Spanish-American War/Panama Canal

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Jones Act

(WW) 1916, Promised Philippine independence. Given freedom in 1917, their economy grew as a satellite of the U.S. Filipino independence was not realized for 30 years.

Causes of Spanish-American War

1. sugar cane - American business interest in Cuba 2. sympathy for Cuba - US understood they wanted to be free 3.Desire for Naval bases 4. Desire to eliminate Spain from the Western Hemisphere 5. Yellow Journalism - exaggerated reporting of the U.S.S. Maine explosion 6. Humanitarian concerns over Cuba 7. Jingoism 8. Outrage of the DeLome Letter

William McKinley

25th president, responsible for Spanish-American War and the Annexation of Hawaii, assassinated

The Philippines

A Spanish colony in the Pacific whom the US helped free from the Spanish, but soon after took as their own colony.


A country whose affairs are partially controlled by a stronger power.


A disease caused by mosquitoes implanting parasites in the blood.

Panama Canal

A man-made water way built by the U.S. across Central America to connect Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.


A narrow strip of land connecting two larger land areas

Commodore (Dewey)

A naval officer of high rank, in particular an officer in the US Navy or Coast Guard ranking above captain and below rear admiral.

"Remember the Maine"

A slogan of the Spanish-American war referring to the sinking of a battleship in Cuba. Stirred up by yellow journalism, this lead McKinley to declare war.


After the USS Maine blew up, the United States newspapers blamed the explosion on which country?


An island country in the Caribbean Sea; 90 miles from the southern tip of Florida

Alfred T. Mahan

Author who argued in 1890 that the economic future of the United States rested on new overseas markets protected by a larger navy. Wrote "The Influence of Sea Power Upon History"

Insular Cases

Determined that inhabitants of U.S. territories had some, but not all, of the rights of U.S. citizens.

Buffalo Soldiers

Experienced African-American cavalry soldiers who led the charge at San Juan Hill, Cuba.

world power

Following the Spanish-American War, the United States was a _______________ _________ because they now had territories all around the world.


Guam, the Philippines, and Puerto Rico became this following the Spanish-American War.

Jose Marti

He led the fight for Cuba's independence from Spain from 1895 through the Spanish-American War.Jose Marti was a Cuban poet and journalist who organized a guerrilla revolution against Spain in 1895. ("Cuba Libre") free Cuba was his battle cry; and he sought US support and intervention.


Ideas spread to influence public opinion for or against a cause

"The Splendid Little War"

John Hay's rendition of the Spanish-American War, because the war lasted fewer than four months, and "only" 400 Americans died in battle/from wounds.

Emilio Aguinaldo

Leader of the Filipino independence movement against Spain (1895-1898). He proclaimed the independence of the Philippines in 1899, but his movement was crushed and he was captured by the United States Army in 1901.

Teller Amendment

Legislation that promised the US would not annex Cuba after winning the Spanish-American war

Platt Amendment

Legislation that severely restricted Cuba's sovereignty and gave the US the right to intervene if Cuba got into trouble -forced into Cuban Constitution. Cuba could not make treaties with other nations; US had right to intervene in Cuba; US naval bases on Cuban land


Most soldiers in the fighting did not die from bullets, instead they died from ________________.

Battle of San Juan Hill

On July 1, 1898, the Rough Riders, supported by two black regiments, charged this hill. Although the Rough Riders took heavy casualties, the public saw the charge as a success.

business interests

One cause of the Spanish-American War was that the United States wanted to protect their sugar cane ____________ ____________ in Cuba.

Big Stick Diplomacy

Roosevelt said the U.S. would, "Speak softly, but carry a big stick."

U.S.S. Maine

Ship that exploded off the coast of Cuba in Havana harbor and contributed to the start of the Spanish-American War

Cuba wanted independence from?


"Butcher" Weyler

Spanish general called "Butcher" because hundreds of thousands of people died in his concentration camps.

What occurred on April 11, 1898

Start of Spanish American War

What was the U.S. business interest in Cuba?

Sugar Cane

What were the results of the Spanish American War?

The U.S. became a WORLD POWER and gained the islands of Guam, Puerto Rico and the Philippines

Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines

The United States took possession of these territories following the Spanish American War.

raw materials

The United States wanted to take over land around the world looking for these types of materials.


The actions used by one nation to exercise economic and political control over smaller weaker nations.

Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt

The leader of the Rough Riders who fought in Cuba. He became the 26th President following the Spanish-American War. He focused on American businesses, environmental conservation, and strong foreign policy.

Rough Riders

These volunteer soldiers led by Theodore Roosevelt fought in Cuba, captured San Juan Hill, and became a symbol for courage in America.

Anti-Imperialist League

They objected to the annexation of the Philippines and the building of an American empire. Idealism, self-interest, racism, constitutionalism, and other reasons motivated them, but they failed to make their case; the Philippines were annexed in 1900


This is the country where fighting started in the Spanish-American War.

San Juan Hill

This is the name of the famous battle in which American forces defeated the Spanish in Cuba.

Puerto Rico

This island in the Caribbean was kept and turned into a territory following the Spanish-American War.


This island in the Pacific was kept and turned into a territory following the Spanish-American War.


This term describes a nation that does not want to get involved in other nations' problems. A national policy of avoiding involvement in world affairs.

yellow journalism

This type of exaggerated journalism was used during the war to help sell more newspapers.

Yellow Fever

This virus, carried by mosquitoes, killed more American soldiers in the Spanish-American war than the Spanish did.

Reasons for expansion

To keep the economy growing; to promote Christianity and Western civilizations.

What ship sunk?

U.S.S. Maine

public opinion

What the general public thinks about certain issues

sugar cane

What was the main crop grown in Cuba that American business people were worried about?

De Lome Letter

Written by the Spanish minister in Washington, Dupuy de Lôme, it was stolen from the mail and delivered to Hearst. He had called McKinley weak and bitter. It was played up by the yellow journalists.


an agreement made by opposing sides in a war to stop fighting for a certain time; a truce.


unit larger than a flight and smaller than a group (US Navy)

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