**SS_Chapter 8-3 Alexander the Great

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What does Hellenistic mean?

"like the Greeks"

What happened after Alexander died?

- His generals fought one another for power. - Alexander's empire fell apart and split into 4 kingdoms.

What 4 kingdoms took the place of Alexander's empire?

- Macedonia kingdom - Pergamum kingdom - Egypt kingdom - Seleucid kingdom

What changes to Greek civilization did Phillip II and Alexander bring about through war?

- Phillip II united Greek city-states. - Alexander conquered the Persian Empire and spread Greek culture throughout southwest Asia.

How did the Hellenistic kingdoms govern?

- all government business was conducted in Greek language - only Asian and Egyptian who spoke Greek could apply for government posts - the kings preferred to give the jobs to Greeks and Macedonians

What happened to Alexander army on their way back home?

- crossed the desert (know today as the region of Iran) - heat and thirst killed thousands of soldiers

What was Alexander's legacy?

- defeated the Persian Empire - helped extend Greek - lead Macedonia ruled over 3 continents - spread Greek art, ideas, language, and architecture in southern Asia and northern Africa - brought progress, order, and Greek culture to all the areas he conquered

Why was Alexander considered a villain?

- destroyed Persepolis - attacked Tyre, killing 10,000 and enslaving 30,000 -treated his slaves harshly -order the murder of several close advisers -Some people saw Alexander a a bloodthirsty and cruel person

Why did Alexander want to take over the Persian Empire?

- it was his dad desired and wanted revenge because of the Persians for their 150 years of attacks on Macedonia.

What did the Hellenistic kings created?

- new cities - new military settlements

What did the new settlers provided to the government?

- new recruits for the army - lots of government officials - helped spread Greek culture into Egypt, Afghanistan, and India

How did he planned to unite these three kingdoms?

- used Persians as officials - encouraged soldiers to marry Asian women

Why was Alexander considered a hero?

- visited all his wounded men after each battle - spared the lives of the queen and princess of Persia - tried to promote learning - built new cities where other had been destroyed

At what age did Alexander become commander of the Macedonian army?

-Alexander became commander of the Macedonian army at the age of 16.

What happened to Alexander in Babylon?

-Alexander came down with a bad fever.

What was the name of the battle that took place in India?

-Battle of Hydaspes -Alexander fought multiple bloody battles in India.

Did Alexander continue moving east? What ended Alexander's conquest of India? Why?

-He did not continue moving east India. -his soldiers were tired, physically or mentally exhausted. - soldiers were weary of continuous wars and soldiers refused to go farther. - Alexander's army mutinied; refused to continue.

At what age did Alexander die?

-He died at the age of 32

What was the condition of Greece by the time of the invasion of Phillip II army?

-Peloponnesian War left Greek weak and divided. -population was declined -war destroyed many farms - war left people with no way to earn a living - a lot of people left Greece and joined Persian army - many were fighting among themselves

How did Phillip conquer the Greek city-states?

-Phillip trained a big army of foot soldiers to fight like the Greeks. -He took some city-states by force, some city-states united with his kingdom voluntarily; in other cases, he bribed their leaders to surrender.

What did Phillip II do to train Alexander?

-While still a boy, Alexander went with father to the battlefront.

Who was Phillip II?

-king of Macedonia who conquered Greek city-states and controlled all Greece in 338BC; -Alexander's father -he planned to invade Asia and conquer the Persian Empire with the Greek's help but was murdered before carry out his plan.

Why was Alexander a good leader?

-was a great warrior -brave -reckless -often rode into battle ahead of his men and risk his own life -inspired his army to march into unknown lands and risk their lives

Why was Alexandria so important?

-was one of the most important cities in ancient world. -was a center of business and trade

In what year the Macedonians invaded Greece?

332 B8

In what year Alexander started his invasion of the Persian Empire?

334 BC

What is a legacy?

A legacy is what a person leaves behind when he/she died

Who won the Battle of Gaugamela?


Who won the Battle of Granicus?


What did Alexander do with his soldiers?

Alexander agreed to lead the soldiers home.

At what age Alexander became king of Macedonia?

Alexander became king of Macedonia at the age of 20.

What does this phrase mean? "Alexander was born with a silver spoon in his mouth!"

Alexander born into wealth and privilege.

What did Alexander built and where?

Alexander built Alexandia in Egypt

How is Alexander called today?

Alexander is called Alexander the Great.

What did Alexander keep under his pillow?

Alexander kept a copy of an epic novel named the Illiad written by Homer.

What did Alexander plan to do in Babylon?

Alexander planned an invasion of southern Arabia

What was Alexander planning to do with Macedonian, Greeks, and Persians?

Alexander planned to unite Macedonian, Greeks, and Persians.

Who won the Battle of Issus?

Alexander the Great defeated Darius III in the year of 332 BC.

What did Alexander's conquests mark?

Alexander's conquests marked the beginning of the Hellenistic Era.

How many continents did Alexander's empire reach?

Alexander's empire reached 3 continents : Africa, Asia, and Europe.

Which was the largest city in the Mediterranean by the 100 BC?

Alexandria (city founded by Alexander)

What was Alexandria?

Alexandrian was a large city in Egypt built by Alexander the Great

Where did the Battle of Granicus take place?

Asia Minor

What was the name of the battle between Macedonians and Greeks?

Battle of Chaeronea

What was the name of the 3rd battle lead by Alexander?

Battle of Gaugamela in the year of 331 BC

What was the name of the 1st battle lead by Alexander?

Battle of Granicus in the year of 334BC

What was the name of the 2nd battle lead by Alexander?

Battle of Issus in the year of 333 BC.

What did Demosthenes do?

Demosthenes warned the Greeks of the threat Phillip II and his powerful army represented to Greek freedom and urged Athens and other city-states to join together to fight the Macedonians.

Who was Demosthenes?

Demosthenes was a layer and one of Athens's great public speakers

Who trained Alexander the Military Strategy?

His father was the developer of the Phalanx formation, a military formation. Aristotle taught him strategy.

Where did the Battle of Issus take place?

Issus region

What did Hellenistic Era refer to?

It refers to a time when the Greek language and ideas spread to the non-Greek people of southwestern Asia.

Where did the Battle of Chaeronea take place?

It took place near Thebes

Who won the battle?

Macedonians; Phillip II

Did Alexander new invasion plan took placed? Why?

No because he was too tired and weak from wounds.

Did Alexander stop at Persia?

No, he continued his conquering east up to Indus River and Arabian Sea regions which is known today as Pakistan.

Did Phillip II achieve his dream? Why?

No; Phillip II was murdered.

What happened to the Persian Empire after the Battle of Gaugamela?

Persian Empire was easily overran by Alexander army.

Who were fighting on the Battle of Gaugamela?

Persians and Alexander army

Who were fighting on the Battle of Issus?

Persians and Alexander army

What was the main Macedonian military formation created by Alexander's Father, Phillip II?

Phalanx; it is a rectangular mass military formation, usually composed entirely of heavy infantry armed with spears (sarissa).

What did Phillip II need to do to achieve his goal?

Phillip II needed to unite the Greek city-states with his own kingdom.

What did Phillip II want to do?

Phillip II wanted to defeat the Persian Empire

Why did Phillip II invade Greece?

Phillip wanted to unite the Greek city-states with his own kingdom to later conquer the Persian Empire with the Greek's help.

What did Alexander captured?

Syria and Egypt -Syria is a region on the eastern edge of the Mediterranean Sea.

What was Macedonia?

a powerful kingdom (by 400 B.C.) that lay north Greece ruled by Phillip II on 359. region on the south-eastern coast of China

What was Alexander's inspiration?

a warrior-hero Achilles from his epic novel Illiad

What type of jobs were needed in the new Greek communities?

architects, engineers, philosophers, artisan, and artists

Why did the kings from the Hellenistic kingdoms prefer to give the government jobs to Greeks and Macedonians?

as a way for the Greeks to stayed in control of the government

What did the Hellenistic rulers do to populate the new cities?

encouraged Greeks and Macedonians to settle in southwest Asia

What has been identify as the key to Alexander's courage?

his childhood education

Who trained Alexander the leadership skills?

his father Phillip II

Who carry over Phillip II dream?

his son Alexander He born in 356 BC.

On what year Alexander return to Babylon?

in 323 BC

In what year Alexander crossed the Indus River and entered India?

in 326 BC

Who were fighting on Battle of Granicus?

local Persian straps and Alexander army

Where did the Battle of Gaugamela take place?

near Babylon

Who were the Macedonians?

raised sheep and horses grew crops along their river valleys warriors who fought on horseback

How were the Macedonia, Pergamum, Egypt, and Seleucid kingdoms knows as?

the Hellenistic Kingdoms

Phillip II admire many things about Greeks

their art, their ideas about philosophy and social order, and their armies

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