Sociology (final test)

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What is the term for a society in which men dominate women?


Which career field is MOST likely to be dominated by men?

computer science

What is the term for norms that deal with everyday behavior?


Which social class lives at or below the poverty line?

lower class

Corey currently earns $100,000 per year. Lindsay performs the same job for the same company and does an equally competent job. Based on statistics about women's inequality of pay in the workforce, what is Lindsay MOST likely to earn for this same job?


Natalie hates all French people. She met a French person once who she thought was very rude and now believes that all French people are rude. How can Natalie's opinions be BEST classified?

She is demonstrating prejudice.

What is one positive result of Jane Elliott's classroom experiment?

Students were able to develop more sensitivity about discrimination.

What would be considered an occurrence of gender that is MOST likely to seem out of the ordinary according to society's expectations of gender?

a female in a boxing match

Your grandfather always talks to you about how society nowadays is more and more focused on individuals and not the whole community. If your grandfather were studying sociology, whose ideas would he MOST likely agree with?

Emile Durkheim

What is TRUE about socialization?

It can happen throughout a person's life.

The United States has a high rate of recidivism. What does this MOST likely mean?

People are still likely to repeat criminal behavior even if they have been arrested.

In a class debate, you are supposed to represent the opinions of Karl Marx when arguing about social stratification. During the debate, what would you MOST likely state to represent his point of view?

People in society are either owners with more power or laborers with less power.

Each student in your class has to give an example that represents the meaning of "cultural values" in a society. Which example BEST demonstrates "cultural values"?

People respect the right for everyone to speak their minds.

Child psychologists are going to meet a girl who has been living in extreme isolation for the first 10 years of her life. Based on previous cases of children growing up in extreme isolation, what is MOST likely to happen in this situation?

She will not be able to communicate properly.

Malak is doing a project on sociology. She has found some information online about sociology, but she has used a very unreliable source. Only one item she found was actually correct. Which statement about sociology is correct?

Sociologists study how social relationships affects people's behaviors and beliefs

What is TRUE about agents of socialization?

The agents are able to teach culture.

Applying Travis Hirschi's control theory, which person is MOST likely to engage in deviant behavior?

a person who doesn't have a lot of friends

There are many factory workers around the world who are extremely impoverished; yet they produce items such as cell phones and computers that they will never be able to afford to use themselves. Which idea does this BEST demonstrate?


As the presidential election approaches, the Democrats and the Republicans are engaging in some nasty debates. They are saying really mean things about each other. What type of group interaction does this BEST demonstrate?


People in society agree that it is wrong to steal or commit murder. What are these types of rules BEST described as?


What is the term for the guidelines for acceptable behavior in society?


Robert Merton argued that when too much deviance happens, it is generally because of how society is organized. What is this theory known as?

strain theory

What is the main goal of the women's movement today?

to bring about equality for women and men

Genocide is the killing an entire group of people just because of their ethnic identity.


Kiara cannot freely choose who she wants to marry. Her parents have explained to her that they live in a society where a person can marry only people within their same group. In what type of system does Kiara MOST likely live?


What do some minority women face because they have to deal with both gender and racial discrimination?

double jeopardy

Hugo has always felt threatened by the clique at school known as the "jocks." They make fun of him, and Hugo really hates when he has to be around them. For Hugo, what does the jock clique MOST likely represent?

his out-group

What example can BEST demonstrate gender stratification?

A woman makes less than a man for doing the same job.

What is an example of a violent crime or a crime against the person?


Sociologists argue that we are constantly "doing gender" in our daily interactions. How is this BEST represented?

when a woman wears a pink dress

When did the second wave of the women's movement occur?

1960s and 1970s

Compare and contrast primary and secondary groups. What is the main difference between a person's primary group and secondary group?

A primary group develops lasting, meaningful relationships.

Yolanda is one of five siblings who were split up from each other at a very young age. In a situation where nature dominates over nurture, what will MOST likely happen with these siblings?

All of the siblings will have similar cognitive abilities.

Gender influences the interactions that we have with other people, how we see ourselves, and how society is organized.


Compare and contrast primary and secondary groups. What is one similarity between a person's primary group and secondary group?

Both groups must involve social interaction of some type.

Two soccer teams got to pick their uniforms this year. The team with all girls picked pink uniforms with unicorns. The team with all boys picked blue uniforms with trucks on them. How would sociologists MOST likely explain these choices?

Children are socialized to believe that the color pink is for girls.

Many modern-day politicians argue that the rich keep getting richer while the poor keep getting poorer. Which theorist, if they were alive today, would MOST likely agree with this sentiment?

Karl Marx

Once Kiara was diagnosed with breast cancer, she dedicated her life to helping others experience quality lives no matter what circumstances they faced. What does this BEST demonstrate?

Kiara's master status

Huda argues that society has to help offer the means for people to achieve cultural goals. Without this guidance, deviance will occur. With whom would Huda MOST likely agree?

Robert Merton

What was the main cause of the shift to a postindustrial society?

The focus became the control of information instead of traditional manufacturing.

Sofia is moving to a different country. She has always defined her race as African American. What will MOST likely happen when she leaves the United States and moves to a new country?

The new country will define Sofia's race in a different manner.

What is one positive aspect of adopting culture from other societies?

There is more access to new ideas and products.

What is true about the "founding father's" of sociology ?

They are often referred to as the classical theorists

Which type of group formation is representative of the melting pot theory?


Vivaan is asked to describe his status. Which item would MOST likely represent his ascribed status?

an Indian

When does gender socialization begin?

at or before birth

What do sociologists call the traits, characteristics, roles, and social positions that are attached to being female or male?


What is the term for an invisible barrier of discrimination that keeps women from advancing to higher levels with companies?

glass ceiling

Which type of group formation is more like a tossed salad bowl instead of a melting pot?


What does a minority group have less of/fewer of than a dominant group?


According to Travis Hirschi's control theory, which person is MOST likely to engage in deviant behavior?

someone who chooses to not be involved in activities

Jeronimo is interested in learning more about sociobiology. What is one TRUE statement you could tell him about sociobiology?

It is focused on the biological reasons for social behavior.

What is TRUE about race?

It is socially constructed.

Your friend Bruno hasn't been to the doctor's office in years. His parents believe that doctors' offices make people sick because they house so many germs. His parents believe this is one of the main functions of the office. How would you best classify this type of function?

Latent function

Your classmate Isabella doesn't understand the concept of anticipatory socialization. What is the BEST example you could provide for Isabella so she could understand the concept?

Liam is practicing what he is going to say on his first date with Angela tonight.

What is a TRUE statement about peer groups?

Peer groups become more important as a child ages.

What is an example of a secondary group?

the teachers from the science department

Your class has an assignment to bring in an object that represents culture. What is MOST likely to be true about this assignment?

Almost everything that surrounds the students' lives can represent culture in some way.

Which theorist is MOST strongly related to the interactionist perspective?

George Herbert Mead

Dylan has a new job. He has spent the past week doing research on what the culture at the office is like and what is acceptable for the dress code. How would a sociologist BEST describe Dylan's behavior?

He is practicing anticipatory socialization.

Martin is pretty sure that his family is living in poverty because their income is extremely low. Although they can afford food and rent, they can never get newer clothes, participate in school activities, or buy video games. While it seems like everyone else has a cell phone, Martin's family has one phone that everyone shares. What is MOST likely true about Martin?

He lives in relative poverty.

Max Weber argued that individuals should employ verstehen when they study society. What did this mean?

He wanted them to use insight and understanding

Ansh lives in a society that uses a class system. How will this MOST likely affect his life?

His wealth and income will determine his social status.

Your teacher asks you to come up with an example that demonstrates resocialization. What is the BEST example you can offer?

Hugh stops using drugs and begins a new, drug-free life in a rehabilitation center.

In what way was Jane Addams different that the founding fathers of sociology?

She combined her studies with activism and pursuit of change

After a recent break up with her boyfriend, Fatema has been trying to figure out what went wrong in their relationship. She's taking it very personally and wonders if it is all her fault. How could she apply sociological imagination to try to understand the situation?

She could observe this situation as if she were an outsider to it

Olivia is living in a society with an open system of stratification. What does this MOST likely mean for Olivia?

She has the freedom to possibly change her social rank.

What was the MOST likely reason that Jane Elliott's lesson on discrimination was disliked by many in her small Iowa town?

She proved that discrimination is real and has consequences.

Tracing cultural transmission can be difficult. Why is this MOST likely to be the case?

Some cultures existed so long ago that people can only refer to artifacts.

Which theorist was most influential in the development of the functionalists perspective?

Talcott Parsons

What is generally TRUE about formal norms?

They are written down.

Charles Horton Cooley and George Herbert Mead both have theories on how individuals develop and modify their sense of self. What do both of these theories have in common?

They both stress the importance of human interaction.

What is TRUE about agrarian societies?

They lived in permanent settlements with social institutions.

Sometimes social groups will collaborate with one another. What is the BEST example of this type of behavior?

Two basketball teams raise money for a local women's shelter.

What is one of the stages in Cooley's looking-glass self theory?

We imagine how we look to other people.

What is the minimum level of income possible before poverty becomes life threatening?

absolute poverty

What is the name for groups who deliberately oppose aspects within the larger culture?


Emma went into her friend's locker without her permission and stole all of the money out of her purse. How would the FBI MOST likely classify this criminal act?

crimes against property

Bruno got mad at the boy who sits next to him on the bus, so he punched him in the face. How would the FBI MOST likely describe this deviant behavior?

crimes against the person

Decades ago in the United States, African Americans were forced to sit in the back of the bus when using public transportation. This was the law of the land. What does this BEST demonstrate?

de jure segregation

Punishment is said to be a deterrence for crime. What does this mean it does to crimes?


Charlie was once a high-ranking government official making $95,000 per year, but he decided to quit his job and pursue his dream of becoming an artist. As his income became much lower, he wasn't able to make his house payments and eventually lost his home. He is now working part-time at a bookstore to make ends meet. What does Charlie's scenario BEST demonstrate?

downward mobility

Castes are an example of an open system of social stratification.


If a person is arrested, the police determine whether the individual is innocent or guilty of the charge.


On a website, your friend Saanvi describes herself as a mother, teacher, and daughter. What is Saanvi describing about herself?

her status

Meera doesn't believe in the societal pressure to gain material wealth by getting a decent job to earn money. She could care less if she has any money or if she has a decent job. What do Meera's thoughts BEST demonstrate?


Dhruv is a diligent student. He works hard in all of his classes and gets all of his homework done on time. However, in order to succeed, Dhruv will often lose hours of sleep and even forget to eat meals. What does Dhruv's example BEST demonstrate?

role strain

During times of slavery in the United States, people were essentially organized into a hierarchy. White landowners were ranked higher than white men who didn't own land. All white men were ranked higher than African American slaves. What concept does this description BEST represent?

social stratification

The public school teachers have to give three tests each month; but the teachers at the private school have to give four tests a month. What does this difference BEST demonstrate for these groups of teachers?

their different social roles

An AIDS or cancer diagnosis can be a master status for some people.


Your friend Maria has always been extremely wealthy. Her family has passed down their riches from generation to generation. Their family name is on buildings all over Chicago. How would you BEST classify Maria's family's ranking in society?

upper-upper class

When Mia was in her 20s, she was considered lower class. She made enough money to go to college and continued working as she completed her studies. Now, Mia is a 40-year-old lawyer who has a great apartment in the city. She is considered upper-middle class. What does this scenario BEST demonstrate?

upward mobility

Valentina has been using heroin for a few months now. She was caught using this illegal drug and was arrested. How would the police BEST classify her deviant act?

victimless crimes

When LGBTQ communities wanted to respond to the discrimination they were facing, they decided to plan a march in Washington, DC. What type of response does this MOST likely demonstrate?

when minority groups use legal and non-violent means

If Cesare Lombroso were alive today, which statement would he MOST likely say about deviance in society?

Boys will most likely engage in criminal activity if they have long arms.

Currently, many people argue that technology and social media for making people more individualistic and more concerned with their own problems. Which theorist, if they were living in present times, would most likely agree with this idea?

Emile Durkheim

Ali argues that there are no things that all societies have in common. You disagree with his claim. What statement BEST represents your argument?

Every society has some form of cooking.

In South Africa, blacks had very little power during apartheid, while whites held most of the power. How would sociologists MOST likely categorize the blacks in this scenario?

The blacks are the minority group.

Durkheim believed that individualism could eventually lead to anomie. What is anomie?

The breakdown in the social control has over individuals

During class, every student has to share a cultural object. Huda chooses to share a magazine about celebrity gossip. How would the teacher MOST accurately respond to Huda's example?

This magazine represents culture because it is part of the knowledge you gain in this society.

What is Naomi Wolf's main argument about women's roles?

Women spend too much time focusing on beauty rather than seeking equal rights in society.

According to Max Weber, what MOST accurately defines socioeconomic status (SES)?

a combination of a person's class, status, and power

What do sociologists call a category of people who have less power or control over their lives than a dominant group and are separated by either physical or cultural characteristics?

a minority

Mateo is reading a story about a group of women who run an entire society. They lead the government, the businesses, and the religions. What type of society does his story BEST demonstrate?


While at a birthday party for her cousin, Fatima sees an old friend who is looking to hire an office assistant. Fatima has been looking for a job, so she mentions this to the friend who offers her the chance to interview. What does this scenario BEST represent?


What do sociologists call socially constructed categories in which people share biological characteristics that society considers important?


What is the name for rewards and penalties that are given to people for their behavior in regard to social norms?


Meera isn't exactly sure what she wants to study in college, but she has narrowed it down to psychology, history, sociology, or political science. Which type of sciences does Meera seem MOST drawn to study?


What is the term for the process through which people learn the language, norms, values, behaviors and other aspects of culture that a particular society views as acceptable?


What is the name for exaggerated descriptions of everyone in a particular category?


When Victoria started junior high school, she couldn't stop obsessing about what other people thought of her. If she thought someone believed that she was stupid, she started to believe this was true about herself as well. What does Victoria's behavior MOST likely represent?

the looking-glass self

Catalina is developing a new show for a worldwide streaming service. Her producers tell her she needs to introduce a family that the majority of people in the United States can relate to. What social ranking would work BEST for this fictional family?

the middle class

Organic solidarity is a system where individuals are tied together because of their dependence on one another.


Noah worked for a company that was lying about their profits every year so they could pay lower taxes. Noah helped make up new financial numbers for the company. What is the MOST accurate way to categorize Noah's participation in this activity?

white-collar crimes

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