SPCE 277 Midterm

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Brainwriting is the preferred strategy for generating potential solutions in many situations. a. True b. False


During this type of co-teaching approach both teachers are responsible for a lesson. They share the instruction of all students, whether it occurs in a large group, in monitoring students working independently, or in facilitating groups of students working on shared projects. This type of co-teaching approach is known as what? a. Alternative Teaching b. Teaming c. Parallel Teaching d. Station Teaching


One important rationale for collaboration is an enhanced ability to: e. Use more resources than necessary f. Eliminate the need for resources g. Protect and control resources h. Share and exchange resources


The basic concepts of collaboration include e. Volunteering f. Sharing resources g. Sharing decision making h. All the answers are correct


List 3 types of team.

Interdisciplinary Multidisciplinary Transdisciplinary

Co-Teaching is not a synonym for _____________? a. Collaboration b. Teamwork c. Communication d. RTI


Guiding statements are divided into what two categories? a. Overt and Covert b. Direct and Indirect c. Explanations and Advice d. Open and Closed


Just like this question, some questions are 'set up' with a statement that establishes the context and situation. What kind of statement is this? a. Prefatory Statement b. Presupposition Statement c. Overt Statement d. Covert Statement


Nonverbal communication is more credible for attitudes and emotions. a. True b. False


One important rationale for collaboration is an enhanced ability to: a. share and exchange resources b. use more resources than necessary c. eliminate the need for resources d. protect and control resources


What are the four spatial relation zones? a. Intimate, Personal, Social, and Public b. Distant, Close, Closer, Closest c. Personal, Communicate, Social, Intimate d. Social, Personal, Intimate, Interpersonal


What do you do when identifying a problem? a. break it down b. talk about it c. turn the statement into a question d. complain about it


What is interpersonal communication? a. A complex, transactional process through which people create shared meanings through continuously and simultaneously exchanging messages. b. a personal lens through which you filter information; it affects how you view and interpret the messages you receive c. creating psychological noise and interfering with the transmission of a message d. prejudicial or emotional barrier that allows biases, preconceived ideas, and the like to distort communication


What is interpersonal communication? a. A complex, transactional process through which people create shared meanings through continuously and simultaneously exchanging messages. b. a personal lens through which you filter information; it affects how you view and interpret the messages you receive c. creating psychological noise and interfering with the transmission of a message d. prejudicial or emotional barrier that allows biases, preconceived ideas, and the like to distort communication


What is technical problem solving? a. a form of RTI b. problem solving using technology c. a scientific form of problem solving d. multistep problem solving


What is the order of the systematic interpersonal problem solving process? a. Analyze the problem-solving context, Identify the problem, Generate solutions, Evaluate Potential Solutions, Select the solutions to use, Implement the solution, Evaluate outcome b. Generate solutions, Analyze the problem-solving context, Identify the problem, Select solutions to use, Evaluate potential solutions, Evaluate outcome, Select the solutions to use, Implement the solution c. Implement the Solution, Analyze the problem-solving context, Evaluate outcome, Identify the problem, Select the solutions to use, Generate solutions, Evaluate Potential solutions d. Analyze the problem-solving context, Evaluate Outcome, Generate solutions, Identify the problem, Select solutions to use, Evaluate Potential Solutions, implement the solution


What is the preferred strategy for generating potential solutions in many problem-solving problems in an open discussion? a. Brainstorming b. brain writing c. nominal group technique d. RTI


Which part of effective listening includes psychological processes and choosing which sound waves to collect? a. Hearing b. Attending c. Responding d. Remembering


During this type of co-teaching approach, both teachers are responsible for a lesson. They share the instruction of all students, whether it occurs in a large group, in monitoring students working independently, or in facilitating groups of students working on shared projects. This type of co-teaching approach is known as what? a. Alternative Teaching b. Teaming c. Parallel Teaching d. Station Teaching


How should you show a person that you are listening? a. Looking off to space b. Nodding, smiling, and saying statements like "yeah" c. Crossing your hands across your chest d. Engaging in your phone


Individuals cannot be part of a team unless ________? (pg. 139) a. They are prepared b .They perceive themselves to be so c .The students are involved d. They are in school


Of the following pairs of terms, which has words that are most similar? a. team teaching and one teach/one tutor b. One teach/one assist and one teach/one observe C. Station teaching and parallel teaching D. One teach/one observe and parallel teaching


Parity as defined means: a. of no value b. equally valued c. valued differently d. not accepted


Team development consists of what? a. Forming, Relating, and Completing b. Storming, Forming, Norming, and Performing c. Teaming, Streaming, Norming, and Performing


Team interactions are regulated by shared _______? (pg. 140) a. Lessons b. Beliefs c. Expectations d. Norms


What are the two reasons for effectively pausing in an interview? a. To breathe between questions and allow the interviewee to recover from tough questions. b. To formulate the question in your head and motivate the respondent to elaborate. c. To reevaluate the situation and allow the respondent to refocus d. To allow a restroom break and a time to respond to possible missed phone calls


What are the two reasons for effectively pausing in an interview? a. To breathe between questions and allow the interviewee to recover from tough questions. b. To formulate the question in your head and motivate the respondent to elaborate. c. To reevaluate the situation and allow the respondent to refocus d. To allow a restroom break and a time to respond to possible missed phone calls


What is more effective than brainstorming? a. Yelling louder b. brain writing c. not participating d. talking to the leader one on one


What is the first phase in the life cycle of teams? (pg. 141) a. Performing b. Forming c. Norming d. Storming


What is voice cue? a. The way you face looks when you are speaking b. The way you sound when you are speaking c. The way you act when you are speaking d. The way your body looks when you are speaking


When you assume things: a. They are always correct b. You never know what is happening in their life, you are being an ass c. You know everything d. You have all true information


Which type of spatial relation would you use if you were talking to a close friend about something that is upsetting or sad? a. Public b. Personal C. Intimate D. close proximity


Which type of spatial relation would you use if you were talking to a close friend about something that is upsetting or sad? a. Public b. Personal c. Intimate d. close proximity


Why is RTI a special type of problem solving? a. It requires the problem solving team to brainstorm solutions without any guidance b. it is technical meaning it has a prescribed set of solutions based on student success and progress c. it is Response To Interpersonal problem solving d. it requires students to solve their own problems


Why is scheduling an evaluation important? a. it helps the teacher plan b. it forces the student to do the intervention c. it makes time to have multiple people meet d. it forces the student to care about the results of the solution


._____________ is the most rewarding approach? a. Station Teaching b. Parallel Teaching c. Teaming d. Co-Teaching


Co-teaching involves ________ or more appropriately credentialed professionals? a. 1 b. 4 c. 2 d. 6


In what co-teaching approach does one teacher instruct while the other collects data? a. One teaching, one assisting b. Alternative teaching c. One teaching, one observing D. none of the above


In what co-teaching approach does one teacher instruct while the other collects data? a.One teaching, one assisting b.Alternative teaching c.One teaching, one observing d.none of the above


Of the following pairs of terms, which has words that are most similar? a. team teaching and one teach/one tutor b. One teach/one assist and one teach/one observe c. Station teaching and parallel teaching d. One teach/one observe and parallel teaching


What are characteristics that do not apply to co-teaching? Choose all that apply! a. It is a marriage between the two teachers b. It is a service delivery option for providing specialized services to students with disabilities c. Teachers in assisted classroom d. A partnering where two teachers of different expertise come together


Which of the following teams is the most collaborative? a. Interdisciplinary b. Multidisciplinary c. Transdisciplinary


Which one is NOT a characteristic of a well-identified problem? a. Participants recognize that a problem exists b. Participants agree on the factors that indicate the discrepancy c. Participants use divergent and convergent processes d. Problem statements invite many kinds of solutions


Which two co-teaching approaches are similar in the fact that they involve small groups? a. station teaching and alternative teaching b. teaming and parallel teaching c. station teaching and parallel teaching d. one teaching, one assisting and one teaching, one observing


Which two co-teaching approaches are similar in the fact that they involve small groups? a. station teaching and alternative teaching b. teaming and parallel teaching c. station teaching and parallel teaching d. one teaching, one assisting and one teaching, one observing


Who does co-teaching involve? a. Only general education teachers b. Only special education teachers c. Both special and general education teachers


As the teacher, you have to question a parent on a touchy subject. What format or approach would you use to get the information you need without causing grief for the parent? A) Inverted Funnel B) Closed and Interrogative C) Open and Indirect D) Funnel


Do we communicate more with verbal or nonverbal exchanges? a. It is equal b. Verbal c. Neither d. Nonverbal


One important rationale for collaboration is an enhanced ability to: a. Use more resources than necessary b. Eliminate the need for resources c. Protect and control resources d. Share and exchange resources


Professional barriers to effective collaboration include a. Teacher ethnicity b. The placement of the teachers' workspace in the classroom C. Teacher training D. Teacher attitudes towards collaboration


Professional barriers to effective collaboration include a. Teacher ethnicity b. The placement of the teachers' workspace in the classroom c. Teacher training d. Teacher attitudes towards collaboration


The basic concepts of collaboration include a. Volunteering b. Sharing resources c. Sharing decision making d. All the answers are correct


There are _________ approaches in co-teaching? a. 10 b. 2 c. 5 d. 6


What is Systematic Problem solving? a. a combination of reactive and proactive problem solving b. using a computer to find the solutions c. using guess and check to solve the problem d. a way to solve problems


What is required for a team to be effective? (pg. 156) a. Clearly articulated goals b. All member's needs are met c. Members have leadership skills d. All of the above


When evaluating potential solutions for student problems, what type of ideas should you eliminate? a. Non-evidence based ideas b. Evidence based ideas c. Well-planned ideas d. Non strategized ideas


Which guideline for giving effective feedback does the following phrase fail to follow? John, last week during your presentation I noticed that it would be better if you spoke slower. What would you think about trying that next time? a. Direct b. Culturally sensitive c. Well timed d. All these guidelines are followed


Which of the following are not an example of a student- centered problem solving team? (pg. 150-152) a. Teacher assistance team b. Intervention assistance team c. Response to Intervention team d. Co-teaching team


Which type of relationship hold the proxemic distance of 4-12'? a. public b. intimate c. personal d. social


Which type of relationship holds the proxemic distance of 4-12'? a. public b. intimate c. personal d. social


Why might a person ask multiple questions at once rather than just one? a. Thinking and talking at the same time b. Moving from vague to focused questions/restating for clarification c. Rushing to have all questions answered quickly d. All of the above


Why might a person ask multiple questions at once rather than just one? a. Thinking and talking at the same time b. Moving from vague to focused questions/restating for clarification c. Rushing to have all questions answered quickly d. All of the above


Why should you identify the discrepancy between the current situation and desired situation when problem solving? a. because you need to specify what problem you are solving (the current situation) and what outcomes you want to see after it is solved (the desired situation) b. because you need to be specific and state clearly what the problem is, and what the desired outcome is c. because the problem solving team needs to be on the same page d. all of the above


What should you do if the solution was not effective for the given problem at hand? a. Move on in the process b. Choose another solution c. Determine the reason d. Re-enter the problem-solving process e. Both C and D are correct


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