Sports medicine - 1.3

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define somatic strength

strength in which the joint able and length do not change during contraction (dynamic)

legal issues: Define duty of care (DOC)

to make sure that you are using equipment properly

define flexibility

total range of motion at a joint

True or False? In performing a flexibility exercise the appropriate intensity is reached when a feeling of slight tension or burn is felt.


True or False? Instruction of physical activity/ sport skills that is NOT physiologically and developmentally appropriate can increase the potential for injury


True or False? The stronger the muscle, the better the protection for the joint which it crosses.


define isotonic training

variable speed but at a fixed resistance ex: free weights, stretch bands, weight machines

how protective equipment

- good condition and properly fitted - provides minimum standard of protection - used as intended to be used

Each of the following is a physiological benefit of cardiovascular endurance except for A. Increase in the size (i.e., volume and weight) of the heart B. Improved circulatory efficiency C. Reduced blood pressure resulting in a more efficient cardiovascular system D. Decrease in total cholesterol

A, B, C, D

define aerobic

with oxygen, used with distance

responsibilities of a coach

- skill performance: swimming a stroke properly - injury prevention: fixing a stroke so it doesn't affect them later

____________________ refers to the ability to sustain prolonged exercise A. Anaerobic capacity B. Cardiovascular endurance C. Muscular endurance D. VO2 max


An individual questions the need for a warm-up to include static stretching for 30 seconds for each stretch rather than short ballistic stretches. Provide a response for the individual's concern. Demonstrate your ability to differentiate between static and ballistic stretching using the hamstrings musculature.

The quick and forceful motion of ballistic stretching can cause injury itself, because it will not properly warm up the hamstrings. Doing so will not stretch the out and just result in quick overstretching of the muscle which will cause harm

define cardiorespiratory endurance

a measurement go how well your heart, lungs, and muscles work together to keep your body active over an extended period of time

benefits relative to injury prevention

always start training someone off with aerobic exercises

define isokinetic training

fixed speed but with variable resistance

define flexibility : ballistic stretch

increasing flexibility by using repetitive bouncing motion at the end of the available range of motion

define eccentric strength

muscle action is an overall lengthening of a muscle as it develops tension and contracts to control motion perfomed by the outside force

why age and developmentally appropriate

so you are able to teach proper skill and techniques at the right age

In a static stretch, the action of the _______ enables a safer, more effective stretch. A. Golgi tendon organs B. muscle spindles C. Ruffini's corpuscles D. Pacinian corpuscles


Using the biceps brachii muscle, explain and demonstrate the difference between an isometric contraction, concentric contraction, and eccentric contraction.

A biceps curl against a non-movable object is an example of an isometric contraction. The flexion phase of a biceps curl involves muscle shortening (concentric contraction). The extension phase of biceps curl involves muscle lengthening (eccentric contraction)

Strength gains depend primarily on A. the specific training method B. intensity of the overload C. duration of the exercise session D. frequency of the exercise session


Which of the following is a true statement? A. VO2 max is not a genetic trait. B. The average individual has VO2 max range of 50-60 ml/kg/min. C. Elite runners typically have a VO2 max range of 40-50 ml/kg/min. D. An individual can reach the higher level of their VO2 max range through participation in an appropriate anaerobic training program.


Which of the following statements is true? A. An exercise program can increase the number of muscles fibers. B. The strength of a skeletal muscle is determined by the cross sectional diameter of the muscle fibers. C. There are no gender difference with regard to the absolute strength of males and females D. Muscle atrophy is influenced by gender.


The _________________ principle states that the body responds to a given demand with a specific and predictable adaptation. A. overload B. individuality C. specificity D. progression


Vigorous stretching of tissues should be avoided in each of the following conditions except A. After a recent fracture B. After prolonged immobilization C. With normal healthy tissues followed by a brief warm-up period D. With a bony block that limits motion


A runner wants to change training protocol to increase their performance. What advice should be provided to the runner so as not to risk a mechanical stress-related injury?

Make sure you do a lot of static running, probably longer than 30 seconds at each joint from you back down because running uses all of the muscles and without proper stretching you can easily injure yourself, especially when trying to push the body to the limit

why protective equipment

ensure safety for the students during the sport / activity

True or False? A track athlete specializing in the marathon would be better served by a higher proportion of Type IIb fibers.


define flexibility : static stretch

increasing by using movement that is slow and deliberate

define SAID principal

states that the body responds to a given demand with a specific and predictable adaptation

define overload

the principle that physiological improvements occur when an individual physically demands more of the body than normally required

define individuality

when individuals have different responses to a conditioning program due to age, gender, body type, heredity, lifestyle, illness/chronic conditions and previous experience

define anaerobic

without oxygen, used with sprinters

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