighborhood groups and associations. b. It encouraged them to take more vacations. c. It encouraged them to spend their leisure time in their own homes. d. It led to an increase in outdoor activities.

it encouraged them to spend their leisure time in their own homes

How has Earth's population changed in the past fifty years? 15 a. It has shrunk slightly. b. It peaked around twenty-five years ago and has been shrinking ever since. c. It has increased by around 25 percent. d. It has nearly tripled.

it has nearly tripled

Which of the following statements about social change is true? a. It occurs exclusively during unmistakable periods in history. b. It happens quickly. c. It occurs rarely. d. It is always happening.

it is always happening

sociology can be defined as the systematic and scientific study from _____ to ______.

large-scale institutions to individual interactions

What is the difference between recreation and leisure? 13 a. Leisure is a kind of activity; recreation is a kind of time. b. Leisure requires money; recreation does not. c. Leisure is a kind of time; recreation is a kind of activity. d. Recreation requires money; leisure does not.

leisure is a kind of time; recreation is a kind of activity

A heterosexual couple living in the same household and raising children is defined as a(n) ________ family. a. nontraditional b. nuclear c. extended d. broken


In the past, which group of people had the time and resources necessary to pursue recreational activities? a. only the wealthy b. almost everyone c. the middle class and the upper class d. only the clergy

only the wealthy

The methods and tactics of managing and influencing government are called Chapter 10 a. power. b. totalitarianism. c. fascism. d. politics.


when individuals live as if they were members of a different racial category than the one into which they were born

racial passing

1. What is an example of a primary sex characteristic? a. reproductive organs b. facial hair c. body hair d. bone structure

reproductive organs

what will a good researcher do after formulating a general research question?

review the literature relevant to his or her topic

5. How do most sociologists differentiate between sex and gender? a. Sex is biological; gender is social. b. Both relate to genetics, but hormones have a greater influence on gender. c. Sex is genetic; gender is about primary and secondary sex characteristics. d. Gender is biological; sex is social

sex is genetic; gender is about primary and secondary sex characteristics

The transformation of culture over time is called 16 a. social revolution. b. cultural evolution. c. social iteration. d. social change.

social change

________ have made it possible for politicians to bypass traditional media outlets. a. Social media b. Newspapers c. TV channels d. Radio stations

social media

gender specific toys is part of what process


Good health is a. socially defined. b. biologically determined. c. unrelated to culture. d. consistent around the world.

socially defined

What new technology helped to bring about the Industrial Revolution?

steam engine

Sociologists observe society by

studying the various parts of a society and the ways they interact and influence one another

school of social thought that is built out of everyday interactions

symbolic interactionism

New innovations in farming like mechanized seed spreaders and new techniques of crop rotation were part of what macro-level social change? a. the Instrumental Revolution b. the Information Revolution c. the Great Depression d. the Agricultural Revolution

the agriculutrual revolution

The economy is not only about money but also about a. the people who are most important to an individual's sense of self. b. the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. c. encouraging cooperation over competition. d. rituals and beliefs that divide the world into the sacred and the profane.

the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services

CHAPTER 10: What do schools, churches, and governments all have in common? a. They are all secular institutions. b. They are all less important today than in the past. c. They are all social institutions. d. They function only at the macro level

they are all social institutions

What do schools, churches, and governments all have in common? a. They are all secular institutions. b. They are all less important today than in the past. c. They are all social institutions. d. They function only at the macro level.

they are all social institutions

What sort of activities can be considered recreation? a. those that cannot be done for a wage b. those that involve friends and family c. those that are done on the weekend d. those that are enjoyable

those that are enjoyable

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