ST4ST CH 14, 15, 20 MidTerm

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for which procedure would the surgical technologist want to be sure to have adequet numbers of allis or allis-adair tissue forceps?

A&P repair

C. liver cirrhosis

Adenocarcinoma has a direct correlation to each of the following except: A. genetic predisposition B. end-stage renal disease C. liver cirrhosis D. tobacco use

B. prostate biopsy

An elevated serum PSA exam might prompt the additional investigation of a(n): a. intravenous urogram B. prostate biopsy C. PAP smear D. urinalysis

B. between ages 3 and 8 years

At approximately what age or period would a patient MOST likely be diagnosed with a Wilms' tumor? A. second trimester of gestation B. between ages 3 and 8 years C. onset of puberty D. over age 60

A. suprapubic catheters

Bonanno, Malecot, and Pezzer are types of: A. suprapubic catheters B. urethral catheters C. active wound drains D. passive wound drains

which of the following is a serum analysis done to detect ovarian carcinoma?


C. undescended testicles

Cryptorchidism is more commonly known as: A. kidney stones B. nocturnal bed wetting C. undescended testicles D. urinary tract infection

B. low-lithotomy

Cystoscopy and ureteroscopy procedures are performed in which position? A. lateral B. low-lithotomy C. supine D. trendelenburg

A. end-stage renal disease

Dialysis and kidney transplant are the only two treatments for which of the following? A. end-stage renal disease B. testicular carcinoma C. type 1 diabetes mellitus D. Wilms' tumor

B. Operative approaches

Flank, Gibson, Inguinal, and Scrotal are examples of: A. Drape sheets B. Operative approaches C. Post-op dressings D. Wound drains

what is the name of the fibrious and serous capsule that covers the liver?


what is the name of a bivalve speculum frequently found in a vaginal procedure tray?


which handheld retractor is specifically designed for use in open cholecystectomy to the elevate the liver?


C. A flexible penile clamp is applied to the head of the penis.

How is the anesthetic jelly that is inserted into the male urethra prior to cystoscopy kept from leaking out? A. A cotton-tipped applicator is inserted into the external meatus. B. A sterile tight-fitting condom is applied to the penis. C. a flexible penile clamp is applied to the head of the penis. D. A gloved finger is held firmly agains the head of the penis

B. segments of bilateral ureters

In radical cystectomy with ileal conduit on a male patient, what tissue will be sent for frozen section to verify clear margins? A. sections of both testicles B. segments of bilateral ureters C. lateral edges of the tunica vaginalis D. distal segments of the seminal vesicles

A. lateral

In what position is the patient placed for proximal pyelolithotomy? A. lateral B. lithotomy C. prone D. Tendelenburg

D. right pelvic quadrant

Into which anatomical area of the abdomen will a transplanted donor kidney be implanted? A. left lower quadrant B. left pelvic quadrant C. right lower quadrant D. right pelvic quadrant

A. heparin and mannitol

Just before the surgeon clamps the renal vessels of the DONOR'S kidney, what does the anesthesia provider put in the IV? A. heparin and mannitol B. protamine sulfate C. ringer's lactate D. furosemide

another name for a thyroid tenaculum is a:


the skin incision for a thyroidectomy will follow which anatomical lines?


which incision is traditionally used for open appendectomy?


for which type of hernia repair could a Penrose drain be used as a method of a gentle traction of the spermatic cord?

McVay inguinal herniorrhaphy

B. contrast media

Omnipaque, Renografin, and Isovue are used in cystoscopy as: A. antibiotiocs B. contrast media C. distention fluids D. topical analgesics

D. supine

Radical nephrectomy is usually performed with the patient in which position? A. Lateral B. low-lithotomy C. prone D. supine

"bowel technique" refers to steps used by the surgical team to prevent postoperative:


A. lateral

Simple nephrectomy is routinely performed in which position? A. lateral B. low-lithotomy C. prone D. supine

A. adrenal

Superarenal glands are more commonly known as: A. adrenal B. parotid C. prostate D. thymus

C. stress incontinence

Vesicourethral suspension and pubovaginal slings are performed to mainly treat moderate to severe: A. vaginal dryness B. uterine prolapse C. stress incontinence D. urinary tract infections

B. prostate

What anatomical structure is the bladder attached to in males? A. rectum B. prostate C. scrotum D. symphysis pubis

B. basket stone forceps

What device is used throughout the ureteroscope to capture an intact calculus or fragments if fractured by laser? A. babcock forceps B. basket stone forceps C. entrapment sack D. vessel loops

B. sperm

What does specialized tissue within the seminiferous tubules produce? A. mucus B. sperm C. testosterone D. urine

A. catecholamines

What does the adrenal medulla secrete? A. catecholamines B. testosterone C. insulin D. urine

C. it has a mesh drain attachment

What is a unique feature of the OR table in a cystoscopy suite? A. it is radiolucent B. stirrups can be attached to rails. C. it has a mesh drain attachment D. it can be adjusted for fluoroscopic exams

A. the edges are everted and affixed to the skin

What is done with the edge of the ilium that is brought out through the abdominal wall for stoma creation? A. the edges are everted and affixed to the skin B. A purse-string suture is paced to cinch it shut C. It is cut into four sections and tacked to the skin D. a penrose drain is inserted and pulled over the edge.

C. restore the posterior urethrovesical angle

What is one of the main objectives of procedures for female stress incontinence? A. increase overall bladder capacity B. reduce bladder spasms and irritability C. restore the posterior urethrovesical angle D. reduce overall bladder capacity


What is the MOST serious post-op complication of penile implant surgery? A. edema B. impotence C. premature ejaculation D. SSI

C. cystectomy

What is the medical term for excision of the urinary bladder? A. colporrhaphy B. corpectomy C. cystectomy D. cystostomy

B. prepuce

What is the medical term for the free fold of skin that covers the glans penis? A. epididymis B. prepuce C. scrotum D. tunica

D. ureteroneocystostomy

What is the medical term for the procedure of connecting a donor ureter to a recipient bladder? A. ureteroscopy B. reimplantation C. suprapubic cystostomy D. ureteroneocystostomy

B. ileal conduit

What is the more common name for ureteroileocutaneous diversion? A. colostomy B. ileal conduit C. bladder prolapse D. pubovaginal sling

C. benign prostatic hypertrophy

What is the most common diagnosis of a patient undergoing transurethral resection of the prostate? A. benign prostatic hypertrophy B. carcinoma of the prostate C. erectile dysfunction D. ureter

B. hydrocele

What is the term for and abnormal accumulation of serous fluid around the testis contained within the tunica vaginalis? A. cystocele B. hydrocele C. omphalocele D. rectocele

C. ESU loop electrode

What is used to resect the prostate gland tissue through the resectoscope? A. endoshears B. wire loop snare C. ESU loop electrode D. #11 blade on #7 knife handle

A. cooling with collins solution or ice slush

What measure is taken to reduce the metabolic needs and prevents tubular necrosis of a kidney removed for transplant? A. cooling with collins solution or ice slush B. spraying with reconstituted topical thrombin C. warming with sterile isotonic saline solution D. infusion with warmed lactated Ringer's solution

D. woven stockinette

What might the donor kidney be placed into to reduce possibility of injury during handling and transplantation? A. laparoscopic entrapment sack B. lay intestinal bag C. plastic incise drape D. woven stockinette

C. penectomy

What procedure is performed for penile carcinoma resistant to chemotherapy or radiation? A. hydrocelectomy B. orchiectomy C. penectomy D. vasectomy

C. pyelolithotomy

What procedure is performed to remove a calculus lodged in the area of the hilum? A. A. cystoscopy B. orchiectomy C. pyelolithotomy D. urethrotomy

C. urethra

What structure of male anatomy is divided into three sections: prostatic, membranous, and spongy? A. ejaculatory duct B. spermatic cord C. urethra D. ureter

A. fiber-optic

What type of light is used for illumination in endoscopic equipment? A. fiber- optic B. fluorescent C. incandescent D. ultraviolet

B. When both kidneys are functioning at or below 10% of normal

When is a patient classified as being in end-stage renal failure? A. When both kidneys are functioning at or below 25% of normal B. when both kidneys are functioning at or below 10% of normal C. when one kidney is normal and the other is functioning at or below 25% of normal D. when one kidney is normal and the other is functioning at or below 10% of normal

A. kidney

Where in the genitourinary system do calculi originate? A. kidney B. bladder C. prostate D. testicles

B. obturator

Which component of the rigid endoscopic system for cystoscopy is blunt ended and minimizes mucosal trauma during insertion? A. Deflecting mechanism B. Obturator C. Sheath D. Telescoping bridge

B. Hegar

Which dilating instrument is used to dilate the corpora for placement of penile prosthesis? A. bougie B. Hegar C. Van Buren D. Walther

D. water

Which distention fluid will lyse malignant tumor cells because of cellular uptake? A. glycine B. saline C. sorbitol D. water

B. gibson

Which incisional approach is used for access to the lower ureter and may be used for donor kidney implantation? A. flank B. gibson C. inguinal D. scrotal

C. resectoscope

Which instrument is used in TURP or TURBT and includes the sheath, obrturator, working element, and ESU loops? A. cystoscope B. nephroscope C. resectoscope D. ureteroscope

B. saline

Which irrigation or distention fluid would be contraindicated during cystoscopy for fulguration of bladder tumor? A. glycine B. saline C. sorbitol D. water

C. van buren

Which of the following are male urethral dilators or sounds? A. hanks B. pratt C. van buren D. walther

C. The left kidney is larger and slightly higher than the right.

Which of the following comparisons of normal or typical kidney anatomy is CORRECT? A. The left kidney is smaller and slightly lower than the right. B. The right kidney is larger and slightly lower than the left. C. The left kidney is larger and slightly higher than the right. D. The right kidney is smaller and slightly higher than the left.

A. Ellik

Which of the following is a glass or plastic evacuator used to remove tissue and debris during TURP? A. Ellik B. Malecot C. pezzer D. toomey

A. detrusor muscle

Which of the following is responsible for emptying of the bladder and closure of the bladder orifice? A. detrusor muscle B. external sphincter C. urogenital diaphragm D. vesical trigone

C. Phimosis

Which of the following is the term for the inability to retract the foreskin of the penis? A. balanitis B. hypspadias C. Phimosis D. sclerosis

D. double-J or pigtail stent

Which of the following is used to ensure potency of the ureters or allow for drainage of urine from the kidneys? A. foley catheter B. suprapubic catheter C. Jackson-pratt drain D. double-J or pigtail stent


Which of the following procedures could be done in either a male or female patient? A. hydrocelectomy B. orchiectomy C. TURBT D. TURP

A. gerota's fascia

Which of the following structures encloses the kidneys and suprarenal glands? A. gerota's fascia B. tunica vaginalis C. peritoneal sac D costal periosteum

D. Retrograde urogram

Which of the following studies is a radiologic procedure in which contrast media is injected through a cystoscope? A. KUB B. PSA C. IV urogram D. Retrograd urogram

D. Renal Pelvis

Which part of the kidney becomes the proximal ureter? A. Bowmans Capsule B. Cortex C. Medulla D. Renal pelvis

C. orchiectomy

Which procedure is performed for testicular cancer, trauma, or necrosis secondary to torsion? A. circumcision B. hydrocelectomy C. orchiectomy D. penectomy

B. Judd-Mason

Which self-retaining retractor is used for open suprapubic prostatectomy? A. Gelpi B. Judd-Mason C. Adson-Beckman D. O'CSulican-O'Connor

D. leg jerking

Which signal should alert the surgical team that prostate capsule perforations is imminent and may conclude the procedure? A. coughing B. flatulence C. groaning D. leg jerking

B. fine, non absorbable, double-armed

Which suture configuration is used to anastomose vessels in transplants? A. fine, absorbable, single-armed B. fine, non absorbable, double-armed C. heavy, absorbable, single-armed D. heavy, absorbable, double-armed

D. 3-way 22 Fr. Foley with 30 mL balloon

Which type of catheter is placed interop prior to patient leaving the OR following TURP? A. 2-way 16 Fr. Foley with 5 mL ballon B. 2-way 22 Fr. Foley with 30 mL balloon C. 3-way 16 Fr. Foley with 5mL balloon D. 3-way 22 Fr. Foley with 30 mL balloon

what is the general term for the treatment method that destroys genital condylomata with a carbon dioxide laser?


which of the following types of stirrups would likely be used for a laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy?(LAVH)

allen low lithotomy

which type of viewing instruments would be used for surgical treatment of hemorrhoids?


which gynecologic procedure is performed for treatment of urinary incontinence of cystocele?

anterior colporrhaphy

which muscle is incised in transverse abdominal approaches for gynecologic procedures?

anterior rectus

which maneuver might be performed by the surical technologist during a c-section to aid in the delivery surgeon gently manipulates the head of the fetus out of the uterus?

application of external pressure over the fundus of the uterus

which of the following is a weighted vaginal speculum?


which instruments is used to manipulate the fallopian tubes without compression or damage?

babcock tissue forceps

what is the name of a gastric mass of indigestible vegetable fiber and hair that may require surgical excision?


which instrument should the surgical technologist have ready to provide exposure during c-section procedures when the uterine incision is made?

bladder blade

what do the parathyroid glands regulate in the body?

blood calcium concentration

due to the vascular and friable nature of the liver, a surgeon may choose to use suture on which type of needle?


end-to-end, end-to-side, side-to-side, and Roux-en-Y are techniques for:

bowel anastomosis

a needle-localization procedure may be performed in radiology for assistance in locating discrete masses in the:


the fallopian tubes are located bilaterally in the mesosalpinx of which uterine-pelvic ligaments?


which of the following is the largest supporting ligament in the female pelvis that has anterior and posterior leaves?


which of the following is NOT a region of the pancreas?


which of the following is used for creating pneumoperitoneum in laparoscopy?

carbon dioxide

which of the following structures is NOT part of the anatomy of the vulva?


the triangle of Calot is an anatomical space bounded by structures in which surgical procedure?


what type of incision is made for excisional biopsy of a centrally located breast mass involving the lactiferous ducts?


HBV, HCV, and alcohol abuse are precursors to which of the following diseases?


total abdominal hysterectomy is assigned which wound classification?

class II

which of the following statements is CORRECT regarding anatomical changes following pelvic exenteration?

colostomy will exit on the left and ileostomy on the right side of the abdomen

which of the following procedures does NOT require an incision, use of trocars, or distention with gas or fluid?


which method of the tubal ligation is less frequently performed and requires use of long instruments, but may pose a higher risk of postoperative surgical site infection due to the approach?


all of the following are paired ligaments that support the uterus in the lower abdomen and attach it to the pelvis, EXCEPT


what is the name of the anatomical area where the fallopian tubes are attached and enter the uterus?


what type of hernia protrudes through the transversalis fascia in the area of Hesselbachs triangle?


which statement is CORRECT regarding polyps and diverticula in the colon?

diverticula protrude inward, and diverticula protrude outward from the intestine

where are the parathyroid glands located in relation to the thyroid?

dorsal, superior and inferior

cephalopelvic disproportion is a component of which of the following indications for a c-section delivery?


tubal ligation is performed to:

elective sterilization

a gastrostomy can be created by all of the following methods EXCEPT:


what is the preferred method of anesthesia for a c-section delivery?


what is the MOST common surgical intervention for a vaginal delivery?


a maloney bougie dilator is used in which anatomical structure?


in which of the following procedures would the patient be left without a vagina or any of the female reproductive oragans and have a permanent colostomy and ileostomy


the term adnexa refers to which gynecologic anatomical structures

fallopian tubes, ovaries, and infundibulum

which type of hernia occurs below the abdominocrural crease and more frequently in females?


what is the name of the fingerlike projections at the terminal end of the fallopian tube that guides oocytes into the lumen?


how many stages of labor and delivery does the patient go through?


a vagotomy is a surgical treatment option for:

gastric ulcers

during cholangiography, bubbles in the contrast media would likely:

give the appearance of a stone on x-ray

which term means the number of times a women has been pregnant?


which handheld rectrators are frequently used to retract tissues during thyroidectomy?


what term describes a benign condition of breast enlargement in men?


what is another way of saying "cephalad to caudad"?

head to tail

which type of needle holder is curved and frequently used for hysterectomy procedures


dilation of the submucosal and subcutaneous venous plexus that lines the anal canal is called:


for which surgical procedure would the Buie pile forceps be used?


what is used to achieve tissue destruction in an endometrial balloon ablation?

hot dextrose water

which radiological study study might be ordered preoperatively for a patient scheduled for tuboplasty?


which gynecologic procedure is used to visualize of the endometrium and may be used to treat polyps or myomas?


what type of hernia results from a failure of the deep internal ring to close during fetal development and allows intestinal protrusion into the scrotum?


where is the gallbladder located in relation to the liver?

inferior surface to the right lobe

what is another name for the ovarian suspensory ligament


which of the following is routinely done first in a basic gynecologic laparoscopy that may require a small separate setup and glove change before proceeding?

insertion of uterine manipulator

doyen, kocher, dennis, and allen are names of which type of instrument?

intestinal clamps

in a laparoscopic appendectomy, all of the following methods could be used for dissection of the appendix EXCEPT:

intraluminal circular stapler

which type of intestinal obstruction involves a telescoping of a portion of the intestine into another portion?


which of the following are endocrine-secreting glands of the pancreas that make up only 1% of the organ?

islets of Langerhans

instruments used for closure of the vaginal cuff in total abdominal hysterectomy are:

isolated as contaminated

what is the main purpose of putting a bolster sheet or roll under the right hip of a patient just prior to c-section?

it reduces the pressure of the gravid uterus on the vena cava

what is the name of the heavy, right-angle scissors frequently used to dissect around the cervix during hysterectomy?


which surgical position is used exclusively for anorectal surgical procedures?


which instrument is used to test the patency of the fallopian tube during tuboplasty?

lacrimal probe

what is a Veress needle used for?

laparoscopic insufflation

what term is used for surgical opening of the abdominal or peritoneal cavity?


which type of surgical procedure is used to release abnormal tissue connections in the abdominal viscera and layers?

lysis of adhesions

what is the name of the routine surgical treatment of infected Bartholin's gland cysts?


which of the following procedures would likely be assigned a Class III or Class IV wound and may require aerobic and anaerobic culture tubes?

marsupialization of Bartholins cyst

which piece of operating room furniture would likely be unnecessary for many vaginal surgical procedures?

mayo stand

in which of the following abdominal incisions would the linea alba be opened down to the peritoneum?

median vertical

great care is taken to identify and preserve the long thoracic and thoracodorsal in which surgical procedure?

modified radical mastectomy

which anatomical structures is located anterior to the symphysis pubis and superior to the vaginal opening?

mons pubis

what is the procedure name for the removal of fibroid tumors of the uterus with the preservation of fertility?


what color is the abdominal tissue after staining with Lugols solution in a cervical biopsy?

no color change

which self-retaining retractor has the shape of a figure-of-eight (8) when in the closed position?


a t-tube or wound drain left in place following laparoscopic cholecystectomy would MOST likely exit through:

one of the 5 mm right port site incision

which medication may be injected into the uterus for hemostasis, before closure of the uterus in a c-section?


a whipple procedure is done for treatment of a tumor in which abdominal organ?


what is the name of the type of hernia in which both direct and indirect defects are present?


which anatomical area is located between the posterior vaginal opening and the anus?


which incision is MOST frequently used for c-section?


what is achieved by insufflation of carbon dioxide into the abdominal cavity?


bifurcated drains and fluffy pressure dressings are used following mastectomy primarily to:

prevent formation of hematoma and seroma

cervical cerclage is performed to:

prevent spontaneous abortion

which suturing technique is often used on the appendiceal stump?


which procedure involves an en bloc removal of the uterus, bilateral ovaries and fallopian tubes, supporting ligaments, upper third of the vagina, and pelvic lymph nodes?

radical hysterectomy

if a mastectomy is scheduled to follow a breast biopsy and frozen section results indicate carcinoma, what is done?

re-prep, redrape patient: team chanes gowns and gloves; and use new instruments

an intestinal stoma is created at a point below the costal margin, above the belt line, and at the lateral edge of which muscle?

rectus abdominus

what is the incision routinely used for open cholecystectomy?

right subcostal

which fascial sheet is attached to the iliac crest, linea alba, and pubis?


what is the name for the first lymph node in the axillary chain that is frequently biopsied in conjunction with a breast biopsy, lumpectomy, or mastectomy?


which of the following is the MOST common permanent colostomy?


surgical removal of the entire breast without any lymph nodes is a(n):

simple mastectomy

which instrument is used to grasp the cervix and provide traction during cervical dilation?

single-tooth tenaculum

what is another name for an acquired ventral hernia through the linea semilunaris?


which anatomical structure is the largest mass of lymphatic tissue in the body?


which stage of breast cancer is characterized by evidence of distal metastasis?

stage IV

the surgeon may request which of the following for irrigation to aid in destroying any residual tumor cells after dissection?

sterile water

bulb syringes are used in obstetrical delivery procedures to:

suction the mouth and nares of the neonate

what is the reason for injecting saline through the cholangiogram catheter prior to the contrast media?

the saline will test patency of the cystic duct prior to injecting the contrast

delivery of the placenta is the conclusion of which stage of labor?


which potentially life-threatening disease or condition can result from untreated thyrotoxicosis?

thyroid storm

tetany is a serious potential post-op complication of which type of surgical intervention?


which pistol-grip type of instrument might be found in a D&C tray for cervical biopsy?


what does TEP stand for in general surgery?

totally extraperitoneal patch

the hepatic and splenic flexures are located proximally and distally in which part of the large intestine?


cherney, maryland, and pfannenstiel are examples of gynecoloic:

transverse abdominal incisions

for which procedure would the gynecologist likely wear surgical loupes?

tubal reanastomosis

in which procedure would the surgeon likely request 8-0 or 9-0 suture?


a typical end-to-end bowel anastomosis is accomplished with which of the following suturing techniques?

two-layer, interrupted technique for seromuscular approximation with silk; continuous for mucosa with absorbable suture

radionuclide seeds are used to treat:

uterine/cervical carcinoma

which paired ligaments are encountered and ligated last in an abdominal hysterectomy and first in a vaginal hysterectomy?


for a dilation and curettage (D&C), which of the following orders of instrument use is CORRECT for endometrial biopsy?

weighted vaginal speculum, tenaculum, uterine sound, cervical dilators, endometrial curettes

C. koch pouch

what is the name of a continent urinary reservoir that may be performed following cystectomy? A .hydrocele B. ileal conduit C. koch pouch D. orchipexy

when is the first closing count performed in a c-section?

when the first suture is given for closure of the uterus

pancreaticoduodenectomy is also known as which of the following procedures?


what color is the abdominal tissue after staining with acetic acid in a cervical biopsy?


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