Statesman Exam
What letters do the letters in the acronym "CORE" represent?
Chapter Officer Retreat for Excellence
What does GAIAC stand for?
Georgia Association of Industrial Arts Clubs
Officer symbol that represents the office of Reporter
The beacon Tower
TSA Official dress code:
Blazer: Navy blue with official TSA patch Ties: Scarlet red imprinted with official TSA logo; Tie is not required for female official dress Shirt or blouse: Official royal blue TSA shirt with embroidered logo Pants or skirt: Light gray Dark socks: Males only (black or dark blue) Shoes: Black dress shoes (Athletic shoes, combat or work boots are unacceptable) Sandals: Females only may wear black open toe shoes or sandals
What were the four original competitions for students in GAIAC?
Essay Contest Industrial Arts Club Exhibits Contest Scrapbook Contest GAIAC Sweetheart Contest
Who was the first State Association Director of Georgia TSA?
Gayle Silvey
What was the GAIAC Creed?
I believe in the dignity of work and that through an understanding and promotion of Industrial Arts, I can develop Leadership, Scholarship and Craftsmanship and so be of greater service to my country and mankind.
Who were the two men in charge of Georgia AIASA once it was nationally chartered?
Sam Powell and Harold Quinn
Officer symbol that represents the office of Treasurer
The Balanced Budget
Officer symbol that represents the office of Vice President
The Five Pointed Star
Officer symbol that represents the office of President:
The Gavel
Officer symbol that represents the office of Second Vice President
The four pointed star
Officer symbol that represents the office of Secretary
The pen
To refrain from casting one's vote
What are these? 1. Georgia TSA 2. National TSA
Website URLs
A gathering of the minimal number of members of an organization to conduct business
Point of Order
A question raised as to whether proceedings are in order, or in conformity with parliamentary law
What is the organization that originally sponsored AIASA?
American Industrial Arts Association
What do the letters "AIASA" represent?
American Industrial Arts Student Association
What chapter club are these apart of? Briarcliff High, Atlanta Coffee County High, Douglas Commerce High, Commerce Cross Keys High, Atlanta Dalton High, Dalton Glennville High, Glennville Jeff Davis High, Hazelhurst Savannah High, Savannah Warner Robins High, Warner Robins Winder-Barrow High, Winder
What is the TSA Creed?
I believe that Technology Education holds an important place in my life in the technical world. I believe there is a need for the development of good attitudes concerning work, tools, materials, experimentation, and processes of industry. Guided by my teachers, artisans from industry, and my own initiative, I will strive to do my best in making my school, community, state, and nation better places in which to live. I will accept the responsibilities that are mine. I will accept the theories that are supported by proper evidence. I will explore on my own for safer, more effective methods of working and living. I will strive to develop a cooperative attitude and will exercise tact and respect for other individuals. Through the work of my hands and mind, I will express my ideas to the best of my ability. I will make it my goal to do better each day the task before me, and to be steadfast in my belief in my God, and my fellow Americans.
National TSA Officers
President: Gowri Rangu Vice President: Alyssa Haider Secretary: Esha Bolar Treasurer:Evan Grove Reporter: Arnav Dhingra Sgt-at-Arms: Avery Broggi
Georgia state officers
President: Sherya Jayaram 1st Vice President: Carson Schmitt 2nd Vice President: Parker Foy Secretary: Brooke Slone Treasurer: Mallory Peavey Reporter: Zoe Coffey Sgt-at-Arms: Shreyahsi Dutta State Officer Assistant: Austin Futch
Who was the state supervisor of Industrial Arts Education and the first State Club Advisor when GAIAC was formed?
Raymond S Ginn
Who became the State Association Director of Georgia TSA in 2012?
Steve Price
What does TSA represent?
Technology Student Association
Officer symbol that represents the office of Sergeant at Arms
The hearty handshake
In the TSA Logo look like?
The middle section and largest part of the emblem contains the letters TSA. The letters are white on a blue background. Below is the name of the association in white letters on a red background.The top portion of the emblem is a blank red rectangular shape, the same size as the bottom area.
Table a motion
To postpone the discussion of something during a meeting
a formal step to introduce a matter for consideration by a group
a list of meeting activities in the order they are to be taken up
What does the TSA color White represent?
represents high standards, morals, and religious beliefs
What does the TSA color Blue represent?
represents the sincerity of the technology education students and teachers in obtaining a greater knowledge of our technological world
What do these represent? 1965: At the 27th AIAA (American Industrial Arts Association) Conference in Tulsa, the American Industrial Arts Student Association was officially organized 1968: By this date the following events such as Prepared Speech, Drafting, Scrapbook, Industrial Technical Reports, College Bowl and Industrial Exhibits were added. 1978: During the national student association, meeting at the 1978 AIAA Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, the nonprofit corporation, AIASA, Inc., was formed to oversee AIASA as a separate organization. 1982: To guarantee representation of the junior high programs, the office of 2nd Vice President was created in Georgia 1984: Georgia AIASA moved its annual conference from Macon to the Radison/Castlegate Hotel 1986: Ronald Barker became the Georgia AIASA State Advisor. 1987: Computer Aided Drafting was introduced as a pilot event in Baton Rouge, Louisiana 1988: At the National Conference, held in Downingtown, Pennsylvania, student delegates voted to change name to the Technology Student Association (TSA).
significant event happened in AIASA
What do these represent? 1989: The official TSA logo was designed by TSA chapter advisor Steve Price of Georgia. The membership adopted the logo through a national vote, for use on the national, state and local levels. 1989: The first state-wide Fall Leadership Conference was held on Jekyll Island. 1995: The Georgia TSA State Leadership Conference was moved from Atlanta to Perry, GA 1996: The official competitive events were separated into two distinct levels and each had event guides designed for each. 2000: Georgia TSA hosted the National TSA Conference 2000: Tech Day was added 2004: The first CORE was held at the FFA/FCCLA Camp 2008: The Georgia TSA State Leadership Conference was moved from Perry, GA to Athens, GA
significant event happened in TSA
the official record of the proceedings at a meeting of a society, committee, or other group
What does the TSA color Scarlet represent?
the strength and determination of the technology education students and teachers to obtain their goal
to end a meeting
Privileged Motions
urgent matters that must be dealt with immediately, even if they interrupt pending business