Sports Med Test Review 1

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Describe the mechanism of injury for a dislocated finger.

A "jammin" force is applied on the end of the finger, or finger was forcefully overextended

What side of the forearm are the flexor muscles located on?

Anterior Side

Describe 3 bony landmarks of the hand & wrist that you would palpate during the HOPS injury evaluation.

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What type of joint is the shoulder joint?

Ball and Socket Joint

What are the functions of the following three muscles: a. Biceps: b. Tricep: c. Deltoid

Biceps - Shoulder Flexor Triceps - Shoulder extensor Deltiod - Does flexion, extension, and abduction of the shoulder

Name the 8 carpal bones.

Capitate, Hamate, Trapezoid, Trapezium, Pisiform, Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrum

If an athlete complains of pain in the front of his/her elbow and the inability to forcefully flex his/her elbow the day after a hard weight curl workout, what would you guess his "injury" to be?

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

Other than the finger joints, which joint is most commonly dislocated in sports? Shoulder, elbow or wrist?


List the four movements in the elbow:

Extension, Flexion, Pronation, and Supination

What is the most common mechanism for a dislocated elbow?

FOOSH/ Valgus Force

What is the etiology for an AC sprain?

FOOSH/ landing on the most lateral aspect of the shoulder

Describe the mechanism of injury for a wrist fracture.

Falling on an outstretched hand

Describe the MOI for clavicle fracture.

Falling on the lateral edge of the shoulder or trauma to the clavicle

Which muscle group is located on the anterior surface of the forearm?

Flexors and Pronation muscles

What is a colles fracture?

Fracture of the DistalRadius and Ulna from falling on an outstretched arm

What main joint makes up the shoulder and determines what type of joint it is?

Glenohumeral Joint

List 2 common names for medial epicondylitis.

Golfers elbow, Baseball Elbow

What are the two types of joints associated with elbow/forearm movement?

Hinge and pivot joint

List the three bones in the elbow:

Humerus, Radius, Ulna

What is tendonitis?

Inflammation of the tendon

Where is the anatomical snuffbox located?

Lateral side proximal to the 1st metacarpal

Little League Elbow involves what anatomical landmark?

Medial epicondyle

Where would an athlete who has experienced valgus force to their elbow experience pain?

Medial side

During internal rotation the head of the humerus is rotating?


The proximal part of the ulna is called:


What is the name of the prominent bump located on the posterior side of the elbow?


What is the name of the tip of the elbow (HINT: most proximal aspect of the ulna)


Which side of the forearm is most likely to sustain blunt force trauma?

Posterior side

The proximal part of the radius is called:

Radial Head

Which bone in the elbow rotates?


Discuss 3 treatment techniques for wrist tendonitis.

Rest from activities, Wearing protection (PRICE), Cold therapy

Discuss 2 treatment methods for a metacarpal fracture.

Splinting the hand, Surgery may or may not be required

Describe supination and pronation.

Supination is palms facing up Pronation is palms facing down

What are the four rotator cuff muscles and what is their role?

Supraspinatus - External rotation Infraspinatus - internal rotation Teres Minor - internal rotation Subscapularis - internal rotation

What does SITS stand for?

Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres Minor, Subscapularis

What is the common name for lateral epicondylitis?

Tennis Elbow

Other than the finger joints, which joint is most commonly dislocated in sports?

The Shoulder

What is the most common MOI for bursitis of the elbow?

Trauma or falling on the elbow

What is the name of the origin for the flexor/pronator muscle group?


Identify the 2 bones of the forearm and which side (lateral or medial) each one of the bones is on.

Ulna is Medial side Radius is on the Lateral side

What is the most common cause of Tennis Elbow?

activities that put stress on the elbow

On which surface do the wrist flexor tendons attach?


The wrist is which type of joint?

gliding joint

The joints in the fingers are which type of joints?

hinge joints

Which carpal bone is most frequently dislocated?


On which surface do the wrist extensor tendons attach?


Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by:

pressure on the median nerve

The thumb is which type of joint?

saddle joint

Which carpal bone is most commonly fractured?


A sprain of the medial collateral ligament of the thumb is also called:

skiers thumb/ gamekeepers thumb

Describe 3 signs & symptoms of a finger fracture.

swelling, tenderness, inability to move finger, deformity of the finger

Describe 3 signs & symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.

tingling or numbness, weakness in your hand,

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