Spanish I. singular AR verb conjugation
You drink, you are drinking
Tú tomas (drink)
Tú form ending
He speaks, he is speaking
El habla
I enter, I am entering
Yo entro
I study, I am studying
Yo estudio
I look at, I am looking at
Yo miro
I get, I am getting,
Yo saco (get)
I receive, I am receiving
Yo saco (receive)
I take out, I am taking out
Yo saco (take out)
I take, I am taking
Yo tomo (take)
Conjugation process step #3
Add the memorized endings
El, ella, Ud. form ending
He looks at, he is looking at
El mira
He recieves, he is receiving
El saca (receives)
He drinks, he is drinking
El toma (drinks)
She teaches, she is teaching
Ella enseña
She enters, she is entering
Ella entra
She studies, she is studying
Ella estudia
She takes out, she is taking out
Ella saca (takes out)
She takes, she is taking
Ella toma (takes)
You take out, you are taking out
Tú sacas (take out)
You take, you are taking
Tú tomas (take)
Conjugation process step #1
Go to the infinitive
Conjugation process step #2
Keep the stem
You (formal) study, you (formal) are studying
Ud. estudia
You (formal) arrive, you (formal) are arriving
Ud. llega
You (formal) carry, you (formal) are carrying
Ud. lleva (carry)
You (formal) get, you (formal) are getting
Ud. saca (get)
Yo form ending
I teach, I am teaching
Yo enseño
I speak, I am speaking
Yo hablo
I arrive, I am arriving
Yo llego
I bring, I am bringing
Yo llevo (bring)
I carry, I am carrying
Yo llevo (carry)
I wear, I am wearing
Yo llevo (wear)
I drink, I am drinking,
Yo tomo (drink)
You teach, you are teaching
Tú enseñas
You enter, you are entering
Tú entras
You study, you are studying
Tú estudias
You speak, you are speaking
Tú hablas
You arrive, you are arriving
Tú llegas
You bring, you are bringing
Tú llevas (bring)
You carry, you are carrying
Tú llevas (carry)
You wear, you are wearing
Tú llevas (wear)
You look at, you are looking at
Tú miras
You get, you are getting
Tú sacas (get)
You receive, you are receiving
Tú sacas (receive)