Speech 1315 Quizzes
In your speech, if you fail to give credit for a couple of short quotations that come from other people, you are committing
Incremental plagiarism
A good speaker will provide "information handles" to enable the listener to understand the message. These include
previews, signposts, and summaries.
What is the best method to improve manuscript speaking?
speak with vocal variety
Recording Guidelines: What must be seen on the video?
speaker, visual aids, and the audience
What a public speaker says and how she or he says it is referred to as
the message itself
What must balance the right to free speech?
the responsibility of speaking ethically
Syllabus-7: Grading How many video recordings and submitted presentations does this course require?
Audience Requirements: In presentations requiring a live audience, how many people must you have present?
You and your friend, Leila, are in the same section of Speech. You are given an assignment which requires you to work in a small group with a third student, Tessa. Tessa does most of the research for the project, and Leila prepares the PowerPoint slideshow to accompany the presentation. You utilize the research and create the preparation and speaking outline. Your group has
Acted ethically because your group divided the work to accomplish the task.
By adding a "Works Cited" area to your speech outline and including all of the sources that you referenced in that outline, you are avoiding
Any perception of plagiarism.
An effective informative speech introduction must include all of the following EXCEPT:
At least two different kinds of support materials.
Syllabus-8: Course Expectations In a case of a violation of the Academic Integrity policy, the instructor has the option to take which of the following actions?
Award a failing grade on the assignment to all persons involved, Drop the student or students from the course, The instructor will submit the names, and documentation to the Dean of Students to be attached to the student(s) Academic Record for further disciplinary action by the College.
You have come early to the room, and you are sitting at your desk in Speech class. Another student comes in and complains that she did not have a chance to finish the last two questions on a homework assignment. She asks you if she may see your paper so that she can copy just two of your answers. She promises to change the wording so that the professor will not know that she copied. If you agree, you are
Cheating because you are agreeing to unethical behavior.
James takes material from two or three sources and presents a speech using paragraphs from each of the sources. During his speech, he does not credit any of the sources with oral citations. James is
Committing patchwork plagiarism.
Syllabus-4: Textbook and Materials What is the title of the Textbook?
Concise Public Speaking Handbook
Technology should be used in your informative speech as an effective tool in the development and in the presentation of your speech. Indicate the one or more options you can use to meet this expectation:
Create and use a PowerPoint slide show as your speech visual aid., Use the Internet to incorporate an appropriate short video clip as a visual aid in your speech., Use the Internet to find current and credible research sources (that you will cite orally in your speech).
Syllabus-13: Institutional Policies How does the college alert students and college personnel of emergency weather and safety situations impacting college operations? (There is intentionally only one answer choice for this question)
DMC Alert
Syllabus-12: Student Support Services The Viking Central tab in the Canvas Dashboard serves as an access point to many of the Student Support Services from Del Mar College. Which of the following can you access through Viking Central?
Disability Services, The Transition Center, Tutoring Services, Veterans Services
There are rules you need to follow when citing the research sources in your informative speech. Which of the following is NOT included in the rules to follow when including oral citations in your speech?
Don't mention the sponsoring organization if there is a title for the article you are using as a source.
An effective informative speech needs to end memorably and strongly using what is often referred to as a "clincher technique." Which of the following is NOT a clincher technique?
End briefly with information you didn't have time to put in the body of the speech.
Accommodation means that speakers should abandon their own convictions in order to show tolerance of the audience's beliefs.
An impromptu speech does not have to be organized.
Aristotle used the term ethos to refer to a speaker's competence.
Avoid personal knowledge and experiences when asked to deliver an impromptu speech.
Derived credibility refers to that which a speaker achieves after presenting a speech.
Extemporaneous speaking and impromptu speaking are the same thing.
Todd gave a speech on the poor quality of local water. He brought in a test kit and demonstrated its impurity. He then advised purchasing a water filter pitcher guaranteed to remove these impurities. At the end of his speech, Todd mentioned that he worked for the company that made the pitcher, and had them for sale. What was Todd's biggest mistake?
Todd violated the ethical guideline of having a responsible goal for a speech.
Your informative speech organizational format refers to how you organize the main points of the body of your speech. What are appropriate organizational formats for your informative speech?
Topical and cause/effect, Chronological and spatial
A receiver's perception of a message is dependent on his or her past experiences, attitudes, beliefs, and values.
Extemporaneous speaking has the most conversational style.
Rehearsal is an important step for excellent extemporaneous speakers.
Effective speech delivery of your informative speech includes:
Using effective eye contact, Using vocal variety
Which of the statements below best describes the following situation: You find a photograph online which you would like to put into your PowerPoint presentation for your class. It is a copyrighted photo from a well-known magazine. You copy and paste the photo into your slideshow and use it as a visual image without giving credit to the magazine which owns the rights to the picture.
Your behavior is ethical because "Fair Use" permits students and scholars to use copyrighted visual images in presentations for educational purposes where no money is exchanged.
When you focus on and mentally summarize the speaker's message, and work to understand the information presented, you are said to be
a critical listener
A good guideline for impromptu speaking is
be brief.
In the introduction to your speech, a good way to establish your credibility is to
be well prepared and confident.
A form of dynamism, often projected through delivery, that occurs when a speaker is perceived as charming, talented, and magnetic is
As an audience member who is listening ethically, it is essential to
consider diverse cultural norms in the speech context.
The environment or situation in which a speech occurs is termed
Syllabus-3: Instructor Information What is the best method for contacting the instructor?
Translating ideas and images in the speaker's mind into verbal or nonverbal messages that an audience can understand is termed
Communication that is truthful, fair, responsible and shows respect for self and others is termed
ethical communication.
Reading a speech word-for-word from material written out on a page is termed
manuscript speaking.
What is an advantage of memorized speaking?
maximum eye contact with audience
In the communication process, what is the term for something that interferes with the communication process (a type of communication barrier)?
The term used by Aristotle to describe appeals to human emotion is
A speaker wishing to establish initial credibility will dress carefully and look directly into the audience's eyes before beginning the speech.
Detecting faulty reasoning in a speech means that you're listening effectively because you're thinking critically.
For persuasive speakers, it is important to establish credibility with unreceptive audiences.
Selecting, attending, understanding, and remembering are all a part of active listening.
Speakers have an ethical responsibility to give credit for information and ideas that are not their own.
Syllabus-11: End-of-Course Evaluation "I may have the opportunity to submit an evaluation of the course at the end of the semester."
The First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees our freedom of speech.
Brent was presenting a speech on Type I diabetes, a disease that he had suffered from for years. He decided not to mention this fact to his audience. Which statement concerning Brent's speech is the most accurate?
A speaker's personal experience makes him more credible to his audience.
Jeb is really very intelligent, but when he gives speeches he tends to go monotone, and doesn't move around much or use many gestures. Most listeners have trouble tuning in to Jeb, even though his speech content is often excellent. Which tip to increase your listening efficiency best applies in this instance?
Adapt to the speaker's delivery finding ways to benefit from the information.
It is an audience member's responsibility to properly encode a speaker's remarks.
Another student, Ramona, takes your Scantron card from your binder without your knowledge and quickly copies your take-home test answers on to her Scantron card. After the test has been turned in, and you become aware of what happened, your ethical responsibility is to
Inform your instructor that Ramona cheated and copied your answers without your knowledge, tell Ramona that it is her ethical responsibility to inform the instructor what she has done or you will do so.
Syllabus -1: Welcome and Keys to Course Success Which of the following is NOT one of the five keys to success in this course?
Prior experience in making presentations
Syllabus-2: Course Information This course is:
Structured, with set due dates for assignments
Syllabus-5: Software and Technical Requirements If you are having technical problems accessing Canvas to to password or browser issues, who do you contact?
The Del Mar College Help Desk
Using sound evidence and reasoning in a speech is an example of
an ethical guideline.
Delivering a speech in a conversational style from a well-developed and researched outline is termed
extemporaneous speaking.
Syllabus-10: Assignment Submissions and Due Dates Assignments can be submitted late without penalty.
When you listen to empathize, you make a judgment as well as understand the information heard.
Head nods, murmurings, facial expressions, and eye contact from audience members are all forms of
When a speaker watches and listens for audience response and adapts the delivered message to that response, the speaker is reacting to audience
When asked to deliver a speech at the last moment, the type of delivery style you will use is
Lifting key passages from sources you do not credit in your speech is an unethical practice known as
In a speech about the rules of cricket, the speaker uses jargon that you don't understand. What are you experiencing?
problems with decoding
A listener who suffers from a fear of misunderstanding or misinterpreting messages is said to have
receiver apprehension.
When listeners can recall ideas and information presented to them, they are said to
What is affected by a speaker's posture and gestures?
visual communication channel
Ethically, if you are uncertain about attributing sources in a speech, your text suggests
when in doubt, document all of your sources in a speech.
Maintaining constant direct eye contact is an advantage of manuscript speaking.
Manuscript speaking is recommended for beginning speakers because every word appears on the page, so they don't fumble for the right word.
Syllabus-5: Software and Technical Requirements This course can be competed using only a tablet or smartphone?
The main purpose of oral citations is to
Give appropriate credit to the original source for his/her language or ideas.
Scott finds a speech outline on the Internet. He copies it and turns it into his instructor. Scott has committed
Global plagiarism.
The most effective informative speeches incorporate a mix of support materials. These are the details that add vitality to your speech, provide clarification, and keep your audience interested. Types of support materials are:
Illustrations and examples, Definitions and analogies, Statistics, Contrasts and comparisons
Syllabus-9: Attendance/Engagement Requirements Under Federal Requirements, student engagement in an online course must be verified by the institution. Which is not accepted as a measure of Engagement in an online course?
Logging into the class
Peter is listening to a speech on stem cell research. He's trying to take down everything the speaker is saying because it seems that everything is important. Is this considered good listening, according to your text?
Not really, because taking down everything said can cause a listener to miss major ideas.
Syllabus-9: Attendance/Engagement Requirements If a student elects to stop participating in the class, what step must she/he take to avoid having a "F" for course grade?
Officially Withdraw from the course
In Ryan's speech on surfing, he is trying to decide whether or not to tell the audience in his introduction that he has been a surfer since he was just a kid. He wonders if this will help or hurt his credibility. What textbook advice applies here?
Ryan should give a brief, credibility-building explanation of his experience with the topic.
Which of the following is an attention getting technique for the introduction of your informative speech.
Telling a story (hypothetical or personal narrative), Using an appropriate quote, Asking a rhetorical or overt question, or Making a startling statement
Syllabus-5: Software and Technical Requirements If you are having problems with broken links, assignment submissions, and other course-related issues, who do you contact?
The Instructor
The speaker spoke so softly that audience members were straining to hear. They tried signaling the speaker by cupping their ears and giving a "thumbs up" sign so as to encourage the speaker to increase the volume. Finally, someone from the back of the room shouted "Louder please." Which of the following statements best describes this situation?
The speaker ignored important audience feedback.
The central idea/thesis in your informative speech should follow all of the guidelines below EXCEPT:
There are no exceptions. All of the above are true about the central idea.
Syllabus-14: Navigating the Course The best method of navigating the course is:
Through the weekly list on the home page and through the Weekly modules
Which of the following statements about plagiarism is accurate?
To plagiarize is to present another person's ideas or language as your own.
The audience's perception of a speaker's competence, trustworthiness, and dynamism is termed
It is important in an introduction to build trust with the audience, to have them believe you and like you. This is known as speaker
When an audience member translates the speaker's verbal and nonverbal messages into information and ideas, this process is known as
The type of credibility when a speaker establishes common ground with the audience, supports an argument with believable evidence, and presents a well-delivered speech is
derived credibility.
Our beliefs, values, and moral principles by which we determine what is right or wrong are our
Given the task of preparing a speech, Susan decides to speak from an outline that can help her sound conversational and spontaneous. She wants to be able to adapt her remarks to the feedback she receives from the audience. She also wants to make more eye contact with the audience. What method of delivery will be best, given Susan's speech goals?
extemporaneous speaking
Jan is in speech class, listening to a lecture. But she's had a very busy week, with lots of assignments. How can she maximize her listening experience in class?
focus on the major ideas
Jon attends a campus speech as an assignment for his public speaking class. When he evaluates the speech, what three elements should he look and listen for in order to deem the speech effective?
if the speech was understandable to the audience, if it achieved its intended purpose, and if it was ethical
A few minutes remain in the class period. The teacher assigns a student to stand before the class and give a brief speech on effective study habits. What method of delivery is utilized in this situation?
impromptu speaking
________ are good to use when speakers want to establish a bond between themselves and their audiences.
personal references
Recording Guidelines: Videos are being posted to YouTube for this course and then embedded into your Canvas submission. What is the required privacy setting?
When delivering your informative speech, you should avoid the following verbal and nonverbal distracters:
verbal fillers and sighing, up-speak and stuttering, awkward body movements and pausing, pacing and excessive gesturing
Recording Guidelines: It is the speaker's responsibility to view and personally evaluate the video recording of a presentation before posting it to the instructor and peer team.