Sociology Final Review (Tests 1-3)

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Which of the following best characterizes microsociology?

It is an approach that examines interactions between individuals and the ways those interactions reflect larger patterns within a society.

Which of the following is true about a sample?

It is smaller than the group it is used to generalize about.

Which refers to a stigma?

a "spoiled identity" that is fixed and hard to change

A hypothesis is

a casual argument that links together two or more variables

What is a paradigm?

a set of assumptions for interpretation facts

What is a master status?

a status that overrides all other statuses and is dominant

A penalty for violating a cultural folkway is likely:

a temporary label

In distinguishing the level of importance of cultural norms, one would:

analyze differences in the sanctions and rewards that apply

In distinguishing the level of importance of cultural norms, one would:

analyze the differences in sanctions and rewards that apply

According to Durkheim, societies with a higher suicide rate typically experience

anomie - a lack of social norms and purpose

The process by which it becomes possible to buy and sell a particular good, service or way of life is known as:


Leisure and work are complementary activities. What links them together?


What are norm violations that are codified into law?


What is the process by which cultures that were once distinct become increasingly similar?

cultural leveling

In order for a behavior, trait or belief to be considered deviant, it must

depart from a norm and generate a negative reaction.

Which term refers to the transgression or violation of socially established norms?


The basic idea behind labeling theory is that:

deviance arises not from that people do but how others respond

Karl Marx

divided people in modern society into two groups: proletariats and bourgeoisie

According to Durkheim, how do industrial societies establish social solidarity?

division of labor

The looking glass self explains:

how we develop our self-concept based on our perceptions of others' judgments of us.

Which has led to the increase in leisure tine in the twentieth century?

increases in industrial efficiency and time-saving technologies

The term _____________ is used to indicate a variable that CREATES a cause or change.


Emile Durkheim's research found that:

industrialization caused social dysfunctions. anomie was caused by industrialization. anomie is the experience of a lack of norms and purpose.

Which of the following reflects a social mores?

laws regarding safety, such assaults, murder and driving under the influence

The information revolution is transforming Western society from:

modern to postmodern

The decline of traditional communities, increase in individual autonomy and a belief in science and progress are typical trends of:


What kind of question usually produces a wide variety of responses by allowing respondents to answer in whatever way seems appropriate to them?

open-ended questions

In science, assessing how to measure a variable is considered establishing a/an

operational definition

What does Howard Becker call individuals who specifically choose to embrace a deviant identity?


According to Merton's typology of deviance, rebellion happens when:

people or groups create new goals and new means

Deviance occurs when people lack equal access to socially acceptable goals. This argument:

was constructed by Robert Merton bridges conflict and structural functional theories connects social inequalities with dysfunctional systems

A cultural group that exists harmoniously within a larger, dominant culture is called a:


he extent to which the instrument accurately measures the concept refers to:


The French sociologist that practiced positivist social science research and coined the term sociology was

Auguste Comte

Sociology emerged

At the time of European Industrialization

Which of the following is an example of resocialization? Boot Camp for the US Marine Corps circle time for 1st grade reading groups HR programs at Apple and Google gamer workshops for Fortnite

Boot Camp for the US Marine Corps

The core concept in sociology entitled the "sociological imagination" was developed by

C. Wright Mills

Caleb eats a tarantula for lunch. Giant spiders are not usually eaten in his city. Other students stare at him in surprise. Why were these students surprised?

Caleb's behavior is an example of deviant behavior.

Which reflects a Marxist analysis?

Capitalism creates a class structure of exploitation. The class structure consists of the proletariats and bourgeoisie. Class conflict is the primary cause of social change.

Which of the following statements about W.E.B DuBois is (are) correct?

He was the first African American to earn a PhD from Harvard University. He was a founding member of the NAACP. He was accused of being a communist during the McCarthy Era.

(T/F) Cultural diffusion refers to the imperial power of American corporations, such as McDonalds.


(T/F) Cultural relativism and ethnocentrism are interchangeable terms for the same concept.


(T/F) Cultural scripts are universally standard across multiple cultures and throughout time.


(T/F) Deviance is always defined in the same way, regardless of historical context.


(T/F) Deviance is an objective or unchanging phenomenon that is universal regardless of culture, history and situational context.


(T/F) Dr. Wally's is a live concert fanatic and sees Eric Church in concert every year.


(T/F) Men and women are equally likely to commit and be convicted of criminal activity


(T/F) Most people have never engaged in any act of deviance


(T/F) Negative sanctions can only be imposed by an authoritative body or formal institution.


(T/F) Negative sanctions can only be imposed by an authoritative body or formal institutions.


(T/F) No harm can come to subjects as a result of completing a questionnaire.


(T/F) No one chooses to be deviant.


(T/F) Relatively few people are employed in the leisure and recreation industries.


(T/F) When sociologists study culture, they emphasize the exceptional and unusual and avoid studying the mundane or everyday elements.


Which of the following reflect the role of families in the socialization process?

Families are typically a primary source of socialization. Families are a source of anticipatory socialization. Families provide gender socialization and cultural capital.

When researchers establish causality, they need to:

have the correct time order indicate correlation eliminate alternative explanations

Which application of theory is correct?

Functionalist analysis of understanding how families provide stability in life. Conflict analysis in examining how media "cashes in" on controvery. Symbolic interactionist analysis of viewing the meaning associated with language.

Taking multiple selfies until you get just the "right" one reflects

Goffman's dramaturgical analysis

Being observed may influence the participant's behavior. This is known as the

Hawthorne Effect

When a dominant culture succeeds in imposing its values and ideas on all of society, it is known as:


(T/F) A strength of participant observation is the ability to generalize regarding the population.


(T/F) According to gender theory, women are subordinate to men in society because of biological differences.


(T/F) As a result of the concentration of media power, ESPN became bought out by Comedy Central.


What is the difference between recreation and leisure?

Leisure is a kind of time; recreation is a kind of activity.

Which of the following is an ascribed status? job religious affiliation race high school degree


Which paradigm asserts that the inherent drive of societies is to create order and stability?

Structural Functionalism

Which theory assumes that society is the sum of individual interactions and behaviors?

Symbolic Interactionism

According to conflict theory, why are vagrancy laws passed?

These laws target groups that threaten social elites.

(T/F) According to structural functionalism, deviance functions to clarify moral boundaries and affirm social norms.


(T/F) According to the sociologist Becker, there are no inherently deviant acts, only social reactions that make them deviant.


(T/F) An activity that can be one person's job can be another person's recreation.


(T/F) Contemporary, cultural imperialism occurs without requiring military intervention.


(T/F) Cultural relativism analyzes life from various cultural lenses.


(T/F) Flipping a corporate or media message into a critique is called culture jamming.


(T/F) Hegemonic power of the media examines how media institutions shape and change culture.


(T/F) Modernism is based on the assumption that economic growth leads to social progress.


(T/F) Positivist sociology focuses on scientific methods that generate predictions and proof.


(T/F) Queer theory argues that no category of sexual identity is fundamentally deviant or normal.


(T/F) Reflection theory argues that the media reflects social values, beliefs and behaviors.


(T/F) Role conflict occurs when two or more statuses place contradictory role demands on a person.


(T/F) Secondary deviance occurs after a primary behavior occurs and labeling results in a deviant path.


(T/F) Values and norms are symbolic culture in action.


Which of the following is (are) an example(s) of acheived status?

felon college graduate married

Which of the following lists norms in order from the least severely to the most severely enforced?

folkways, mores, taboos

Which of the following is an advantage of using an ethnography?

gathering abundant data on a small population

The term total institution applies to which of the following? community college family movie theater prison


Which best reflects hidden curriculum that students learn in schools?

punctuality, neatness, competition and discipline

When people watch news channels, go to Twitter feeds and follow sources that reflect their own opinion, this reflects:

reinforcement theory

Societies try to regulate the behavior of people and prevent deviance. This is called:

social control

The lifelong process by which people internalize social values, beliefs and norms is:


Which theory reflects a macrosociological analysis?

structural functionalism

If a sociologist wanted to understand American workers' opinions regarding their health insurance, which method would most appropriate?


Unlike a folkway, a social more is closely related to:

the core values of a group

Culture refers to

the information communicated by our cultural script the set of beliefs, traditions and practices the material elements, such as books, and nonmaterial elements, such as values, in society

The Broadway hit Hamilton respresents:

the successful combining of high culture and pop culture.

Sociology is

the systematic study of human society

Conflict theorists argue that:

there are limited access to scarce materials

W.i. Thomas famously argued that 'if men define situations as real, then:

they are real in their consequences

What is the the primary goal of using existing sources for comparative and historical research?

to understanding relationships between parts of society in different times and different places

It is an approach that examines interactions between individuals and the ways those interactions reflect larger patterns within a society.

understand the relationship between social and individual issues

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