Stone IS290 test 3

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What are some of the common types of physical transmission media and what differentiates them from one another?

- Twisted pair wire-strands of copper wire twisted in pairs for voice and data communications. - Coaxial cable- thickly insulated copper wires capable of high-speed data transmission and resistance to interference. - Fiber-optic cable-strands of clear glass fiber that transmit data as pulses of light generated by lasers. - Wireless transmission media- based on radio signals and involves satellite microwave systems and cellular networks

What are the two types of signals used to communicate a message in a network and how are they different? What device converts one type to the other type?

1. Analog signal- a continuous waveform that passes through a communications medium and is used for voice communication ex. telephone handset and other types of speakers that generate analog sound 2. Digital signals- binary waveforms (not continuous) that communicate information as strings of two discrete states: 1 bit or zero bits. Computers use these types of signals and use modems to convert digital sounds to analog sounds

List and describe at least five different Internet business models. Which of these models do you think would be the riskiest for a startup business today? Support your answer.

1. Online retail model: One of the main types of online business is the online shop. You can sell your products and brands on different online websites like Amazon and eBay 2. Online service model: a person can do work from home, provide flexible hours of work and get extra income from their regular job. These include website designing, computer programming, video editing, print design 3. Affiliate marketing model: a website can promote products and services of another company and provide link to access further action through company website. If someone clicks on the ad given on website and purchase some item them website on which ad is placed get a commission. 4. Membership site model: website where two types of content are present, one is free and other one is premium. Free content is basic content which can attract customers and get them in the door to purchase premium. 5. Online directory model: To provide a wide range of services to business. Example of niche directories includes wedding singer, second hand cloth reseller, children castle provider etc.

What are the business advantages of using voice over IP (VoIP) technology?

Business can lower costs by using the Internet to deliver voice information, avoiding the tolls charged by local and long-distance telephone networks. They can lower costs from not having to create a separate telephone network. Phones can be added or moved to different offices without rewiring or reconfiguring the network.

List and describe the three main categories of electronic commerce. Which do you think is ultimately the most valuable to the individual consumer? Support your answer.

Business-to-consumer, business-to-business, and consumer-to-consumer. All three are valuable to the consumer, but in the long run, business-to-business may be the most valuable to the individual consumer because it will reduce prices and increase both goods and services.

How does disaster recovery planning differ from business continuity planning?

Disaster recovery: planning for the restoration of computing and communications services after they have been disrupted. Business continuity: planning that focuses on how the company can restore business operations after a disaster strikes

Identify at least four benefits and four challenges of enterprise systems.

Enterprise systems provide many benefits including an enterprise-enabled organization, improved management reporting and decision making, a unified information systems technology platform, and more efficient operations and customer-driven business processes. Supply chain management benefits include improved customer service and responsiveness, cost reduction, and cash utilization. Customer relationship management Benefits include increased customer satisfaction, reduced direct marketing costs, more effective marketing, and lower costs for customer acquisition and retention

Identity and describe three major enterprise applications

Enterprise systems- based on a suite of integrated software models and a common central database. They utilize software to support different fields of work (like accounting or finance). Supply chain management- help an organization better manage its supply chain, including planning, sourcing, making, delivering, and returning items. It also demands forecasts for a product to develop sourcing and manufacturing plans for that product. Customer relationship management systems- help firms maximize the benefits of their customer assets. These systems capture data from all over the organization and distribute the results to various systems and customer touch points across the enterprise.

Hackers and their companion viruses are an increasing problem, especially on the Internet. What are the most important measures for a firm to take to protect itself from this?

Firewalls, investigation of personnel to be hired, physical and software security and controls, antivirus software, and internal education measures. These measures are best put in place at the time the system is designed, and careful attention paid to them. Companies should also conduct a risk assessment, and after learning their risks, create a security policy that sufficiently protects the company.

What are geosocial services and how are they being used?

Geosocial services help you find friends, or your friends to find you, by checking in to the service, announcing your presence in a restaurant or other place. Your friends are instantly notified

Define location-based services and describe the main categories of these services. Which of the categories do you feel has the most potential in terms of e-commerce revenues, and why

Location based services that utilize GPS map services available on android phones to deliver value added services. They have geo-information services, geo-social services, and. geo-advertising A geo-social service can inform you where your friends are assembly. Geo-advertising services can inform you where to locate the nearby Italian restaurant, and geo-information services can inform you the cost of a home you are look at, or about special exhibit at a museum you are transitory. Learner answers as to the mainly important of these services will differ; a pattern is: I consider that geo-advertising services have the mainly potential for income, as it base on a income make method: advertising. Geo-social services and geo-information services, by themselves, are further contented and message oriented

Identify and describe the two types of customer relationship management applications

Operational CRM- customer-facing applications, such as sales force automation, call center and customer service support, and marketing automation. Analytical CRM-customer relationship management applications dealing with the analysis of customer data to provide information for improving business performance

How can a firm's security policies contribute and relate to the six main business objectives? Give examples

Operational excellence: A firm's daily transactions can be severely disrupted by cybercrime such as hackers. Security policies protect a company's ideas for new products and services, which could be stolen by competitors. Customer and supplier intimacy: Customers rely on your security if they enter personal data into your information system, for example, credit card information into your e-commerce site. Improved decision making: Secure systems make data accuracy a priority, and good decision making relies on accurate and timely data. Lost and inaccurate data would lead to compromised decision making. Competitive advantage: The knowledge that your firm has superior security than another would, on an otherwise level playing field, make your firm more attractive to do business with. It could help increase employee productivity and lower operational costs. Survival: New laws and regulations make keeping your security system up-to-data a matter of survival. Inadequate security and control may result in serious legal liability. Firms have been destroyed by errors in security policies.

What is a PRM module? How does it differ from an ERM module?

PRM helps channels sell to customers directly. It provides the ability to trade information and distribute leads and data about customers. It also provides a firm with tools to assess its partners' performances so it can make sure its best partners receive the support they need to close more business. ERM software deals with employee issues that are closely related to CRM, such as setting objectives, employee performance management, performance-based compensation, and employee training

Name and describe four firewall screening technologies

Packet filtering- examines selected fields in the headers of data packets flowing back and forth between the trusted network and the Internet, examining individual packets in isolation. Network Address Translation (NAT)- can provide another layer of protection when static packet filtering and stateful inspection are employed. NAT conceals the IP addresses of the organization's internal host computer(s) to prevent sniffer programs outside the firewall from ascertaining them and using that information to penetrate internal systems. Application proxy filtering- examines the application content of packets. A proxy server stops data packets originating outside the organization, inspects them, and passes a proxy to the other side of the firewall. If a user outside the company wants to communicate with a user inside the organization, the outside user first communicates with the proxy application, and the proxy application communicates with the firm's internal computer. Likewise, a computer user inside the organization goes through the proxy to talk with computers on the outside Stateful inspection-provides additional security by determining whether packets are part of an ongoing dialogue between a sender and a receiver. It sets up state tables to track information over multiple packets. Packets are accepted or rejected based on whether they are part of an approved conversation or attempting to establish a legitimate connection.

Identify two supply chain models. Which is better?

Push-based refers to a supply chain driven by production master schedules based on forecasts or best guesses of demand for products. Pull-based refers to a supply chain driven by actual customer orders or purchases so that members of the supply chain produce and deliver only what customers have ordered. Pull-based models are better.

How are RFID systems used in inventory control and supply chain management?

RFID systems capture and manage more detailed information about items in warehouses or in production than bar coding systems. This technology may help companies improve by enhancing their ability to "see" exactly what stock is in stock.

Three major concerns of system builders and users are disaster, security, and human error. Of the three, which do you think is most difficult to deal with? Why?

Security might be the most difficult because it is an ongoing problem, new viruses are devised constantly, and hackers get smarter every day. Damage done by a trusted employee from inside cannot be obviated by system security measures.

What business processes are supported by enterprise systems? Give specific examples

The four major business processes supported by enterprise systems are: • Financial and accounting processes, including general ledger, accounts payable, accounts receivable • Human resources processes, including personnel administration, payroll, personnel planning and development • Manufacturing and production processes, including procurement, inventory management, purchasing, shipping, production planning, production • Sales and marketing processes, including order processing, quotations, contracts, product configuration, pricing, billing, credit checking, incentive and commission management, and sales planning.

What are the security challenges faced by wireless networks?

The network can be more easily penetrated by outsiders armed with hacking software. the access points can be picked up fairly easily by intruders' sniffer programs. Wireless networks in many locations do not have basic protections. Intruders use the information they obtain to set up rogue access points to associate with a user's NIC so that they can capture names and passwords.

What is dynamic pricing and how is it used in e-commerce?

The pricing of items based on interactions between buyers and sellers that determine what an item is worth at any particular moment. Online retailers change prices on many products based on time of day, demand for the product, and users' prior visits to their sites.

What is a digital certificate? How does it work?

They are attachments to an electronic message to verify the identity of the sender and provide the receiver with the means to encode a reply

How are modern telephone and computer networks different from what firms used in the past?

They are converging into a single digital network. In the past, the two were not affiliated with one another. Now, it works much faster and is more cost effective

Describe the use of personalization and customization in e-commerce. What business value do these techniques have?

With personalization, companies can target their marketing messages to specific individuals by adjusting the message to a person's name, interests, and past purchases. They are able to change customer experience based on a prior purchase and help track the customer. This is extremely helpful in creating customer personalization. The business value of personalization is reduced marketing costs, as you spend only the money to target customers that are more likely to be receptive and are more profitable, and improved sales results, from increased customer response to personalized sites that better serve their own purposes and shopping needs.Personalization can achieve some of the benefits of using individual salespeople for dramatically lower costs

Identify five benefits of customer relationship management systems

better customer service, make call centers more efficient, reduce costs, sell more, keep good customers

What is social CRM and how is it being used?

engagement fostered by communication with customers through social networking sites, such as Twitter and Facebook. It helps provide insight into customer interactions with a brand, and to improve the quality of customer engagement.

Define computer forensics and describe the types of problems it is designed to address.

it is the scientific collection, examination, authentication, preservation, and analysis of data held on/retrieved from computer storage media in such a way that the info can be used as evidence in a court of law. - Recovering data from computers while preserving evidential integrity - Securely storing and handling recovered electronic data - Finding significant information in a large volume of electronic data -Presenting the information to a court of law

What is the role of an information systems audit?

the role is to evaluate the systems that are in place to guard an organization's information and are used to evaluate the organization's ability to protect its information assets and to properly dispense information to authorized parties.

What are digital goods, and how does the Internet impact the market for digital goods?

these are common goods that are available to buy online. They are available everywhere and anywhere in the world and are readily usable.

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