Spanish Armada

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How many ships returned to Spain out of the 130?


To which country was it sent to?


Which countries did the Spanish have to sail around to go home?

Ireland and Scotland

When was it sent?

July 1588

When was the fleet spotted off Cornwall?

July 19 1588

When did they drop an anchor near Calais?

July 27 1588

Who was the fleet sent by?

King Philip II of Spain

Was England Strong, have Luck or Both in this instance: The Armada first sailed in April 1588. It hit a terrible storm and many ships were damaged. They had to turn back to get repaired.


How many ships did the English loose?


How long does the English navy chase the Spaniards for after they were spotted off Cornwall? Were they caught?

Over a week but they were not caught

What was the Armada's objective?

Overthrowing protestant England ruled Elizabeth I

Why did the Armada loose because of their tactics?

Spanish anchored at Calais the English filled 8 ships with flammable material and set fire to them. This broke the Spanish Crescent formation and left them vulnerable. The English then fired at them using fire power to try and sink the ships and many fled in the direction of Scotland.

Was England Strong, have Luck or Both in this instance: The Ark Royal was not the largest ship in the Queen's navy but she was well built, fast, light, manoeuvrable in windy conditions and could fire broadsides.


Was England Strong, have Luck or Both in this instance: The English cannons were each mounted on a small gun-carriage, especially built for use at sea. The English had long-range guns too.


Also known as?

#Armada #Invincible Armada #Armada Española #Armada Invencible

How many English soldiers/sailors did were killed?


How many Spanish sailors/soldiers were killed?

20, 000

Was England Strong, have Luck or Both in this instance: After the Battle of Gravelines the Armada was forced to escape by sailing around Scotland and Ireland. The Spanish were not prepared for this long journey. There was not enough food or water. Sailors became too ill to sail their ships properly. Nor did they have maps of these waters.

Both strong and lucky

Was England Strong, have Luck or Both in this instance: The English fleet was led by Francis Drake who was a very skilled seaman. However, England's land forces were badly trained and poorly armed.

Both strong and lucky

What did the failure of Spain's enterprises save?

England and the Netherlands from possible absorption into the Spanish Empire

Why did the Armada loose because of their Ship Design?

English ships were better designed - smaller, lighter, faster and better built. The Spanish ships - big ships, slow and hard to manoeuvre, impeded there battle plan.

Why did the Armada loose because of the weather?

English weather played a big part in the defeat of the Armada. As the Spanish sailed around England they encountered terrible weather, strong winds and rains blew the ships into rocks. Some Spanish sailors made it ashore but were killed by soldiers and settlers.

What was the main weapon the English used against the Spanish?


What did England's attempts to repel this fleet involve?

First naval battles to be fought entirely with heavy guns

Why did he send the fleet?

He was upset that England was becoming a Protestant Country.

Was England Strong, have Luck or Both in this instance: The Armada was meant to pick up Parma's army in France before setting off to England. However, the sodiers failed to show up.


Was England Strong, have Luck or Both in this instance: The Spanish were chased by the English. But the English had to soon abandon the chase because of a lack of food and ammunition for the cannons. However, as the Spanish made their escape back to Spain they were damaged by heavy storms near Ireland.


Was England Strong, have Luck or Both in this instance: The Spanish sailed in a crest formation which made it difficult for the English to attack. However, the English broke the crest formation by sending flaming ships towards them. The Spanish panicked and scattered. They had no back-up plan and soon fled.


Why did the Armada loose because of the English Artillery?

The English used cannons and firepower to attack the Spanish Ships and were well trained to do this. The Spanish however found their weapons hard to use as their gunners had not been taught how to reload.

Why did the Armada loose because of their Poor plan of Attack?

The fatal error was in the plan of the Spanish Attack. While it sailed in a crescent shape the Armada was relatively safe. However when the Armada stopped to pick up sailors off the coast of Calais they left themselves open to attack. The Spanish also had no Plan B and therefore once the crescent formation had been disturbed the whole expedition was a failure.

Why did the Armada loose because of their leadership?

The man who led the Armada Admiral Medina Sidonia was inexperienced and had no naval background - he was sea sick every time he was at sea. Some people said he did not really want the job of leading the Armada.

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