Spanish American War/WW1

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These islands had a economical significance to the U.S.. Hawaii's economy mostly ran on the production of sugarcane which was later controlled by American businessmen who tried to convince the government to annex Hawaii so they don't have to pay the tariff. Americans owned ¾ of the wealth. When Liliuokalani tries to give political power back to Hawaiians, business groups call the U.S.S. Boston and American businesses while also locking up Liliuokalani. American business leaders take over Hawaii later leading to its annexation. The U.S. ambassador was John L. Stevens. On January 16, 1893, a government was established in Hawaii with Sanford B. Dole as president. Provisional government becomes considered as the Republic of Hawaii because Dole does not give up his power, and it later becomes annexed to the United States without the people's vote. President Cleveland was unwilling to this force. The annexation was on August 12, 1898.


They believed that the war was evil, and that an example of peace should be set by the U.S.


They believed the war was caused by imperialism between Germany and the English to take control of resources and markets in China, Africa, and the Middle East.

American Expeditionary Force

They were American infantrymen who were replacement for casualties of the Allies. They were called doughboys because of their white belts which they cleaned with pipe clay or dough. In April 1918, they became an independent force that fought under French marshal Ferdinand Foch. They helped prevent the German advance towards the capital of France.

Trench warfare

They were long deep holes in the ground created to protect the soldiers from the machine guns. The trenches were unsanitary and rat infested. It extended for miles, and between the lines of trenches is no man's land which was filled with shell craters and barbed wire. Soldiers were often forced to climb out the trenches, but ended up being killed by machine guns and poison gas. For more than three years, both sides were at a stalemate and the trenches remained in the same position.


They were originally known as the Triple Entente and was France, Great Britain, and Russia. Italy joins in 1915 for territorial gains.

Alliance System

They were treaties signed between countries so that they would receive and give each other protection if they ever were to be attacked. It forced the countries to participate in the war because of their obligation to other countries.


Through the Treaty of Paris of 1898, the Philippines were annexed to the U.S. Its annexation sparked a debate on Imperialism. Some felt imperialism violated the Declaration of Independence, and that it might increase job competition. Others believed racial issues should be solved in the U.S. first before taking on other social problems in the Philippines. A Filipino rebellion lead by Emilio Aguinaldo was formed because of resentment towards the Treaty of Paris. Because of the authority and presence of the U.S. military, rebels lead by Aguinaldo fought against the U.S. leading to a deadly and costly battle. Jan. 1899, Aguinaldo proclaimed Philippines an independent republic and drafted a constitution. In the Philippine-American War, the U.S. became more like Spain, and the war lasted three years. The U.S. won, and the created a government similar to Cuba's in the Philippines and the governor William Howard Taft improved sanitation and built more schools and hospitals.


U.S. makes no moves to have colonies in China, but ensures that the ports remain open for the U.S. to use through the Open Door Policy. The second series of Open Door notes increased American influence in Asia and established a strong American presence in the markets.

Woodrow Wilson

Wilson tries to avoid the war by warning Germany about the U-boats, and also proposing a treaty where the war ends without a victory and that there are no harsh terms on each other. He wanted them to join a league of peace that extends democracy, maintains freedom of the sea, and reduces military weapons and equipment. However, Germans continued to fight cause the U.S. to join the war. He states that the way to peace is by joining the war. He proposed the 14 points and wanted countries to be independent.

Know the timeline of events for annexing

1890 McKinley Tariff. 1891 King Kalakaua died and Liliuokalani becomes Queen. January 16, 1893 U.S.S. Boston appears at Honolulu harbor. 1897 McKinley succeeded Cleveland. August 12, 1898 Hawaii is annexed by Congress.

De Lome Letter

A private letter from Enrique Dupuy de Lome, a spanish minister, to the U.S. was leaked into the New York Journal which revealed his criticism towards president Mckinley causing resentment from Americans. It was revealed in Feb. 1898. The letter was stolen from a Cuban rebel. He later resigned.

Political/military reasons

American foreign policy experts believed America should strengthen their military/navy by building bases for fleets and also cruisers so that the U.S. has a known military presence. They wanted to create a modern fleet, Caribbean naval bases, and construct a canal across the Isthmus of Panama. They wanted to acquire Hawaii for the sugarcane plantations.

Racist reasons

Americans believed that Christianity needed to spread and also believed the only civilization in the world was of Anglo-Saxons which made other races seem inferior. Believed in social darwinism where races survive in free market competition.

John Hay

As U.S. Secretary of State, he proposed the Open Door notes and also a second series of Open Door notes to protect American interests.

British Blockade

Britain set up a blockade along the German coast to prevent military supplies, food, and fertilizers from entering Germany. American ships also could not reach Germany. Germans starved and in 1917 famine caused 750,000 deaths from starvation.

Economic reasons

Economic problems such as high supply/overproduction were viewed to be able to be solved through foreign trade, and the United States' leading economic power. U.S. exported more than imported.

Versailles Treaty

Ends World War 1, and was created with the Big Four. Ended up being formed from anger and a desire for revenge against Germany. It made Germany sign the War Guilt Clause. Germany lost its colonies and gave back Alsace-Lorraine to France. It demilitarized Germany and forced them to pay 33 billion. Austria-Hungary Empire was broken up, and the League of Nations was established.

Yellow Journalism

Exaggerated news and stories in the American newspaper caused by Hearst's New York Journal and Pulitzer's New York World increased America's sympathy towards Cuban rebels. They used created stories and fake pictures.

War Guilt Clause

Forced Germany to admit that they alone were responsible for World War 1.

Gavrilo Princip

He assassinated the Archduke Franz Ferdinand by shooting him as a representative of the Black Hand. He tried to kill himself, but was unsuccessful, and his purpose was revealed.

King Kalakaua

He died in 1891 and was the brother of Queen Liliuokalani. He was the king of Hawaii.

Alvin York

He is known as one of America's greatest war hero. He was a Christian who at first opposed warfare on moral grounds, but later became convinced that it is acceptable as long as it is for a just cause. He fought in the Meuse-Argonne area. On Oct. 8, 1918, with only a rifle and a revolver, he killed 25 Germans and helped capture 132 prisoners. He was praised by Marshal Foch and General Pershing. He was promoted sergeant and became a celebrity at home.

William McKinley

He succeeded Cleveland in 1897 and he supported the annexation of Hawaii. He prefered avoiding war with Spain and tried diplomatic means to resolve the crisis. General Weyler modified the policy on concentration camps and gave Cuba a limited self-government. He wanted to educate and Christianize the Philippines. Mckinley was reelected 1900 which showed how Americans favored imperialism. He was assassinated not even six months into his second term as president.

Emperor Wilhelm 2

He was Germany's kaiser and emperor. In 1897, he wanted Germany to become a major sea power as well in order compete with the British. He was overthrown by his own people, which eventually ended the war.

Jose Marti

He was a Cuban poet and journalist in exile in New York who started a revolution in 1895 from Cuba's anti-Spanish sentiment. With active guerrilla campaign and deliberate destruction of property, Marti organized a Cuban resistance against Spain. Marti wanted the U.S. to intervene in their second war for independence and tried to do so by mostly destroying American property in Cuba.

General Valeriano Weyler

He was a general sent by Spain in 1896 in response to the Cuban revolt. He created concentration camps and moved the rural population of central and western Cuba into the camps to fight back against the guerilla tactics. Many died from hunger and disease within 2 years.

Grover Cleveland

He was a president and he did not favor the annexation of Hawaii. After Stevens was blamed for the revolution, he directed that the queen be restored to her throne. Dole refused to give up his power over Hawaii and so Cleveland recognized the islands as the Republic of Hawaii because he did not want to use force. He did annex them because he refused to consider annexation unless a majority of Hawaiians favored it.

Emilio Aguinaldo

He was a rebel leader that lead the Philippines into a war against the U.S. in the Philippine-American War. He was captured by American troops in 1901. In the Spanish American War, Aguinaldo had joined forces with the U.S. to gain independence from Spain.

Alfred Mahan

He was an admiral and the president of the Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island. He became one of the most outspoken advocates of American military expansion. He wrote The Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660-1783 which argued for a strong U.S. navy to defend the peacetime shipping lanes essential to American economic growth. He believed the U.S. needed bases where fleets could refuel, and urged the construction of a canal across the Isthmus of Panama. He also urged for the development of a modern fleet, the establishment of a naval base in the Caribbeans, and annexation of Hawaii and other islands of the Pacific.

Teddy Roosevelt

He was assistant secretary of the navy strongly supported a Spanish war and often criticised Mckinley. Giving up his job, he lead the Rough Riders and became known as a hero in the United States. He later becomes president.

John J. Pershing

He was head of the American Expeditionary Force after years in the military. Americans first served as replacement for casualties of the Allies, but Pershing wanted to fight as a separate army. He believed that trench warfare made the Allies defensive, and he wanted an aggressive outtake. April 1918 They became independent and helped stop the Germans from advancing at Cantigny, France.

Archduke Franz Ferdinand

He was heir to the Austrian throne and was assassinated on June 28, 1914 by Gavrilo Princip, a member of a secret society called Black Hand while waving to the crowd. Its goal was to bring the Serbian people together including Bosnia. Austria-Hungary then went to war with Serbia in July 28 which brought in its allies.

George Dewey

He was the American naval commander in the Pacific. On May 1, he lead the U.S. navy into Manila Bay and then destroyed the nearby Spanish fleet. Spain lost 381 men while the U.S. lost 1 sailor from the heat. From this naval victory, American troops were able to land on the Philippines. Americans joined forces with the Philippines and eventually Spain surrendered to the U.S.

Sanford B. Dole

He was the first president of Hawaii, and his unwillingness to surrender his power later lead to Hawaii's annexation. He helped remove Queen Liliuokalani from her throne.

George Creel

He was the head of the Committee on Public Information, and a former journalist. He go artists, advertising people, choirs, social clubs, religious institutions, and even Boy Scouts to help spread about the War and try to convince them. He recruited men to deliver speeches about almost everything relating to the war at anytime. They were called Four Minute Men.

Open Door Policy

It called for equal open access to China's coastal ports while also maintaining China's independence. It was signed by Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, and Russia After the Boxer Rebellion, a second series was created stating that the U.S. would protect trading to be equal throughout China.

Big Four

It included Woodrow Wilson from the U.S., David Lloyd George from Britain, George Clemenceau from France, and Vittorio Orlando from Italy.

McKinley Tariff of 1890

It increased competition between Hawaiian sugar growers in the American market with other sugar growers like Cuban sugar. Hawaiian sugar had not been required to pay a tariff. This tariff increased the call for the annexation of Hawaii so that they would not have to pay the tariff.

No man's land

It is the land between two enemy lines of trenches. It is filled with shell craters and barbed wire. An immense amount of death occurs in this land because of the machine guns and the poison gas.


It is the spreading of one's nation across other countries, and the making of colonies in other colonies for raw materials and industrialization.


It is when countries believed they should put their own interests and national unity above global cooperation, and that the nation should make their decisions based on their self-interest. Instead of working together they conflicted their interests with other interests of other nations. It was also where countries wanted to become an independent nation.


It was a British liner that was sunken by a U-boat on May 7, 1915. 1,198 people were killed and 128 of them were Americans. Germans defended that the ship carried ammunition and explosives, but Americans viewed Germans as a killer.

Paris Peace Conference

It was a meeting the Big Four and other countries had on the terms of the Versailles Treaty. The conference was complicated because they wanted different things for the treaty. The treaty did not please any one nation and was a compromise. The U.S. wanted to follow along the Fourteen points, the French wanted to make sure that Germany would not invade again, and Britain wanted revenge. Italy wanted more land.

Zimmerman note

It was a telegram by a German foreign minister to the German ambassador in Mexico that was interrupted by British agents. It stated an alliance between Mexico and Germany. If the U.S. were to join the war, Germany would help Mexico get back their land.

Rough Riders

It was a volunteer cavalry lead by Leonard Wood and Theodore Roosevelt. They made up part of the army that fought in the Spanish American War and took part in the uphill charge of Kettle Hill on July 1.

League of Nations

It was an international organization that would prevent another world war. It is where they would address diplomatic problems and crises, and it would allow nations to solve problems without the use of war.

Fourteen points

It was proposed by Wilson on January 1918. He wanted open diplomacy, freedom of the seas for all, equal economic opportunities, reduction of military weapons and equipment, and fair and just handling of boundary disputes.

Committee on Public Information

It was the nation's first propaganda agency, and artists and advertising people created posters, phamlets, signs, paintings, cartoons, and sculptures to try to convince people to join the war effort. "How the War Came to America" was written in Swedish, Polish, Italian, Spanish, English, and Czech, and sold 7 million copies. Men were recruited to deliver a speech anytime, anywhere.

Convoy System

It was used to protect merchant ships from the German blockade. Destroyers and cruisers circling the merchant vessels would travel with the vessels in a large group. By 1917 the shipping losses decreased by half for the British.


It was where a nation increased the size of their military and its strength in order to be prepared to use it for a tool against others. Countries wanted to redeem themselves as the strongest military.

U.S.S. Maine

On Feb. 15, 1898, the U.S.S. Maine exploded killing all the men onboard and although the cause is still undetermined the yellow journalists blamed the explosion on Spain. The Main was sent to Cuba to protect American lives and property. 260-350 died. In 1976, Admiral Hyman G. Rickover believed the explosion was caused from an internal explosion. Its explosion increased the support for war against Spain.

Central powers

Originally the Triple Alliance consisting of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy became the Central Powers with Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire.

Selective Service Act

Passed in May 1917, it required men to sign draft because of the lack of manpower. 24 million men registered, and 3 million were selected by a lottery. 2 million troops reached Europe, but only ¾ actually saw real combat. Ages ranged from 18 to 45, but mostly those 21-23 were sent overseas. 1 in 5 were foreign born. They had an overall 9 month training period. Women were not drafted, but could enter the navy.

Queen Liliuokalani

She was the sister of King Kalakaua. She proposed a new constitution that would restore political power over the islands to native Hawaiians. She wanted to remove property qualifications for voting. Her actions started the revolution and she was overthrown by the American business leaders.

U.S. and the Versailles Treaty

The U.S. Senate did not ratify the Treaty of Versailles and the U.S. did not join the League of Nations. Americans opposed the treaty because it went against the Fourteen points and made the U.S. more involved in world affairs. On November 1919 the treaty was defeated.

Platt Amendment

The U.S. forced the Cubans to add provisions into their new constitution making Cuba a U.S. protectorate. It states that treaties that limit their independence or allow foreign powers to control part of their country are not allowed, and that the U.S. is allowed to intervene in Cuba to "preserve independence and maintain order". It made it so that debt is not allowed, but allows the U.S. to buy or lease land for naval and coaling stations.


The U.S. provided relief to families and farmers, but under the U.S., Spain officials were still in office exiling or imprisoning Cubans who were against this. U.S. added the Platt Amendment to Cuba's new constitution in order to have some control over Cuba. Cuba becomes a U.S. protectorate.

Reasons why the U.S. joined the war

The United States wanted to make sure the Allies repaid their debts, and also wanted to prevent the German U-boats from killing more Americans as well as disrupting their shipping. The Zimmermann note and Lusitania are also what provoked the U.S. to join.

San Juan Hill

The location of an important infantry attack during the Spanish-American War leading to an American victory. Roosevelt became a hero of San Juan Hill through the newspaper although he was less involved in this victory.

Puerto Rico

The superiority of the U.S. military government lead to the fear of "Yankee Peril". They wanted to be able to choose their own government. U.S. needed Puerto Rico for military presence and for future plans of the Panama Canal, but Puerto Ricans were denied citizenship.

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