Sports Exam 4

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Gould and Martens found that, on average, children participated for ____ hours per week in their specific sport. 5 11 15 8 3


Recent evidence indicates that approximately what percentage of youth athletes try to hurt an opponent? 25% 3% 13% 19% 1%


According to the swimming study by Gould and colleagues, what percentage of young athletes dropped out of competitive sport because of negative experiences (such as too much pressure or absence of fun)? 10% 19% 44% 28% 37%


Dropout rates for youth sport participants have been estimated to be about what percentage each year? 10% 20% 35% 45% 5%


In the study by Klint and Weiss on former competitive youth gymnasts, what percentage was still participating in gymnastics or another sport? 40% 80% 27% 95% 77%


"Cue" words are often effective because they can help trigger a particular response they can be motivational or emotionally stimulating they broaden attentional focus a and b b and c

A and b

According to Nideffer, effective attenders indicate that they can deal well with a multitude of stimuli from both external and internal sources effectively switch their attention from broad to narrow focus when necessary attend to many stimuli (both internally and externally) while often becoming overloaded with too much information a and b a and c

A and b

According to a research study (Tracelet et al., 2011) with soccer players, what reason was in the top five given for aggressive and anti-social behaviors by players? displacing responsibility to others moral justification adherence to rules and regulations a and c a and b

A and b

Smith's research concerning violence in hockey showed that many coaches, parents, and teammates accept and reinforce the modeling of aggressive acts violence is modeled by young amateur hockey players aggressive play is discouraged by coaches and parents a and b a and c

A and b

Smith, Smoll, and Curtis (1979), in phase 2 of their study comparing an experimental group of coaches using a positive approach with a control group of coaches, found that players who played for experimental coaches rated their coaches as better teachers liked their teammates and coaches more exhibited lower levels of trait anxiety a and b a and c

A and b

In 1990, the Women's Tennis Association instituted a rule regarding age eligibility that limited the amount of tournament play for young players. Looking at its success over a 10-year period, it was found that career length increased significantly players under 21 won more tournaments premature retirements were reduced a and c b and c

A and c

Recent research by Moria Stuart indicates that children aged 10 to 12 had concerns about the fairness of adult actions positive team behaviors negative game behaviors b and c a and c

A and c

Which of the following statements is FALSE? Developing good sporting behavior through competitive sport involvement automatically transfers to nonphysical activity. Physical educators and coaches should be teaching participants basic values such as honesty and empathy. Physical educators and coaches should teach religious values to help build moral development. a and c b and c

A and c

Which of the following strategies is useful for enhancing moral development and good sporting behavior? Discuss moral dilemmas. Treat all players fairly. Reward good sporting behaviors and punish bad sporting behaviors. a and c b and c

A and c

Telling yourself to focus is probably best defined as establishing a routine to be used primarily during "down" times a method to keep attention focused through the use of eye control a cue word for bringing you back into a present focus an exercise that enables you to practice shifting attentional focus the opposite of "stop!" as an attention-focusing tool

A cue word for bringing you back into present focus

According to recent research, instructional self-talk is best on what type of task? strength endurance accuracy balance strength and endurance


Tennis great Chris Evert felt that good sporting behavior meant acting in a classy and dignified way playing with all your heart showing respect for your opponent never arguing with an official or opponent treating others as you would want them to treat you

Actung in a classy and dignified way

"No-look" passes in basketball are accomplished by using a narrow-internal attentional focus advanced cues to predict teammates' future movements several different types of attentional strategies a narrow-external attentional focus a broad-internal focus

Advanced cues to predict teammates future movements

Which of the following is NOT among the criteria for judging aggression? Aggression involves intent. Aggression involves harm or injury. Aggression must be directed toward a human being. a and c b and c

Aggression must be directed toward a human being

Which of the following have shown the strongest relationship? aggressive behavior and media violence academic achievement and homework passive smoking and lung cancer condom use and sexually transmitted HIV All have equally strong relationships.

Aggressive behavior and media violence

The social learning approach to good sporting behavior and moral development is best summarized by the work of Dan Kirschenbaum Albert Bandura Kevin Burke Joan Duda Maureen Weiss

Albert bandura

According to Shields and Bredemeier, morality in sport includes fair play character good sporting behavior all of these a and c

All of these

According to research, which of the following statements concerning spectator aggression is true? Males exhibit higher levels of aggression than females. Working-class individuals are more often involved in aggressive spectator actions. Small-scale, on-the-field aggressive acts serve as triggers for crowd aggression. all of these a and c

All of these

The professionalization of children's sports can be seen in early specialization year-round training private coaching all of these a and c

All of these

When conveying rationales for good sporting behavior, coaches should emphasize why a behavior is considered good or bad the intent of actions role taking all of these a and c

All of these

Which of the following is an aspect of the Sport Friendship Quality Scale developed by Weiss and Smith? loyalty and intimacy conflict resolution self-esteem enhancement and supportiveness all of these a and c

All of these

Which of the following is true regarding parental behavior in youth sport? Mothers and fathers influence their child's sport participation in different ways. Competitive success can be achieved with either developmentally appropriate or developmentally inappropriate parental behavior. Parents are critical in creating and altering the motivational climate for youth in sport. all of these a and c

All of these

Which of the following was recommended to help alleviate choking? imagery secondary task focus pre-shot routines all of these a and c

All of these

According to more recent research by Anderson and Bushman, aggression ranging from instrumental to reactive should be viewed as a circle along a continuum as either reactive or instrumental as an inverted-U as a linear function

Along a continuum

Psychophysiological research on attentional processes in archers and pistol shooters has revealed that accuracy is increased when performers' brain waves are in which frequency? beta alpha delta gamma creatine


Good aggression" (playing within the rules with high intensity) is known in sport psychology as assertive behavior aggression with purpose aggression with emotion intentional aggression unintentional aggression

Assertive behavior

A newly developed measure of sportspersonship by Bolter and Weiss allows athletes to assess behaviors of their coach coaches to assess behaviors of their players players to assess themselves in relation to sportspersonship behaviors a and c a and b

Athletes to assess behaviors of their coach

A young athlete is at risk for developing heightened state anxiety if he has which of the following characteristics? high self-esteem frequent worries about failure low self-performance expectations b and c a and b

B and c

Entirely focusing on body mechanics and movements usually helps one perform a skill during competition may be inappropriate once a skill becomes automatic may be detrimental to performance because the mind gets in the way of the body a and b b and c

B and c

In reviewing the literature that reported personal accounts of burnout among young athletes, Gould found which of the following to be important factors associated with the burnout? coaches' lack of overtraining knowledge parental pressure very high self- and other-imposed expectations b and c a and c

B and c

It has been proposed that sport participation can serve as an alternative to gang behavior by providing increased physical skill development exposure to positive role models increased self-esteem b and c a and b

B and c

Physical education expert Eric Larson thinks that extracurricular activities can have a positive influence on youth development because sport is extrinsically motivating sport efforts are directed toward a goal over time sport requires youth to experience setbacks and overcome challenges b and c a and c

B and c

To improve concentration, an athlete should practice without distractions present establish routines practice eye control b and c a and c

B and c

Which of the following is true regarding self-talk and different cultures? Positive self-talk is related to better performance in East Asians. East Asians had a higher percentage of negative to positive self-talk than did European Americans Negative self-talk is related to poorer performance in European Americans. b and c a and b

B and c

Research testing the catharsis notion of spectator aggression has shown that fans become less aggressive after watching a sporting event fans become more aggressive after watching violent contact sports fans are not affected in terms of aggressive tendencies by watching a sporting event fans become more aggressive under the influence of alcohol b and d

B and d

According to the study by Simon and Martens comparing state anxiety before competitive sports to state anxiety before other childhood evaluative activities, the activity with the highest state anxiety levels was baseball football golf band solo school test

Band solo

According to recent research on early specialization and participation in competitive sport, elite athletes start to specialize in one sport by age 5 start to specialize in one sport by age 8 begin their athletic participation by playing many sports at an early age start to specialize in one sport by age 10 start to specialize in one sport at age 13

Begin their athletic participation by playing many sports at an early age

In a study investigating moral development in elementary school children and the Fair Play for Kids activities, it was found that moral development was higher for the Fair Play group than in the control condition only in physical education classes there were no differences between the control and Fair Play groups both Fair Play groups had higher moral development than the control group a and c b and c

Both Fair Play groups had higher moral development than the control group

The social-psychological approach to studying morality in sport emphasizes that both personal and situational factors help determine good sporting behavior social factors are the key to developing good sporting behavior group dynamics are a factor in developing good sporting behavior situational factors play a role in developing good sporting behavior group interactions are important, especially in establishing roles and norms

Both personal and situational factors help determine good spoting behavior

If just before a tee shot, a golfer shifts her attention from the length of the fairway and the direction of the wind to focusing only on the ball, her attention has shifted from _____ to _____. broad-internal; narrow-external broad-internal; narrow-internal broad-external; narrow-internal broad-external; narrow-external

Broad external - narrow external

Just before shooting, elite pistol shooters display increased galvanic skin responses cardiac acceleration cardiac deceleration acceleration of the autonomic nervous system reduced blood pressure

Cardiac deceleration

According to Arnold's work, in order for character to be developed through sport and physical activity, coaches should have to go through a certification process character development needs to be a mind-set of physical activity leaders teachers should have the children read more about character development parents should be more involved with teaching character development character cannot be developed through sport

Character development needs to be a mind-set of physical activity leaders

Which of the following is NOT among the situational variables that cause increased state anxiety in young athletes? game outcome (winning versus losing) event importance type of sport (individual versus team) coaching style c and d

Coaching style

According to the structural-developmental approach, moral reasoning depends in large part on the emotional development of the individual physical development of the individual cognitive development of the individual psychological development of the individual maturational development of the individual

Cognitive development of the individual

In a study by Gucciardi and Dimmock (2008), choking was found to be best explained by the Attention Threshold Hypothesis Attentional Demand Hypothesis Attentional Capacity Hypothesis Conscious Processing Hypothesis Reversal Theory

Conscious processing hypothesis

Mental representations of alternatives to past occurrences, features, and states" is the definition of ironic processes counterfactual thinking negative cognitions counterbalancing factual misrepresentation

Counterfactual thinking

Which of the following would NOT be classified as an internal distracter? attending to past events attending to future events overanalyzing body mechanics crowd noise fatigue

Crowd noise

Participation in sport keeps youths off the street and out of trouble. This is central to which explanation of the relationship between organized sport and delinquency? labeling economic strains undifferentiated arousal social bonding differential association

Differential association

A gang member took part in a soccer program designed to foster responsibility in gang members. In a quote, one member said that he constantly keeps with him five words that helped change his life. Which of the following was NOT one of these words? effort leadership participation self-control discipline


In a recent review of studies investigating the effectiveness of interpersonal education programs for coaches, it was found that these programs did not improve the interpersonal effectiveness of coaches helped female coaches but not male coaches enhanced interpersonal effectiveness of coaches helped male coaches but not female coaches none of these

Enhanced interpersonal effectiveness of coaches

The definition of good sporting behavior put forth by Shields and Bredemeier emphasizes which of these statements? Ethical standards will take precedence over strategic gain when these are in conflict. Treat others as you would like them to treat you. Have respect for other players, coaches, and officials. Appropriate moral development is different for different ages. Good sporting behavior is an individualized concept.

Ethical standards will take precedence over strategic gain when these are in conflict

Which of the following is NOT a useful step in resolving peer conflict (especially in teenagers) in a nonviolent way? Record the facts. Develop an action plan. Express thoughts but not feelings. Outline necessary changes. Follow up.

Express thoughts but not feelings

According to recent research (McKay & Wolf, 2011), a performer should have what type of focus for optimal performance? external proximal external distal internal distal internal proximal none of these

External distal

Consider an athlete who takes illegal performance-enhancing drugs and argues her actions are okay because everyone does it. At what stage of moral development is she? external control eye for an eye treat others as you want them to treat you following external rules what is best for all involved

Eye for an eye

Based on research with elite high school wrestlers and distance runners, which of the following are the two major sources of the stress experienced by elite junior athletes? fear of failure and coaches' expectations coaches' expectations and feelings of inadequacy parents' expectations and fear of failure fear of failure and feelings of inadequacy parents' expectations and feelings of inadequacy

Fear of failure and feelings of inadequecy

A good way to enhance young athletes' perceptions of their abilities is to have them focus on winning focus on comparing their performance to that of other athletes focus on improving their own performance a and b a and c

Focusing on improving their own performance

Research has indicated that paying attention to step-by-step instructions is most helpful for elite performers for new learners for closed skills for open skills for continuous skills

For new learners

Which of the following statements is FALSE? Good sporting behavior should be defined in very general terms. Rationales explaining your definition of good sporting behavior should be regularly conveyed to participants. Role taking should be especially emphasized around ages 7 and 8. a and c a and b

Good sporting behavior should be defined in very general terms

In the case study of Billy the hockey goalie, what did he learn? how to be rough and tough without getting thrown out of the game how to control his aggression how to deal with aggressive teammates how to deal with aggressive coaches how to use his mental skills to improve his effectiveness

How to be rough and tough without getting thrown out of the game

Most theories investigating the role of attention in performance have used what type of approach? information-processing attentional control conscious control process attentional-arousal limited-capacity


Most aggression in sport falls into which of the following categories? instrumental aggression reactive aggression judgmental aggression intentional aggression physical aggression

Instrumental aggression

Which of the following best represents William James' classic description of attention? It involves the ability to pay attention to several things at once. It implies withdrawal from some things in order to deal effectively with others. It involves components of both width and direction. It involves the components of both internality and stability. It involves both direction and stability.

It implies withdrawal from some things in order to deal effectively with others

A study by Rudd and Gordon (2009) focusing on fan behavior in sport found that fans believed in booing an opponent only after a bad play in booing an opponent for no reason at all it is legitimate to distract opponents in order to win opponents deserve the same respect as their own team coaches should be booed just as much as players

It is legitimate to distract opponents in order to win

A response to either good or bad performances that causes a personal, ego-involved reaction during competition is known as judgmental thinking nonjudgmental thinking ego thought paralysis by analysis ego-orientation

Judgmental thinking

According to a study by Hill and colleagues (2010), which of the following was NOT identified as an antecedent to choking? evaluation apprehension high expectations event importance lack of mental preparation overload

Lack of mental preparation

The risk of trying to maintain concentration throughout a competition is losing concentration due to fatigue too many thoughts attentional selectivity past-oriented thinking future-oriented thinking

Losing concentration due to fatigue

From an attentional perspective, overlearning of skills makes the skills more automatic, thus requiring less attention allows for attentional selectivity produces higher amounts of internal attentional control allows for higher amounts of external attentional control a and c

Makes the skills more automatic, thur requiring less attention

The decision process whereby the rightness or wrongness of a course of action is determined is the definition of moral development moral behavior moral learning moral reasoning moral dilemma

Moral reasoning

In a study on figure skaters, self-monitoring helped skaters become more task focused more process oriented more determined more willing to listen to coaches more motivated

More task focused

The study by Gee and Lee (2007) investigating aggressive play and hockey found that North American players exhibited more aggressive acts (incurring penalties) than did European players European players displayed more aggressive acts than did American players aggressive acts increased as the records of the two teams became more dissimilar aggressive acts have decreased in the NHL over the last 10 years aggressive acts are correlated with number of years in the league

North American players exhibited more aggressive acts (incurring penalties) than did European Players

Which is the major reason that young athletes give for dropping out of sport? other things to do boredom did not like the coach did not like the pressure not exciting enough

Other things to do

A linebacker intends to hurt and injure any receiver who catches a ball over the middle. This is an example of instrumental aggression reactive aggression assertive behavior judgmental aggression unconditional aggression

Reactive aggression

Which of the following is NOT one of the moral action stages hypothesized by Miller and colleagues (1997)? making a choice to act morally deciding the best course of moral action implementing a moral response reviewing history of moral choices interpreting the situation as one that involves moral judgment

Reviewing history of moral choices

Which of the following is NOT one of the levels in Hellison's levels of responsibility model? self-direction self-appraisal self-control caring involvement

Self appraisal

In the case study of head football coach Tom Martinez, Coach Martinez dealt with the area of aggressive play by setting up specific guidelines distinguishing assertive play from inappropriate aggressive play punishing all aggressive play rewarding sportsperson-like behavior a and c

Setting up specific guidelines distinguishing assertive play from inappropriate aggressive play

Bandura's research showed that children who saw adult models commit violent acts repeated those acts more than children who were not exposed to such aggressive models. This supports which theory of aggression? instinct theory frustration-aggression theory social learning theory revised frustration-aggression theory instrumental-reactive aggression theory

Social learning theory

An athlete who is losing in a tennis match might tell her opponent that she is "really following through on her serve nicely." From an attentional perspective, this is a ploy to have the opponent feel good about herself start to focus and think too much about her serve lose her intensity use negative self-talk increase her self-esteem

Start to focus and think too much about her serve

The highest level (level 5) of moral reasoning is characterized by following external rules and regulations treating others as you would like to be treated taking into account what is best for all involved external control an eye-for-an-eye orientation

Taking into account what is best for all involved

Character development is most facilitated by building a task-oriented climate ego-oriented climate competitive climate high-performance climate relationship-oriented climate

Task-oriented climate

Which of the following statements is true? Sport participation builds character. Sport participation builds leadership skills. The benefits of sport participation depend on the quality of the adult leadership. a and b a and c

The benefits of sports participation depend on the ability if the adult leadership

Geibenk and McKenzie studied the use of social learning in a physical education setting, finding that the use of modeling and reinforcement reduced the bad sporting behaviors of fifth-grade boys the use of social comparison reduced bad sporting behaviors of high school wrestlers the use of modeling was not effective in reducing bad sporting behaviors of high school football players the use of rewards was effective in increasing good sporting behaviors in female elite gymnasts none of these

The use of modeling and reinforcement reduced the bad sporting behavior of 5th grade boys

According to Coakley (2006), parents are becoming overly involved in their child's sport because parents are wealthier parents have more time on their hands their child's success makes it more likely they will receive a college scholarship their child's success reflects their worth as a parent parents have easier access to games and practices

Their child's success reflects their worth as a parent

Which of the following definitions does Martens think captures the meaning of good sporting behavior? Treat others as you would want them to treat you. There is no universally accepted definition of good sporting behavior. Act in a fair and equitable manner. Play by the rules. "I call 'em as I see 'em."

There is no universally accepted definition if good sporting behavior

Results from the study of self-talk among junior tennis players (Van Raalte et al., 1994) revealed that there was more negative self-talk than positive self-talk most of the self-talk was instructional in nature there was a strong relationship between audible, positive self-talk and performance a and b a and c

There was more negative self tak than positive self talk

The general aggression model proposes that when aggression occurs, it will be reactive versus instrumental thought out versus impulsive reactive versus hostile internal versus external individual versus group

Thought out versus implusive

Using a trigger word to stop negative self-statements is called thought stopping attentional narrowing external attentional focus peripheral narrowing tunnel vision

Thought stopping

Why would you want to have a friend wave his arms around you while you are focusing on a basketball? to assist you in shifting your attention from the ball to the waving arms to help you in your search for irrelevant cues to force you to maintain concentration on the ball a and c b and c

To force you to maintain concentration on the ball

Which of the following is NOT one of the top five reasons given for participating in youth sport? to improve sport skills to stay in shape to have fun to make new friends to do something I'm good at

To make new friends

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