Sociology Final Guide

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which of these describes a glass cage?

Amy and Jeff are both staff assistants for the large organization. Amy works in a segment that predominantly employs women while Jeff works in a segment that predominantly employs men. Jeff has more promotion opportunities than Amy even though they hold the same title and work for the same company.

______ coined the term "pure relationship," which refers to one that is entered into for its own sake and not for other interests

Anthony Giddens

What did Karl Marx believe would happen to capitalism eventually?

It would get worse until the inequality gap led to workers overthrowing the system.

Which of these sociology students is engaging in participant observation?

Mary visits a first-grade classroom to conduct a study on teacher-student interactions and helps out in the classroom as a para-educator.

As a sociologist, if I believe that this world will eventually become genderless as society progresses, and I come up with the characteristics of a genderless world with genderless division of labor to examine the current gender order, whose idea am I applying?

Max Weber's idea of ideal type

Which of these would a researcher employ to examine whether joining school clubs lower student's GPA?

explanatory survey

Karl Marx observed that workers produce virtually everything but get only a small portion of reward for it while the owners do little work and make legal rewards off the labor of those who work for them. What is this phenomenon?


Karl Marx influenced the conflict theory on religion, claiming that religion performs like a(n) ______, which distorts and hides underlying realities of capitalist society.

false consciousness

I live in a community where everyone knows everyone, and we are all anti-abortion, support unlimited ownership of guns, oppose same-sex marriages, and hate immigrants. My life with this community pretty much summarizes my life overall. Which type of society am I living in?


Girls often outperform boys on most academic indicators. This is because:

girls are better than boys at skills such as following rules and doing homework

According to Weber's theory, economic success is

given by God

When a man works in a female-dominated organization, they may find themselves promoted past equally competent, or even more competent, women. What is the term to describe this phenomenon?

glass escalator

In Weber's analysis, when protestants live following all the best morality:

go to hell if God wants them to

Which of these is an example of rite of passage?

having a baby

Sue is a cashier at grocery store and has been at her position for 5 years, making $20,000 a year. When the store goes out of business, she takes a job at a department store making $21,000 a year. This would be an example of:

horizontal mobility

Joe reviews the literature and comes to believe that as one's educational level rises, so does one's income. Joe has creates which of these ?


Corporation X says it strives to treat their employees as equals but many women have reported being sexually harassed there. Corporation X's intent to treat employees equally exemplifies which type of culture?

ideal culture

Marco grew up in Puerto Rico and considers himself Hispanic. He is also gay and in his late 30s. Marco's experiences are not only affected by his ethnicity but by his membership in multiple categories, a concept called:


Simmel suggests that consumption has increased because

it is quick and easy

Which of these is TRUE of the agency-structure relationship?

it shows how individual action is enables and constrained by social structures.

Children reared in social isolation are unlikely to fully develop a self-image. Which of these theorists would say that is because they have had no one to respond to them?

looking-glass self

Which of the following is FALSE about covenant marriage?

many people adopt this form of marriage

The Shamrock, Claddagh rings, and certain types of clothing are all part of the ______, which originated in Ireland.

material culture

According to Emile Durkheim, some forms of society were held together by ______, in which people were connected because they performed similar types of work and shared similar beliefs and values.

mechanical solidarity

Which of the following is the premise of the rational choice theory?

people act intentionally to achieve goals

Using Weber's idea, how would "class" look like in a rational society?

people all accept their designated class

Matt is the dean of a college. He can direct department chairs and faculty members to comply with university policies, even those they may not agree with. This is because people in Matt's position have:


The perception that women want sex when they go home with single men is an example of

rape myth

Which of the following is a benefit to unstructured interviews?

respondents can cover issues that are meaningful to them

Kevin Weng is a teacher whose mother tongue is not English. While he teaches, he often use the word "retarded" unintentionally, not realizing how disrespectful it is. His students told him after class that he should use the term "intellectually challenged" instead. What does Kevin's student's after-class interaction with Kevin exemplify?

reverse socialization

During the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, folk ideas about race were supplemented with ______ justifications for treating people of other races differently based on genetic and biological traits.


A group who believes in shared religious message, wants to remain apart from society, and admits only new members who conform to the group's norms exemplifies which of these?


The gender one desires is one's ______, while the gender one have sex with is one's ______.

sexual orientation; sexual expression

Sociologists who use the ______ framework focus on how societal institutions, such as our governmental system and health-care system, are necessary and essential to society.


John, a sociologist, is researching the family and is focusing on the socialization process children experience within the family and how parents transmit norms and values to their children. Which theoretical perspective is the basis for John's research?

structural/functional theory

Which of these focuses on the role of symbols and how their meanings are shared and understood by those involved in human interaction?

symbolic interactionism

As a child, Aaron observed his father physically abuses his mother, and he internalizes the ideal that men should dominate women. Meanwhile, Ben observed his father helping out his mother on all domestic housework, and he internalizes the ideal that men should respect women as equals. Which of the following theories best explain their different interpretation of masculinity?

symbolic interactionist

Applying George Herbert Mead's theory, self control is the dominance of ______ by ______.

the "I" by the "me"

The poverty line in the United States is measured using the following formula:

the cost of an adequate food plan multiplied by three

When interviewed for a news story about racial tensions, Leo denies that he or any of his friends are racist. When he is with his family, however, Leo tells racist jokes and says that immigrants, "Should all speak English if they live in my country!" Leo's behavior illustrates

the disparity between front stage and back stage behavior

Charlotte loves to dress up as a princess because she sees them in cartoons all the time. In which of George Herbert Mead's stages is Charlotte?

the play stage

The Milgram experiment and the Zimbardo experiment both raised severe ethical issues but also provided scientific evidence of which of these?

the power of authority

Most religions have a story about how and why the world was created. What is this called?

a cosmogony

Amitra is participating in a religious ceremony that takes part over two days when she doesn't have to have her terrible job and a terrible boss. These two days away from ordinary reality mark which of these?

a liminal period

When immigrants come to the United States, many of them feel compelled to give up their native language in order to learn English. This is an example of ______.


Which of the following is NOT an emphasized characteristic in hegemonic masculinity?

being emotionally expressive

Which of these is an idea that explains the world and identifies what should be sacred?


Max Weber's three different types of authority differ from each other in which of these ways?

by what makes the authority legitimate

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding cohabitation demographics?

cohabitation has become increasingly common among those who have an advanced education

______ marriage meshes well with the nuclear family because there is a clear distinction between the husband's and wife's roles within the household.


Raymond critiques the connection between religion and politics, saying that some religious beliefs are keeping the current political system in place. Raymond's statement is most closely aligned with which of these theories?

conflict/critical theory

According to structural-functionalists, which of the following is NOT a main function of religion?

control the order of capitalist system

Which reasoning attempts to examine whether general principles can apply to specific cases?

deductive reasoning

Mary is a waitress who refuses to wait on black customers. This is an example of:


John, 31, earns $10,000 a year as a seasonal worker at a department store. His parents earn a combined income of $200,000 as lawyers. This is an example of:

downward intergenerational mobility

According to most symbolic interactionist, what is the essential difference between humans and other animals?

the unique way of interacting with other humans

Why do catholics commonly work in lower-end jobs?

they believe material goods are not important in God's eyes

According to conflict theorists, why are there ideal cultures?

to protect the interest of the dominant groups.

Which of these is a disadvantage of secondary analysis?

The data may not fit the researcher's needs

What was the main objective of Max Weber's works?

To analyze the core spirit of an economy system

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