Statistics Chapter 7

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________________ the sample size decreases standard error thereby increasing power


___________________ beta error increases power

level of significance

a criterion of judgment upon which a decision is made regarding the value stated in a null hypothesis. the criterion is based on the probability of obtaining a statistic measured in a sample if the value stated in the null hypothesis was true.

critical value

a cutoff value that defined the boundaries beyond which less than 5% of sample means can be obtained if the null hypothesis is true.


a hypothesis is often a statement about the _______________ for a parameter in a population

test statistic

a mathematical formula that identifies how far or how many standard deviations a sample outcome is from the value states in a null hypothesis. it allows researchers to determine the likelihood of obtaining sample outcomes if the null hypothesis were true

Cohen's d

a measure of effect size in terms of the number of standard deviations that mean scores shifted above or below the population mean stated by the null hypothesis

hypothesis testing

a method for testing a claim or hypothesis about a parameter in a population, using data measured in a sample

null hypothesis

a statement about a population parameter such as the population mean that is assumed to be true


a statement or proposed explanation for an observation, a phenomenon, or a scientific problem that can be tested using the research method

alternative hypothesis

a statement that directly contradicts a null hypothesis by stating the actual value of a population parameter is than, greater than, or not equal to the value stated in the null hypothesis

effect size

a statistical measure of the size of an effect in a population, which allows researchers to describe how far scores shifted in the population, or the percent of variance that can be explained by a given variable

one sample z test

a statistical procedure used to test hypotheses concerning the mean in a single population with a known variance

type III error

a type of error possible with one-tailed tests in which a decision would have been to reject the null hypothesis, but the researcher decides to retain the null hypothesis because the rejection region was located at the wrong tail

z statistic

an inferential statistic used to determine the number of standard deviations in a standard normal distribution that a sample mean deviates from the population mean stated in the null hypothesis


as effect size ________________ power increases


effect size is only calculated when we _____________ the null hypothesis

stating level of significance

how do researchers control for type I error?

one tailed test

hypothesis tests in which the alternative hypothesis is stated as greater than or less than a value stated in the null hypothesis

two-tailed tests

hypothesis tests in which the alternative hypothesis is stated as not equal to a value stated in the null hypothesis. the researcher is interested in any alternative to the null hypothesis


in a large effect size d is greater than __________

0.2, 0.8

in a medium effect size d is greater than _________ but less than __________


in a small effect size d is less than __________


researchers directly ___________ for the probability of committing a type I error


sample means obtained _____________ the critical value will result in a decision to reject the null hypothesis

Cohen's effect size conventions

standard rules for identifying small, medium, and large effects based on typical findings in behavioral research


the _____________ the value of the d the larger the effect in the population


the ______________ the difference of discrepancy between the sample mean and population mean, the less likely it will be that the value of the population mean we hypothesized is correct


the _______________ the rejection region, the greater the likelihood of rejecting the null hypothesis, and the greater power will be

null result

the correct decision to retain a true null hypothesis


the difference between a sample mean and a population mean stated in the null hypothesis

1 minus alpha

the formula for retaining a true null hypothesis


the key reason we are testing the null hypothesis is because we think it is _____________


the level of significance in hypothesis testing is the criterion we use to decide whether the value stated in the null hypothesis is ___________ to be true

alpha level

the level of significance of criterion for a hypothesis test. it is the largest probability of committing a type I error that we will allow and still decide to reject the null hypothesis


the null and alternative hypotheses must encompass all ___________________ of the population mean


the one tailed test is associated with greater _______________; it makes it easier to reject the null hypothesis

level of significance

the p value is compared to the ____________________

p value

the probability of obtaining a sample outcome, given that the value stated in the null hypothesis is true


the probability of rejecting a false null hypothesis. specifically, it is the probability that a randomly selected sample will show that the null hypothesis is false when the null hypothesis is indeed false

type I error

the probability of rejecting a null hypothesis that is actually true

type II error

the probability of retaining a null hypothesis that is actually false

rejection region

the region beyond a critical value in a hypothesis test

retain the null

the sample mean is associated with a high probability of occurrence when the null hypothesis is true

reject the null

the sample mean is associated with a low probability of occurrence when the null hypothesis is true


the two tailed test is more ______________; it makes it difficult to reject the null hypothesis

obtained value

the value of a test statistic. this value is compared to the critical values of a hypothesis test to make a decision

less than 5%

we can state an alternative hypothesis to locate the probability of obtaining sample means with __________ chance of being selected if the value stated in the null hypothesis is true


we expect that if the null hypothesis is true then a random sample selected from a given population will have a sample mean ___________ to the value stated in the null hypothesis


we use the test statistic to make a _____________ regarding the null hypothesis


what is the criterion usually used in behavioral statistics?


what is the typical standard power?


when an obtained value _____________ a critical value, we decide to reject the null hypothesis


when the null hypothesis is rejected we __________ significance


when the null hypothesis is retained we ___________ to reach significance


when the probability of obtaining a sample mean would be less than 5% if the null hypothesis were true, then we _____________ the null hypothesis


Cohen's d is _____________ when there is no difference between 2 means


describes a decision made concerning a value in the null hypothesis

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