Speech 101: Chpt 2

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In which case does a person commit incremental plagiarism?

Cecilia makes a great speech, but she puts one of her source's ideas into her own words without mentioning the source.

During a speech, the actions of listeners can have the most influence on a speaker's


Ethics is the branch of philosophy that includes which of the following?

Discussing honesty and dishonesty Considering issues of right and wrong Understanding of actions that are moral or immoral

You are considering a job in which you would promote and sell a new brand of beer. Which questions can help you determine if that goal is ethically sound?

Do I think this beer is unhealthy? Am I taking this job for money, despite concerns about the product? Does this beer company engage in illegal practices? Do I think drinking beer is a positive activity?

Which question should student speakers ask themselves to assess the soundness of their goals?

Do the goals align with my beliefs?

Which of the following is not a guideline for ethical speaking?

Dressing well for the speech

When researching a speech topic, the speaker should do which of the following?

Familiarize oneself with opposing viewpoints Make sure that the facts are stated accurately Research all sides of an issue

Which of the following statements is true about freedom of self-expression?

If we ensure someone's right to free speech, it does not mean we agree with what they say.

What are reasons to avoid name-calling in public speaking?

It demeans. It dehumanizes. It reinforces prejudicial attitudes.

Listening ethically includes which of the following?

Keeping an open mind to controversial ideas Using good manners when someone else is speaking Focusing your attention on the speaker

Tashiana was in a hurry to complete her speech for a public speaking contest. During her research on world hunger, she found some wonderfully descriptive language. She used those descriptions, which helped her make her points vividly and movingly in the speech. She did not give attribution for these words but did cite the World Health Organization for the facts and statistics that she included in the speech. Tashiana won the contest, but was her speech ethical?

No, because she failed to credit the sources of all her ideas and wording.

Which of the following are ways to avoid global plagiarism?

Not waiting until the last minute to research and prepare your speech Using and citing more than one source in your speech

Who of the following is exercising a protected form of speech?

Pablo, who advocates passing laws to eliminate immigration because he feels that immigrants are inferior

Constructing a speech out of language from two or three sources, without crediting the sources or including much original language, is called

Patchwork Plagiarism

Lack of adequate speech preparation will most likely lead to speakers doing which of the following?

Presenting misinformation Offering misleading advice Giving incomplete information

Which of the following scenarios demonstrates a case of an unethical speech because of dishonesty?

Reva quotes a seemingly offensive statement from a competitor out of context, which would have shown that the statement was not offensive.

Being an ethical listener in a public speaking situation includes which of the following?

Showing support for the speaker by being attentive Showing speakers the same courtesy you want from them when you are speaking Taking seriously your responsibility as a listener.

A listener has a responsibility to encourage the speaker. Which of the following are ways for ethical listeners to encourage speakers?

Showing support with appropriate facial expressions Maintaining consistent eye contact with the speaker Sitting in an attentive posture

Although speakers have the right to be heard, which of the following are not protected under the First Amendment?

Speeches that contain falsehoods that destroy a person's reputation Threats against the life of the U.S. president Speeches that incite an audience to engage in illegal actions where the audience is likely to follow through

Which of the following behaviors might be acceptable in limited situations?

Telling a friend that the cookies he made you are delicious, even if they are not

What is included in a speech bibliography for listing online sources used?

The title of each Internet document

To cite an Internet source properly, which of the following do you need?

The title of the Internet document The author of the document The date the document was last updated

In U.S. history, restricting free speech has been used for which of the following?

To keep women from public speaking To stop civil rights leaders To suppress labor organizers

The practice of name-calling in public speaking is which of the following?

Unethical Harmful to society Mostly protected as free speech under the Bill of Rights

Incremental plagiarism involves which of the following?

Using the exact words of others as your own Paraphrasing the words of others without crediting the sources

During his Internet research, Charles found three articles that eloquently made the points he wanted to make in his speech about gay marriage and the Bible. Charles used portions of each article to make an effective, persuasive appeal that he presented as his own in a classroom speech. Should Charles be concerned about using the work of others without citing the source?

Yes, because plagiarism affects his credibility and reliability as a speaker and a person.

For two years, Janice volunteered for the local Red Cross. When preparing a speech for her class, Janice found a "speaker's bank" of speech manuscripts on the Red Cross Web site. Janice chose a speech from the bank; she was familiar with all the data in that speech, and the document cited the sources of all data. In class, Janice presented the speech as her own. Is Janice guilty of plagiarism?

Yes, of the global type.

Which of the following statements about citing specific information or ideas from the Internet is true?

You are likely plagiarizing if you refrain from citing the sources that you found on the Internet.

Which of the following are guidelines for ethical speaking?

You should consider the impact of your speech. Your goals should not betray public trust for personal gain. You should be fully prepared for the speech.

You have a speech due for your public speaking class but have fallen behind in your preparations. Your roommate has a speech she wrote but never turned in. She offers it to you. Which of the following would be the ethical choice?

You should write your own speech.

Which of the following is an ethical problem caused by rushing through speech preparation?

You will waste the audience's time and not meet your obligation to the audience.

Manipulating statistics in making a speech is

a form of dishonesty, which is unethical.

Plagiarism is

a form of stealing. an ethical issue.

A good way to remember how to apply ethics to name-calling is that

abusive speech and slurs are never ethical.

If you use the views or ideas of others in a speech, you should verbally acknowledge

all sources whether you quote or paraphrase them.

Whenever you quote a person directly, you need to

attribute the quotation to the person.

The best way to give credit for words from a source is to

cite the author or title of the source.

When speakers paraphrase, they

do not need to provide a source for facts that are widely known.

Being courteous, waiting to form judgments about speakers until after they speak, and allowing speakers to speak without unreasonable restrictions are elements of

ethical listening.

Jennifer attended a speech forum presented by several women who advocated pro-choice views. Adamantly pro-life, Jennifer struggled to understand and identify with the beliefs and issues that the speakers articulated. At the end of the speech, Jennifer was disappointed by what she had heard, but she better understood the speakers' reasons for their position. Jennifer's listening behavior can best be described as

ethical, because she listened closely.

Sam is passionate about protecting the environment. He went to a political rally to see a speaker who is known for being supportive of the environment. About two minutes into the speech, Sam left the venue and posted on social media about how great the speaker was. Sam then found out from a friend that the second half of the speech went against everything Sam believed in. Sam made the mistake of

having a positive prejudice about the speaker.

Presenting someone else's words or ideas as your own is a violation of the ethical value of


To avoid incremental plagiarism in your speech, you should

identify the source of any unoriginal words or ideas.

Speakers are expected to behave ethically

in every speech.

As an assignment for his Political Science class, Daniel, a registered Republican, was required to attend a Democratic political rally, listen to a well-known speaker, and write a report about the speech. Upset because he was being forced to go and listen to a political philosophy he probably would not agree with, Daniel took his laptop with him and had his report written and submitted before the speaker was done. Daniel was most likely guilty of

judging the speaker's ideas prematurely.

At a fund raiser last week, Melvin casually referred to his political opponent with a common religious slur. His speech was

legal, but unethical.

Citations of online sources used in a speech

need to specify the author and Web site.

The act of incremental plagiarism is

often accidental.

Ethical listening includes

paying attention.

Ethical decisions are an important part of public speaking because

public speaking is a form of power, and it can be abused.

Global plagiarism is most often the result of

putting off speech preparation until the deadline is near.

If Ronald is speaking to a small class, and he notices several people looking at their phones or putting their heads down, he is most likely going to feel


When people determine their goals for public speaking,

they may encounter gray areas concerning ethics.

Patchwork plagiarism occurs when a speaker

ties together words and ideas from several sources without citation.

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