Sociology of Families Final Review

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According to Cohen's book, family wage refers to the a) wage necessary for a male earner to provide for his wife and children. b) cost of marriage for employed women and their children. c) tax benefits people get from being married. d) tax penalties people pay for being married.


To say that the shift to market work contributed to women's independence within their families as well as from their families is to say that a) more women had less work to do within the home, and because they had their own income, they were freer to live outside of a marriage relationship. b) more women had less work to do within the home and were less necessary to their households and men were less interested in marriage. c) more women had more work to do within the home and more work outside the home. d) more women had less work to do within the home and were more dependent on their husbands.


While they may live in the same household and define themselves as a family, which of the following are NOT considered family by the definition used by the U.S. Census? Choose all that apply. a.) foster parents and children b.) grandchildren c.) cohabiting partners d.) son-in-law

a,b & d

Lisa has a White mother and a Black father, but when asked to self-identify her race, she chooses Black, not White or mixed. This reflects which of the following (choose all that apply)? a) the history of the "one-drop" rule b) the fact that people tend to apply the same identities to themselves as others apply to them c) the biological basis of race d) the social construction of race


Rosa thinks of her mother's best friend, Maria, as her aunt, and Maria treats Rosa as her niece. According to your textbook, Rosa and Maria could be labeled a a.) legal family. b.) personal family. c.) nuclear family. d.) extended family


From 1638 to the end of the trans-Atlantic slave trade in 1807, the marriages of enslaved Africans were not legally recognized and children were the property of the slave owner. In this context, a) slaves on small farms were unlikely to be separated from their families. b)slaves were unable to form families. c) most slaves married and most children lived with both parents. d) most of family life was a reflection of the slaves' African traditions.


Functionalist theories argue that since social inequality exists in all societies, it a) must be eliminated. b) is harmful. c) serves an essential purpose. d) prevents exploitation.


In Europe prior to the formation of the United States, what was the principal role of marriage? a) a site for spiritual expression b) a system of property and labor cooperation c) a source of romantic ideology d) a way of protecting children from adult experiences


Indicate which family ideal is illustrated by each description. 1. patriarchal family 2. companionship family _____Jorge and Sandra enjoy many similar interests, and their children make every effort to return to the family home to enjoy large gatherings and celebrations ______Amy and Sarah are married and work hard to prioritize their relationship and support each other's goals and dreams. _______Charlie makes all significant decisions in his family and expects his wife to care for the home and children ______-Anne's parents chose John as a suitable spouse for her because his family's resources would help them maintain their property. ______Elaine and Alex both work outside the home and share the home and child care as equally as they can. _____Sunniva and Karl live with their children, Sunniva's parents, and her younger sister. _____Natasha and Jordan felt a sense of duty to fulfill the expectations of their parents. ______Lorna and Martin are married and live with their biological and adopted children. ____Juan was viewed as the leader of the family and the respect his family held for him held the family together through difficult times. ______Sylvia and Leonard had quite different childhoods, but they fell in love and married without consulting their parents.


Match the era to the ideal of childhood. 1. emerging modern childhood 2. colonial America 3. modern _______There were less parental authority and closer parent-child relationships. ______Children played economic roles and the "idea" of childhood did not exist. ______Children were considered to be blank slates of innocence.


Indicate whether the following are defined by the government census as a (a) family household or (b) household. ______ adult with foster child ______grandparents with grandchildren _______ wife and husband and their adopted children. _______wife and husband _______ unmarried partners _______ four college students sharing an apartment.

B , A , A , A , B , B

A reporter is writing an article about social mobility in the United States. As a sociologist, you advise her that: a) there is little substantial upward social mobility. Incorrect Response b) upward mobility is primarily found at the middle-income levels, with middle-class children moving up from their parents. c) one reason for so much social mobility is that more avenues for mobility exist than in the past, such as the availability of college. d) the United States has more social mobility than many other industrialized, developed nations, including Canada, Finland, Sweden, and Germany.


Alyssa was born to a young single mother and grew up in a poor rural area with low-quality schools. According to the sociological concept of life chances, she has a __________ of becoming rich because __________. a) low chance; the practical chance of doing so is small b) high chance; the practical chance of doing so is large c) high chance; there are few formal obstacles (laws) to deter her d) low chance; social capital is high


Archeological findings in central Europe indicate which of the following about families? Correct Answer a) Diverse family arrangements, and not only the nuclear family, were recognized by the villagers. b) Nuclear families were the only recognized family form. c) Individuals did not marry people from other geographical locations. d) Without biological parents, children were not cared for.


We can argue that elevating marriage to the status of a true love relationship, instead of a relationship based on tradition and economic necessity, might contribute to a(n) __________ acceptance of divorce. a) decreased b) increased c) stable d) nonrelated


According to your text, a timeline of major events related to contraception might include which of the following? Choose all that apply. 1) The FDA approved the contraceptive pill in 1960. 2) In 1972 the U.S. Supreme Court overturned a law that banned the sale of contraceptives to single people. 3) In 1965 the U.S. Supreme Court overturned a law that banned contraceptives, allowing married people to make their own decisions regarding birth control. 4)In 1972 the Twenty-Sixth Amendment to the Constitution lowered the age of consent to 16.


Contemporary American Indians who live on reservations or other tribal lands are often socially isolated and poor; these are social conditions that may contribute to higher (choose all that apply) (1) rates of suicide. (2) rates of diabetes and alcoholism. (3) rates of intact marriage. (4) levels of education.


Teen pregnancies have declined significantly since 1990, a trend that can be explained in part by __________. Choose all that apply. 1) increased use of contraception 2) low age of marriage 3) lower rates of sexual activity 4) abstinence-only education


Lana had wanted to be a physician for as long as she could remember. When she graduated from high school she changed her mind and decided to become a nurse because she wants to have children and a family. Her decision was likely shaped by __________. Choose all that apply. 1) gendered expectations of family life 2) androgyny 3) gender socialization 4) sexual identity


Which of the following are reasons that race is socially constructed and not biologically given (choose all that apply)? ( ) Racial categories vary from one culture to another. ( ) If we line up all humans by skin color, they would not align with existing racial categories. ( ) Racial categories have been fairly consistent over time. (d) Race is a consistent identity applied at birth and requiring proof.

1, 2, 4

Match each of the following divorce aspects with one of the categories, developed by Paul Amato, of the child's experience and well-being during and after a divorce. 1. protective factors to help prevent negative effects 2. post-divorce outcomes 3. stressful aspects of the divorce process ____attentive parenting, diminished conflict, and continued involvement of both parents _____new roles and identities in the family or social environment ____coping skills, interpersonal skill, and self-confidence _____residential moves, job and school transitions, and economic hardship _______witnessing or being part of conflicts such as arguing or shouting ________permanent emotional changes


The increase in women's employment and the increased diversity of family structures changed the cultural view of fathers from the __________ to the __________ ideal, which emphasizes providing both material support and emotional bonding. a) male provider; involved father b) working father; intensive fatherhood c) absent father; involved father d) single father; involved father


The most common family income for children in a married couple family is __________, while it is __________ for children with a single mother. a) $50,000-$99,999; under $25,000 b) $25,000-$49,999; $100,000-$149,999 c) under $25,000; $50,000-$99,999 d) $100,000-$149,999; $25,000-$49,999


The pattern of high educational achievement and intergenerational living by Asian Americans may be explained by cultural traditions, but also by a) highly educated professional parents who provide models and opportunities for their children. Incorrect Response b) immigration laws that permit people to bring family members to the United States. c) stereotypes that Asians are not well suited for blue collar work. d) permissive parenting styles.


The purpose of the Hague Adoption Convention was to ensure that adoptive families are a) first searched for in a child's home country. b) financially able to take on the responsibility of raising a child. c) from a similar racial background to the child being adopted. d) only able to adopt children that are from the same country they currently live in.


Tori and Jamil are a married couple who receive aid from the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) program. In the late 1990s, their social worker encouraged them to sign up for "marriage and relationship training" classes funded by the Oklahoma Marriage Initiative. Both the TANF program and the classes are examples of the a) politics of marriage. b) decline of marriage. c) benefits of marriage. d) defense of marriage.


Utilitarian love refers to a) the practical, rational dedication to another person based on shared understandings and emotional commitment. b) sexual relations within friendship, without commitment or obligation. c) love for oneself. d) passionate devotion and attraction felt for another person.


What happened to the poverty rate in the 2000s? a) It increased dramatically. b) It decreased dramatically. c) It remained unchanged. d) It fluctuated significantly.


What is the sexual double standard? a) putting stricter controls on women's sexual behavior than on men's b) the general pattern of men having more sexual partners than women c) the general pattern of women having more sexual partners than men d) the practice of schools teaching both "comprehensive" and "abstinence-only" sex education


When Anna was pregnant the ultrasound showed a female baby so she and her family and friends bought pink clothes, dolls, and other feminine items. They all assumed the baby's __________ based on the __________. a) gender; sex b) sex; gender c) sex; gender expression d) sexual identity; gender


When Blacks and Whites in similar social settings are compared, what has research shown regarding the rate of domestic violence in the two groups? a) The rates are virtually the same. b) There is a large gap, with much more violence in White relationships. c) There is large gap, with much more violence in Black relationships. d) There is a slight difference, with more violence in Black relationships.


When sociologists examine sexually transmitted diseases, several broad issues stand out as particularly important, including a) social networks, sex education, and inequality. b) erectile dysfunction, the Pill, and pregnancy. c) sex education, access to the Internet, and cars. d) biology, race, and gender.


Contrary to popular beliefs about the degree to which women's menstrual cycles govern their moods, research has found that women's moods vary more depending on the day of the week than on the time of the month. This is an example of a) the importance of social influences on biology. b) evolution. c) survival of the fittest. d) the sexual double standard.


Elena and Kurt were both in their mid-20s and had been dating for over a year when Kurt told Elena he loved her. She responded with the same sentiment. Later, when she told her friends, Elena knew this meant something but was not sure if it meant that becoming engaged to be married would happen soon, if at all. This is an example of a) changing social scripts. b) hooking up. c) endogamy. d) tradition.


Rosa finds high heels uncomfortable and does not like the way they limit her mobility, yet she wears them because she does not feel that she has a choice at work and she thinks they make her attractive when she is out socializing. This is an example of a) gender socialization and inequality. b) mate selection. c) women's power over men. d) evolution.


Since, the 1980s, what is the pattern of names given to baby girls? a) There is increasing diversity, with the most common names becoming less prevalent b) There is increasing conformity, with the most common names becoming more prevalent c) There is no discernible trend in naming patterns. d) The government does not collect data on naming patterns.


Social and cultural changes have brought about more __________, which some argue has weakened marriage ties; however, researchers suggest that the relationships that do survive are emotionally stronger. a) individualism b) religious endogamy c) familial pressure to marry d) bmarriage markets


The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) passed by the Congress in 1993 provided what new rights for some American workers? a) It provided some workers with unpaid leave if they are sick or need to care for family members. b) It provided some workers with paid leave from their jobs when a child is born. c) It provided some workers with paid leave if they are sick or need to care for family members. d) It provided some workers with unpaid leave if they are ill no matter how long they have been employed.


The data in Story behind the Numbers indicates that Correct Answer a) a much higher percentage of people have engaged in same-sex behavior than identify as homosexual or bisexual. b) a much lower percentage of people have engaged in same-sex behavior than identify as homosexual or bisexual. c) men seem to be more open to same sex experimentation than women. d) sexual behavior is clearly linked to identity.


The fact that the U.S. government has changed the Census categories for race every decade is a good example of how race and ethnicity are a) socially constructed. b) innate and biological. c) determined at birth. d) stable.


The granting of marriage licenses is an example of which institutional arenas interacting? a.) state and family b.) state and market c.) family and market d.) religion and family


Which of the following best explains the decline in marriage among African Americans in the last several decades? a) the lack of suitable marriage partners available for women b) the tendency of African-American men marry White women c) increasing intermarriage between the different ethnic groups d) cultural values that deemphasize child rearing


Which of the following demonstrates the increased likelihood that adults will spend more of their lives outside marriage than in the past? a) a higher percentage of adults living with no relatives b) a decline in divorce rate c) a younger average age of marriage d) a decline in single parenthood


According to your textbook, research shows which of the following to be a major risk factor for experiencing intimate partner violence? Choose all that apply. ______women in cohabitating relationships ______a couple with a low amount of economic security. ______a relationship that involves drug and alcohol abuse. ______women who have just left an abusive relationship

all of the above

The segregation of women and men into particular occupations can be explained (at least in part) by which of the following? Choose all that apply. 1) free and unconstrained individual choice 2) individual choices shaped by childhood gender socialization 3) employer bias 4) innate skills and preferences of women and men

all of the above

What are the reasons for the relatively high fertility rate among Latinos? Choose all that apply. 1) Many Latinos are recent immigrants from Latin America where having many children is a cultural expectation. 2) Groups that tend to have lower than average education levels, such as Latinos, tend to have higher fertility rates. 3) Latinos are less likely to have miscarriages than other ethnic and racial groups. 4) The immigrant Latino population includes many young healthy adults, and young healthy adults also tend to have large families.

all of the above

What trends in single-parenting have been found to be associated with the overall increase in unmarried parents since the 1980s? Choose all that apply. a) Young adults who are not ready to marry are bearing children. b) Older women who are single by choice are bearing children. c) Divorced parents in new nonmarital relationships are bearing children. d) Gay and lesbian couples who cannot get married because the law prohibits it are bearing or adopting children.

all of the above

Which group(s) of women are more likely to have unintended pregnancies as well as abortions? Choose all that apply. a)single women b) married women c) low-income women d) Black women

all of the above

Which of the following are ways we engage in social practices that exaggerate or emphasize small physical differences between females and males? Choose all that apply. 1) encouraging men to be physical laborers 2) breast augmentation for women 3) college admittance 4) the norm of taller husbands, shorter wives

all of the above

While adoptions have become more open in the last 50 years, they have also become much more uncommon. This can be understood as a result of the __________. Choose all that apply. a) growing availability of fertility treatments b) legality of abortion c) declining stigma associated with unmarried motherhood d) growing availability of birth control

all of the above

Who of the following can qualify as parents, according to the textbook definition? Choose all that apply. a) adoptive mothers and fathers b) same-sex couple where only one parent is biological c) biological mother and father of a child d) stepfather of a child

all of the above

A __________ occurs when the time demands, strains, or obligations of work or family roles make it difficult for people to fulfill their obligations in either role. a) gender division of labor b) work-family conflict c) motherhood penalty d) role ambiguity


A group of people who share common interests and experiences a similar level of education, and a comparable income level can be referred to as: a) a family. b) a social class. c) colleagues. d) workers.


A large study of college students found that the majority reported hooking up __________ times. a) 0 b) 3 or fewer c) 4 or more d)10 or more


A larger proportion of people say they believe __________ is morally wrong than believe gay or lesbian relations are morally wrong. a) having a baby outside of marriage b) sex between teenagers c) sex between an unmarried man and woman d) divorce


A woman choosing to delay marriage longer than her mother did because she is able to support herself financially is an example of how __________ can contribute to declining marriage rates. a) demographics b) economics c) a marriage squeeze d) endogamy


Since the 1970s, what has happened to the education earnings gap? a) College graduates still earn the same amount more than high school graduates. b) The gap between college graduates' and high school graduates' earnings has increased. c) The gap between college graduates' and high school graduates' earnings has decreased. d) High school graduates now earn more than college graduates


Since the nineteenth century, what has happened to children? a) They lost emotional value and gained economic value. b) They lost economic value and gained emotional value. c) Their overall value in the culture declined. d) Nothing happened.


Socialization a) results in people learning the "rules" of society and always following them. b) is a life-long process by which people learn to act and think, in light of what they believe others expect of them. c) is just like computer programing. d) happens without social interaction.


Sociologist Sharon Hays considers the rise of the ideology of intensive motherhood and the pressure it puts on women to be ironic because a) fathers, not mothers, have historically been put under this type of pressure. b) these days most women have less time available to them to perform this intensive motherhood. c) this ideology is contrary to expectations associated with the involved father ideal. d) most mothers have always practiced intensive mothering, even before there was a term for it.


The association of the color pink with girls and blue with boys a) has existed for at least 200 years. b) is a relatively new gender rule. c) is rarely used to differentiate babies by gender. d) is based in biology.


The common assumption that if a man and a woman kiss on a first date the man will initiate it is an example of a) sexual orientation. b) a social script. c) hooking up. d) love.


The demographic perspective in family studies focus most on : a) economics in family life. b) family and household structures. c) politics in family life. d) psychological stressors among family members


The lower age of marriage in the 1950s and the growing economy pushed employers to change their policy of hiring a) only married women. b) women only if they were single. c) only married men. d) only men if they were single .


The main difference between the crude divorce rate and the refined divorce rate for a given country is that a) the crude divorce rate indicates the number of divorces compared to the number of married couples whereas the refined divorce indicates how many divorces there are relative to all separations. b) the refined divorce rate specifies how many divorces there are among all married couples whereas the crude divorce rate specifies the number of divorces there are relative to the total population. c) the crude divorce rate indicates how many divorces have been attempted whereas the refined divorce rate indicates how many successful divorces have occurred. d) the refined divorce rate indicates how many annulments there are compared to all married couples whereas the crude divorce rate indicates how many divorces there are compared to all married couples.


According to your textbook, what is exploitation? a) the denial of equal rights to racial and ethnic minorities b) the legal status of immigrants separated from their families c) the process by which the labor of some produces wealth for others d) the removal of children from abusive family homes


Andi's sex chromosomes do not match her sexual anatomy. Her condition is known as a) homosexual. b) bisexual. c) intersex. d) transgender.


Andi's sex chromosomes do not match her sexual anatomy. Her condition is known as Incorrect Response a) homosexual. b) bisexual. c) intersex. d) transgender.


Elizabeth graduated from Princeton, as did her father. Her sister and brother graduated from Yale like their mother. After graduation, Elizabeth was able to use her __________ to help her get several interviews and ultimately her dream job. a) work ethic b) concerted cultivation c) social capital d) culture


If a country has a total fertility rate of more than 2.1, the population will usually__________, but if the total fertility rate is lower than 2.1, the population will instead __________. a) shrink; grow b) grow; stay the same c) grow; shrink d) stay the same; shrink


In part because of the legal, technological, and financial burdens they must overcome, gay and lesbian parents a) have more difficulty raising children that are well adjusted. b) are more likely than heterosexual couples to have children. c) tend to devote larger-than-average amounts of time and energy to their children. d) have not increased number in recent years in the United States.


In sociology, what are social scripts? a) the terminology for marriage and divorce b) prohibitions against certain kinds of romantic relationships c) commonly understood patterns of interaction used in familiar situations d) legal rules regarding sexual consent


In the American legal tradition, the definition of family is based on a.) the family as an institutional arena. b.) each person's individual view of their relations. c.) marriage and biology. d.) The law does not define families.


In the last few decades, how has the college dating scene changed? a) The existence of more men than women now means men get more dates. b) The existence of more men than women now means women get more dates. c) The existence of more women than men now means men get more dates. d) The existence of more women than men now means women get more dates.


Matt and Tracy are a married couple who both work outside of the home for pay. They have two children. While they both make about the same amount of money and work the same amount of time, Tracy still completes the majority of housework and care work in the home. When asked by a friend about the unequal allocation of work, Tracy replied that she felt it was more important for the mother to do these kinds of tasks. Tracy's response is an example of how __________, and not just economics, play a role in the division of labor in the home. a) personal resources b) work-family conflicts c) gender dynamics d) motherhood penalties


Monique and Tyrone are stepsiblings who live in a household with Tyrone's mother, who is Monique's stepmother, and Monique's father, who is Tyrone's stepfather. According to the textbook their family can be considered a a) boundary ambiguity. b) dynamic family. c) blended family. d) adoptive family.


People of similar racial-ethnic backgrounds and social classes tend to have more contact with one another in part because they are likely to live in the same neighborhood and attend the same schools. These shared experiences may also lead them to pair up in romantic relationships. This is an example of the principle of a) hegemony. b) homogamy. c) homophily. d) socialization.


Research on the income effect of employment on the divorce rate indicates which of these conclusions? a) If both spouses have higher education and are employed, the higher income provides them with the resources to easily divorce and so they are more likely to divorce. b) If both spouses have higher education and are employed, the higher income creates conflict and so they are more likely to divorce. c) If both spouses have higher education and are employed, the higher income serves as a source of stability and so they are less likely to divorce. d) If both spouses have less education and low-paying jobs, the lower income makes it difficult to divorce and so they are less likely to divorce.


Research shows that 11 percent of the elderly have reported experiencing mistreatment or neglect with the most common experiences being neglect and a) physical abuse. b) sexual abuse. c) emotional abuse. d) financial abuse.


Rose is often told she "looks Latina," and in fact, her grandparents came to the United States from Mexico. This is an example of a) immigration. b) endogamy. c) racial Ethnicity. d) assimilation.


Teen boys tend to report more pleasurable sexual experiences, higher self-esteem and more popularity than teen girls, who often report feeling bad about themselves if they are sexually active. This is an example of a) adolescence. b) statutory rapes. c) the sexual double standard. d) promiscuity.


The baby boom refers to births in the United States in which years? a) 1846-1864 b) 1896-1914 c) 1946-1964 d) 1996-2014


The decline of religious endogamy has mostly been the result of changes in a) the marrying behavior of conservative religious groups. b) the number of religions available for spouses to belong to. c) the marrying behavior of liberal and moderate Protestants. d) demographics such as decreased rates of immigration.


The fact that American Indians, Latinos, and African Americans are about three times more likely to be poor than whites is evidence of a) equitable distribution of wealth. b) the poverty line. c) the concentration of poverty by race-ethnicity. d) cultural deficiency.


The notion that sexual orientation is not the same as behavior means that a) someone who has a romantic relationship with someone of the same sex is gay. b) people always behave in line with their identity. c) sometimes people who identify as gay or lesbian have heterosexual romantic relationships. d) sexual behavior determines sexual identity.


The paradox regarding economics and marriage is illustrated by the fact that a) young couples with higher education are less likely to marry, despite the economic benefits that marriage would provide for them. b) although weddings cost much more than they used to, low-income couples are more likely to marry than those who can more easily afford a wedding. c) while there has been a decline in the economic need for marriage, those with higher incomes are now more likely to marry than those with lower incomes. d) people with a higher income have fewer choices available to them in the marriage market even though they can offer more economic security to a potential mate.


The population of single people looking for relationships is a) smaller than in the past. b) unlikely to include people with children. c) older and more diverse than in the past. d)younger and less diverse than in the past.


The term doing gender refers to a) doctors and parents assigning gender identities at birth. b) employers discriminating against women in hiring decisions. c) turning sex categories into gender identities through personal interactions. d) pairing up with a romantic partner of the same sex.


The term wedding industrial complex refers to the a) transformation of weddings from small gatherings to large ones. b) increasingly complex nature of marriage law. c) high cost and large number of components of a modern-day wedding. d) fact that weddings have decreased due to the decline of industry-based jobs.


Under the ideology of separate spheres, what two things were separated? a) work and play b) adults at work and children at school c) men at work and women at home d) marriage and childbearing


Violence within families is complicated by the relationship between victims and perpetrators. These are __________ relationships in which one person is responsible for another's __________. a) vulnerable; control b) romantic; happiness c) intimate: care d) public; neglect


What is the relationship between industrial change and Black family structure in the past 40 years? a) manufacturing opportunities increased and marriage rates declined b) manufacturing opportunities increased and marriage rates increased c) manufacturing opportunities declined and marriage rates declined d) manufacturing opportunities declined and marriage rates increased


When children are neglected or abused by their parents, the institutional arena of the __________ intervenes in the institutional arena of the __________. a.) family; state b.) market; state c.) state; family d.) market; family


When comparing amounts of paid and unpaid leave for two-parent families, how does the United States compare to other wealthy countries? a) The United States ranks in the middle for unpaid leave but at the bottom for paid leave. b) The United States ranks at the top for unpaid leave but at the bottom for paid leave. c) The United States is ranked almost at the bottom in regard to both paid and unpaid leave. d) The United States is ranked in the middle for both paid leave and unpaid leave.


When did the U.S. Census begin identifying multiple-race identities? a) 1920 b) 1960 c) 2000 d) Never


Lisa has a White mother and a Black father, but when asked to self-identify her race, she chooses Black, not White or mixed. This reflects which of the following (choose all that apply)? (1) the history of the "one-drop" rule (2)the fact that people tend to apply the same identities to themselves as others apply to them (3) the biological basis of race (4) the social construction of race


When a neighborhood includes just a few poor families, those families can rely on friends and neighbors for support. Which of the following happened as a result of the deindustrialization of northern cities and the concentration of urban poverty (choose all that apply)? (1) African American families relied on their friends and neighbors. (2) Local churches lost members and financial support. (3) Funding for schools declined. (4) Social support systems were strengthened.

2, 3, 4

While the nuclear family with the breadwinner husband-father, homemaker wife-mother is often referred to as the traditional family, it was not a reality for all families or for very long. Instead, the 1950s (when this ideal was most dominant) were highly unusual due to a combination of which of the following? Choose all that apply. ( )Few young couples married when men returned from World War II. ( )People who were children during the Great Depression were now experiencing a booming economy as young adults ( )The decline of birthrates in the first half of the twentieth century and loss of life in World War II combined with a strong economy and resulted in higher wages ( )increased birth rates (the baby boom) and the need for increased income necessitated women's wage labor


Which of the following explain why the poor have had a difficult time moving out of poverty? Choose all that apply. (1) Their culture leads them to be less committed to paid work. (2) The value of the federal minimum wage has declined significantly over the last 40 years. (3) They tend to be single-parent families (which are usually headed by women). (4) Unlike other similar countries, the United States has federally funded child care and a minimum wage that has kept pace with inflation.


Immigration policy has created opportunities and obstacles for families. Match the following policies with the general description of the policy. 1. Chinese Exclusion Act, 1882 2. Immigration Act, 1924 3. War Brides Act, 1945 4. Bracero Program, 1942-64 5. Amendments to the Immigration and Nationality Act, 1965 6. Homeland Security Act, 2002 7. International Marriage Broker Regulation Act, 2005 ____permitted wives and children of World War II and Korean War veterans to immigrate ____lifted all numerical restrictions on the immigration of spouses, children, and parents of U.S. citizens and ended the country-based quota system; most immigrants now come as family members. ____minimal immigration as a result of a country-based quota system ____Illegal border crossing is more dangerous and undocumented male immigrants are more likely to establish permanent residence and bring their families. ______Potential immigrants must be notified if their future spouses have a criminal history or have applied for multiple immigrant petitions. Has not been effectively implemented. ______barred Chinese from becoming citizens and blocked new immigration, preventing families from reunifying in the United States ______extension of temporary work permits to Mexican laborers, which led to permanent settlement of families in the United States

3, 5, 2, 6, 7, 1, 4

Match the example of an explanation of family structure and family life to the appropriate theory. 1. consensus—structural functionalism 2. conflict perspective 3. feminist theory 4. exchange theory 5. symbolic interactionism 6. modernity _________Family life differs dramatically for women and men, and these experiences are also shaped by race, ethnicity, and social class. _________Individuals choose their own type of family and their role within it in order to find personal fulfillment. _________Family members enact their particular roles (parent, child, sibling, spouse) based on others' expectations of them. _________nuclear family, with a breadwinner man and homemaker woman and their children, in which their complementary roles result in harmony. _________The wives care for home and family, allowing the husbands to work for pay. The husbands, in turn, have the power in the family as a result of their economic support. ___________Rational individuals enter into family relationships that satisfy needs or necessities they cannot satisfy on their own.

3, 6, 5, 1, 2 , 4

Match the term with the appropriate response. 1. exogamy 2. race 3. ethnicity 4. minority group 5. endogamy 6. racial ethnicity ______a racial or ethnic group that occupies a subordinate status in society _____marriage and reproduction outside one's distinct group ______an ethnic group perceived to share physical characteristics ______a group of people believed to share common descent, based on perceived innate physical similarities _______a group of people with a common cultural identification, based on a combination of language, religion, ancestral origin, and traditional practices _____marriage and reproduction within a distinct group

4, 1, 6, 2, 3, 5

The age at which people immigrate, and not just their generation, has a major impact on their role in the family's acculturation. Match the age at immigration with the types of family Issues someone who immigrated at that age is likely to face. 1. Retirement Age 2. Working Age Adulthood 3. Young-Middle Childhood 4. Children of Immigrants 5. Grandchildren of Immigrants ______Tau's parents immigrated to the United States four years before he was born. He and his parents argue over acceptable behavior and expectations. ______Rosa and Ernesto joined their children in the United States. They tell lots of stories of the "homeland" to their grandchildren but don't go out a lot because they don't speak English. _______ Joya's grandparents immigrated before her parents were born. She knows that this happened relatively recently, although she doesn't see her ethnicity as her own experience but rather part of her family history. ________Abdullah came to the United States with his parents when he was 10. He speaks English fairly well and has adapted well to the new culture. _______Natalia came to the United States for a better job. While she has been successful, she still struggles with English and does not feel fully integrated into the culture.


Christian traditions that included monogamous marriage and required a woman to be faithful to her husband and a man to economically support his wife and children were written in secular laws that enforced "monogamous morality." Which of these are examples? Choose all that apply. ( ) Comstock Act ( ) Dawes Act ( ) encouraging war widows to remain single ( ) giving women full citizenship rights

Comstock act, dawes act, giving women full citizenship rights

A society's Gini Index has shifted from 0.57 to 0.34. This means that Correct Answer a) more families share a larger proportion of the income. b) fewer families share a larger proportion of the income. c) there is more significant income inequality. d) a minority of families have a minority of the income.


According to Anthony Giddens and modernity theory, as described in your textbook: a.) everyone is expected to make individual choices in their family relationships. b.) institutional control over family behavior has strengthened since the 1950s. c.) religious influence over family choices increased in modern times.


According to data on U.S. divorces in 2012, what is the relationship between education and the divorce rate? a) Divorces are the least common for college graduates compared to everyone else. b) People who did not earn a high school diploma are the least likely to divorce. c) There is no relationship between level of education and the divorce rate. d) Divorce is the least common among people who attended college but did not graduate.


According to research by the dating site OK Cupid, reported in Cohen's book, what can we learn about dating compatibility from people's astrological signs? a) nothing b) Some combinations of signs are more likely to produce good matches. c) Some combinations of signs are best avoided. d) Astrology is too complicated to draw simple conclusions about dating.


Angela, who identifies as heterosexual, has been encouraged to invite her boyfriend to family events, and her parents were happy to pay for her prom dress. Niki, who identifies as lesbian, is unable to bring a possible romantic interest to a family dinner or to attend her high school prom with her girlfriend. This is in part a result of the __________, which makes it difficult for lesbians and gays to pursue romantic relationships. a) social stigma b) romantic ideology c) endogamy d) utilitarian love


Asian-American women are twice as likely to marry non-Asians as are Asian men. This creates an intermarriage imbalance, which results in Asian-American men being less likely to get married at a young age. This is an example of __________ impacting marriage choices. a) demography b) culture c) social pressure d) economics


Children growing up with a single parent face particular challenges to social mobility. These include: a) lower incomes, less time with parents, and less access to social capital. Incorrect Response b) access to high quality education, lower income, and significant social capital. c) access to vast social networks, more time with parents, and stable income. d) stable income, free higher education, and many extracurricular activities.


Compulsory heterosexuality is the a) assumption that everyone is straight until there is solid evidence otherwise and the pressure to conform to this norm. b) law that punishes homosexuality and the public support of it. c) the biological basis for sexual orientation. d) fear of homosexuality and gays and lesbians.


Consider the types of relationships you have with people of different racial and ethnic groups (neighbor, work colleague, close friend, spouse or partner). Sociologists use these relationships (and people's attitudes toward them) to measure: a) social distance. b) immigration. c) culture. d) the social construction of race.


Contemporary courtship in the form of dating a) supports a marketplace that sells single people clothes, cosmetics, meals, movies, dating advice and more. b) is governed by parents and community members who play a significant role in deciding who should date. c) involves very little spending on the part of men. d) looks a lot like the "calling" of the past.


Since census categories have _____________, we can argue that ________________. a.) remained stable; family structure has remained stable b.) changed; ideas about what constitutes a family have evolved c.) changed; family structure has declined Incorrect Response d.) changed; fewer people are counted


Emilio and Ramona have been in a relationship for four years. During most of the time they have been together they have had arguments that escalate to physical violence, mostly against Ramona, as Emilio tries to control much of her life. During the last year the fights have gotten more severe and there have been a few serious injuries to Ramona as a result of this violence. Emilio belittles Ramona and threatens to hurt her if she dares to leave him. This situation illustrates which of the four principle patterns of violence? a) intimate terrorism b) common couple violence c) mutual violent control d) violent resistance


For-profit online dating sites have had success catering to people like Susan, who is a) 40, divorced, college-educated, and employed in a professional field. b) 21, never married, and in college. c) 25, never married, and unemployed. d) 30, engaged, and in graduate school.


Growing family diversity has come from which type of household becoming less common? a) married couple b) single parent c) single nonparents d) retired senior citizens living alone


How do the contemporary debates about marriage rights today—same-sex marriage for example—differ from the debates about marriage rights in the late nineteenth century? a) In the late nineteenth century, the major debate over marriage centered on whether the guilty party in a divorce should be allowed to remarry. b) In the late nineteenth century, the major debate was about whether couples had the right to have a religious marriage annulled. c) In the late nineteenth century, the major debate centered on whether couples with young children should be allowed to have a legal divorce. d) In the late nineteenth century, the major debate over marriage rights involved whether interracial couples should be allowed to marry.


In her research on social class and parenting, Annette Lareau found that poor and working-class parents engaged in a style of parenting she called the accomplishment of natural growth. These parents believed their children's success would be the natural outcome of a childhood spent a) playing informally and hanging out in mixed-age groups of friends and family. b) involved in structured activities with same-age peers. c) questioning authority. d) preparing for college.


In occupations that require similar levels of job training, education, and risk, those dominated by men tend to have __________ wages and __________ status than those dominated by women. a) higher; higher b) lower; lower c) higher; lower d) lower; higher


Jennifer's father was a lower-level manager of a department store. Jennifer was able to go to college and get her master's degree in business administration, and now she is a district manager overseeing all department stores that operate on the West Coast. This is an example of a) social mobility. b) individual-level factors. c) resiliency. d) ascribed status. e) proletariat.


Jews share a common cultural identification that includes a combination of language, religion, ancestral origin, and/or traditional practices. According to your textbook, Jews are most accurately described as a) an ethnic group. b) a race. c) a nationality. d) an endogamy.


Jos was born female and was raised as a girl, but identifies as a man. His __________ does not match his assigned sex and is described as __________. a) gender identity; transgender b) sexual orientation; heterosexual c) chromosomes; intersex d)genitalia; transgender


Kai and his family live in a small town in Minnesota and Amelia and her family live in Boston. According to the federal poverty line, both families are poor. However, the poverty line __________, making things even more difficult for Amelia's family in such an expensive city. a) does not consider geographical differences in cost of living b) does not consider family size c) is based on housing costs d) includes key government benefits


Maria, a Latina immigrant, set aside her dreams of continuing her education in order to work to send money to her family in her country of origin. This is an example of the cultural trait of a) familism. b) matriarchy. c) tradition. d) assimilation.


Maria, a Latina immigrant, set aside her dreams of continuing her education in order to work to send money to her family in her country of origin. This is an: example of the cultural trait of: a) familism. b) matriarchy. c) tradition. d) assimilation.


Most people who have cosmetic surgery choose procedures that a) enhance the difference between the sexes. b) reduce the difference between the sexes. c) enhance the appearance of child-like physical traits. d) make themselves look older.


On average, married people have __________ sex and report __________levels of satisfaction than unmarried people. a) more; higher b) more; lower c) Incorrect Response d) less; higher e) less; lower


Pallavi's parents are professionals, as are their siblings and most of their friends. They are able to draw on their social networks to help Pallavi achieve her goals. This is an example of a) Bourdieu's social capital. b) Marx's conflict theory. c) Weber's iron cage. d) Durkheim's division of labor.


Rashad and Amaya are both young children who live with their mother. Recently, due to the financial strain of single-parenthood, all three of them moved in with a grandparent. This change is referred to as __________ and can often add stress to child development, even when their situation changes for the better. a) a family transition b) social change c) intensive motherhood d) an opportunity cost


Recently, some governments have begun to legally recognize that a) there are more than two possible genders. b) gender is biologically fixed. c) sex and gender are the same. d) gender is predominately biological.


Research shows that in regard to happiness, married people are generally happier than unmarried people. One likely reason for this is that a) happier people may be more attractive marriage partners. b) people in unhappy marriages are more dishonest. c) being single is highly stigmatized in American culture. d) cohabitation is less fulfilling than marriage.


Since the 1950s, family income inequality in the United States has a) declined dramatically. b) increased dramatically. c) declined slightly. d) increased slightly.


Which of the following is an example of how members of a blended family may benefit from their experience in this type of a family? a) Remarried adults tend to preserve their autonomy more than they did in their first marriage. b) Blended families tend to have higher incomes than families that are not blended. c) Blended families are more likely to have well-defined roles for each family member. d) Children of remarried adults are more likely to graduate from college.


Which of the following is the most common reason why intimate partner violent crime is not reported to the police? a) The victim fears reprisal or getting the offender in trouble b) The victim does not believe the police would or could actually help. c) The victim would rather deal with the issue personally and not involve the police. d) The victim does not feel it is important enough to report to the police.


Which of the following is true, according to time use surveys, about the amount of time men and women spend with on child care now compared to the 1960s? a) Both men and women have increased the total amount of time spent on child care. b) Women have increased the amount of time spent on child care while men have decreased it. c) Men have increased the amount of time spent on child care while women have decreased it. d) Both men and women have decreased the total amount of time spent on child care.


Which theory sees people as individuals entering into mutual relationships in order to maximize their own gains? a.) exchange theory b.) feminist theory c.) conflict theory d.) symbolic interaction theory


__________ in northern industrial cities meant that poverty was ________ in communities with a majority of Black residents when good-paying blue collar jobs were eliminated by corporations. Correct Response a) Residential segregation; concentrated b) Residential segregation; low c) Residential integration; alleviated d) Residential integration; moderate


The legal definition of family and of marriage as a family form has important consequences. For example, John and Richard were legally married in Massachusetts. They moved to a state that does not recognize the marriages of same-sex couples. Which of the following are now true? Choose all that apply. a.) They are not eligible to file a joint tax return in their new home state. b.) They are considered married in their new home state and by the federal government c.) They have access to all federal benefits available to married couples. d.) There should be no question about their ability to jointly adopt children.

a & c

How have custody outcomes changed in the last several decades due to a new appreciation of the challenges families now face after divorce? Choose all that apply. a) Shared custody and father-only custody decisions by judges have become more common. b) are no longer garnished from parents who do not make child support payments c) Judges are more often likely to initially presume that joint custody is the best outcome. d) States and local governments have increased their enforcement of child support orders.


Jacob and Ashley are a young couple in their early 20s who have been together for two years and are contemplating marriage. Which of the following is a likely reason why they may choose to get married despite the fact that marriage rates are in decline? (Choose all that apply.) a) Family members, religious leaders, and others may pressure them to marry. b) There is a cultural stigma toward cohabitation. c) There are a variety of government and market incentives for them to marry. d) Although there are alternatives to marriage, most couples imitate common behavior patterns.


According to the textbook, which of the following is an example of rape? Choose all that apply. a) A man has intercourse with a woman who is incapacitated by alcohol or drugs. b) two close relatives have sex with each other, both consenting. c) A woman is fondled against her will by her boss and she reports this incident to police. d) A male child has sex with a female teacher but he says that the sex was not against his will.


According to the textbook, what does the future of American racial and ethnic diversity depend on? Choose all that apply. a) the politics and policies of the government with regard to immigration b) whether immigrant fertility rates begin to equalize with American ones c) the frequency of intermarriage between ethnic groups d) the economic and health conditions immigrants experience in the United States

all of the above

According to data on U.S. divorces in 2012, what is the relationship between racial-ethnic groups and the divorce rate? a) Divorces are the least common for Whites compared to all other racial-ethnic groups. b) Divorces are the most common among American Indians and African Americans. c) Divorces are the least common for Hispanics compared to all other racial-ethnic groups. d) Divorce rates were equal across all racial-ethnic groups in the United States in 2012.


According to research, males and females are a) more different than alike. b) more alike than different. c) opposites. d) converse.


According to research, males and females are a) more different than alike. b) more alike than different. c) opposites. d) converse.


According to the interactionist approach, gender differences within families exist primarily because of a.) inherent differences present from birth. b.) everyday behavior that reinforces gender distinctions. c.) legal requirements. d.) rigid social structures that reinforce gender-appropriate behaviors.


According to the text, what had a significant impact on the emergence of the dating system in the early to mid-twentieth century? a) railroads b) cars c) the flu epidemic of 1917 d) computers


According to your textbook, the consensus perspective takes which view? a.) Society never really changes. b.) Order is the core of social life. c.) Conflict is necessary for social change. d.) Everybody's individual perspective is unique.


According to your textbook, which pattern would show a society with a big division between social classes? a) many family ties within each class and many ties between classes b) many family ties within each class and few ties between classes c) few family ties within each class and many ties between classes d) few family ties within each class and few ties between classes


Aisha dated Robert for five years in her mid-twenties. They discussed marriage, but Aisha's parents did not approve because Robert did not share their religion and culture. The couple broke up and Aisha ended up marrying a man with a similar cultural, religious, and economic background. This is an example of a) homophily. b) endogamy. c) stigma. d) rituals.


Andre and Latisha have a son and daughter. Their son is expected to mow the lawn, take out the garbage, and wash the cars. Their daughter is expected to cook meals, vacuum, and pull weeds in the garden. This is an example of a) equality. b) gender socialization. c) sex dimorphism. d) androgyny.


Andre and Latisha have a son and daughter. Their son is expected to mow the lawn, take out the garbage, and wash the cars. Their daughter is expected to cook meals, vacuum, and pull weeds in the garden. This is an example of Incorrect Response a) equality. b) gender socialization. c) sex dimorphism. d) androgyny.


As a result of a situation in which teenagers were texting naked pictures of themselves, Alaina began a public education program in her community to address what she sees as a(n) __________ environment for adolescents. a) educational b) hypersexualized c) equality-oriented d) judgmental


Data on child abuse and neglect cases show that the majority of cases, the perpetrator is a) the victim's father. b) the victim's mother. c) a male relative. d) a female relative.


Dominique is a recently divorced woman in her 30s who experienced some intimate partner violence during her previous marriage. According to research, what might Dominique's experiences with future intimate relationships be like after experiencing intimate partner violence? a) Research does not show it impacting future relationships so we cannot predict what will happen. b) After experiencing abuse, her odds of establishing a long-term stable relationship are lower. c) It is highly likely she will experience the same type of abuse again in her next relationship. d) After experiencing abuse, her odds of establishing a long-term stable relationship are higher.


During the 1960s and after, __________ increased the independence of middle class and more educated women, while __________ increased the independence of poor women. a) state forces; market forces b) market forces; state forces c) family stability; family change d) family change; family stability


Encouraged by the federal government, many states instituted rigorous abstinence-only education programs in schools in the mid-1990s to the late 2000s. Students who took "virginity pledges" to accompany these programs a) were less likely to have premarital sex. b) were less likely to use birth control. c) were more likely to use birth control. d) waited to have sex until they were married.


Eric and Paul have been in a committed relationship for six years. Unlike some of their heterosexual friends, they are unsure of where the relationship is "going" because __________. Choose the best answer. a) their families accept their status b) marriage between people of the same sex is not legal in their state c) they do not plan to have children d) others take their commitment for granted


Ernesto is a Cuban American living near Miami in South Florida. Which of the following statements about Ernesto is correct? a) Ernesto's race is Hispanic. b) Ernesto's ethnicity is Cuban. c) Ernesto's ethnicity is Caucasian. d) Ernesto is not a minority because of the large number of Cuban Americans living in South Florida. e) Ernesto does not have an ethnicity.


For Sam, the process of __________ took many years as he told his close friends, family, work colleagues, and others that he is gay. Kylie, on the other hand, did not have to go through this process because she identifies as heterosexual. a) homophobia b) coming out c) stigma d) evolution


How does the experience of living together with a partner (cohabitation) impact the likelihood that a couple will later divorce? a) Cohabitation increases the odds of relationship dissolution regardless of whether the couple marries. b) Cohabitation does not affect the chance of divorcing if the couple eventually marries. c) On average, cohabitation before marriage decreases the likelihood that a couple will divorce. d) Cohabitation prior to marriage increases the odds of a couple divorcing in the first 10 years.


How does the textbook suggest we can reconcile the paradox that while we still value the ideal of marriage as a lifelong commitment, contemporary culture is defined by individualism? a) Since cohabitation has become increasingly more common, it has in some ways reconciled the lack of individualism in the institution of marriage. b) Marriage can be understood as the result of a social expectation that we as individuals must make choices and find success in love. c) The decline in marriage and increase in divorce have led to new ideals regarding the institution of marriage, thus aligning it more closely with individualism. d) The culture of individualism has changed our expectations of how long a marriage should last, so it is no longer expected to be a lifelong commitment.


If a society does not educate its girls in the same way it educates its boys, we would not expect to see many women leaders. This is an example of __________, not __________. a) sex difference; gender difference b) the influence of social practice on sex or gender difference; men's innate leadership c) men's innate leadership; socially constructed difference d) women's intellectual capacity; sex difference


In the mid-1950s if a college woman went on multiple dates each week and dated five different men in a month, she was viewed as a) a slut. b) following the norm. c) unlikely to marry. d) hooking up.


Industrialization and the ideology of separate spheres __________ economic equality between husbands and wives, and __________ advantage grew. a) increased; wives' b) increased; husbands' c) decreased; wives' d) decreased; husbands'


Jesus and Maria live together (as intimate partners) but are not married. For census purposes, they are defined as a.) a family household. b.) a household. c.) other relatives. d.)householders.


José and Maria came to the United States from Mexico with their parents. They quickly learned English, but their parents struggle and also want to continue to speak Spanish at home in order to maintain their culture. This is an example of a) generational continuity. b) dissonant acculturation. c) consonant acculturation. d) assimilation.


Juanita and La'Mon, who are both divorced, are a cohabitating couple with two teenage children, one from each of their respective previous marriages. If someone were to ask them why they choose to cohabitate rather than marry, they would most likely say a) they are looking to explore compatibility before deciding to remarry. b) they see cohabitation as a long-term and less risky substitute for marriage. c) there is often social pressure to not commit to another marriage after divorce. d) laws can make it difficult to remarry, especially after a divorce.


Kayla decides to leave her lucrative job as a financial analyst in order to have and raise a second child. The income she will be giving up in order to raise her child can be referred to as a) the motherhood penalty. b) an opportunity cost. c) the parenting cost. d) the fertility cost.


Lin marries someone from inside his cultural group. Which term best applies to this situation? a) exogamy b) endogamy c) acculturation d) miscegenation


Of families in the following groups, which is most likely to be poor? a) Latinos b) American Indian c) Black d) Asians e) Whites


One explanation for the increase in the percentage of people who have sexual intercourse before marriage is a) people are having sex at much younger ages than they used to. b) the typical age of first marriage has increased and these people have had sex in the earlier years anyway. c) most people have at least 15 sexual partners outside of marriage so they need to start early. d) there has not been an increase


One major illustration of the modern changes seen in marriage patterns is that __________ has now become an expected stage in relationships for the majority of couples. a) endogamy b) cohabitation c) religious intermarriage d) annulment


One skill or resource that parents provide (or try to provide) for their children is __________, which helps prepare them for future social situations so that they will feel less confusion and stress. a) the social bond b) socialization c) intensive motherhood d) social networking


Public opinion regarding spanking children can be understood as being shaped by both traditional beliefs as well as __________, which are influenced by the advice of experts such as doctors, teachers, and social scientists: a) opportunity costs b) contemporary attitudes c) religious beliefs d) stigmas


Racially segregated proms are possible because a) there are no laws regulating public schools decisions regarding equal treatment. b) some public schools choose not to hold official proms, thereby tacitly supporting racially segregated private proms. c) there are no mixed-race couples. d) all proms are now racially integrated.


Research finds that religious Americans are more likely than nonreligious people to a) believe dual-earner families are best. b) believe breadwinner-homemaker families are best. c) believe that all kinds of family life are acceptable. d) refuse to express their opinions about family life.


Research on the independence effect of women's employment on the divorce rate indicates which of these conclusions? a) Women's employment is strongly associated with divorce for all types of marriages. b) Women's employment increases the likelihood of divorce, but only for women who are unhappy in their marriage. c) Women's employment increases the tendency of women to leave happy marriages. d) Women's employment has no effect on the divorce rate.


Researchers have found that within the last few decades, those with less education are increasingly delaying their first marriage due to __________. a) higher fertility rates b) increased economic insecurity c) lack of less-educated marriage partners d) lowered incentives for marriage


Sarah, a U. S. citizen, was working in Argentina when she met and married Marcos. When Sarah's job was transferred back to the United States, Marcos was able to immigrate because of the a) 1924 Immigration Act. b) 1965 amendments to the Immigration and Nationality Act. c) 2002 Homeland Security Act. d) 2005 International Marriage Broker Regulation Act.


The official recognition of romantic relationships reflects the intersections of the social institutions of the state and family. Such legal and political processes make family forms a) strictly a matter of personal preference. b) a matter of public debate and personal preference c) equally recognized regardless of the sex and gender of the members. d) separate from relationship building among students in public schools.


The overall allocation of work between men and women in society is referred to as a) the second shift. b) the gender division of labor. c) occupational gender segregation. d) the system of care.


The percentage of adolescents receiving formal instruction on birth control __________ from the mid-1990s to the mid-2000s, while the number of teen pregnancies __________ during that time. a) increased; increased b) increased; decreased c) decreased; decreased d) decreased; increased


The two assumptions required for Gary Becker's marriage market concept are that marriages must be __________ and there must be __________ for spouses. a) endogamous; diversity b) voluntary; competition c) monogamous; variety d) affordable; choices


Theresa and Bill have been married for seven years. During their marriage they have had some occasional arguments that have resulted in physical violence. This situation illustrates which of the four principal patterns of violence? Incorrect Response a) intimate terrorism b) common couple violence c) mutual violent control d) violent resistance


Transgender people are people whose a) sexual orientation does not match their sex. b) gender identity does not match their assigned sex. c) sexual identity does not match their sexual orientation. d) gender identity matches their assigned sex.


Using __________, researchers might try to explain attitudes toward same-sex marriage and adoption held by people born in different decades by examining the historical events that occurred at various points in their lives. a.) the life expectancy perspective b.) the life course perspective c.) exchange theory d.) symbolic interactionist theory


What are the two dominant institutional arenas that the family interacts with? a.) state and military b.) state and market c.) market and athletics d.) gender and social change


What contributed to the Black "retreat from marriage"? a) industrialization b) deindustrialization c) desegregation d) deindividualization


What contributed to the decline of courtship in the process of mate selection? Incorrect Response a) decreasing exposure to urban life for young adults b) increasing freedom for young adults c) growing importance of family ties d) decreasing disposable income for young adults


What does endogamy mean? a) spreading disease among people in the same group b) marrying people in the same group c) the end of a marriage d) the study of marriage


What does the term second shift refer to? a) the extra paid work men have taken on in order to compensate for the economic recession b) the housework and care work women tend to do in addition to paid work in the labor market c) the other shift women work to be employed full-time since most female jobs are part time d) the return of women working in the home from the first shift of their work to the paid market


What was the impact of welfare reform during the 1990s on single-parent homes that were experiencing poverty? a) It reduced the number of single-parent families in poverty and the amount of aid. b) It reduced the number of families receiving aid but the poverty rate of those families increased. c) It increased the amount of aid to single-parent families and their poverty rate decreased. Incorrect Response d) It reduced the amount of aid to single-parent families but the poverty rate stayed the same.


When studying sexual orientation, heterosexuality is a) most often focused on explicitly. b) rarely discussed explicitly and often assumed to need no explanation. c)viewed as the same as homosexuality. d) seen as stigmatized.


Which of the following best explains the reason behind the passion of the childfree movement? a) an increased incidence of miscarriages and fertility problems b) a backlash against the culture of intensive parenting c) cultural changes that have devalued parenthood d) religious beliefs that emphasize reduced fertility


Which of the following is an example of the most common type of relationship a woman has with her attacker in the case of rape? a) A woman is assaulted by a neighbor who lives a few doors down whom she knows casually. b) A woman is assaulted by her boyfriend of nine years whom she was engaged to. c) A woman is assaulted by a stranger who broke into her house in the middle of the night. d) A woman is assaulted by a church leader who has religious authority over her.


Which term refers to the legal dissolution of marriage according to the laws of the state? a) marital dissolution b) divorce c) relationship dissolution d) separation


Why was forcible sex between husband and wife not considered to be rape until very recently? a) It would have been too difficult to find a jury that would believe a wife had been raped. b) Wives were presumed to have consented to sex for their entire lives at the moment of their marriage. c) Marital rape was so rare the legal infrastructure to prosecute it was not in place yet. d) No wife had been willing to file charges against her husband until recently.


__________ employ a specially trained staff that take a problem-solving approach to family violence as opposed to a more punitive one. a) Responsibility frames b) Domestic violence courts c) Court-ordered treatment programs d) Civil protection orders


Economic instability has become pronounced among young adults without college degrees, especially young men. As a result, which of the following is true. Select all that apply. a) Young adults without college degrees are marrying earlier than they were in the past. b) Young adults have a greater tendency to delay marriage, perhaps in favor of a less committed cohabitation relationship. c) Especially as they reach their 30s, the marriage prospects of economically insecure men grow bleaker. d) Lower income women without college degrees are more likely to marry higher income men with college degrees.


How might the existence of boundary ambiguities cause difficulties for the members of a blended family? Choose all that apply. a) Remarried adults have less autonomy in their new relationships, causing family conflict. b) Family members can have a difficult time knowing what their specific role in the family is. c) Fluid living arrangements can undermine the physical sense of family that is normally present. d) Older children are less likely to see their new stepparent as a true parent in a blended family.


Married people attend religious services more often than single people; however, __________ has weakened the traditional religious presence within marriage. (Choose all that apply.) a) the frequency of cohabitation b) the growing independence of spouses c) decreased fertility rates d) the trend toward men's and women's employment equality


A spike in birth rates in the United States during the post-World War II baby boom era caused an imbalance in available marriage partners for women 25 years later, thus lowering their marriage rates and delaying their marriages. This can be understood as an example of a a) marriage market collapse. b) cultural transformation. c) marriage squeeze. d) marriage boundary.


A survey used to study the benefits of marriage is given to members of a community. The results show that married respondents tend to have higher levels of income and higher levels of education compared to unmarried respondents. The findings of this survey likely demonstrate a __________ because the cause (marriage) has been determined by the outcome. a) paradox b) marriage squeeze c) selection effect d) marriage market


According to Cohen, what is the strongest predictor of a person growing up to be poor? a) having a single mother as a child b) being poor as a child c) Poverty and family structure in childhood are related and equally strong predictors. d) Neither poverty nor family structure in childhood can predict poverty in adulthood.


According to conflict theories, who benefits from family structures where women stay home and men work for pay? a.) women and children b.) children and the elderly c.) men and employers


According to the text, when did progress toward gender integration of fields of study stall? a) 1960s b) 1970s c) 1980s d) 1990s-2000s


According to the textbook, the marriage of Barack and Michelle Obama, two Harvard-educated lawyers, illustrates the role __________ plays in choosing a marriage partner. a) the politics of marriage b) social exchange c) socialization d) imitation


Which of the following statements reflects the feminist perspective regarding rape and the frequency of rape? a) Although it is still a common problem, rape is no longer largely underreported. b) Rape does not occur with enough frequency to be considered a systematic form of violence. c) The frequency of rape is enough that it constitutes a structural part of male domination. d) Rape is principally a problem of strangers attacking women in isolation.


Which of the following would be an example of a demographic change that is thought to be related to the decline in the marriage rate? a) society as a whole becoming more individualistic b) women becoming more financially independent from men c) high rates of incarceration among Black men d) passage of marriage laws that ban same-sex marriage


Which of these is an example of occupational gender segregation? a) Male construction workers at a worksite do the manual labor and female workers maintain supplies. b) In a household a mother does almost all of the care work and housework. c) Employment data shows women make up a large percentage of the teaching profession. d) Men and women are paid differently for the same work at a retail store.


Which pair of terms refers to social gender? a) man and male b) woman and female c) woman and man d) male and female


Which statement is true about male and female death rates? a) Females are more likely to die at every age. b) Females are more likely to die young, but less likely to die at old ages. c) Males are more likely to die at every age. d) Males are more likely to die young, but less likely to die at old ages.


While the use of mobile phones and other technological gadgets can clearly enhance children's ability to communicate freely and express themselves, the tracking devices on smart phones also provide parents with a tool to __________ their children, which is another new trend in modern parenting. a) discipline b) entertain c) constrain d) pamper


While we observed the dramatic increase in women's employment rates during the past 40 years, how did men's employment rates change? a) Men's employment has also seen an overall increase but not nearly as large as women's. b) Men's employment has decreased by a large amount because more women are working. c) Men's employment has decreased a small amount due to economic changes and retirement. d) Men's employment is at the exact same percentage rate as it was 40 years ago.


Why is intermarriage the "litmus" test of racial and ethnic difference? a) It happens infrequently. b) It creates the segregation of groups. c) Its frequency allows the measurement of the integration of two groups. d) Its frequency maintains the distinction between groups.


_______ identities and categories reflect perceptions about physical similarities that are assumed to be innate. a) Cultural b) Ethnic c) Racial d) National


__________ is a type of work that is performed face-to-face in order to enhance the capabilities of another person. a) person work b) housework c) care work d) market work


Beth and Kathryn were married in Massachusetts. If we wish to distinguish the characteristics of different types of married couples, we could refer to this marriage between two people of the same gender as a) miscegenation. b) heterogamy. c) patriarchy. d) homogamy.


According to Daniel Patrick Moynihan's 1965 report, what was the main cause of poverty for the Black population? a) racist legislation b) birth rates c) abortion rates d) family structure


According to contemporary polling on attitudes regarding divorce, how is the pattern of support for divorce related to a person's political views? a) Liberals tend to be less approving of divorce because they see it as something that threatens overall family stability and causes more poverty. b) Conservatives tend to be more supportive of divorce because their political ideology emphasizes the importance of freedom of association. c) Liberals tend to be less approving of divorce because they believe it contributes to increased gender inequality. d) Conservatives tend to be less approving of divorce because they fear it causes harm to children and weakens families.


According to modernity theory, which is a characteristic of the late modern (or second modernity) period? a.)Family behavior is rule directed. b.) Narrow restrictions constrain lifestyle choices. c.) Family structures are determined by strict social norms. d.) Family ties are created by individuals deliberately and by choice.


According to recent feminist family theorists, which statement is true? a.) Family types are biologically determined and rarely change. b.) What is good for some women is good for all women. c.) Men and women have very similar experiences of family life. d.) Family types are socially constructed and changing.


According to the federal government's National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey of 2010, how prevalent is rape among men and women in the U.S. population? a) The survey found that 10 percent of women and 1 percent of men reported being raped. b) The survey found that 30 percent of women and 3 percent of men reported being raped. c) The survey found that 25 percent of women and 5 percent of men reported being raped. d) The survey found that 18 percent of women and 1 percent of men reported being raped.


According to the text, when did progress toward gender integration of fields of study stall? a) 1960s b) 1970s c) 1980s d) 1990s-2000s


According to the textbook, the decline of the name Mary in the United States represents the rising trend of what attitude? a) conformity b) atheism c) Islam d) individualism


According to the textbook, which of the following are important factors in explaining the decline in the amount of inequality within-family over the past 50 years? a) Both women and men have seen wage reductions but women increased their income by working more. b) Women have had a wage reduction while men have had no real increase in wages. c) Men have seen wage increases and women have increased their income by working more. d) Women have increased the amount of income they earn and men have had no real wage increases.


Alisha and Greg both work full time outside the home. As a woman, Alisha earns less than Greg and is responsible for a greater share of the housework and child care in order to "make up" the difference. __________ might argue that this arrangement is rational and mutually beneficial. a.) feminist theorists Incorrect Response b.) conflict theorists c.) market theorists d.) exchange theorists


An examination of physical traits that are commonly viewed as attractive in modern society seems to indicate that __________, rather than __________, play(s) a significant role in influencing mate selection. a) evolution; cultural norms b) genes; socialization c) drive to reproduce; utilitarian love d) cultural norms; reproductive fitness


As described by sociologist Viviana Zelizer, the transformation of American childhood during modern times can be understood as children losing their __________ value and instead achieving a newfound __________ value. a) material; labor b) emotional; economic c) labor; material d) economic; emotional


Cai is a married woman in her late 20s who had her first child two years ago. She worked for several years at a financial firm before having her child and is now planning on rejoining the workforce. Research suggests that she will likely face a reduction in salary once she begins working again. The earnings reduction Cai will likely experience is referred to by researchers as a) a work-family conflict. b)occupational gender segregation. c) an opportunity cost. d) the motherhood penalty.


Children who live with __________ are concentrated in higher-income families, while children who live with __________ are concentrated in lower-income families. a) mothers; fathers b) grandparents; parents c) siblings; no siblings d) married parents; a single parent


Children whose parents are college educated are __________ likely to have Internet access at home and to spend __________ time watching television than those whose parents have a high school diploma or less. a) less; less b) less; more c) more; more d) more; less


Elizabeth takes piano lessons, plays on a travel soccer team, attends after-school tutoring sessions, goes to science camp, and is encouraged by her parents to question teachers, doctors, and other adults in positions of authority. Elizabeth's college-educated professional parents engage in a style of parenting called a) helicopter. b) accomplishment of natural growth. c) conformity. d) concerted cultivation.


For as long as she can remember, Nilay has liked to play with dolls while her brother prefers trucks and tools. These were the toys they were given by their parents and their books contained illustrations of these same preferences. This is an example of a) gender orientation. b) biological imperative. c) androgyny. d) gender socialization.


For as long as she can remember, Nilay has liked to play with dolls while her brother prefers trucks and tools. These were the toys they were given by their parents and their books contained illustrations of these same preferences. This is an example of Incorrect Response a) gender orientation. b) biological imperative. c) androgyny. d) gender socialization.


For the purposes of the contemporary census, a family a.) may occupy several households. b.) includes a man and his family. c.) includes unmarried partners. d.) must occupy the same household.


In colonial America, Christian doctrine supported the legal concept of coverture, and wives a) had to cover their heads in public. b) had full rights to citizenship. c) had the right to their husband's property. d) did not have a legal existence, but were incorporated into their husband's citizenship.


In regards to time spent on housework, time use surveys have shown that since the 1960s married women are doing __________ housework, while married men have ___________ theirs. a) almost twice as much; doubled b) almost half as much; decreased by half c) almost twice as much; decreased by half d) almost half as much; doubled


James and Natasha identify as African American. Reflecting a dominant pattern for African Americans, they have children together and are not married. Sociologists might explain their family structure as reflecting a) slavery. b) race. c) family traditions from Africa. d) a response to economic challenges and lack of opportunity.


Mahir and Dalia are a recently divorced couple. Dalia was unemployed for most of their eight years of marriage but she began working at an entry-level retail job two years ago. Both spouses also had experienced varying degrees of stress and unhappiness during the last few years of their marriage. The circumstances leading up to their divorce are most indicative of which effect discussed in your textbook? a) stress effect b) depression effect c) income effect d) independence effect


One problem with using Becker's market principles to understand marriage choices is that Incorrect Response a) it is unreasonable to assume that the marriage market is entered into voluntarily. b) there are too many people seeking marriage partners for the market to function efficiently. c) the tendency toward endogamy makes the marriage market problematic. d) people often make bad decisions when they are in love, so we cannot assume that these decisions are rational.


Rebecca's grandmother told her that when she attended college in the mid-1950s it was common for women to go on a dozen dates in a month with several different men. Rebecca wondered if today's practice of __________ is a different, yet similar, form of behavior. a) dating b) courtship c) utilitarian love d) hooking up


Robert, a Victorian moralist, was concerned that the "epidemic" of male sexual self-satisfaction (masturbation) would result in a) increased marital satisfaction. b) blindness. c) extramarital affairs. d) elimination of the need for family relationships.


Russell is a low-income high school graduate who smokes. These __________ factors may explain his erectile dysfunction. a) biological b) medical c) gender d) social


Sarah and Dean are a young unmarried couple with two children. They are part of the observed nationwide increase in unmarried parents that has been occurring since the 1990s. Sarah and Dean are also __________ to be poor compared to __________. a) less likely; most other married parents b) less likely; most other unmarried parents c) just as likely; most other married parents d) more likely; most other married parents


Shawn was born with ambiguous genitalia and XX chromosomes. This is a condition known as __________, and as a result Shawn's parents decided to label her female and raise her as a girl. a) sexual identity disorder b) homosexuality c) transgender d) intersex


Since the 1990s, the percentage of high school students who have ever had intercourse has __________, while the percentage that used a condom has __________. a) increased; increased b) decreased; decreased c) increased; decreased d) decreased; increased


Since the Supreme Court's Windsor decision, which invalidated the Defense of Marriage Act and allowed the federal government to recognize same-sex marriages, the Internal Revenue Service and other federal agencies have written new rules that include same-sex married couples. These new tangible benefits are an example of the __________ of marriage. a) symbolic status b) economic pressures c) cultural flexibility d) legal status


The occupation with the highest percentage of men is __________, while the occupation with the highest percentage of women is __________. a) groundskeepers; secretaries b) high school teachers; food service managers c) registered nurses; post-secondary teachers d) electricians; pre-K and K teachers


The official poverty line (threshold) a) was developed during the New Deal of the 1930s. b) is based on the cost of average low-cost housing, multiplied by two. c) in 2009 was about $28,000 for a family of four, and about $24,000 for a family of three. d) is based on the cost of a government-determined "economy food plan" times three.


The scholarly view that Black families are resilient and adaptive understands Black family structure as a Incorrect Response a) problem of female domination. b) result of middle-class ideals. c) cause of persistent poverty. d) reaction to persistent poverty.


What does research suggest about the lifetime experience of intimate partner violence for gay men and lesbians compared to heterosexuals? a) Gays and lesbians are more likely to experience intimate partner violence at the hands of their same-sex partners than are people in heterosexual couples. b) Gays and lesbians are less likely to experience intimate partner violence at the hands of their same-sex partners than are people in straight couples. c) Lesbians in same-sex relationships experience intimate partner violence at the hands of their same sex partners at about the same rate compared to straight couples but gay men in same-sex couples experience much lower rates compared to people in heterosexual couples. d) Lesbian and heterosexual women are both more likely to experience intimate partner violence compared to both gay and straight men, though about one-third of lesbians report the abuse was perpetrated by a male partner.


What is the most common form of birth control women use in the United States today? a) Depo-Provera injections b) condoms c) female sterilization d) the Pill


When Irish immigrants arrived in the United States in large numbers in the mid-nineteenth century, they faced discrimination and poverty. By 1960, John F. Kennedy, an Irish American, was elected president. This is an example of assimilation, the process by which a) immigrants reject their own culture. b) immigrants are increasingly marginalized in society. c)parents prevent their children from learning the new language. d) the distinction between immigrants and mainstream society is gradually reduced.


When individuals internalize elements of the social structure and make those elements part of their personalities, they have experienced the results of a) integration. b) segregation. c) discrimination. d) socialization.


When they were instituted in the early twentieth century, programs like Social Security and Aid to Dependent Children promoted marriage by a) giving support to never married women. b) providing benefits only to veterans. c) reducing economic incentives. d) making women who were never married or who divorced ineligible.


Which of the following is a reason for lower rates of marriage among African Americans? a) Latina and Asian women have squeezed Black women out of the marriage market. b) Black women have a lower desire to marry than women in other racial groups. c) Social pressures have led to a reduced desire for all racial groups to marry. d) Black men have problems becoming employed due to a shrinking manufacturing industry.


Which of the following is an example of endogamy? a) a man who marries someone who makes less money than he does b) a woman who remarries after a divorce c) a man who marries someone of the same sex where this is legally recognized d) a woman who marries someone in her racial group


Which pair of terms refers to biological sex? a) man and male b) woman and female c) man and woman d) male and female


While divorce provides a legal dissolution of a marriage according to the laws of a state, an annulment of marriage is different because a) it provides legal proof that a couple is separated for tax purposes pending a divorce. b) it is a determination—religious only—that the couple is now divorced in the eyes of the church. c) it provides a temporary divorce status that can be reversed for one year if the couple desires. d) it is considered a legal or religious determination that the marriage was never valid.


While the term domestic violence has been used the longest to refer to any violence in families, it is less commonly used now. Among feminists, the term __________ is now used instead to refer to intimate partner violence. a) family violence b) male aggression c) wife abuse d) violence against women


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