STAAR U.S. History

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"The House of Representatives shall be composed of members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States" Which statement from the Declaration of Independence influenced this saying in the U.S. Constitution? a) "He has affected to render the military independent of and superior to the Civil power" b) "To secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed" c) "Ha has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers" d) "These United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and... they are absolved form all allegiance to the British crown"


One reason the 2008 presidential election was historically significant is that it was the first time—


"The United States is the world's best hope, but... if you tangle her in the intrigues of Europe, you will destroy her power for good and endanger her very existence" Senator Lodge made this statement in opposition to - F) U.S. membership in the League of Nations G) the funding of a massive buildup of the U.S. Navy H) a relaxation of U.S. citizenship requiremnts J) U.S. entry into the Spanish-American war


Which of the following is an example of fulfilling a civic responsibility? f) interviewing for employment g) reporting for jury duty h) collecting donations for charities j) preserving records for ethnic ancestry


- To present new concepts for established products and ideas - To introduce new technology that replaces existing products - To organize and manage an enterprise with some personal risk Which title best completes this list? A) Roles of Entrepreneurs B) Goals of the Federal Reserve C) Objectives of Trade Union Leaders D) Responsibilites of Business Professors


- college "teach-ins' - burning draft cards - mass demonstrations Which of the following is the best title for this list? a) protests against the Vietnam War b) opposition to the Arms Race c) support for gender equality d) demands to stop dumping chemical waste


The Korean War was an effort by the United States to- a) carry out its policy of containing the spread of communism b) keep its economy strong by maintaining wartime activities c) secure additional Asian trading partners d) extend the principles of the Marshall Plan to Asia


"All who recall the condition of the of the country in 1890 will remember that... the country was in real danger from another kind of slavery... that would result from the aggregations of capital in the hands of a few individuals and [businesses] controlling, for their own profit and advantage exclusively, the entire business of the country, including the production and sale of the necessaries of life" In this excerpt, Justice Marshall Harlan is warning against- A) a civil service based on patronage rather than merit B) allowing powerful monopolies to dominate interstate commerce C) lack a federal funding for essential transportation systems D) allowing labor unions to interfere with production goals


"Where... the investigation is no longer a general inquiry into an unsolved crime but has begun to focus on a particular suspect, the suspect... has requested and been denied an opportunity to consult with his lawyer and the police have not effectively warned him of his absolute constitutional right to remain silent, the accused has been denied "the Assistance of Counsel" in violation of the 16th Amendment..." What was one impact of this ruling? A) Impeachment procedures were refined B) Due process guidelines were reexamined C) Full faith and credit was reaffirmed D) State laws were deemed supreme over federal laws


Elevated Train: Train that ran on above ground tracks (1869-1973) Cable Car: Streetcar operated by underground steam-driven cable conduits (1883-1909) Trolley: Streetcar operated by overhead or underground electrical power (1887-1957) Subway: Train that runs on underground tracks (1904-present) How did these developments in transportation most affect the standard of living in U.S. cities? A) By increasing the expenses associated with relocation B) By giving residents more flexibility in employment C) By expanding the options for personal education D) By increasing traffic congestion on city streets


The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was primarily a response to- A) increased U.S. presence in China B) competition for jobs on the West Coast C) rapid population growth in the Northeast D) China's actions during the Boxer Rebellion


Which of the following was a direct result of the civil rights movement? A) an increase in respect for suburban housewives B) increased political participation by minority groups C) the revitalization of inner cities D) increased migration to rural areas


East-West Conflict in Europe During the Cold War- 1946-1949: The Soviet Union forms the communist Eastern Bloc 1947: The United States announces the Truman Plan 1948-1949: The Soviet Union enforces the Berlin Blockade 1948-1949: ? 1949: Western Powers form the North Atlantic Treaty Organization 1955: The Soviet Union creates the Warsaw Pact Which statement correctly completes this time line? A) The Allied powers divide Germany and Berlin into four sections B) German citizens vote to reunite East and West Germany C) The United States and Great Britain airlift supplies to West Berlin D) The United Nations sends troops into Eastern Europe


What was the goal of the 1961 Freedom Riders protests? A) To pressure Congress to prohibit discrimination against disabled citizens B) To demonstrate the economic impact of discriminatory practices on interstate transportation C) To challenge the federal government to enforce Supreme Court rulings against discrimination in interstate transportation D) To persuade states to abandon discriminatory voter-registration procedures


"An estimated thousand people lived in St. Louis's Hooverville, located on the banks of the Mississippi near the city dump. In New York, noted on observer in 1931, hobos were "coming into the city in larger numbers than ever before and have set up a 'jungle' for themselves in the heart of the East Side" on vacant lots owned by the city." Which of the following contributed most to the situation described in this excerpt? a) the rise of corporate monopolies b) strict banking regulations and high income tax rates c) the influx of immigrants into urban areas d) high unemployment and widespread home foreclosures


The Progressive goal to implement women's suffrage was accomplished by- a) a national referendum b) an executive order c) a Supreme Court decision d) a constitutional amendment


Which of the following demonstrates the diffusion of American culture? A) The establishment of multinational research centers in Antarctica B) The presence of German immigrants in the United States C) The establishment of a Saudi Arabian embassy in the United States D) The rise of baseball as a major sport in Japan


"As sectretary of commerce... Herbert Hoover seized on the cooperation between industry and science that had emerged during WWI and boldly extended it further into the realm of commerce... Among Secretary Hoover's most significant initiatives.. was standardization and simplification of industrial parts and procedures.. The formulation of standard weights for loaves of bread, standard sizes for cans, and uniform rating of canned goods for quality, as well as standardization of packaging units.. greatly facilitated distribution, retailing and accounting" How did the introduction of these new practices most benefit U.S. business? F) By increasing production efficiency G) By preventing shortages of goods H) By increasing protective tariffs J) By decreasing exports


(*1917 poster- "On The Job For Victory" United States Shipping and Board Emergency Fleet Corporation) This poster could be used to support which assertion? F) Demand for labor in war industries helped increase employment G) Use of new war technologies required extensive training H) Conscription caused a shortage of laborers during wartime J) Standardization of parts helped streamline the production of munitions


(can't actually add a photo) Poster saying: Women: There's work to be done and a war to be won now! See your U.S. employment service What was one direct effect of the World War II activities like those promoted by this poster? f) changes in the traditional roles of women g) the establishment of women's suffrage h) combat training for women j) the election of women political leaders


As part of the Nixon administration's policy of Vietnamization, the U.S. military- F) trained South Vietnamese forces to take over combat responsibilities from U.S. troops G) shared military technology with North Vietnam H) imposed martial law in North Vietnam J) installed a puppet government in South Vietnam


The launch of Sputnik I intensified the Cold War tensions and caused the - F) United States to increase spending on technology and weapons to compete with the Soviet Union G) Soviet Union to move missiles and warships to Cuba in order to threaten the United States H) United States to send troops and aid to East Berlin to free it from Soviet control J) Soviet Union to threaten Europe with nuclear attack if Soviet airspace were violated


"A heat shield material designed to act as an insulating barrier is now used to protect high-rise buildings from fires" This technology was originally developed primarily to- f) give rockers great boost during takeoff g) protect the space shuttle on reentry h) provide astronauts with improved navigational equipment j) slow down space capsules as they landed in the ocean


*picture* Naval Dispatch: "AIR RAID ON PEARL HARBOR X THIS IS NOT A DRILL" The event reported in this dispatch led directly to- F) the implementation of sanctions against Japan G) U.S. entry into WWII H) the establishment of the Truman Doctrine J) U.S. annexation of Hawaii


In response to public concern over issues raised by Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle," the federal government expanded its role in- F) working with labor unions to increase worker salaries G) taking responsibility for the safety of consumers H) setting limits on the growth of private industry J) implementing social welfare programs


"American Indian leaders and activists organize a nonviolent protest to bring attention to issues affecting American Indians. More than 600 people travel in the "Trail of Broken Treaties" in a caravan of buses, cars, trucks and campers to Saint Paul, Minnesota" Which earlier protest was most similar to the one described above? F) The gathering of disillusioned youth at Woodstock G) The burning of draft cards by opponents to the Vietnam War H) The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom J) The labor demonstrations during the Pullman strike


Earth Day was created for the purpose of- f) celebrating the diversity of humankind g) honoring the world's agricultural workers h) raising awareness of environmental issues j) promoting peace throughout the world


The establishment of speakeasies in the 1920s was an unintended consequence of which federal government action? F) The taxation of imported luxury goods G) The deportation of suspected communist sympathizers H) The prohibition of the sale of alcoholic beverages J) The implementation of immigration restrictions


The main reason the United States launched military operations in Afghanistan in October 2001 was to- f) prevent genocide g) seize weapons of mass destruction h) destroy an international terrorist organization j) overthrow an absolute monarchy


"In the last half of the nineteenth century, the United States experienced vast industrial growth. A new class of wealthy entrepreneurs and a prosperous middle class emerged. Factory jobs are increased to meet production demands" Which demographic change in the United States is most associated with this transformation? F) Increased property values in rural areas G) Increased life expediencies in urban areas H) Increased birth rates in rural areas J) Increased migration to urban areas


*picture* Roosevelt on a ship holding "The Big Stick" This cartoon comments on tactics used to- F) secure the southern border of California G) protect shipping lanes in the Great Lakes H) create a defensive alliance with France J) obtain control of the Panama Canal Zone


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