Standard 3 Quiz PPR

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A social studies project has multiple steps that will take several weeks to complete. Some of the work will be completed in the class and some of the work will be completed outside of the classroom. What directions will provide the best detail for the student to successfully complete the project?

A teacher-designed rubric with specific details of requirements for each phase of the project and expected due dates.

There are many challenges in providing adequate and appropriate feedback to students regarding their mastery of the content. Which of the following criteria must all feedback meet?

Accurate, constructive, specific, and timely

Which of the following activities would provide an opportunity for students to make predictions?

After identifying the similarities of two civilizations, create a new civilization that used the best of the common characteristics.

Which of the following activities would be most successful at actively engaging a 6th-grade science student in understanding how squid survive?

After viewing video, join lab partner for dissection of squid, diagram the parts of the squid, and identify each part's purpose within the squid's environment.

When leading a classroom discussion, the teacher would use all but one of the following techniques to address the needs of her diverse learners.

Circuit learning

You are teaching an 8th-grade history class and have noticed that one of your students is not performing well on the assessments you are administering at the end of each assigned chapter reading. When he takes a turn to read aloud in front of the class, he reads slowly and haltingly. When you ask him to tell you how he reads his chapter assignments each night, he responds that he reads all the way through. What is the best advice you can give him to help improve his grades in your history class?

Develop a study strategy that includes frequently stopping to review what he has read and make sure he understands it.

The school has just received information that a student in your class has died by suicide. You have a benchmark test scheduled for the day. What is your plan as students come into the classroom already knowing they have lost a classmate?

Do not administer the benchmark test, allow time for questions and answers about the loss of the classmate with guidelines or assistance from administration.

Students will be delivering presentations to the classroom after they have paired up and conducted interviews about each other. During each student's presentation, the teacher will use a rubric to score the content and delivery of the information they have found out about their fellow classmate. Which of the following examples of the teacher's non-verbal behaviors would best show a commitment to the students and their success?

During each student presentation, the teacher watches, smiles, non-verbally shows interest in the information being shared and periodically writes down positive comments on the grading rubric. The teacher follows each presentation with a few questions about the shared information.

Children who need extra assistance due to English as a second language, learning disabilities, etc. have many federal and state regulations that mandate instructional adaptation to assure their success. Which of the following statements is not true?

Emotional disturbances are not covered by IDEA.

Ms. Jones, the 6th-grade English teacher is concluding a unit of study on expository writing. Today is one of the two days she has set aside for her students to complete a rough draft of their paper. Unexpectedly, a famous children's author is coming to the school and all sixth-grade classes have been requested to attend. How should Ms. Jones respond to this schedule interruption?

Extend the unit on expository writing, prepare students for the assembly by requiring that they listen and select one or two things they learn and will discuss when they return to class.

Emergent readers must learn three skills to begin to master the reading process. These three skills are; parts of the book, directionality of print from left to right, and voice to print match. Which of the following is an essential activity to foster this learning process?

Have someone read aloud to him/her.

The math teacher conducted a benchmark exam at the end of the first six weeks. Upon doing an item analysis, she discovered that a significant number of her students did not demonstrate mastery on several of the math objectives for the advanced level 7th grade math. Which of the following choices should she make in order to correct this situation?

Identify the concepts that each student did not perform well on and revise the planned instruction to reteach those concepts while providing enrichment opportunities for the few students who mastered the content.

Which of the following questioning techniques would foster higher level thinking and supportive interaction within the classroom?


Which of the following provides the most immediate and specific feedback on a student's work?

Peer editing of the draft essay.

There are many types of feedback that can be provided to students in response to performance on exams or learning activities. Ms. Rogers has singled out one student in particular who was the only one to have a perfect score on the recent exam and expressed how well he had performed. Which type of feedback did she provide?

Positive feedback

You are at the end of the social studies unit and have conducted a class participation activity to review for the test that will be administered the following day. You discover that a significant number of students are not able to answer the questions accurately. What is the best option?

Postpone the exam, administer a pre-test to identify the students who cannot demonstrate mastery and provide tutoring before the exam.

The 8th-grade teacher has assigned a research project that will take place over a 6-week period. What is the best way for the teacher to ensure student success in completing the project that meets the learning expectations?

Provide a grading rubric, checkpoint dates, and monitor progress throughout the six weeks.

Which of the following teacher directions would be a poor match for the developmental language and skills of a second-grade student?

Read a short story silently and identify the complex sentences.

It is important to promote students' intellectual involvement in learning content and developing an understanding of the content. Which of the following classroom activities would best meet the goal of actively engaging all students in the learning process to further their understanding of the content?

Sitting on opposite sides of the room, students move to the "agree", "disagree", or "undecided" (in the middle) part of the room in response to each statement the teacher makes. Students are then asked to explain why they chose their particular side.

The 6th-grade math teacher has discovered that some of her students are still having difficulty with basic division while many are ready to move on to division using decimals. If she is to meet the needs of each of her learners, which example is the best method for accomplishing this goal?

Sort the students according to learning needs, provide instruction to each group that is specific to their needs, assign appropriate problems, and move between groups to ensure all students are comprehending material.

The ninth grade social studies class is studying Russia's last 20 years and will be researching population growth, economic growth, changes in agricultural and commercial production and income growth. Which type of technology software should the students be encouraged to use to produce a final report?

Spreadsheet software

The middle school teacher wants to conduct a review of the recent unit of study through a discussion format. Which of the following attributes must be part of the discussion for it to serve as a successful review?

Student must be actively engaged in the discussion, exploring the important questions.

In an inclusive classroom, students are encouraged to feel equally valued. Different abilities, backgrounds, and learning styles are all a part of the inclusive classroom. Which of the following would not be considered a benefit of an inclusive classroom?

Students connect with curriculum in a way that mirrors the mainstream classroom. (Does: Teacher connects with variety of students, students feel more comfortable in a classroom where their ideas are heard and listened to. Students have a higher success rate when using activities that support their needs)

Activating background knowledge is important for the English learner because of which of the following?

Students from other countries have different cultural and academic backgrounds that may not be relevant to the learning process.

When speaking and writing in the classroom, which of the following is most important for the teacher to consider about his/her students?

Students' ages, interests, backgrounds

Of the following, which is the best way to teach critical thinking to students in your classroom?

Teach critical thinking along with the content.

Constructive feedback guides student learning and should motivate the student to improve his/her skills if the feedback is provided in an appropriate way. Depending on the age of a student, constructive feedback will look very different due to cognitive development levels. Which of the following forms of feedback does not match the age of the student.

The 6th grade speech teacher provided an opportunity for his students to do 1-minute impromptu speeches on any subject of their choice. After each performance, he encourages the class to clap and proceeds to compliment but not provide constructive criticism about the delivery of the impromptu speech.

The 6th-grade teacher is focusing on the different stages of cognitive development for his students. Most students are 11 years of age. Knowing that each stage of cognitive development begins at a different age, in which stage of cognitive development would he anticipate his students to be?

The formal operational stage

Teachers are constantly challenged to select instructional materials, resources, and technologies that are appropriate and engaging for students. Which of the following should be considered when designing a lesson in which the teacher and the students are using multiple resources in the classroom?

The lesson should have a clearly defined structure and organization around the activities in which the students will be engaged.

Incorporating prior knowledge and experiences or students into a new learning situation can provide increased motivation for a student to learn new material. Which of the following examples does not incorporate prior knowledge and/or experiences?

The reading teacher begins the new novel with a set of vocabulary words that students must learn and will soon recognize as they read the novel.

The 8th grade English teacher has assigned a series of journal entry exercises to her students. Each entry is to be completed after they have completed a chapter in the novel they are reading. The students have been introduced to a new writing format and that is what they are expected to use in their journals. What is the best method of feedback for the journal writing experience?

The teacher collects the journals after each chapter entry and provides feedback within a few days.

Which of the following examples of teacher-student interaction would best foster the student's belief that the teacher is caring and committed to their learning?

The teacher rotates around the room to monitor students as they complete an assignment, redirecting or assisting when necessary.

The high school English class has just completed a short reading that compared the work of two authors. The class has a mixture of on-level readers and some struggling readers. The teacher wants full participation in the discussion about the comparative reading yet she knows that her struggling readers will not be able to answer many of the high-level thinking questions and wants them to be successful. Which of the following is her best strategy to ensure that all students have an opportunity to participate?

Use a question matrix to shape the questions, ensuring that there are a variety of lower level and higher-level thinking questions.

When conducting a discussion about the content students have been exposed to and have a cursory understanding of, it is important to carefully frame questions that will foster higher-order thinking. Often, the way a question begins will encourage the student to think at a higher level. Which following questions would not provide an opportunity for a student to think at a high level?

What do the terms supply and demand mean? Use them in a sentence.

It is important to use techniques for structuring and pacing lessons in such a way that promote student engagement in learning. Which of the following would be the least effective technique to use in promoting student engagement in learning?

Whole class instruction

There are five motivational orientations in the learning process that affect how a student responds to new learning. These include constructivist orientation, procedural orientation, conceptual orientation, effort orientation, and external performance motivation. If a student is using conceptual orientation in relation to his/her learning, which question might he/she ask about the learning experience?

Why was my answer incorrect?

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