State FFA Officer Prep

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What is the opening line of the NAAE Mission?

"Professionals providing agricultural education for the global community through visionary leadership, advocacy and service."

GA Ag Ed Mission

"To be a premier learning system that delivers agricultural, environmental and leadership education programs and services"

How much money did the Georgia FFA Foundation raise in 2017-2018?


How much are State FFA Dues?


What was the cash receipts of chicken production in Georgia in 2017?

$4,252 Million

What is the annual average food expenditures in the us?


What are national FFA Dues?



*Convention delegate recommendations to alter official dress and the opening ceremony get approval from the National FFA Board of Directors


*Dr. Larry Case retires after 26 years as national FFA advisor. *FFA celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of NFA *Six college-age FFA members travel to Zambia for the FFA Global Outreach Africa Program


*FFA members earn a record 3,765 American FFA Degrees. *Five FFA jackets donated to Smithsonian's National Museum of American History *The Give the Gift of Blue program begins


*Membership hits all-time high with 649,355 members in 7,859 chapters. *National FFA Alumni membership jumps to 225,861 members up from 62,705 in 2015 *FFA, Discovery Education and partner to create AgExplorer, a career website to help students explore 235 unique careers in agriculture.


*Patrick Gottsch donates $1 million on behalf of RFD-TV to the National FFA Organization, the single-largest unrestricted donation in the organization's history *National FFA Foundation receives a record of more than $16.2 million in support of FFA *FFA members and supporters pack 1,005,048 meals during the national convention and expo's FFA Rally to Fight Hunger *FFA celebrate Latinos/Hispanics in FFA, agriculture, and agriculture education during the National convention and expo


*Sherene Donaldson named first female national FFA executive secretary. *Ram Trucks "So God Made a Farmer" Superbowl Commercial exceeds 18 million views on YouTube; company donates $1 million to FFA *'FFA Today' Radio Show debuts on SiriusXM's RURAL RADIO channel


*The 88th National FFA Convention and Expo in Louisville has a record attendance of 65,173 members, advisors, supporters, and guests *FFA announces the national convention and expo to move to Indianapolis from 2016-2024 *First Lady Michelle Obama gives video greetings to attendees at the National FFA convention and expo *Membership in the National FFA Alumni Association reaches 62,705 alumni *The organizations official website,, is updated to include a new look, a personalized dashboard, the resource My Journey, the FFA Resume Generator and the FFA Brand Center. The FFA emblem is also newly refreshed to modernize the FFA Brand


*The National FFA Alumni Association celebrates its 40th anniversary *FFA celebrates Native Americans in FFA, agriculture and agriculture education during the 84th National Convention *Dr. Steve A Brown is named National Advsior

One Tap of The Gavel

-Follows the announcement of adjournment -Follows the completion of a business item - Is a message to members to be seated following the opening ceremony

4 common Methods of Voting

-Voice Vote -Rising Vote -Secret Ballot -Roll Call

What percentage of gross domestic product does farming account for?

1 percent

What is the FFA Code of Ethics?

1. Develop my potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success. 2. Make a positive difference in the lives of others. 3. Dress neatly and appropriately for the occasion 4. Respect the rights of others and their property 5. Be courteous, honest, and fair with others 6. Communicate in an appropriate, purposeful and positive manner 7. Demonstrate good sportsmanship by being modest in winning and generous in defeat 8. Make myself aware of FFA programs and activities and be an active participant 9. Conduct and value a supervised agricultural experience 10. Strive to establish and enhance my skills through agriculture education in order to enter a successful carer 11. Appreciate and promote diversity in our organization

What are the 10 essentials of a successful chapter?

1. Knowledge of FFA 2. Diversity of Membership 3. All Members Share Responsibilities 4. Capable Officers 5. A Challenging Program of Activities 6. A Workable Constitution and Bylaws 7. Proper Equipment and Records 8. Well Planned, Regularly Held Chapter Meetings 9. Adequate Financing 10. School and Community Support

What are 8 reasons to Join FFA?

1. Lead 2. Travel 3. Earn Money 4. Be a Part of the Team 5. Civic Engagement 6. Succeed 7. Make positive choices 8. Have fun!

Define "active membership".

1. While in school, be enrolled in at least one agriculture education course during the school year and/or follow a planned course of study; either a course must include a supervised agricultural experience program, the objective of which is preparation for an agricultural career. 2. Show an interest in the affairs of the organization by attending meetings, striving for degrees of membership, and participating in other organized activities of the chapter. 3. Pay all current state and national dues by the date determined by the chapter 4. Display conduct consistent with the ideals and purposes of the National FFA Organization

How much of us consumers income is spent on food each year?


U.S. consumers spend what percentage of their disposable income on food each year


About how many pounds of milk does a single cow produce every day?


How many us citizens does one farm feed?


In what order did Georgia get chartered?


There are a total of __________ who make up the National FFA Board of Directors.

11 people

Bananas Consumption Annually

11.3 lbs

Apples Consumption Annually

11.6 lbs

What percentage of farm operators are African American?

12%: 44,629

France spends what percentage of disposable income on food?


Farmers and Ranchers receive only ___ cents on average out of every retail dollar spent on food.


What percentage of the 2017 USDA budget is spent on Agriculture Programs?


Each U.S. farmer feds ___ people.


How many people does one farm feed?


How many states and delegates were represented at the first National FFA Convention?

18 states, 33 delegates

In which year did President Lincoln sign the Morrill Land Grant College Act?


Biotech crops reduced herbicide and insecticide use by _________ percent


The Future Farmers of Virginia (FFV) was founded in what year?


What year was the first National FFA Convention?


When the FFA was established


In which year was Carlton Patton named the first Star Farmer of America?


When were the colors adopted?


The US Forest Service manages how many acres of forestland and grasslands?

193 Million (42% of all Forests)

Delegates restricted membership to just boy in this year


In what year was the first FFA manual copyrighted?


When the FFA Creed was adopted


When was the first official manual printed?


When was the jacket adopted as official dress?


The first Farm Bill was passed by Congress in ______.


The first blue corduroy jacket was adopted in this year


In which year was the New Farmers of America Chartered? This was also the year FFA membership exceeded 100,000 students.


The New Farmers of America was founded when and where

1935 Tuskegee Alabama

What year did the number of us farms peak and how many were there?

1935, and 6.8 million

The first WLC like Conference was set up in this year


28.5 acres of George Washington's estate was purchased by the FFA in this year


When and where was the National FFA Camp started

1939 Alexandria Virginia

The year when Albert, and Arthur Lacy shared the title of Star Farmer of America

1939, this was the first and only time the title was ever shared!

In which year did only 217 people (delegates and award winners) attend the National FFA Convention because of a war?


What year did the National FFA have 2 presidents?

1942-1943, Marvin Jagels replaced Harold Gum

Ag Mechanics Proficiency Award was presented for the first time in this year


The National FFA Foundation was established in what year?


The year the Future Farmers of America Foundation was formed


First National FFA Band preformed at National Convention in this year


In what year was the National FFA band organized?


In what year was the National FFA Supply Service opened for business?


The year the first National FFA week was celebrated


In what year and with what country was the first Future Farmers of American International Exchange held?

1948 with Great Britain

When was the FFA sweetheart jacket introduced?


In what year was Public Law 740 passed by the 81st congress?


In what year was the FFA code of ethics adopted?


The National Future Farmer Magazine was first published in what year?


What year was the Silver Anniversary of the National FFA Organization?


When was the NFA jacked created?


In what year was the Indiana FFA Foundation organized?


NFA and FFA became one organization in this year


What year did NFA and FFA merge?


The first Agricultural Career Show was held at the National FFA Convention in what year?


Washington Conference, now called Washington Leadership Conference, started in what year?


The first Star in AgriBusiness was named in what year?

1969 Ken Dunagan Arizona

President Gerald Ford addressed the National FFA Convention in what year?


In what year did Christe Peterson from Wisconsin win the first Extemporaneous Public Speaking Event?


The Golden Anniversary of the FFA was in what year?


The National FFA Scholarship Programs were established in what year?


What year did the delegates vote to change the official name from the Future Farmers of America to the National FFA Organization?


When did the words on the emblem change from vocational agriculture to agricultural education?


The National Future Farmer Magazine changed its name from the National Future Farmer Magazine to FFA New Horizons in what year?


Former President Bush addressed the National FFA Convention in what year?


At what national convention were the official policies for the use of the FFA name and emblem adopted?

1995 National Convention

In what year did congress amend Public Law 740?


In what year was the National FFA Center in Indianapolis, Indiana dedicated?


The National FFA Convention moved to Louisville, Kentucky in which year?


What percentage of the total federal spending is spent on agriculture baseline INCLUDING food assistance and nutrition programs?


What percentage of the us population is made up of farm and ranch families?


How many official delegates can each chapter have at state FFA convention?

2 delegates from each chapter

In recent years the number of women farmers has decreased by __ to 969,672.


How many farms are there in the US today?

2.1 million

The number of farms in the U.S. in 2017 is estimated at __________________.

2.1 million

How large of a population increase is expected by 2050

2.3 billion

How many farms were there in 1975?

2.5 million

How many pounds does a year of production produce ?

2.5 trillion

How much money did the National FFA Foundation give out in scholarships last year?

2.7 Million

In what year did USDA unveil organic standards for foods and the official organic seal?


In what year did the United States Department of Agriculture celebrate their 150th anniversary?


Andy Paul

2015, Oglethorpe, President

Abbey Gretsch

2016, Athens Christian, VP

Ian Bennett

2018, Lowndes, VP

What percentage of farm operators are Hispanic?

21%: 99,734

Cheese Consumption Annually

21.9 lbs

What percentage of disposable income does Mexico spend on food?


What percentage of all U.S. agricultural products are exported yearly?


How many farm operators are millennial


**How many delegates can Indiana bring to National Convention?


How many and what type of medals can be worn on the FFA jacket?

3-highest award, highest office and highest degree

How many farm operators are there in the US?

3.2 million

What percentage of farm operators are women?

30%: 969,672

What percentage of disposable income does India spend on food?


Tomatoes Consumption Annually

31.4 lbs

How many students from Georgia attended WLC in 2018?


What is the increase corn yield per acre since 1950?


What rank is Georgia in membership?


How many FFA regions has the nation been divided into?


How many commas are there in the FFA salute?


How many objectives does the FFA have in its constitution?


The Motto consists of ________ lines?


Collectively, FFA members earn more than ____ billion dollars annually through their hands-on work experiences

4 billion

The pounds of feed a cow needs to produce 100 lbs of milk has decreased by how much in the last 30 years?


What percentage of disposable income does the Philippines spend on food?


As of 2012, how many acres was the average U.S. farm?

434 acres

What is the average farm size today?

434 acres

How many active alumni chapters in Georgia?

44 Chapters

Careful stewardship has spurred a nearly ____ percent decline in erosion of cropland by wind and water since 1982.


How many proficiency areas are there?


The use of ethanol in 2016 reduced greenhouse gas emissions by how many metric tons?

45.5 Million

Potatoes Consumption Annually

46.7 lbs

How many paragraphs is the creed?


How many symbols are on the FFA Emblem?


What percentage of farm operators are Native American?

5%: 58,475

Erosion of cropland has decreased___ percent since 1982


Advanced conservation practices are used on what percent of cropland acres?


Of the ten percent of disposable income Americans spend on food each year, _____ percent is for food eaten at home and _____ percent is for food eaten away from home.

50, 50

How many pounds of strawberries can you grow on 1 acre?

50,000 lbs

Beef Consumption Annually

51.5 lbs

What percentage of disposable income does Nigeria spend on food?


What is the average age of a U.S. farmer?


What is the average age of a farm operator?


How many "I believe"s are there in the FFA creed?


How many National FFA Officers are there?


How many sentences are there in the creed?


How many Jackets have been gifted through the Gift of Blue Program?


Precision agriculture techonlogies are used by about ____ percent of U.S. farmers?


What are the ethnic percentages?

65% of our membership is White 11.5% is Hispanic/Latino 3.9% is Black/African-American or American Indian 6.1% other 13.5% undisclosed

How many U.S. Presidents have addressed the National FFA Convention? Who are they?

7, Truman, Eisenhower, Nixon, Bush, Ford, Carter, Trump

How much more food would need to be farmed to matches the projected population growth?

70 percent

What percentage of total agricultural sales is associated with direct-to-consumer sales of farm products?


How many chapters are there nationally?

8,630 chapters

How many pounds of cotton can grow on 1 acre?

821 lbs

According to the USDA website the number of farmers markets has more than tripled in the past 15 years and there are now more than _____ around the country.


Chicken Consumption Annually

87.7 lbs

The global population is expected to increase to ______ billion by 2050


What is the number of the state convention coming up?


What is the estimated farm land today?

915 million acres

What are the percentages of different ag classes offered to students?

92% offer agriscience 71% offer advanced agriscience and biotechnology 59% offer agricultural mechanics 49% offer horticulture 43% offer animal science 24% offer environment-related

Flour Consumption Annually

94.8 lbs

What percentage of U.S. farms are considered "family-owned"?


How many FFA members are there nationally?

? members

What is the Georgia FFA twitter tag?


Conduct consistent with ideals of National FFA

A chapter shall be in good standings with a state association when the following are met, except for?

Which organization is "dedicated to studying, applying, and promoting the teaching and learning processes in agriculture"?


Name the four types of FFA membership?

Active, alumni, collegiate and honorary

Who is the National Eastern Region VP? and where is he/she from?

Adrian Schunk, Michgan

What organization was launched to empower farmers and ranchers to connect communities through social media?


Ag. Ed. Mission

Agricultural education prepares students for successful careers and a lifetime of informed choices in the global agriculture, food, fiber and natural resource systems.

Who was the last state to join the National FFA Organization?


May 15

All national dues must be paid to the National FFA Organization by when?

What is the AAAE

American Association of agricultural educators

The name of the livestock show that vocational agricultural students participated in 1926.

American Royal

What do national officers have on the back of their FFA jackets?

An emblem and no lettering

What do area officers have on the back of their FFA jackets?

An emblem and their region lettering

What do state officers have on the back of their FFA jackets?

An emblem and their state association

Which President signed legislation creating the first Department of Education?

Andrew Johnson

Who is the Georgia FFA Leadership Program Specialist?

Andy Paul

National Advisor

Arrangements for the books and records of the organization may be made with who?


As stated in the constitution, how many different types of officers shall be elected to national office?

FFA Colors

As the blue field of our nation's flag and the golden fields of ripened corn unify our country, the FFA colors of national blue and corn gold give unity to the organization.

Who is the State Vice President from Eastside FFa?

Ava Jane Teasley SAE: Sheep Production

How may a school principal become a member of the FFA?

Become an honorary chapter member.

Where should FFA pins and medals be placed on the jacket?

Below the owner's name.

Who is the Georgia FFA State Executive Secretary?

Ben Lastly

Who is the United States Secretary of Education?

Betsy DeVos

What were the official colors of the NFA?

Black and Gold

Who is the State Vice President from Montgomery County FFA?

Brittany Braddy SAE: Swine Production

The pin presented to Greenhands is made of what kind of metal?


Who is the Georgia State President?

Bryce Roland, Perry FFA SAE: Ag Education

What does BOAC stand for?

Building Our America Communities

Which two states have the most members?

California and Texas

Two Taps of the Gavel

Calls the meeting to order

Oldest State FFA Camp in Nation?

Camp Clements - 1928

What does CDE stand for?

Career Development Event

The first Star Farmer of America

Carlton Patton from Arkansas

What degree must a member hold to have a chapter office?

Chapter Degree

What degree must be earned before applying for the State FFA Degree?

Chapter Degree

Who have been the seven National FFA Advisors?

Charles Homer Lane, 1928-1933 John Austin Linke, 1933-1941 William T. Spanton, 1941-1961 A. Webster Tenney, 1961-1965 H. Neville Hunsicker, 1965- 1979 Byron Rawls, 1979-1983 Larry Case, 1983-2011 Steve Brown 2011-Present

Georgia ranks 1st in what pizza topping ingredient?


In 2002 this controversial country was admitted into the World Trade Organization.


The two largest trading partners of U.S. exports are:

China and Canada

What are the three major components of Agricultural Education?

Classroom and Lab, SAE, and FFA

Who is the Georgia State Secretary?

Clay Parker, Lowndes County FFA SAE: Livestock Production

On September 20, 2011 the National FFA Foundation launched a campaign to establish relationships with former and current members and supporters. The name of this campaign is:


Farmers have enrolled a total of 24 million acres in the _________ to protect the environment and provide habitat for wildlife.

Conservation Reserve Program

The Emblem?

Consists of five symbols, representing the history, goals, and future of the organization. As a whole, the emblem covers the broad spectrum of FFA and Agriculture.

Who was the first African-American National FFA President?

Courey Flourey 1994 Illinois

What does CASE stand for?

Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education

Who was the first NFA president?

David Simmons

Who is the State Vice President from Coffee County FFA?

Dawson Adams SAE: Goat Production

On what date did the Foundation Board vote to develop an FFA Leadership Training Center?

December 2, 1961

What does FFA do to accomplish it's mission?

Develops competent and assertive agricultural leadership. Increases awareness of the global and technological importance of agriculture and its contribution to our well-being. Strengthens the confidence of agriculture students in themselves and their work. Promotes the intelligent choice and establishment of an agricultural career. Encourages achievement in supervised agricultural experience programs. Encourages wise management of economic, environmental and human resources of the community. Develops interpersonal skills in teamwork, communications, human relations and social interaction. Builds character and promotes citizenship, volunteerism and patriotism. Promotes cooperation and cooperative attitudes among all people. Promotes healthy lifestyles. Encourages excellence in scholarship


Does raising a question of privilege require a second?

Who is the State Vice President from Newton College & Career Academy?

Doster Harper SAE: Honey Bee Research

Who was the first national advisor?

Dr. C. H. Lane

At the Silver Anniversary Convention, what president of the United States was the featured speaker?

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Who wrote the FFA creed?

E. M. Tiffany

Which of the following appears on the FFA emblem, but not the NFA emblem?

Ear of Corn

What is the symbol at the Secretary's station?

Ear of corn

How many states are in each region nationally?

Eastern-18, Western-11, Central-12, and Southern-11

Winner of the first National Public Speaking Event in 1930

Edward Drace from Missouri

Who is the State Vice President from Echols County FFA?

Emily Leonard SAE: Swine Production

What are the four types of SAE Programs?

Entrepreneurship, Placement, Agriscience Research and Experimentation, and Exploratory

Smith-Lever Act of 1914

Established the cooperative extension service. Purpose was to provide an extension from the land grant colleges to the local communities.

Smith-Hughes Act of 1917

Established vocational education courses at the secondary level. Ag programs were intended to "teach boys about farming".

FFA mission

FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education.


FFA national official dress standards are created

What is the Georgia FFA Facebook link?

True or False: Collegiate FFA members do not pay National dues.


True or false: to be a member of the FFA Alumni a person had to have been a member of FFA?


True or False: Any chapter can give the Honorary State FFA Degree to someone.

False, they may nominate a person to the Executive Committee

Which organization's mission includes being "the unified voice of agriculture, working through grassroots organizations to enhance and strengthen the lives of rural Americans"?

Farm Bureau

When was the National Vocational Education Act signed to law?

Feburary 23rd, 1917


First female Star Farmer is named: Karlene Lindow, Wisconsin • Official Dress standards are revised.

What is the FFA program that sends members to elementary classrooms to teach youngsters where food comes from?

Food For America

Code of ethics

For a chapter to operate effectively, each member must play an active role. FFA is truly an organizaiton of, by and for its members. Members decide and direct the activities of their own chapter. They hold positions of leadership and conduct all activities. The success or failure of chapter activities and programs rests with the membership.

The Owl?

For wisdom, symbolizing the knowledge required to be successful in the industry of agriculture.

What does FIRE stand for?

Foundations in Reaching Excellence

In 1933, a group of FFA members greeted this president on the White House lawn

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Who was the first African-American National FFA Officer?

Fred McClure 1974 Texas

What is the name of the town that the FFA jacket came from, and from what state?

Fredericktown, Ohio

What is the top U.S. Agricultural Import, by value of cash receipts?

Fresh/Processed Fruits

What are the five food groups?

Fruits, grains, protein, vegetables, dairy


Future Farmers of America (FFA) is established at a meeting in Kansas City, Mo. • The national FFA convention - the first - is attended by 33 delegates from 18 states. • Leslie Applegate of New Jersey is selected as the first national FFA president. • State associations of the New Farmers of America form regional sections and hold sectional meetings.

What organization is the FFA modeled after?

Future Farmers of Virgina

In 1939, FFA purchased 28.5 acres of land to house the National FFA Center. This land was part of ____________ estate?

George Washington

Who was better able to serve his country because of his sound financial practices?

George Washington

What is the top producing state in silviculture?


What are the three divisions of a program of activities?

Growing leaders, building communities, strengthening agriculture

Who developed the official FFA jacket?

Gus Lintner

Who is considered to be the Father of the FFA?

Henry Groseclose

Who were the three sisters who attended ABAC and earned American Degrees?

Hillary, Alyson, and Emily Pope; Screven County

Which two senators were behind the National Vocational Education Act and where were they from?

Hoke Smith and Dudley Hughes; Georgia


How many ag careers?


How many different banquet committees are there associated with planning the chapter banquet?


How many secondary, two-year post-secondary and adult instructors are there to instruct agricultural in the United State?


How many states had chartered a state alumni association in 1971?

6 months

How soon may a FFA member retain membership if involved with the FFA international program?

3rd paragraph of the creed

I believe in leadership from ourselves and respect from others. I believe in my own ability to work efficiently and think clearly, with such knowledge and skill as I can secure, and in the ability of progressive agriculturists to serve our own and the public interest in producing and marketing the product of our toil.

4th paragraph of the creed

I believe in less dependence on begging and more power in bargaining; in the life abundant and enough honest wealth to help make it so--for others as well as myself; in less need for charity and more of it when needed; in being happy myself and playing square with those whose happiness depends upon me.

1st paragraph of the creed

I believe in the future of agriculture, with a faith born not of words but of deeds - achievements won by the present and past generations of agriculturists; in the promise of better days through better ways, even as the better things we now enjoy have come to us from the struggles of former years.

5th paragraph of the creed

I believe that American agriculture can and will hold true to the best traditions of our national life and that I can exert an influence in my home and community which will stand solid for my part in that inspiring task.

2nd paragraph of the creed

I believe that to live and work on a good farm, or to be engaged in other agricultural pursuits, is pleasant as well as challenging; for I know the joys and discomforts of agricultural life and hold an inborn fondness for those associations which, even in hours of discouragement, I cannot deny.

What is 2017-2018 State FFA theme?

I can. We will.


In 1998 a technical amendment was passed by the delegates at what convention to prevent conflict between the Constitution and Federal Charter?

When will the National FFA Convention return Indianapolis and how long will it be in Indianapolis?

In 2016 the National FFA Convention returned to Indianapolis and it will be there for 9 years (through 2024)

Special Orders

In the order of business what comes before unfinished business?

New Business

In the order of official chapter business what comes before Special Features?

Suspend the Rules

Incidental; Not interruptible; Needs a second; Not debatable; Not amendable; 2/3 vote

The National FFA Center is located in what city and state?

Indianapolis, IN

Where will the National FFA Convention be held in 2019?

Indianapolis, IN

Take from the Table

Interrupt- No Second- Yes Debate- No Amend- No Vote- Majority Reconsider- No

Lay on the Table

Interrupt- No Second- Yes Debate- No Amend- No Vote- Majority Reconsider-only the negative vote may be reconsidered

Commit or Refer

Interrupt-No Second-Yes Debate-Yes Amend-Yes Vote-Majority Reconsider-Yes

Withdrawal a Motion

Interrupt: If not granted by unanimous consent, can be moved by person requesting permission, or by another while the former has the floor Second: Yes, if motion is made by person requesting permission; no, if made by another member Debate: NO Amend: NO Vote: MAJORITY (maker of motion may withdraw without permission) Reconsider: Only the negative vote may be reconsidered


Interrupt: NO Second: YES Debate: Debatable when applied to a debatable motion; has full debate Amend: NO Vote: MAJORITY Reconsider: NO

Division of a Question

Interrupt: NO Second: YES Debate: NO Amend: YES Vote: MAJORITY Reconsider: NO

Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn

Interrupt: NO Second: YES Debate: NO Amend: YES Vote: MAJORITY Reconsider: YES

Postpone Indefinitely

Interrupt: NO Second: YES Debate: YES Amend: NO Vote: Majority Reconsider: Only the affirmative vote may be reconsidered

Main Motions

Interrupt: NO Second: YES Debate: YES Amend: YES Vote: MAJORITY Reconsider: YES

Postpone to a Certain Time (or Definitely)

Interrupt: NO Second: YES Debate: YES Amend: YES Vote: MAJORITY Reconsider: YES

Amend Something Previously Adopted

Interrupt: NO Second: YES Debate: YES Amend: YES Vote: Majority with notice, or two-thirds without notice or majority of entire membership Reconsider: Only the negative vote may be reconsidered

Discharge a Committee

Interrupt: NO Second: YES Debate: YES Amend: YES Vote: Majority with notice, or two-thirds without notice or majority of entire membership Reconsider: Only the negative vote may be reconsidered


Interrupt: NO Second: YES Debate: YES Amend: YES Vote: Majority with notice, or two-thirds without notice or majority of entire membership Reconsider: Only the negative vote may be reconsidered

Limit or Extend Limits of Debate

Interrupt: NO Second: Yes Debate: NO Amend: YES Vote: 2/3 Reconsider: YES

Objection to the Consideration of a Question

Interrupt: YES Second: NO Debate: NO Amend: NO Vote: 2/3 NEGATIVE Reconsider: Only the negative vote may be reconsidered

Parliamentary Inquiry

Interrupt: YES Second: NO Debate: NO Amend: NO Vote: Chair decides or answers Reconsider: NO

Point of Order

Interrupt: YES Second: NO Debate: NO Amend: NO Vote: Chair decides or answers Reconsider: NO

Call for the Order of the Day

Interrupt: YES Second: NO Debate: NO Amend: NO Vote: Upon call by a single member, orders of the day must be enforced Reconsider: NO

Division of the Assembly

Interrupt: YES Second: NO Debate: NO Amend: NO Vote: on demand of a single member, the chair must take a rising but not necessarily a counted vote Reconsider: NO

Request for Information

Interrupt: YES Second: YES Debate: YES Amend: NO Vote: Chair decides or answers Reconsider: NO


Interrupt: YES Second: YES Debate: YES Amend: NO Vote: Majority or tie vote sustains the chair Reconsider: YES

What type of curricular activity is FFA?


What do you do with an FFA jacket when worn out?

It should be discarded or you should take the emblem and lettering off

Who was the first Female National FFA President?

Jan Eberly 1982

Who is the president of the NAAE?

Jason Kemp

Who is president of the Georgia FFA Alumni?

Jim East

Who was the first National President From GA?

Jim Thomas

Which former President of the United States was a former FFA member?

Jimmy Carter

Which former president is also a former FFA member?

Jimmy Carter

Who is the National Southern Region VP? and where is he/she from?

Jordan Stowe, Alabama

Who was the first woman National FFA Officer?

Julie Smiley 1976 Washington

What is the 2018-2019 National FFA theme?

Just One.

What city was the first National Convention held in?

Kansas City, Missouri

Who is the Georgia FFA Foundation Executive Director?

Katrina Jones

National Convention alternates between these two states

Kentuky, Indiana

The Plow?

Labor and tillage of the soil, backbone of agriculture and the historic foundation of our country's strength.

Who is the National Secretary? and where is he/she from?

Layni LeBlanc, Louisiana

What does LDE stand for?

Leadership Development Event

What does LDW stand for?

Leadership Development Workshop

The first National President was

Leslie Applegate from New Jersey

Which President established the USDA in 1862?


What does LPS stand for?

Local Program Success

Which state has the most aquaculture farms?


Who is the National President? and where is he/she from?

Luke O'leary, California

Who was the first state advisor?

M. D. Mobley

What vote is needed to pass an amendment?


Which federal acts led to the creation of land grant universities

Morrill Acts

Privileged Motion

Motions concerned with the rights of the members; takes precedence over all other motions

Incidental Motion

Motions that arise out of the business being conducted

Unclassified Motion

Motions that bring a question before an assembly again

Subsidiary Motion

Motions that help dispose of a main motion

Which organization provides a professional networking site, called Communities of Practice, for agricultural educators to share ideas and resources?


Who is the National FFA Treasurer

Nancy J Trivette

What is the NAAE

National Association of Agricultural Educators

what is the NASAE

National Association of supervisors of agricultural education

What are the FFA colors?

National Blue and Corn Gold

What are the colors and what do they signify?

National Blue represents our flag and Corn Gold represents a ripened field of corn.


National FFA Alumni Association is chartered as an affiliate of the National FFA Organization


National FFA Center is moved from Alexandria, Va., to Indianapolis, Ind. The new National FFA Center building - which houses the National FFA Organization, the National FFA Foundation and the National FFA Alumni Association - is dedicated on July 20. • National FFA convention is held in Kansas City, Mo., for the last time. • Jose Santiago is elected to national office; he is the first member from Puerto Rico to serve as a national FFA officer. • The 105th Congress of the United States reviews and passes technical amendments to Public Law 81- 740 (Aug. 30, 1950). Public Law 105-225 passes on Aug. 12.


National FFA launches Seeds of Hope, a fundraising campaign to help rebuild Gulf Coast states' agricultural education and FFA programs following Hurricane Katrina; $835,699 in donations is distributed to affected programs. • FFA Foundation breaks the $10 million mark in raising money for FFA programs and services. • National FFA convention is held in Louisville, Ky., for the last time.

The Eagle?

National Symbol that reminds us of out freedom and ability to explore new horizons for the future of agriculture

September 1

National officer candidates declared ineligible may file an appeal with the national advisor no later than what date?


Nearly how many years of service has the FFA provided youth?

What does NCF stand for?

New Century Farmer

1935 marked the founding of the ________ in Tuskegee Ala.

New Farmers of America

What does the NFA stand for?

New Farmers of America


New Farmers of America merges with the Future Farmers of America.

What is the name of the official FFA magazine?

New Horizons

The nominating committee for National FFA Officers shall consist of whom?

Nine official national FFA convention delegates whom have served as State officers in the past.

Who besides an FFA member may wear an official FFA jacket?

No person other than FFA members.

Eleven percent of US ag product sales come from _________.

Non-Family Corporations

Who is the current national advisor?

Not Steve Brown

What date did the Perry FFA Livestock Barn catch on Fire?

November 18, 2018; Electrical Fire

In what month was FFA founded?


What does OCA stand for?

Office of the Commissioner of Agriculture

What is the symbol of the State FFA Degree?

Official gold emblem charm

What is the symbol of the American FFA Degree?

Official gold emblem key

Georgia ranks 3rd in what pizza topping ingredient?


How many beginning farmers less than 10 years are there?

Over 20 percent

What does PALS stand for?

Partners in Active Learning Support


Postpone indefinitely requires what type of votes?

What does PLT stand for?

Premier Leadership Training

What officer seats all of the officers at the end of opening ceremonies?



President Jimmy Carter addresses the 51st National FFA Convention.

Question of Privilege

Privileged; Interruptible; No second required; Not debatable; Not amendable; No vote required


Privileged; Not interruptible; Needs a second; Not debatable; Amendable; Majority vote

Adjourn Meeting

Privileged; Not interruptible; Needs a second; Not debatable; Not amendable; Majority vote

Members of every chapter set up annually a plan of action for the coming year. What is this plan?

Program of Activities

The Rising Sun?

Progress and holds a promise that tomorrow will bring a new day, growing with opportunity.

Hatch Act of 1887

Provided $15,000 to each state for the development of ag experiment stations. Purpose was to conduct research to improve production agriculture. Provided a scientific basis for what was being taught at the land grant colleges.

Morrill Act of 1890

Provided funding for Ag and Mechanical colleges for African-Americans in the southern states.

Morrill Land Grant Act of 1862

Provided land to states to establish colleges for the common man. Purpose of the college was to provide education in agriculture, engineering, and military training.

The Cross Section of the Ear of Corn

Provides the foundation of the emblem. Corn has historically served as the foundation crop of American Ag. Serves as unity since corn is grown in every state of the nation

The emblem and the letters "FFA" are protected by trademark by which public law?

Public Law 105-225, 105th Congress

What law gave FFA a federal charter?

Public Law 740

What law granted FFA a federal Charter

Public Law 740

What public law makes the words "Future Farmers of America" strictly for our organization's use?

Public Law 740

What are the names of the FFA Associations, which are not states?

Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands

Series of Sharp Taps of the Gavel

Restore order at a meeting

Which state has the fewest FFA members?

Rhode Island

Who is the National Central Region VP? and where is he/she from?

Ridge Hughbanks, OK

According to the American Farm Bureau Mission Statement, which group does that organization strive to "enhance and strengthen the lives of?"

Rural Americans

This federal program is formerly known as Food Stamps

SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)

Which officer is seated to the President's left?


Which officer keeps the official records of members and progress of the organization?


What does SOAR stand for?

Seeking Opportunities; Achieving Results

When does the National FFA Organization Fiscal year run from?

September 1st through August 31st

Who is the National Western Region VP? and where is he/she from?

Shea Booster, Oregon

Who is the National FFA Executive Secretary?

Sherene R Donaldson

What is the pin symbolizing the Chapter FFA degree made of?


Who is the acting U.S. Secretary of Agriculture?

Sonny Perdue

Who is the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture?

Sonny Purdue

What region is the Georgia FFA Association located in?


Which of the following categories yields the highest cash receipts from farming in the United States?

Soybeans (Exports)

Who is the current National FFA Chorus Director?

Spencer White

Who is the executive director of the Georgia FFA Alumni?

Stan Mitchell

What are the four "Stars of Georgia" categories?

Star Farmer, Star in Agriculture Placement, Star in Agribusiness, Star in Agriscience

Who serves as Chairman of the National Board of Directors?

Steve Brown

Who is the current state advisor?

Steve Gass

What is the FFA Vision Statement?

Students whose lives are impacted by FFA and agricultural education will achieve academic and personal growth, strengthen American agriculture and provide leadership to build healthy local communities, a strong nation and a sustainable world.


Subsidiary; Not interruptible; Needs a second; Debatable; Amendable; Majority vote

Previous Question

Subsidiary; Not interruptible; Needs a second; Not debatable; Not amendable; 2/3 vote

What does SAE stand for?

Supervised Agricultural Experience

What three FFA members earned National SAE Grants last year?

Taylor Dyer, Daniel Highfill, Joshua Sell

How much were the first national dues?

Ten cents

Top 5 membership states?

Texas, California, Georgia, Missouri and Oklahoma.

The five states with the most number of farms in 2017 were __________________.

Texas, Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma, California

What states have the most farms in order?

Texas, Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma, California


The American Royal Livestock Show invites vocational agriculture students to participate in national livestock judging contests in Kansas City, Mo.

The vision of which organization is to be the collective leadership voice for agricultural education in the United States?

The Council

What is FFA?

The FFA operates on local, state and national levels. Student members belong to chapters organized at the local school level. Agricultural education instructors serve as chapter advisors. Chapters are organized under state associations headed by an advisor and executive secretary, often employees of the state department of education. States conduct programs and host annual conventions. Founded in 1928, the former "Future Farmers of America" brought together students, teachers and agribusiness to solidify support for agricultural education. The name of the organization was changed to the National FFA Organization in 1988 to reflect the growing diversity of agriculture. Today, more than 500,000 student members are engaged in a wide range of agricultural education activities. The Georgia FFA Association was founded in 1929. It is the 3rd largest state association in the nation with over 30,000 FFA members.

What is the Georgia FFA Foundation Mission?

The Georgia FFA Foundation, Inc. is a nonprofit, tax-exempt, 501(c)3 organization committed to obtaining and providing the resources needed to advance Georgia FFA.

What governing body has the power to appoint temporary national officers?

The National Board of Directors

What was the name of the first FFA magazine?

The National Future Farmer


The National Vocational Education Act (better known as the Smith-Hughes Act) provides funding to states for vocational education courses. (Sen. Hoke Smith and Rep. Dudley Hughes - both representing Georgia in the U.S. Congress - are the sponsors. President Woodrow Wilson signs the act into law on Feb. 23, 1917.)

What is the last pledge made by an FFA member before the adjournment of a meeting?

The Pledge of Allegiance

What is the official salute of the FFA Organization?

The Pledge of Allegiance

What is the symbol at the sentinel's station?

The clasping hands

What is the symbol at the treasurer's station?

The emblem of Washington

Atlanta, Georgia

The first national conference for the NFA was held where?

What is the symbol at the reporter's station?

The flag

FFA Emblem

The national FFA emblem, consisting of five symbols, is representative of the history, goals, and future of the organization. As a whole, the emblem covers the broad spectrum of FFA and agriculture. Each element within the emblem has unique significance.

What is the symbol at the advisor's station?

The owl

What is the symbol at the Vice President's station?

The plow

What is the symbol at the President's station?

The rising sun

July 1

The term of service for the elected members of the national board of directors shall begin?

What is the Georgia FFA Foundation Vision?

The vision of the Georgia FFA Foundation is to be a financially sustainable source that exceeds the needs of the Georgia FFA

Who is the State Vice President from Veterans FFA?

Thomas Maddox SAE: Horticulture

What is the minimum number of local functions a student must participate in to be eligible for the chapter FFA degree?


Applied Learning- The Three-Circle Model

Through agricultural education, students are provided opportunities for leadership development, personal growth and career success. Agricultural education instruction is delivered through three major components: 1) classroom/laboratory instruction (contextual learning) 2) supervised agricultural experience programs (work-based learning) 3) student leadership organizations (National FFA Organization, National Young Farmer Educational Association, and National Postsecondary Agricultural Student Organization).

What are the objectives the FFA as stated in the constitution?

To be an integral part of the organized instructional programs in agriculture education To strengthen the confidence of students To provide agriculture-related programs and activities To encourage and recognize achievements in supervised agricultural experience programs, scholarship, leadership and other individual and group activities by providing awards.


To receive the State FFA degree how many activities above the local level does a member have to participate in?

Why does the emblem contain the words "agriculture education" and the letters FFA?

To signify the combination of learning and leadership necessary for progressive agriculture.

True or False: A vote is taken to approve candidates as a whole for the American FFA Degree.


True or False: Each state FFA association must submit a list of official delegates to the national convention prior to convention.


True or False: One high school can have more than one FFA chapter if approved by the State Executive Committee?


True or False: The National FFA Officers shall hold the American FFA Degree at the time of their election and must be active members for the duration of their term of office.


Where was NFA founded and in what year?

Tuskegee, Alabama; 1935

In order to apply for the state FFA degree, you must have been an active FFA member for how many years?


What is the land grant university in Georgia?

University of Georgia

How long may a member retain active membership?

Until November 30th, following the fourth National Convention after graduating from high school


Virginia Tech agricultural education teacher educators Henry Groseclose, Harry Sanders and Edmund C. Magill and Virginia state supervisor of agricultural education Walter S. Newman meet to discuss an organization for boys in agriculture classes. The Future Farmers of Virginia would serve as the model for the Future Farmers of America.

What is the slogan for the American Farm Bureau Association?

Voice of Agriculture

This federal program provides grants to states for supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age five who are found to be at nutritional risk.

WIC (Women, Infants & Children)

What does WLC stand for?

Washington Leadership Conference

Where is WLC held?

Washington, D.C.

Proficiency Award

What award is designed for members who excel in specifically types of portions of an SAE?

National Chapter Award

What award program goes along with the POA?


What category of motion is Appeal?

Set Goals

What is the first thing that every committee should do in each POA division?

Placement Food Production

What is the third ranking SAE program?

National FFA week

What is used to showcase FFA member's accomplishments, abilities and contributions to local schools, organizations and communities? - Celebrated the week of George Washington's Birthday


What percent of ag ed students has a combination of ownership and placement projects?


What percent of employment opportunities is science and engineering?


What percent of high school agricultural education were employed or continuing their education?

Community Service

What service engagement is the work of individuals or groups in an organized activity that contributed to the local, national or world community?

April 5th

What week does NFA celebrate their national week?

11:59 pm

When is the official deadline for the Honorary American Teacher Degree when submitted online?

Alexandria, VA

Where was the first national FFA camp founded?


Who certifies if the candidate has a high school scholastic record of C or better?


Who conducts refection services at summer camps and conferences?

State Governing Body

Who determines if a school can have more than one chapter chartered?

National Board of Directors

Who determines if there needs to be another national FFA convention?


Who develops a scrapbook of memorabilia to record the chapters history?

Board of Directors

Who has the power to suspend a charter of any state association which violates the National Constitution and Bylaws?

State Advisor

Who recommends if each State Degree candidate has met the minimum qualifications which must be met before they are eligible for selection of this degree?

Corey Flourney

Who was the first black president?

Ken Dunagan

Who was the first star in agribusiness ?

How often are officers elected for the local and state levels?


Did FFA members take part in WWII?

Yes, 138,548 FFA Members served in the Armed Forces at that time

How many delegates can each chapter send to National Convention?


At which nation convention was the creed adopted? Revised?

adopted at the 3rd, revised at the 38th (1965) and 63rd (1990)

The American Association for Agricultural Education consists of active members who are engaged in agricultural education at ___________

colleges and universities

What were the official dress requirements when the were established in 1930?

dark blue shirt, blue or white pants, blue cap, and yellow tie

What is the Georgia FFA instagram tag?


What is the Georgia FFA website URL?

What is the Georgia FFA snapchat?


US farmers produce 1049.2 billion pounds of _____ annually, making this the largest category for pounds produced.


What is the motto?

learning to do doing to learn earning to live living to serve

GA teachers

more than 475 agricultural education teachers in Georgia.

Name the official dress for FFA members

official FFA jacket, black slacks and black socks/nylons or black skirt and black nylons, white collared shirt, official FFA tie or scarf, black dress shoes closed toed

How many ag teachers are there across the nation?

over 11,000

How many jobs does agriculture supply for Americans?

over 23 million jobs

Three taps of the gavel

signal for all members to stand in unison on the third tap

National Council for Agricultural Education

the premier leadership organization for shaping and strengthening school based agricultural education (SBAE) at all levels in the United States

What is the greatest challenge facing FFA and agricultural education?

the shortage of agricultural educators


• 28.5 acres of land are purchased near Alexandria, Va., for development as a national FFA camp. The land had once been owned by George Washington. • Identical twins Albert and Arthur Lacy of Hondo, Texas, become the only members ever to share the title of Star Farmer of America.


• A bill is passed by the 81st Congress of the United States that grants FFA a federal charter and specifies that a U.S. Department of Education staff member be the national FFA advisor. On Aug. 30, President Harry S. Truman signs the bill, and it becomes Public Law 81-740.


• At the 2nd National FFA Convention in November 1929, 33 states are represented by 64 delegates. • Thirty-five state associations with approximately 1,500 chapters and 30,000 members are now affiliated with the national organization. • National blue and corn gold are adopted as official FFA colors. • The Star Farmer of America award - one of the first awards created by FFA - is presented to Carlton Patton of Arkansas.


• Blue corduroy jacket is adopted as official dress. • A group of FFA officers and members travel to Washington, D.C., where they are greeted on the White House lawn by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.


• Corey Flournoy of Illinois is the first African-American to be elected national FFA president; he is also the first urban student leader.


• During World War II, when tens of thousands of FFA members are serving in the armed services, national FFA conventions are streamlined events where only delegates and award winners attend. In 1942, just 217 people attend the convention.


• During the national FFA convention, action is taken to establish a national FFA camp and leadership training school in the Washington, D.C., area.


• FFA Discovery Degree is available for middle school FFA members. • The National FFA Archives at Indiana University Purdue University in Indianapolis opens.


• FFA Merchandise Center opens its doors in Indianapolis, Ind. • Membership breaks the half-million mark with 500,823 members in 7,358 chapters. • FFA New Horizons adds on-line feature—


• FFA announces its decision to move the National FFA Center from Alexandria, Va., to Indianapolis, Ind. • FFA announces its decision to move the national FFA convention from Kansas City, Mo., to Louisville, Ky. • The official website for FFA,, debuts.


• FFA celebrates the 40th anniversary of women being admitted into FFA


• FFA chapters in the Virgin Islands and Guam, along with five chapters in Micronesia, are chartered.


• FFA opens membership to girls, making it possible for them to hold office and participate in competitive events at regional and national levels. • First National Star in Agribusiness, Ken Dunagan from Arizona, is named. • FFA Washington Conference (now called Washington Leadership Conference, or WLC) begins.


• First Agri-Entrepreneurship Awards are presented.


• First Extemporaneous Public Speaking Event is held. Winner: Christe Peterson, Wisconsin.


• First FFA Chorus and National FFA Talent program is held at the national FFA convention. • National FFA Supply Service begins operation. • Delegates approve the first international exchange program between FFA members and Young Farmers of Great Britain. • Record jump in membership from 238,269 in 1947 to 260,300 in 1948; so many members (approx. 10,000) attend the 21st National FFA Convention in Kansas City that a folding-cot hotel is set up in the basement of the Municipal Auditorium. • First National FFA Week is celebrated during the week of George Washington's birthday.


• First FFA National Agricultural Career Show® is held at the national FFA convention to highlight educational and career opportunities in agriculture.


• First National FFA Band performs at the national FFA convention.


• First National Star in Agriscience is named: Steven Offer, Wisconsin. • First National Star in Agricultural Placement is named: Nicholas Streff, South Dakota.


• First issue of The National Future Farmer magazine is published.


• Food For America program is launched. • Presidential candidate Jimmy Carter - a former FFA member - speaks at the national FFA convention.


• Former President Harry S. Truman speaks during the national FFA convention


• Fred McClure from Texas is the first African-American elected to a national FFA office. • President Gerald Ford is the guest speaker at the national FFA convention; his speech is carried live on network television.


• Future Farmers of America Foundation is formed to raise money from business, industry, government, individuals and sponsors for FFA programs and activities. • 138,548 FFA members are serving in the armed services in World War II. • First National FFA Agriculture Proficiency Award is presented for Agricultural Mechanics


• Future Farmers of America changes its name to National FFA Organization to better reflect the expanded agricultural opportunities encompassing science, business and technology, in addition to production farming. • FFA opens membership to seventh- and eighth-grade students. • Agriscience Student Recognition Program is introduced.


• Jan Eberly, California, becomes the first female national FFA president.


• Javier Moreno, Puerto Rico, is elected national FFA president; he becomes the first Puerto Rican and the first person with a native language other than English elected as national FFA president.


• Julie Smiley of Washington is the first female elected to a national FFA office. • Alaska becomes the last of the 50 states to obtain a national charter.


• National FFA Center is dedicated in Alexandria, Va., on land that had originally been used as the national FFA camp.


• National FFA Foundation raises $1 million in one year for the first time.


• National FFA Foundation receives its first $1 million contribution, from the Ford Motor Company. • 79th FFA National Convention is held in Indianapolis, Ind. - the first time the national convention is held here; 54,489 are in attendance. • Endorsement of agricultural education's long-range goal of 10,000 quality agricultural education programs by 2015, where every student is a member of FFA and has a relevant SAE


• New Farmers of America is founded in Tuskegee, Ala. • Active FFA membership exceeds 100,000 members.


• Official FFA Creed written by E.M. Tiffany is adopted. • First national public speaking event is held. Winner: Edward Drace, Missouri. • First Official Dress uniform is adopted: dark blue shirt, blue or white pants, blue cap and yellow tie. • Delegates restrict membership to boys only. • First official FFA manual is printed.


• Partners in Active Learning Support (PALS) program is launched.


• Presidential candidate Richard Nixon attends the national FFA convention in Kansas City.


• The National Future Farmer magazine changes its name to FFA New Horizons®.


• The U.S. Post Office Department issues a special postage stamp to celebrate the 25th anniversary of FFA. • President Dwight D. Eisenhower is the first U.S. president to speak at a national FFA convention.


• The national FFA convention is held in Louisville, Ky., for the first time. • First National Creed Speaking event is held. Winner: Michael Von Winkle, Arkansas.

What is the purpose of the Georgia FFA Alumni?

• To support and promote the Georgia FFA organization, activities, and agricultural education on local, state, and national levels. • To provide a tie to the State FFA and assist agricultural education/FFA personnel to involve former members and others interested in supporting worthy activities. • To promote greater knowledge of the agricultural industry and support education in agriculture. • To promote and maintain an appreciation of the American free enterprise system. • To promote the personal development of Georgia FFA members through our support of the Georgia FFA


• Vice President George H.W. Bush speaks at the national FFA convention; Bush is elected president in 1988.

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