Stone Age grade 6

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Neolithic Age

"New Stone Age"; About 10,000 years ago marked by advances in the production of stone tools. Shift from hunting and gathering to agriculture. (farming)

Paleolithic Age

(750,000 BCE - 10,000 B.C.E.) Old Stone Age. A period of time in human history characterized by the use of stone tools and the use of hunting and gathering as a food source.

Ice Age

A period of extremely cold temperatures, 11 thousand years ago when part of the planet's surface was covered with massive ice sheets (glaciers )

What is Stonehenge?

An archaeological site of a circular group of stones in southern England built 3,500-5000 years ago. No one knows exactly why it was built- it is believed perhaps religious. During summer solstice the sun lines up with some stones so perhaps it works with a calendar. Many conspiracy theories believed aliens helped humans build it.

Characteristics of the NEW Stone Age

As time went on humans began to make improvements in technology they need., they also began domesticating animals and farming

Old Stone Age Homes

Caves- shelter from the elements and animals , Huts and Tepees-temporary shelters, light and portable ( wooden frame, covered in animal skin)

Huge discovery for cave men?

Fire! Important as a great source of heat and light- people could now cook food making it taste better and safer to eat.

Characteristics of the OLD stone ages

Humans primarily depended on stone tools, pebbles, stones and hand axes and other non metallic things- wood, antlers, and bones

How did early humans deal with sickness and injury?

Hunters and gatherers risked sickness and injury daily they were exposed to disease and injury from moving around and hunting animals daily Medicine was made from herbs, teeth were pulled if painful, broken bones were set, limbs removed, brain surgery was even performed

Who was Otzi the Iceman?

In 1991 a 5000 year old mummy was discovered by hikers in the Alps in Europe. It was believed he was a hiker but upon examination he had a small ax and stone knife, deerskin clothing and was carrying mushrooms and berries. It is believed he lived either during or after the New Stone Age. This is probably based upon the more polished tools he was carrying.

What was the importance of early farming?

In the early stone age the earth warmed up and people learned to grow their own food ( lentils, peas, barley) because of farming people didn't have to move around searching for food sources so they began to set up villages and make their food source . They also fished, made pottery and traded goods with each other. Skara Brae- an ancient Stone Age village found in Scotland

Where did early man originate ?

It is believed that early people first lived in East Africa 3.5 million years ago- but they had to migrate for constant sources of food. It is believed they migrated from East Africa to Europe to Asia and then with the land bridge made it to North America

What was a discovery at the end of the stone age?

Metal -humans will now move from stone to different materials for tools moving us towards the Bronze Age

What were animals domesticated?

New Stone Age- dogs, cattle, sheep... Horses - used to transportation and meat, donkey/ camel - good for driving people and goods bees- good for candle wax and medicine silkworm- silk

Were plants and farming just for food?

No they could be grown for medicine ( herbs) and to make needed objects like rope and fishing nets

Why is it important to study the past?

Studying the past helps us to know how people lived and what problems they faced. Learning about ancient people helps us learn about ourselves

Stone Age

The historical period characterized by the production of tools from stone and other nonmetallic substances. ( wood, horns, antlers and bone) It was followed in some places by the Bronze Age

How can archaeologists learn from early art?

The study of not only artifacts like tools and weapons is important but art shows how people lived long ago. Many engraved rocks and cave paintings of animals and humans have been found. Paints were made by using ground up rock and saliva or animal fat ( most colors were red, brown, black and white) We learned about hunting and living, how caves were used for spiritual rites... all from these pictures and stories


The study of past cultures - study of things that remain after the cultures have disappeared


a scientist who learns about ancient people by studying the things they left behind, study the past, they find and analyze artifacts.


land bridge that connected Asia and North America ( with lowered waters this bridge was available to migrate to America)


objects made by human beings- can include, tools, weapons, Jewlery and pottery. These artifacts tell us facts about ancient people such as they hunted small and large animals for food...and ate berries, fruits, nuts- items from local forests


people who move from place to place in search of constant sources of food. It is believed early people first lived in East Africa


to move from one place to -archaeologists believe people moved from East Africa, to Europe , Asia and then North America ( using a land bridge)


to tame; to bring plants or animals under human control. In the New Stone Age people began to tame animals- dog, goats, cattle, sheep. These animals met some of the needs of people .

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