Stats Final 2022

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Applying the Dunn procedure, given a nominal family-wise error rate of .10 and two contrasts, what is the per contrast alpha? .01 .05 .10 .20


In a two-factor split-plot design, there are two interaction terms. Hypotheses can actually be tested for how many of those interactions? 0 1 2 Cannot be determined


How many possible pairwise contrasts are there if J = 5? 5 10 15 20


For a design with four factors, how many total interactions will there be? 4 8 11 12 16


In a two-factor ANOVA, factor A has three levels and factor B has two levels. If each cell has five observations, theFA ratio has degrees of freedom equal to? 2, 24 3, 24 2, 29 3, 29

2, 24

A priori comparisons are which one of the following? Planned in advance of the research Often arise out of theory and prior research May be done without examining the F ratio All of the above

All of the above

The denominator of the F ratio used to test the interaction in a two-factor ANOVA is MSwith in which one of the following? Fixed-effects model Random-effects model Mixed-effects model All of the above (the denominator for all of those models is MSwith)

All of the above (the denominator for all of those models is MSwith)

After a significant F test, a researcher used the Scheffé method to test all pairwise contrasts and found that all such contrasts are significant. He then repeated MCP with the Tukey method. What would he find? All pairwise contrasts are significant. Fewer number of contrasts are significant. None of the pairwise contrasts are significant. Anything is possible.

All pairwise contrasts are significant.

The variability that results from general differences between the treatment conditions. Variance between treatments measures differences among sample means. 1. Possible systematic differences caused by treatments (the treatment effect). 2. Random, unsystematic differences (error) Individual differences, Measurement error

Between-groups variance

Used to determine whether the observed proportions in two or more categories of a categorical (nominal, ordinal) variable differ from what is expected. a statistical hypothesis test used to determine whether a variable is likely to come from a specified distribution or not. It is often used to evaluate whether sample data is representative of the full population.

Chi-square Goodness of fit

At the start of a study investigating the efficacy of a new blood pressure medication, participants are randomly assigned to receive either the new medication or an existing effective blood pressure medication. At the end of the study, participants are classified as having high or not having high systolic blood pressure. The investigators want to determine if this outcome is associated with drug type. Which statistical analysis would you use to analyze the study as described?

Chi-square test of independence

refers to the effect of one factor depending on the level or value of the other factor. Also referred to as "non-additive" effects because the main effects do not "add" together. Typically called the A x B interaction where A represents one IV and B represents the other IV.

Dependence of factors

Used to make inferences about the difference between two dependent means and compare the sample means from two related groups. Matched Pairs of individuals or known pairs (married partners, parent and child, etc)

Dependent samples t test

the measure of the proportion of variability in the scores that is accounted for by the differences between treatments. = SS between / SS total


MS between / MS within df = (J-1, N-J) (one-way) df = (J-1, N-JK) (two-way) df = (J-1, (J-1)(n-1)) (one way repeated measures) = t^2

F ratio

include all levels that the researcher is interested in and thus, generalizations can only be made about those selected levels (e.g., SES, gender, age, marital status, etc.)


Adjusted F test when Mauchly's is significant conservative

Greenhouse and Geisser

Post hoc tests are necessary after an ANOVA given which one of the following? H0 is rejected with two groups. Fail to reject the null hypothesis and there are more than two groups. H0 is rejected and there are more than two groups. You should always do post hoc tests after an ANOVA.

H0 is rejected and there are more than two groups.

relationship between 3 variables (Multivariate)

Hotelling's t test

Adjusted F test when Mauchly's is significant most powerful

Huynh and Feldt

A researcher wanted to compare the average home prices in three different school districts. For each district, he recorded the average annual prices over the past 10 years (n = 10). Then he used a one-factor ANOVA to examine if prices are different between districts. Based on the design, what assumption of ANOVA has most likely been violated? Independence Homogeneity of variance Normality Equilibrium


At the start of a study investigating the efficacy of a new blood pressure medication, participants are randomly assigned to receive either the new medication or an existing effective blood pressure medication. At the end of the study, measures systolic blood pressure are taken and compared across the groups. Which statistical analysis would you use to analyze the study as described?

Independent samples t-test

It is hypothesized that individuals whose mothers mention that they want grandkids at Thanksgiving dinner (yes/no) will consume higher amounts of alcohol at the bar later that night. Which statistical analysis would you use to analyze the study as described?

Independent samples t-test

Allows us to compare two groups means with scores that are independent of each other. Assesses whether the means of two groups, or conditions, are statistically different from one other. Assumptions: observation in each sample must be independent, two populations from with the samples are selected must be normal, the two populations from which the samples are selected must have equal variance (homogeneity of variance)

Independent t test

MCPs that apply trend analysis are usually conducted sequentially in which order? Cubic, linear, quadratic Linear, quadratic, cubic Linear, cubic, quadratic Quadratic, cubic, linear

Linear, quadratic, cubic

estimate of variance between groups SS between / df between

MS between

In ANOVA, the average deviation of all the scores from their respective group means is estimated by SS total SS with MS total MS with

MS within

estimate of variance within groups SS within / df within

MS within

is the test of sphericity where the null hypothesis is that the assumption is met. If significant, the assumption of sphericity is not met.

Mauchly's W

ANOVA with both between subjects variables and within subjects variables Assumptions: Independent variable consist of more than 2 levels and the dependent variable is in an interval/ratio scaleIndependenceHomogeneity of VarianceNormalitySphericity

Mixed Design ANOVA

For a two-factor fixed-effects model, if the degrees of freedom for testing factor A = 2,24, then I assert that the degrees of freedom for testing factor B will necessarily be = 2,24. Am I correct?

No because there could be more than two levels for factor B

I assert that MSwith should always be used as the denominator for all F ratios in any two-factor analysis of variance. Am I correct?

No, because you use MS error not MS within when working with within subject variables

What is a major advantage of a within-participant design over a between-participants design?

One major advantage of the within-subjects design is that there is a smaller chance that a difference between conditions will be overlooked by eliminating individual participant variables.

independent, unrelated contrasts. In other words, nonredundant. the products of the contrast coefficients sum to zero.

Orthogonal contrasts

What are orthogonal contrasts? What is the advantage of orthogonal contrasts?

Orthogonal contrasts are independent and unrelated comparisons between groups when you have a factor with more than two variables. The advantage of using orthogonal contrasts is that they completely partition the treatment sum of squares into components that represent variation in each contrast.

Provide an explanation and an example of a situation where post-hoc tests are most appropriate?

Post-hoc tests should be used when you have an independent variable with more than two levels to see exactly which groups significantly differ and which direction they differ. You should only run a post-hoc test if you have a significant F value

coefficient of determination is the proportion of variance in one variable that is predictable from the other variable. The explained variance between 2 variables.


A researcher interested in making generalizations about the entire population of categories of the independent variable, not just the levels that were sampled, should pursue what type of ANOVA model? Covariate model Fixed-effects model Random-effects model Repeated measures model

Random-effects model

the sum of the squared deviations of each group's mean from the grand mean, multiplied by the number of subjects in each group.

SS between

SS within - SS subject

SS error

the sum of the squared deviations of each score from its group (conditional) mean and is a measure of error variance.

SS within

In the absence of random assignment to groups, which one of the following can be used to examine the extent to which the assumption of independence has been met? Boxplot of residuals by levels of factor A Scatterplot of residuals to categories of the independent variables Shapiro-Wilk test Spread versus level plots

Scatterplot of residuals to categories of the independent variables

A researcher finds a statistically significant omnibus F test. For which one of the following will there be at least one statistically significant MCP? Kaiser-Bowden Dunnett Tukey HSD Scheffe


Which of the following procedures can be used to test complex contrasts? Tukey HSD Dunnett's method Fisher's LSD Scheffé method

Scheffé method

Extent to which one variable (x, the predictor) can be used to predict or explain another (y, the criterion)

Simple Linear Regression

Which one of the following is a type of equal variance assumption? Independence Multicollinearity Normality Sphericity


A researcher finds a p value of .04 for Levene's test. Which of the following can be concluded if the alpha level is .05? The assumption of equal variances has been violated. The assumption of normality has been met. There is a statistically significant main effect for this factor. There is a statistically significant omnibus test.

The assumption of equal variances has been violated.

When would you use the chi-square test of independence vs. the chi-square goodness of fit?

The chi-square goodness of fit test should be used when you have one categorical variable and you want to test a hypothesis about its distribution. The chi-square test of independence should be used when you have two categorical variables and you want to test a hypothesis about their relationship.

Which is not a property of planned orthogonal contrasts? The contrasts are independent. The contrasts are post hoc. The sum of the cross-products of the contrast coefficients = 0. If there are J groups, there are J − 1 orthogonal contrasts.

The contrasts are post hoc.

You are testing the hypothesis that the amount of time students spend socializing with friends will decrease over time among students who are employed but will remain constant among students who do not work. What is the null hypothesis of Box's Test of Equality of Covariance The error covariance matrix of the orthonormalized transformed dependent variables is proportional to an identity matrix. The observed covariance matrices of the dependent variables are equal across groups. The error variance of the dependent variable is equal across groups. Compound symmetry for the differences between the pairs of scores.

The observed covariance matrices of the dependent variables are equal across groups.

A researcher used Fisher's LSD to test three contrasts: μ.1 - μ.2 μ.1 - μ.3 μ.1 - (μ.2 + μ.3)/2 Evaluate this practice. This practice is problematic because Fisher's LSD is always too liberal. This practice is problematic because Fisher's LSD can be used only to test simple contrasts. This practice is problematic because the contrasts are not orthogonal. I do not see any problem with this practice. It is great!

This practice is problematic because Fisher's LSD can be used only to test simple contrasts.

A researcher conducts a study of different instructional methods. The researcher wants to examine if student scores will increase as the instructional time increases. She randomly assigned 60 students to three classes. Each class spent 4 hours, 5 hours, and 6 hours per day, respectively, on instruction. Then she compared the average scores of the three classes. Which procedure is the most appropriate for this research question? Dunnett method Dunn (Bonferroni) method Tukey HSD Trend analysis

Trend analysis

The variability within each sample. individual scores are not the same within each sample. Individuals in each conditions were treated similarly. The variation observed within each condition is due to individual differences, measurement error, extraneous factors. an estimate of the population variance (i.e., naturally occurring differences among people within the same condition)

Within-groups (error) variance

In a one-factor ANOVA, if H0 is rejected, we conclude that all population means are different from one another. at least one pair of population means is different. all population means are equal. at least one pair of population means is the same.

at least one pair of population means is different.

is the mean of a particular combination of levels of the variables that divide the groups in a factorial ANOVA and are used to explore possible interaction effects.

cell mean

A researcher wants to know whether or not someone has a pet is associated with whether or not they have a child. He hypothesizes that people who do not have a child will be more likely than expected by chance to have a pet. What statistical analysis would you use to analyze this study (write in the full factorial notation if appropriate?

chi square test of association

The results of a two-factor ANOVA (J = 3, K = 2) show that both main effects are significant, but the interaction is not significant. We need to conduct MCPs to examine the two main effects and the interaction effect. conduct MCPs to examine the interaction effect only. conduct MCPs to examine the two main effects. conduct MCPs to examine one main effect only.

conduct MCPs to examine one main effect only.

For any pairwise MCP, holding the number of groups and dfwith constant, as the a level increases, the critical value will increase decrease not change increase or decrease depending on which MCP is used


df between = J-1 df within/error = N-J = J(n-1) df total = N-1 df total = df between + df within

degrees of freedom

Factor A = J-1 Factor B = K-1 A x B = (J-1)(K-1) error = JK(N-1) or N-JK total = N-1

df for a two way ANOVA

Which of the following is not an assumption of Tukey HSD? equal sample sizes (n) equal group variances equal group means All of the above are assumptions for the test.

equal group means

the combined effect of two or more independent variables. Specifically, the mean difference between individual treatment conditions, or cells, are different from what would be predicted from the overall main effect

interaction (or prized) effects

effect of a single independent variable on the dependent variable. Specifically, examining the mean differences among levels of one factor/IV. There is as many of these as there are IVs in the study.

main (or simple) effect

is a mean score for all the participants at a particular level of one of the independent variables and are used to explore possible main effects.

marginal mean

all scores from a single individual are treated as one statistical component. requires fewer assumptions and is more flexible (sphericity can be violated)

multivariate approach

For J = 2 and α = .05, if the result of the one-factor fixed-effects ANOVA is nonsignificant, then the result of the independent t test using the same data set and same a level will be significant nonsignificant uncertain dependent on the sample sizes


If you find an F ratio of 2 in a one-factor ANOVA (α = .05), you will reject the null hypothesis. fail to reject the null hypothesis. not be able to decide because the df and critical value are unknown. conclude that a mistake has been made.

not be able to decide because df and critical value are unknown

Represents the proportion of variation in Y explained by the group mean differences in X.Both provide corrections that allow them to be less biased than eta squared.

omega squared and epsilon squared

SS interest / (SS interest + SS error) Proportion of variability in the scores in one independent variable that is accounted for by the group differences as well as the error variance that is attributable to the effect. Can be greater than one; the values are not additive. More biased than eta-squared.

partial eta squared

A researcher used ANOVA to examine the effects of paper colors on reading speed. She prepared reading materials printed on three different colors of paper: white paper, yellow paper, and blue paper. She then randomly assigned 20 readers to each type of paper. How many factors are involved in this experiment, and how many levels are in the factor(s)? 1 factor with 3 levels 1 factor with 20 levels 3 factors with 20 levels 3 factors with 60 levels

1 factor with 3 levels

I assert that rejecting H0 in a one-factor fixed-effects ANOVA with J = 3 indicates that all three pairs of group means are necessarily statistically significantly different using the Scheffé procedure. Am I correct?


In a two-factor ANOVA, one independent variable has five levels and the second has four levels. If each cell has seven observations, what is df with? 20 120 139 140


The total sample size for the design is which one of the following? 10 15 20 25


A researcher used ANOVA to examine the effects of different types of diet on the weight gains of sheep. Specifically, he wants to see if the effect of diet type is different for sheep of different ages. Ten sheep were assigned to each of the four diet groups. Within each diet group, half of the sheep were younger than one year old, and the other half were older than one year old. How many factors are in this experiment, and how many levels do these factors have? 1 factor; 4 levels 1 factor; 8 levels 2 factors; one with 4 levels, one with 2 levels. 2 factors; one with 10 levels, one with 5 levels.

2 factors; one with 4 levels, one with 2 levels.

For a one-factor ANOVA comparing five groups with n = 30 in each group, the F ratio has degrees of freedom equal to 4, 120 4, 145 5, 149 5, 145

4, 145

The number of levels of the independent variable is six. How many orthogonal contrasts can be tested? 1 3 5 6


For a three-factor fixed-effects ANOVA, how many F tests will there be? 3 4 6 7


a family-wise MCP to tests simple or complex contrast using equal or unequal n's.Alpha level is divided by the number of tests to create a more stringent significance test.

Bonferroni (Dunn)

The interaction between factors L and M can be assessed only if which one of the following occurs? Both factors are crossed Both factors are random Both factors are fixed Factor L is a repeated factor

Both factors are crossed

True or false? If there is an interaction between the independent variables textbook and time of day, this means that the textbook used has the same effect at different times of the day.


True or false? The Dunnett procedure assumes equal numbers of observations per group.


True or false? Assumptions for the two-factor split plot ANOVA include consideration only for the between subjects factors.

False, it includes consideration for both between and within subjects factors

Used to determine whether there is an association between 2 categorical variables. Expected proportions are estimated from the data. checks whether two variables are likely to be related or not. Difference between observed and expected.

Chi-square test of independence (association)

Variances of each condition are equal (homogeneity of variance). Each condition is equally correlated with the others (homogeneity of correlation) a less stringent test of compound symmetry, assumes that the variances of the difference scores for each pair of levels within a factor is the same. often violated when the repeated measures variable is time.

Compound symmetry

Rule 1: The sum of the individual columns must equal zero (required). Rule 2: The sum of the two cross-products of the contrast coefficients must equal zero (required). Rule 3: The difference between the value of the set of positive contrast coefficients (weights) and the value of the set of negative weights should equal 1 for each contrast (not required).

Contrast Coding rules

True or false? A repeated measures design is necessarily an example of the random-effects model.

False, random effects models and fixed effects models can be a repeated measures design

procedure follows the sample principle but is less conservative. Only useful for a small number of comparisons


a family-wise MCP that is used to test pairwise comparisons when one group (e.g., control, baseline) is compared to all other groups. This procedure is more powerful than Bonferroni.


In a study of different instructional methods, if the researcher is interested only in comparing the scores of the class taught by the traditional method against each of the classes taught by the alternative methods, which procedure should she use? Dunnett method Dunn (Bonferroni) method Tukey HSD Trend analysis

Dunnett method

has control over family-wise error rates for three-group situations. unequal n's

Fisher's least significant difference (LSD)

used to find confidence intervals for both r and differences between correlations. Is there a significant difference between correlations?

Fisher's r to z transformation and z test

Using the same data with SPSS, Jamie and John found out that the p value of an ANOVA F test is 0.004. They both rejected the null hypothesis. However, Jamie used α = 0.05, whereas John used α = 0.01. Who has a higher probability of actually making a Type I error? Jamie John Both have the same probability Uncertain


In a two-factor fixed-effects ANOVA, FA = 2, df A = 3, df B= 6, df AB = 18, df with = 56. The null hypothesis for factor A can be rejected At the .01 level At the .05 level, but not at the .01 level At the .10 level, but not at the .05 level None of the above

None of the above

When a one-factor fixed-effects ANOVA results in a nonsignificant F ratio for J = 4, one should follow up the ANOVA with which one of the following post-hoc procedures? Scheffé method Tukey HSD method Fisher LSD method None of the above

None of the above

When a one-factor fixed-effects ANOVA results in a significant F ratio for J = 2, one should follow the ANOVA with which one of the following procedures? Tukey HSD method Scheffé method Fisher-Hayter method None of the above

None of the above

In a three-factor fixed-effects ANOVA, the three-way interaction effect is found to be significant. Which of the following statements is always true? All of the two-way interaction effects and main effects are significant. None of the two-way interaction effects or main effects are significant. At least one of the two-way interaction effects or main effects is significant. None of the above.

None of the above.

Which of the following conclusions would result in the greatest generalizability of the main effect for factor A across the levels of factor B? The interaction between the independent variables A and B was Not significant at the .25 level. Significant at the .05 level. Significant at the .01 level. Significant at the .001 level.

Not significant at the .25 level.

You are testing the hypothesis that among students who live with family, those who make ends meet or have money left over after paying bills will report spending more time on Instagram at the beginning of the semester than will students who have difficulties paying bills. However, among students who do not live with family, there will be no differences in time spent on Instagram based on ability to pay bills. Your analyses produce the following results. What should be done regarding the assumption of homogeneity of variance if Levene's Test is not significant? Decrease the alpha level Transform "T1 Instagram" Use a different analytic strategy that corrects the calculation of F and df Nothing


Which one of the following is appropriate for a one-way ANOVA? One continuous dependent variable and one categorical independent variable with two or more groups One categorical dependent variable and one categorical independent variable with two or more groups Two or more continuous dependent variables and one categorical independent variable with two or more groups One continuous dependent variable and two or more categorical independent variables with two or more groups

One continuous dependent variable and one categorical independent variable with two or more groups

What is a major advantage of a between-participant design over a within-participant design?

One major advantage of a between subjects design is that each participant is only given one treatment so it takes much less time than the within subjects design where every participant experiences multiple treatments.

a within-subjects (correlated groups) design where each each participant experiences all levels of the independent variable. In other words, participants are measured repeatedly. assumptions: Independent variable consist of more than 2 levels and the dependent variable is in an interval/ratio scale, Independence, Homogeneity of Variance, Normality, Sphericity is more sensitive to small differences since the error due to individual differences is greatly reduced.

One way repeated measures ANOVA

A researcher conducts a study where children are measured on frequency of sharing at three different times over the course of the academic year. Which ANOVA model is most appropriate for analysis of this data? One-factor random-effects model Two-factor random-effect model Two-factor mixed-effects model One-factor repeated measures design Two-factor split-plot design

One-factor repeated measures design

Football players are each exposed to all three different counterbalanced coaching strategies, one per month. This is an example of which type of model? One-factor fixed-effects ANOVA model One-factor repeated-measures ANOVA model One-factor random-effects ANOVA model One-factor fixed-effects ANCOVA model

One-factor repeated-measures ANOVA model

compares the means of two or more independent groups in order to determine whether there is statistical evidence that the associated population means are significantly different Assumptions: Independent variable consist of more than 2 levels and the dependent variable is in an interval/ratio scale, independence, Homogeneity of Variance, Normality

One-way ANOVA

Gilbert wants to make generalizations about the class attendance rate in his district. He randomly samples four schools and collects data on the attendance rate of 50 classes (one class represents one observation). Which ANOVA model is most appropriate for analysis of these data? One-way between-subjects ANOVA One-way repeated measures ANOVA Two-way between-subjects ANOVA Two-way repeated measures ANOVA Two-way mixed ANOVA

One-way between-subjects ANOVA

A researcher randomly assigns some people to be sprinkled with fairy dust, another group to be sprinkled with powdered unicorn horn, and a final group to be sprinkled with baby powder as a control. She hypothesizes that those who are sprinkled with powdered unicorn horn will be able to fly faster than those who are sprinkled with baby powder or fairy dust. What statistical analysis would you use to analyze this study (write in the full factorial notation if appropriate?

One-way fixed-effects ANOVA

Contrasts can be divided into which two of the following types? Contrast and complex Nonpairwise and complex Pairwise and nonpairwise Simple and pairwise

Pairwise and nonpairwise

Parametric statistic used to determine the degree to which two continuous or interval scale variables are related. It is a standardized version of covariance that ranges from +1 to -1 with 0 meaning no relationship. .1= weak, .3 moderate, .5 strong measures the strength of the linear relationship between two variables. Assumptions: data is interval/ratio, normally distributed. Independent individual observations, linear relationship, homoscedasticity.

Pearson Correlation

multivariate statistic robust, used when sphericity is violated

Pillai's Trace

Provide an explanation and an example of a situation where planned comparisons are most appropriate?

Planned comparisons are when you define independent comparisons prior to collecting the data. When there's already a history of research on certain groups then planned comparisons would be most appropriate.

include randomly selected levels from the population of levels, and thus, generalization can be made about levels not included in the study (e.g., random selection from a group, classrooms, time, etc.)


a family-wise MCP that can be used for any type of contrast. The generality of this procedure is both a strength and weakness; tests are conservative but also less powerful for pairwise comparisons. Recommended to only be used for complex post hoc comparisons

Scheffé method

What is a simple effects analysis? When would you conduct one? Why would you conduct one?

Simple main effects are the significant differences among the means for one IV at a fixed level of the other IVs. You would conduct a simple effects analysis if results show a significant omnibus F in the univariate box. You would conduct a simple effects analysis in order to see which level of the IV is driving the overall significance.

Used to make inferences about a mean when population SD is unknown. statistical hypothesis test used to determine whether an unknown population mean is different from a specific value.

Single-sample t test

Briefly discuss the assumption of sphericity. What are your options when this assumption is violated?

Sphericity assumes that the variance of the difference scores for each pair of factor levels is the same. When sphericity is violated you can report Geisser and Greenhouse which is more conservative or you can report Huynh and Feldt which is more powerful.

the sum of the squared deviations of the mean of each participants across conditions from the grand mean, multiplied by the number of conditions.

Subject Sum of Squares

True or false? Holding the level and the number of groups constant, as the df error increases, the critical value of the q decreases.


True or false? In contrast-based multiple comparison procedures, alpha is set for each individual contrast.


a family-wise MCP that is used for simple pairwise comparisons in a balanced design (i.e., equal n's). the minimal difference needed between two means in order to be statistically significant. more powerful than the Bonferroni procedure because it has exact control of the family-wise error rate

Tukey's HSD (aka studentized range test)

A two-factor experiment means that the design necessarily includes which one of the following? Two independent variables Two dependent variables An interaction between the independent and dependent variables Exactly two separate groups of subjects

Two independent variables

A preschool teacher randomly assigns children to classrooms—some with windows and some without windows. She wants to know if there is a mean difference in receptive vocabulary based on type of classroom (with and without windows) and whether this varies by classroom teacher. Which ANOVA model is most appropriate for analysis of this data? One-factor random-effects model Two-factor random-effect model Two-factor mixed-effects model One-factor repeated measures design Two-factor split-plot design

Two-factor mixed-effects model

It is hypothesized that Santa will deliver more presents if his elves are highly optimistic, as opposed to moderately or not very optimistic elves. Additionally, it is believed that Santa will deliver the most presents if his elves are highly optimistic and his reindeer are highly agreeable. It is believed that Santa will deliver fewer presents if his elves are moderately or not very optimistic and his reindeer are moderately or not very agreeable. Which statistical analysis would you use to analyze the study as described?

Two-way Between-Subjects Factorial ANOVA

It is hypothesized that children who believe in Santa will receive more Christmas gifts labelled "from Santa" than children who do not believe in Santa. This difference is expected to be greater in households with two natural parents, compared to one natural parent, and one natural parent compared to no natural parents. Which statistical analysis would you use to analyze the study as described?

Two-way Between-Subjects Factorial ANOVA

Participants are randomly assigned to watch either Fox News or CNN for two hours a week over the course of seven weeks. The same participants are also randomly assigned to read either a book written by Al Franken or Ann Coulter. Following completion of the study participants complete a measure of political attitudes with higher scores indicating higher levels of conservatism. The researchers wish to investigate main effects of news source and book source. They are also interested in whether the effects of news source depend on what book participants were assigned to read. Which statistical analysis would you use to analyze the study as described?

Two-way Between-Subjects Factorial ANOVA

Participants see images of white and black targets that are either fit or obese. Each participant encounters all of the images. That is, each participant views fit whites, fit blacks, obese whites, and obese blacks. After viewing each image, participants complete ratings of the degree to which they feel that each person is personally responsible for their physical fitness status. The researchers expected that for fit targets, the people in the white images would be rated as more responsible for their physical fitness status than the people in the black images. For obese targets, they expected the people in the black images to be rated as more responsible for their physical fitness status than the people in the white images. Which statistical analysis would you use to analyze the study as described?

Two-way Repeated Measures ANOVA

Candace conducts a study to examine the effect of a professional development program on teachers' content knowledge. Half of the teachers are randomly assigned to participate in the program (the other half are controls). All teachers are then tested on their content knowledge each month over the course of the academic year. Which ANOVA model is most appropriate for analysis of these data? One-way between-subjects ANOVA One-way repeated measures ANOVA Two-way between-subjects ANOVA Two-way repeated measures ANOVA Two-way mixed ANOVA

Two-way mixed ANOVA

Ravi conducts a study where he randomly assigned half of the selected patients to follow a specific diet plan (the other half are controls). Patient blood pressure was also recorded every month over the course of one year. Ravi wanted to examine whether the diet plan made any difference in blood pressure. Which ANOVA model is most appropriate for analysis of these data? One-way between-subjects ANOVA One-way repeated measures ANOVA Two-way between-subjects ANOVA Two-way repeated measures ANOVA Two-way mixed ANOVA

Two-way mixed ANOVA

Gilbert wants to make generalizations about the class attendance rate in his district. He randomly samples four schools and collects data on the attendance rate of 50 classes (one class represents one observation). Gilbert also randomly selected 25 classes from the four sampled schools. All selected classes participated in a program that aimed to increase attendance rate (the remaining classes were controls). Gilbert then collected data on the change of attendance rate to see whether the program made a difference. What type of effects does this study include? fixed-effects random-effects both fixed- and random-effects neither fixed- nor random-effects

both fixed- and random-effects

Interpreted as an approximate correlation index but can also be interpreted as the standard deviation of the standardized means. = sqrt ( eta-squared / (1-eta squared) )

cohen's f

A department head wants to give an informal teaching award to one of two teachers he is considering. He assembles a group of students that happen to have both teachers that semester. He asks the students about how effective teacher 1 is. He then asks these same students how effective teacher 2 is. Both questions were on a scale of 1 to 10. What statistical analysis would you use to analyze this study (write in the full factorial notation if appropriate?

dependent sample t test

Which of the following statements about α level is true? As α level decreases, the critical F value will decrease as well As α level decreases, the computed F value will increase If α level is smaller than the p value, then the null hypothesis is rejected α level describes the highest risk of Type I error we are willing to take

describes highest risk of Type 1 error we are willing to take

specific comparisons the researcher is interested in examining prior to any data collection and do not require a significant F-ratio.

planned contrasts

After a significant F test, two different pairwise comparison procedures were used to detect the differences between 5 group means. Procedure A detected one significant contrast, whereas procedure B showed that all contrasts are significant. Which procedure is more powerful? procedure A procedure B equally powerful cannot be determined based on the information given

procedure B

each score is thought to consist of random and systematic components, including those unique to the subject.

univariate approach

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