sop exam 2 quizzes

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According to the elaboration-likelihood and the heuristic-systematic models of persuasion, the two key factors that will determine whether we engage in effortful or effortless processing of information are one's ________. A. capacity to process information and level of motivation B. desire to arrive at the best decision and personality characteristics C. level of motivation and concern for pleasing others D. general belief in oneself and concern for pleasing others


According to the theory of planned behavior, our behavioral intentions are determined in part by our perceptions of whether others will approve or disapprove of the behavior, our perceptions of our ability to perform the behavior, and ________. A. our attitudes toward a particular behavior B. others' perceptions of our motivation for engaging in the particular behavior C. others' perceptions of whether we have the ability to perform the behavior adequately D. our perceptions of whether the behavior is considered appropriate for our situation


Gender-based discrimination affects a substantial proportion of the population by ________. A. blocking women's progress in the workplace B. blocking men disproportionately from technical careers C. affecting women's status in the social world more generally D. having a subtle effect on religious participation


Research shows that, on average, ___________________________________________. A. Men have higher self-esteem than women. B. Women have higher self-esteem than men. C. Men and women don't differ in their self-esteem. D. None of the above.


Encouraging majority members to think about the advantages they have enjoyed as a result of their majority status increases their ________ guilt, which, in turn ________ racism. A. collective; increases B. collective; reduces C. individual; increases D. individual; reduces


According to the theory of planned behavior, what type of process precedes the decision to engage in a particular behavior? A. An irrational process B. A rational process C. An unconscious process D. A subliminal process


How do prejudiced people come to perceive themselves as unprejudiced? A. They tell themselves that they view all people equally, even though they don't. B. They compare themselves to extreme bigots and feel that they don't match up. C. They tell themselves that prejudice used to be a lot worse in the past D. They acquire a friend of a differing racial background through tokenism.


Research on self-control has demonstrated that engaging in self-regulation ________. A. increases our energy and provides us with the ability to maintain self-control at a later time B. is like a muscle in that the more we practice self-control, the easier it becomes to self-regulate C. makes us unable to accomplish future goals D. allows us to conserve energy for use on more important tasks


The belief that we can achieve a particular goal through our own actions is known as ________. A. self-esteem B. self-efficacy C. hubris D. self-concept


Cognitive dissonance arises when we notice a discrepancy between our attitudes and our behaviors. One way we can reduce the dissonance is by ________. A. modifying the attitude and the behavior to be more extremely inconsistent with each other B. strengthening the attitude and the behavior and ignoring the discrepancy C. modifying either the attitude or the behavior to be more consistent with each other D. describing the dissonant attitude and behavior to a significant other person to seek their support


Comparing yourself to someone less competent than you is called _________________, whereas comparing yourself to someone more competent than you is called _________________. A. intergroup comparison; intragroup comparison B. intragroup comparison; intergroup comparison C. downward social comparison; upward social comparison D. upward social comparison; downward social comparison


Which of the following is NOT a way that we resist persuasion attempts? A. Reactance B. Forewarning C. Ego-depletion D. Selective avoidance


Ingratiation involves __________, whereas self-deprecation involves __________. A. emphasizing one's credentials; praising another person or using flattering language B. lowering an audience's expectations of one's abilities; emphasizing one's credentials C. leading others to agree with one's views; lowering an audience's expectations of one's abilities D. praising another person or using flattering language; lowering an audience's expectations of one's abilities


Introspection is an effective means of understanding ourselves when the ________. A. focus is on unconscious affective factors B. individual displays an introverted personality configuration C. individual is attempting to predict future feelings about something D. focus is on a conscious decision-making process


LaPiere's research with the Chinese couple pointed out the ________. A. difficulty of studying actual behaviors during travel B. concordance between actual attitudes and reported conditions C. strong agreement between reported attitudes and actual behavior D. difficulty of predicting actual behavior from reported attitudes


The contact hypothesis is based on the idea that ________. A. decreased contact between group members is necessary for the reduction of prejudice B. contact between members of different social groups has no long-lasting effect on the level of prejudice experienced by group members C. increased contact between members of different social groups may increase the degree of prejudice between the groups D.increased contact between members of different social groups can help to reduce prejudice between the groups


Training individuals to refute their own stereotypes is known as ________ training and has the effect of ________ stereotype activation. A. stereotype negation; increasing B. stereotype incrementation; reducing C. social influence; strengthening D. stereotype negation; reducing


What is the most common method used to measure personal self-esteem as an overall assessment of self-evaluation? A. The Rosenberg Scale B. The Implicit Associations Test C. The Positive Self-Talk Method D. The Norman Vincent Peale Assessment


We hold values similar to, and identify with, ________. A. members of our reference group(s) B. members of our age group C. people who dress similar to ourselves D. people with similar tastes in homes and cars


Some people feel that certain groups of people have some underlying, biologically-based features that distinguish that group from other groups. These supposed distinguishing features are known as ________. A. traits B. essences C. stereotypes D. genes


Due to the fact that we can define ourselves differently at any time, we have many selves. Can we say that one of these selves is the "true" self? A. Yes, because one self will be much closer to our true identity than the others. B. No, because all selves can be accurate, depending on the context and comparative dimension. C. Yes, because we always will have a true self even if we don't recognize it. D. No, because how we define ourselves is often inaccurate and exaggerated.


When are women more likely to gain access to high-status positions? A. When the overall economy is strong B. When companies are in a time of crisis C. When they are the first to apply for a vacancy D. When companies are doing well financially


Which attitudinal factor describes the extent of how strongly an individual feels about an issue? A. Certainty B. Extremity C. Personal experience D. Accessibility


One result of tokenism is that it ________. A. increases the likelihood of minority group protests B. damages the self-esteem of biased majority-group members C. increases the likelihood of affirmative action lawsuits D. helps to maintain the perception that the existing system is fair


We form attitudes via classical conditioning by ______________________. A. observing others' behavior B. focusing on our own thoughts C. listening to our peers D. developing associations


In a study, participants were told an African American student had been discriminated against in the grading of a paper, and had either complained about it or dealt with it by accepting responsibility. Participants evaluated the student ________ in the ________ condition than in the ________ condition. A. more negatively; complaint; responsibility B. more positively; complaint; responsibility C. about the same; complaint; responsibility D. more stereotypically; complaint; responsibility


One approach to reducing prejudice and bias is to encourage individuals to recategorize outgroup members and ingroup members as both being part of a larger single social entity. This approach is known as the ________ model. A. common ingroup identity B. social learning C. inclusiveness D. shifting standards


Which of the following is a reason why introspection can be misleading? A. We often don't remember situations as they really happened. B. We don't always know or have conscious access to the reasons for our actions. C. We aren't able to generate logical theories of why we acted in particular ways. D. We rarely remember how we felt during situations prior to the present.


Which of the following is usually true of a persuasive communicator? A. A communicator lacking expertise is as persuasive as a communicator with expertise. B. An attractive communicator is more persuasive than an unattractive communicator. C. A communicator with a vested interest is as persuasive as a communicator without one. D. A communicator who arouses fear is more persuasive than a communicator who doesn't.


Positive self-talk such as "I am a lovable person" tends to ________. A. improve self-esteem overall B. improve self-esteem for individuals with low self-esteem C. sometimes decrease happiness for people with low self-esteem D. sometimes decrease happiness for people with high self-esteem


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