Socy Exam 2

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As shown in the film, the average amount of child support single mothers receive is


According to the Federal Bureau of Prisons, the total cost of mass incarceration in the US in 2010 was ______

$80 billion.

According to the Bureau of Justice, African American men have a ____ lifetime likelihood of imprisonment versus _____ for White men.

1 in 3, 1 in 17

The prison population in the US grew from ______ in 1970 to ________ by 2014. Correct!

357 thousand, 2.3 million

What percentage of single mothers receive child support?


In the video, the profit to insurance companies was estimated to be

400 million

According to the film, ______ of people incarcerated do not ever go through a trial.


Gross national income-purchasing power parity per capita (GNI-PPP)

A comparative economic measure that uses international dollars to indicate the amount of goods and services someone could buy in the United States with a given amount of money.


A group consisting of three persons.


A group consisting of two persons.


A group with an identifiable membership that engages in concerted collective actions to achieve a common purpose.

Social inequality

A high degree of disparity in income, wealth, power, prestige, and other resources.

Transformational leader

A leader who is able to instill in the members of a group a sense of mission or higher purpose, thereby changing the nature of the group itself.

Transactional leader

A leader who is concerned with accomplishing the group's tasks, getting group members to do their jobs, and making certain that the group achieves its goals.

Modernization theory

A market-oriented development theory that envisions development as evolutionary and guided by "modern" institutions, practices, and cultures.

Net financial assets

A measure of wealth that excludes illiquid personal assets such as home and car.


A person's economic position in society, usually associated with income, wealth, and occupation, and sometimes associated with political voice.


A person's main vocation or paid employment.

Feminist perspective on deviance

A perspective that suggests that studies of deviance have been subject to gender bias and that both gender-specific cultural norms and the particular ways in which women are victimized by virtue of their gender help to account for deviance among women.


A process by which the members of a group ignore ways of thinking and plans of action that go against the group consensus.


A society in which personal success is based on talent and individual effort.

Alliance (or coalition)

A subgroup that forms between group members, enabling them to dominate the group in their own interest.

Labeling theory

A symbolic interactionist approach holding that deviance is a product of the labels people attach to certain types of behavior.

Class society

A system in which social mobility allows an individual to change his or her socioeconomic position.

Caste society

A system in which the social levels are closed, so that all individuals remain at the social level of their birth throughout life.

Primary deviance

A term developed by Edwin Lemert; the first step in the labeling of deviance, it occurs at the moment an activity is labeled deviant (see also secondary deviance).

Secondary deviance

A term developed by Edwin Lemert; the second step in the labeling of deviance, it occurs when a person labeled deviant accepts the label as part of his or her identity and, as a result, begins to act in conformity with the label (see also primary deviance).


A theory that the skull shapes of deviant individuals differ from those of nondeviants.

Global elite

A transglobal class of professionals who exercise considerable economic and political power that is not limited by national borders.

Legitimate authority

A type of power that is recognized as rightful by those over whom it is exercised.

"War on drugs"

Actions taken by U.S. state and federal governments that are intended to curb the illegal drug trade and reduce drug use.

International nongovernmental organization (INGO)

An international organization established by agreements between the individuals or private organizations making up its membership and existing to fulfill an explicit mission.

International governmental organization (IGO)

An international organization established by treaties between governments for purposes of commerce, security, promotion of social welfare and human rights, or environmental protection.

Formal organization

An organization that is rationally designed to achieve its objectives, often by means of explicit rules, regulations, and procedures.


Any act defined in the law as punishable by fines, imprisonment, or both.


Any attitude, behavior, or condition that violates cultural norms or societal laws and results in disapproval, hostility, or sanction if it becomes known.

Food deserts

Areas that lack sources of competitively priced healthy and fresh food.

Which of the following is NOT a common criticism of the metrics the U.S. government uses to gauge poverty?

Because family size is not considered when calculating how much money a family needs to live, the poverty line is invalid.

Social categories

Categories of people sharing common characteristics without necessarily interacting or identifying with one another.

The film shows that the U.S. has a

Class system

______ theory maintains that social stratification does not benefit society as a whole but instead serves the interests of wealthy and powerful people.


Organized crime

Crime committed by criminal groups that provide illegal goods and services.

White-collar crime

Crime committed by people of high social status in connection with their work.

Capital offenses

Crimes considered so heinous they are punishable by death.

Violent crimes

Crimes that involve force or threat of force, including robbery, murder, assault, and rape.

Property crimes

Crimes that involve the violation of individuals' ownership rights, including burglary, larceny/theft, arson, and motor vehicle theft.

State crimes

Criminal or other harmful acts committed by state officials in the pursuit of their jobs as representatives of the government.

______ maintains that the poverty observed in many countries is the result of exploitative practices of wealthier nations that manipulate economic systems to their own advantage.

Dependency theory

______ draws attention to the importance of socialization. It asserts that it is through interaction with others that one acquires norms, values, and attitudes favorable to deviant activities. Frequent interactions with and strong emotional ties to those engaged in deviance will increase the likelihood that one will engage in deviance.

Differential association theory

All effective leaders are charismatic.


All groups are more effective when they are structured according to a bureaucratic model.


All prisoners have access to windows and healthy food.


Although they do not have high incomes, each person in the film has a high net worth.


As shown in the film, people who earn low wages can never afford to give money to others.


Based on the film, there is a clear rationale between the crime and punishment.


Based on the video's outcome, the people affected by Superstorm Sandy had a lot of social capital.


Because it is human nature to "go against the grain," people rarely adopt the ideas and outlooks of those around them.


Both conflict and functionalist perspectives agree that economic inequality benefits society as a whole.


Compared to Whites, there are more people of color in prison.


Early researchers dismissed anatomical and biological abnormalities as causes of deviance.


Everyone interviewed in the video agreed that racism is historically linked to the exponential increase in the prison industrial complex.


Feminist perspectives on deviance begin with the assumption that there is no difference between males and females with regard to rates of deviance or types of deviant activity engaged in.


Globally, mobile phones are causing a decline in literacy.


Groceries are usually cheaper in poor neighborhoods.


In contemporary Western democracies, strategies for deterring, detecting, and punishing deviance are applied equally.


In democratic societies, such as the United States, political power is equally distributed among all citizens, regardless of one's social class.


In general, we value people in our society who care for the sick and the elderly, as is reflected in their pay.


In the early 1980s, penalty for cocaine and crack cocaine were the same.


It is only through face-to-face interaction that one will acquire the norms, values, and attitudes favorable to a particular type of deviance.


Mass incarceration in the United States existed before the push for "Law & Order" and a "War on Drugs" in the 1970s.


Most modern families conform to Weber's ideal type of bureaucracy.


Most of the "global elite" inherited their vast fortunes.


Most of the people affected by Superstorm Sandy have returned to their homes.


Most research on authority arrives at the conclusion that people only comply with a leader's demands when they are forced to do so.


Once their sentence is served, most ex-convicts can vote.


One shortcoming of modernization theory is that it ignores a society's internal variables, such as the state of its political system, cultural orientation, and social institutions.


Social stratification is lower in contemporary class-based systems than in early hunting and gathering societies.


The Affordable Care Act has eliminated health care inequality in the United States.


The U.S. invests millions of dollars to help ex-convicts re-acclimate to society.


The US has well-developed plans for rebuilding communities after natural disasters.


The implementation of mandatory minimum sentencing legislation and the "three-strikes" provision creating equity in the prison sentences of Whites, African Americans, and Latinos.


The majority of the world's population lives in low-income countries.


World systems theory and modernization theory are booth rooted in the conflict theoretical framework.


Zero-tolerance policies is a term for programs that have been proven 100% effective in eliminating violent crimes.


A teacher has observed that students who are involved in organized sports, clubs, and lessons, and those who regularly attend religious services or participate in volunteer activities, are much less likely to get in trouble at school and with the law than those who do not regularly engage in these. She concludes that being connected to people and groups that discourage rule breaking reduces the likelihood one will engage in deviant activities. Her ideas are supported by ______.

Gottfredson and Hirschi's control theory

Structural strain

In Merton's reformulation of Durkheim's functionalist theory, a form of anomie that occurs when a gap exists between society's culturally defined goals and the means society makes available to achieve those goals.

A pizza delivery driver's hourly wage plus the tips he receives are classified as


Social bonds

Individuals' connections to others (see also control theory).

Which of the following statements about the relationship between a group's size that is, the number of group members--and the characteristics of the group, it most accurate?

Large groups are more stable than small groups

According to Jean, social service workers often believe recipients of such services are


Mandatory minimum sentences

Legal requirements that persons found guilty of particular crimes must be sentenced to set minimum numbers of years in prison.

Which person in the film appears to have continual access to health insurance?


______ predicts that societies with large discrepancies between socially approved goals—such as wealth and recognition—and the resources available to achieve those goals through legitimate channels will have higher rates of deviance than societies with relatively small discrepancies.

Merton's strain theory

Economic capital

Money and material that can be used to access valued goods and services.

Formal social control

Official attempts to discourage certain behaviors and visibly punish others; most often exercised by the state.

Coercive organizations

Organizations in which people are forced to give unquestioned obedience to authority.

Normative organizations

Organizations that people join of their own will to pursue morally worthwhile goals without expectation of material reward; sometimes called voluntary associations.

Utilitarian organizations

Organizations that people join primarily because of some material benefit they expect to receive in return for membership.

Personal power

Power that derives from a leader's personality

Positional power

Power that stems officially from the leadership position itself.

Robert Michel's iron law of oligarchy addresses this potential consequence of bureaucratically organized political structures:

Power will become concentrated in the hands of a few, and democracy will suffer.

A family consisting of a married couple and their children and stepchildren is considered a?

Primary Group

Iron law of oligarchy

Robert Michels's theory that there is an inevitable tendency for a large-scale bureaucratic organization to become ruled undemocratically by a handful of people.

Zero tolerance policies

School or district policy that sets predetermined punishments for certain misbehaviors, and punishes the same way no matter the severity or the context of the behavior.

A sorority wants to remain homogenous, and so, sisters are encouraged only to recruit those who are African American and from upper-middle-class, Christian families. Which concept best describes what the sorority hopes to achieve?

Social Closure

Achieved status

Social position linked to an individual's acquisition of socially valued credentials or skills.

Ascribed status

Social position linked to characteristics that are socially significant but cannot generally be altered (such as race or gender).

Pluralistic societies

Societies made up of many diverse groups with different norms and values.

______ are unlawful or destructive acts committed by government officials.

State crimes

______ refers to the relative honor or esteem attached to a social position.


_____ proposes a relationship between cultural messages about consumption and deviance. It asserts that deviance will be higher in societies where there is a mismatch between what people are expected to be able to purchase and what they are actually able to afford; these societies will have higher rates of deviance than societies without large gaps between cultural expectations and economic ability.

Structural contradiction theory

Which of the following is best illustrated by the video?

Structural contradiction theory.

Who ultimately pays for disaster recovery?


The United States began prison building after __________

The Civil War

Social closure

The ability of a group to strategically and consciously exclude outsiders or those deemed "undesirable" from participating in the group or enjoying the group's resources.

Political power

The ability to exercise influence on political institutions and/or actors in order to realize personal or group interests.

Social power

The ability to exercise social control.


The amount of money a person or household earns in a given period of time.

Social control

The attempts by certain people or groups in society to control the behaviors of other individuals and groups in order to increase the likelihood that they will conform to established norms or laws.

Total fertility rate (TFR):

The average number of children a woman in a given country will have in her lifetime if age-specific fertility rates hold throughout her childbearing years.


The branding of behavior as highly disgraceful (see also labeling theory).

Official poverty line

The dollar amount set by the government as the minimum necessary to meet the basic needs of a family.


The idea that an overarching structure exists within which culture and other aspects of society must be understood.

Infant mortality rate

The number of deaths of infants under age 1 per 1,000 live births per year.

Life chances

The opportunities and obstacles a person encounters in education, social life, work, and other areas critical to social mobility.


The prestige associated with a social position.

Social capital

The social knowledge and connections that enable people to accomplish their goals and extend their influence.

Global inequality

The systematic disparities in income, wealth, health, education, access to technology, opportunity, and power among countries, communities, and households around the world.

Social stratification

The systematic ranking of different groups of people in a hierarchy of inequality.

Structural contradiction theory

The theory that conflicts generated by fundamental contradictions in the structure of society produce laws defining certain acts as deviant or criminal.

Differential association theory

The theory that deviant and criminal behavior results from regular exposure to attitudes favorable to acting in ways that are deviant or criminal.

Opportunity theory

The theory that people differ not only in their motivations to engage in deviant acts but also in their opportunities to do so.

Control theory

The theory that the cause of deviance is rooted in social control and, specifically, the life experiences and relationships that people form.

World systems theory

The theory that the global capitalist economic system has long been shaped by a few powerful economic actors, who have ordered it in a way that favors their interests.

Dependency theory

The theory that the poverty of some countries is a consequence of their exploitation by wealthy states, which control the global capitalist system.

Strain theory

The theory that when there is a discrepancy between the cultural goals for success and the means available to achieve those goals, rates of deviance will be high.

Informal social control

The unofficial mechanism through which deviance and deviant behaviors are discouraged in society; most often occurs among ordinary people during the course of their interactions.

Social mobility

The upward or downward status movement of individuals or groups over time.

Wealth (or net worth)

The value of everything a person owns minus the value of everything he or she owes.

Subcultural theories

Theories that explain deviance in terms of the conflicting interests of more and less powerful segments of a population.

Class-dominant theories

Theories that propose that what is labeled deviant or criminal—and therefore who gets punished—is determined by the interests of the dominant class in a particular culture or society.

Generally speaking, all of the following are characteristics of international governmental organizations EXCEPT this:

They never reflect political or economic balances.


Throwbacks to primitive early humans.

According to the film, 78% of low-wage workers in service jobs do not have health insurance.


America is home to 5 percent of the world's population, but 25 percent of the world's prisoners. Correct!


An activity does not have to be considered a crime in order to be of interest to sociologists; what is important is that it violates the expectations of a society or some segment of society.


At the time of the film, an estimated 18,000 Americans die every year because they lack health insurance.


Based on statistics in the film, real pay for male low-wage workers is less than it was 30 years ago.


Globally, rates of child marriage are declining.


Higher education is associated with higher income.


In the United States, the distribution of wealth is more unequal than the distribution of income.


More African American men are in prison today than were enslaved before 1863.


Most of the people in the film work full time jobs.


Most of the profit in disaster recovery goes to insurance companies.


Primary groups may arise from within secondary groups.


The U.S. has the highest population of incarcerated individuals in the world


The population of America's prisons was largely flat throughout most of the 20th century. Correct!


Weber's characteristics of an "ideal bureaucracy" apply to the organizations engages in assisting those affected by the disaster in the video.


______ distinguishes a blue-collar job from a white-collar job. Correct!

Type of work

Who is most likely to have a high level of social capital?

a corporate attorney who belonged to a sorority and clerked for a Supreme Court justice after graduation

Which of the following most closely corresponds to the definition of a coercive organization?

a federal prison

Residents of Jubilee Park are 7 miles from the nearest grocery store and 11 miles from a farmer's market. Because most residents are too poor to afford a car, they typically buy their food from a small corner store that primarily sells only prepackaged foods, such as chips, candy, and soda. Sociologists would classify Jubilee Park as ______.

a food desert

The video illustrates that the definition of crime and deviance is __________

a social construction.

A pluralist society is

a society comprising multiple groups with different norms and values

According to the "three strikes" law implemented in California in the 1990s, life imprisonment is mandatory following _________________

a third conviction for a felony.

As a concept, basic needs

acknowledges that poverty is complex and that both human physical and social needs are important

How do war and the conditions of war exacerbate poverty?

all of these ( by destroying property, by depleting a household's economic resources, by disrupting families)

In the strictest sense of the term, deviance refers to

any visible or invisible conduct or condition that violates expectations and may result in negative sanctions if it becomes known

One issue that homeowners encountered was

bureaucratic red tape

In a ______ system, one's position within the hierarchy is based on ascribed, rather than achieved, characteristics; social mobility is virtually nonexistent.


The movement "Black Lives Matter" is about _______________

changing the way we understand human dignity and re-humanizing all of us.

Which theoretical tradition maintains that not everyone in a given society agrees on what social rules, including laws, should be and that the rules in place often benefit powerful groups and individuals and penalize those with relatively less power?


The film's argument that there is a direct link between slavery and the modern American prison system best reflects the social theory of ________


Mandatory sentences required that judges ___________

could not consider the circumstances around crimes.

Capital crime

crimes, such as murder, which are severe enough to merit the death penalty.

In the 1960s, a decision was made to __________

criminalize drugs and drug addiction.

The organizations in the video are examples of what critics of bureaucracies term "irrationalities of rationality" because they

demonstrated waste, incompetence, and goal displacement

According the documentary, the 1960s saw a focused effort to ____________

disrupt the political activities of hippies and African Americans.

The last significant change to the US criminal justice system was the ________

dropping of mandatory minimum sentences for non-violent drug offenders in 2013

According to the film, the key to social mobility is

education and training

According to modernization theory, which of the following would impede a society's progress?

emphasis on cultural traditions and "the way things have always been done"

Theorists Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore propose that economic inequality

ensures that a society's most demanding and critical positions are filled by those who are most qualified

In the United States, police officers, judges, and prison wardens are part of a system of ______.

formal social control

Incarceration in the United States is an example of ________

formal social control.

There is a great deal of variation between societies with regard to the quality and availability of education, health care, nutritious food, technological innovations, and other valuable resources. For example, most people in the United States take it for granted that every home has at least one indoor toilet, whereas less than half of India's population has access to a private toilet or latrine. Which sociological concept is used to refer to these differences?

global inequality

"Two heads are better than one," is a common expression. Behind the saying is the assumption that when people work together on a task, they will be better able to identify the components of an idea that are sound and those that present problems. Which sociological concept contradicts this truism?


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a bureaucracy?

high levels of flexibility

Globally, increased ownership of and access to mobile phones has been linked all of the following positive effects EXCEPT this:

household debt

Which of these is most likely to contribute to a decrease in a society's birth rate?

improvements in health care and sanitation that increase life expectancy

Prison labor is used to ____________

increase profits for corporations.

Ideally, one positive outcome of the impersonal nature of bureaucracies is to

increase the likelihood that all people will receive the same treatment

According to modernization theory, all of the following may be associated with progress EXCEPT this: Correct!

increased fertility

The ______ provides a means of gauging a society's physical health, particularly the health of women and children; a society's level of medical care; and a society's ability to meet the nutritional needs of its people.

infant mortality rate

Empirical research indicates that identifying children as "troubled" or "troublemakers" increases the likelihood that they will engage in rule-breaking activity. Which framework best explains this finding?

labeling theory

An elementary school teacher tells his students to sit quietly, with their hands folded, while he reads a story. The students comply. What type of authority is being exercised? Correct!


Functionalist theorists might argue that each person in the film found themselves in their circumstances because we live in a(n)

meritocratic society

"Why are some societies rich?" is the question at the center of which perspective on global inequality?

modernization theory

A book club that meets once a week at a public library can most likely be classified as a ______.

normative organization

The Texas Crew, a network of more than 100 people, is involved in smuggling drugs and guns across the border between the U.S. and Mexico. It's a complex operation. Some people transport the goods, others allow their homes to be used as storage facilities, and some are charged with the task of maintaining seemingly "legitimate" businesses that are, in fact, nothing more than "fronts" for the operation. Which term best describes the Texas Crew's activities?

organized crime

The film challenges our ideas about

people who work full time and live in poverty or receive government assistance

Many of the riots that occur in America have been in response to _______________

police brutality.

The U.S. economy is best defined as a(n)

post-industrial service economy

According to Lemert, ______ deviance occurs when an individual is labeled as deviant, and ______ deviance occurs when one internalizes the label and changes her conduct to correspond to the label.

primary; secondary

The late 1990s saw a proliferation of private prisons to _________

provide profit to investors.

The video links the disproportionate incarceration of minorities to _______ and _________.

racism, the economy.

In Brazil, many people have enough to eat and a place to live, but they lack the resources necessary to meet social expectations and participate fully in the practices and customs of their culture in the way middle-class families are able to. Which concept best captures this situation?

relative deprivation

In a class system of stratification, all of these are taken into account when determining one's economic position EXCEPT this:


The "southern strategy" was used to ______________

secure Republican votes in the south.

In the United States, the poverty line is

set by the government

According to the video, people do not pay attention to issues unless they are _______


The 13th Amendment to the Constitution declared _________

slavery or involuntary servitude is acceptable punishment for crime.

The of definition of "crime" and determination of "punishment" is the exercise of

social control.

The concept depicted in the film is

social stratification

The systematic, hierarchical arrangement of categories of people in a society that results in unequal access to resources is known as ______.

social stratification

Functionalist perspectives on economic inequality begin with the assumption that

stratification benefits society as a whole

American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) exists to ____________

support the implementation of legislation that benefits corporations.

The evolution of the U.S. penal system reflects the ________

systemic racism and racialization of society

The government agency charged with overseeing natural disasters in the United States is

the Federal Emergency Management Agency

The thrifty food basket is

the basis for a formula used to calculate the poverty threshold

The crime bill of 1994 was responsible for ________

the expansion of prisons.

school to prison pipeline

the policies and practices that push students, particularly at-risk youth, out of schools and into the criminal justice system.

Through no fault of their own, many poor children have trouble getting to school on time and so are counted as absent. Under zero-tolerance policies, when a student accumulates a set number of absences, she may be expelled from school, labeled as "delinquent," and referred to court. This series of events may set the stage for turning a "good kid" into a "bad kid." Within a few years—or months—the child may come to think of herself as a delinquent. Unable to attend classes because she has been barred from public school and unable to find legitimate work because she lacks the credentials and skills employers demand, she may turn to stealing, drug dealing, or other criminal activities in order to prove her worth and earn money. Her illegal activities may result in incarceration. Which concept best captures this trajectory?

the school-to-prison pipeline

Conflict theorists might suggest that the circumstances individuals in the film face are reflective of

the stratification created by those with political and economic power

The term "prison industrial complex" refers to ________________

the system of mass incarceration and the companies that profit from it.

The ______ is the mean number of children a female in a particular country will have over the course of her life, provided that age-specific fertility rates hold during her fertile years.

total fertility rate

According to modernization theory, a nation characterized by low rates of saving and investment, where people look to tradition and the past, rather than toward the future and scientific development, is in this stage:


Which leadership style is likely to be most often found among "shift leaders" and "shift managers" for fast-food and chain restaurants, such as Taco Bell, McDonald's, Applebee's, and IHOP?


Bella is the new president of First Edition, a group dedicated to the promotion of English literacy in first-generation immigrant communities. In the two years that have passed since Bella took the position, the organization's members have become more passionate about their mission and intensified their activities—they put in long hours teaching children to read, promoting the program to parents, and soliciting donations. Bella's strength is in her ability to inspire others and make them believe that they are part of something greater than themselves. Which term best captures Bella's leadership style?


In a class-based system of stratification, the transmission of ______ is key to passing along economic advantage from one generation to another.


A crime committed in the course of doing a legal job—as when the treasurer of a charity diverts contributions from the charitable organization to his private account—is referred to as ______.

white-collar crime

According to the film, on average, in the year following a divorce

women have a lower standard of living

According to ______, global inequality is both caused and maintained by the concentration of power in the hands of a few powerful economic actors who are able to manipulate conditions to their own advantage, regardless of the costs to others.

world systems theory

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