strategies for academic success

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Diagrams can only be presented as a simple drawing with labels.


Which questions are commonly the most confusing type of question?

A and B

How many categories should Jane use to track multiple levels of information learned through a student survey on teachers at her school?

As many categories as she needs to understand the results

If a teacher does not provide a rubric for an important assignment, what should you do?

Ask for a rubric to be created

Dana would like to see how the sales of apples have compared to the sales of pears this season. What graph would be the best choice?


Which visual aid component accompanies a photograph to provide further meaning?


A personal idea must be identified with a


What is the first step once an essay question has been chosen?

Create an outline for the answer

What process makes your writing flow and "sound like music?"

Editing the language of your essay

"DaVinci created 24 angels in the sky," is an example of the rhyming strategy.


A five-paragraph essay question is one of the three types of response questions.


A flowchart identifies the order of events.


A logical structure to information is not important as long as you can locate everything you need to complete quality research.


A rhyme can only be used for concepts learned in Science class.


A rubric shows the percent of correct answers required to achieve a certain grade.


A source only needs to be cited right after the quote was used in the paper or report.


A thesaurus is a type of encyclopedia.


A timeline is not a graphic organizer.


A tutor helps you on schoolwork, but only at the pace your teacher sets.


The 5 paragraph essay format allows for the detailed explanation of one supporting argument.


Which is an interesting topic for high school seniors?

Graduation rates

The purpose of using categorization for remembering information is to

Group information to remember it more easily

The directive of an essay question

Guides the essay response

On a vocabulary list within a study guide, definitions should be written

In complete sentences

Outlines should be written

In complete thoughts, but not complete sentences

When activating the visualization strategy, the image which holds the information is located

In your mind

Michael's mom drops him off at school early two days a week. Michael likes to use this time to get his homework done for the week. A disadvantage of this study time is that

It is not available to him everyday

Alma noted that her teacher had once visited the Taj Mahal in India. Even though she normally doesn't write down personal stories in her notes, this time it was okay because

It reminded her that the capital of India is New Delhi

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Helps to identify trends

Line Graph

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Enjoys reading


Casey has an open book test in his physics class tomorrow and will need to use many formulas. Which of the following is the best strategy Casey could use to organize his formulas?

List all of the formulas on a separate sheet of paper

A legend or key may be used to

Locate a particular building on a map

Prereading activities_________the reader for reading.


Fill in the blank questions are considered___________questions.


Which of the following would you include in your daily organizer?

Study group-2:15

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Identifying vocabulary definitions


Which aid would help you compare the rates of home loans from two different companies?


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Government and Society.......200

Table of Contents

Where should Geri look to find the other lessons in the chapter on Government and Society?

Table of contents

'Aim' is another word for 'goal.'


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Comparing the similarities and differences among authors

Venn Diagram

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Finding similarities and differences between two Romantic plays

Venn diagram

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Enjoy music in their free time

auditory learners

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition May ask for advice about a problem

auditory learners

When answering a short answer question, students should present key facts in which format?

essay format

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Text messaging during a test


The lineage of a word is called its _____.


I do chores because my parents expect everyone to help with housework


I have to get good grades to impress my grandparents


Sarah is having trouble studying from her notes. She is using a notes organizer, but she is still having difficulties identifying main ideas and vocabulary words. Sarah would benefit from _____.

highlighting the important elements using her own note taking key

I study French so I can talk to my cousin who lives in Paris


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition May fidget during class

kinesthetic learners

When taking notes from a lecture, it is important to ___________.

make sure to write down the main ideas

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Finding out your grade after a test

monitoring progress

Asking questions when something is unclear is part of

personal responsibility

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Filing tests for future studying

staying organized

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Asking for review material for a test

using proactive communication

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Creating a study group

using proactive communication

What size is a standard margin?

1 inch

Approximately how many sentences should your Summary contain?


A behavior becomes a habit when it has been repeated

21 times

For a source to be considered current, it should be no more than________years old


An atlas is

A collection of maps

A synonym is

A word that has the same meaning as another

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Cannot


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Every


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Halloween falls on October 31 every year.


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition No plant can survive without water.


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Only


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition The stars can only be seen at night.



Acronymic abbreviation

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition "My very excellent mother just sent us necklaces" for the order of planets

Acronymic sentence

Knowing that IOC stands for the International Olympic Committee is an example of using


A line graph can show information

Across many years

After a break, always review your work to

Activate prior knowledge

By making eye contact with her teacher and writing down questions in her notes about the content, Alma is participating in

Active listening

Academic integrity refers to

All academic work

A common component of visual aids is a

All of the above

Acronyms formed from phrases can create

All of the above

Credible sites contain___________information,

All of the above

Which of the following strategies is an effective way to stay organized at school?

All of the above

A graphic organizer can

All of these

A thesaurus can

All of these

A topic list should contain

All of these

Atlases may contain which type of maps?

All of these

Extrinsic statements originate in

All of these

Harrison has read the section on elements within the water molecule three times. What could he do to help him learn the material?

All of these

Matching the information to be learned to the appropriate memorization technique allows for

All of these

Online encyclopedias may contain

All of these

Selecting "exergaming is a healthy activity" for the topic in this lecture was a good idea because

All of these

Talia reviews her flashcards three times a day as the teacher suggested, but she can't seem to understand the meaning of the word 'perpetuate.' What should she do?

All of these

Test anxiety symptoms can include

All of these

The process of determining what to study is especially important because it

All of these

Timelines show events

All of these

To "know your audience," you should identify what they

All of these

Visual aids should be

All of these

Who can you talk to if you are having problems reading difficult material?

All of these

According to this lesson, "Weather," "Sports," and "Business" are all types of what?


Rubrics answer

Am I done?

In order to find information about sea lions for a research paper, Clover should reference

An encyclopedia

Where can you find ideas for pre-questioning?

Any of these

What statement should you use if you do not recall the exact date of an event?

Any of these would work

A graphic organizer can be used for

Any subject

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Tables and charts comparing the government from five different states


Critical thinkers____________what they read.

Ask questions about

If you need to download something for a class, first

Ask your lab instructor

On an open book test, Anna was asked to predict how American laws may affect the Mexican way of life if the US Constitution was applied to Mexico's laws. This open book test question

Asks students to apply information to new situations

To ensure you are aware of any subject that might be on a test, the best strategy is to

Attend each class session

What word can be made from the root "aud" which has the meaning "to hear"?


Which of the following should appear on a weekly schedule?


Which synonym for "pretty" has a positive connotation?


Why are cause and effect graphic organizers useful?

Because they show relationships among events

In order to help you answer this true/false statement, which words should be underlined?: Black cats can only be found in countries in Northern America.

Black cats, only, countries, Northern America

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition May like to move when studying

Body - Kinesthetic

Which of the following strategies will help you to stay focused and on topic while writing your essay?

Both 'a' and 'b'


Both A and B

Sandra notices the dark line separating each of the countries on the map of Europe. What line is she looking at?

Both A and B

"What is an example of the vocabulary word foreshadow?" This question could be a

Both A and C

"I study to get good grades because my parents want to send me to the college of my choice." This is an

Both of These

A good place to get hints about how to answer a response question could be

Both of these

A study guide can be created

Both of these

An example signal statement is

Both of these

Flashcards should focus on

Both of these

What might happen if a student does not seek clarification about information they are unsure of?

Both of these

The purpose of including a front page to your rewritten notes is

Bring meaning to the information inside of it

Creating a list of items that can be found in specific sections of a Math book is called


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Identifying each amendment in the sections of the constitution


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Remembering on which continent 5 different countries are located


Anton needs to identify the eight different scoring statistics for all the players on his school's basketball team. Which graphic organizer would be best for this assignment?


Margaret needs to compare the types of themes from the four books in her American Literature class. She should use a ____________to match the themes with the stories.


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Identifying which books have romantic or heroic themes


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition The types of symbols found in various stories


Plagiarism is considered


"Rewards you for accomplishments" Which goal-setting step is described by this sentence?

Check in on your progress

Christine is writing practice outlines to study for her next essay test. What should she focus on when creating practice outlines?

Christine should focus on potential questions that may show up in the actual test

To create her study guide, Theresa should gather information from her

Class notes, lecture notes, old assignments and past tests

Orthophoto maps depict certain areas using

Color-enhanced photography

List the similarities and differences among American settlers and Native Americans. Which directive fits the above essay question?

Compare and contrast

A Venn diagram is best used for

Comparing and contrasting information

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Evidence of proofreading and revisions


Applying the rhyming technique allows the learner to use their


To eliminate the possibility of using an answer more than once on a matching question, one should

Cross out used answers

Information should be________to ensure more than one source provides the same factual information.


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Doctor's appointment today at 3:20pm

Daily organizer

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Math homework, problems 1-20

Daily organizer

Which of these would best be used to record homework assignments?

Daily organizer

Alejandra has come across a section in her physics textbook detailing the affect of wing span on an airplane's cruising speed. How should she adjust her reading speed?

Decrease her speed to better understand the technical information

Below is a portion of a dictionary entry for the word "type". Match the entry to the correct dictionary component. To typewrite information on a page or computer


Match the word or phrase to the correct section title of the outline. Geography Notes I. The Eastern Hemisphere A. Africa 1. Much of Africa is wilderness a) 25% of Africa is not inhabited Much of Africa is wilderness


You need to label the rooms in your home for the painters, so they know which rooms to paint various colors. Which aid might you give them?


During her open book Latin exam, Tina needs to find the original meaning of the word "dance." Which reference should she use?


A good way to study for tests in a study group is to

Discuss what questions might be on the test

Once you have chosen a topic, what should you do before beginning the research process?

Discuss your idea with others

Which of the following is NOT an efficient study group activity?

Discussing what content to study

One problem that may be associated with encyclopedias found in libraries is

Encyclopedias may be out-of-date if the latest version is not available on the shelves

Which type of test focuses on debate and discussion of key content and main topics?

Essay tests

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Grade


Rubrics allow students to

Evaluate each other's work

To judge, assess and justify are all parts of


Match the word or phrase to the correct section title of the outline. Geography Notes I. The Eastern Hemisphere A. Africa 1. Much of Africa is wilderness a) 25% of Africa is not inhabited 25% of Africa is not inhabited


A tutor will be able to help you take tests during class.


A tutor's responsibility is to help a student clean out their locker.


A word's denotation and connotation mean basically the same thing.


Abbreviations should not be used when taking Science notes because they may be confused for symbols of the elements.


All Internet reference pages are contain true, credible information.


All online reference sites can be considered safe and credible because information on the Internet is continuously updated.


All synonyms for a particular word mean exactly the same thing.


An atlas is a book of statistical data.


Another name for a chart is "Venn diagram."


Asking your teacher to figure out your current grade in his class cannot help increase your grades.


Basic acronyms, acronymic sentences, and acronymic abbreviations cannot be nonsensical.


Being able to express your thoughts in an email is a primary technology skill.


Being able to ignore noise around you is not important to online learning.


Being proactive means dealing with problems only after they affect you.


Calendars cannot help you plan activities more than one month away.


Captions do not provide any additional information about a photograph.


Circle graphs, or pie graphs, show information over a period of time.


Common elements of a map include: title, boundaries, calculators and a compass.


Computers are not simple enough to be used by the common citizen. -John Howard, 1975. This source would be considered appropriate to use today.


Creating a thesis statement is the first step in developing your topic.


Dictionaries provide only a word's definition.


During the second read through, you should start at the beginning of the chapter and read through from beginning to end again.


Encyclopedias contain statistical data about a given year.


Essay tests do not require students to present information in context.


Every piece of content covered in class will be on a unit test.


Flashcards can benefit auditory and visual, but NOT kinesthetic learners.


High quality papers never include creative elements or focus on well-written content.


How well you organize and integrate study materials is not as important as the amount of time you spend studying.


If a teacher supplies a visual aid or graphic organizer, a student should just try to memorize it, not recreate their own.


If you have a choice of questions to answer on an essay test, always pick the most difficult questions because those will earn you the most points.


If you only use part of a quotation, it is not necessary to include a citation.


In this lesson, to "associate concepts" means to describe their differences.


Intrinsic motivation reflects desires that others have.


It doesn't matter what your goal is. Any idea you may create is achievable.


It is acceptable to email your friends homework answers in online education because the class is on the computer.


It is acceptable to not finish all of a difficult chapter as long as you ask a teacher about it later.


It is not necessary to spend a large amount of time preparing for an essay because you are never really sure of what the questions will be.


It is okay to download information without asking a lab instructor as long as it is for your online class.


It is very important to stick to a strict outlining format so you know what is important to study.


It takes an artistic touch to create a meaningful timeline.


Learning through repetition does not apply to physical activities.


Line graphs and bar graphs contain one axis.


Main ideas and specific titles are important to include in your notes, but dates are unnecessary.


Meeting your goals is not as important as meeting your parent's goals


Missing only a few days of school will not impact your grades.


Motivation to read faster is not a factor in your reading speed.


No extra effort is needed in order to think critically.


Only people who really need help in understanding the material truly benefit from study groups.


Only those who are considered 'book smart' can be called intelligent.


Open book tests usually require students to recall facts and basic information about key concepts and topics.


People who experience extrinsic motivation are more likely to be personally committed to reaching their goal than those who experience only intrinsic motivation.


Personal feelings about a topic do not affect the writer's objectivity.


Picturing a lush location within a rain forest to remember what types of plants grow there is a form of categorization.


Picturing how something works in your mind is not a memorization technique.


Potential test questions should not be part of a study guide because they will always be reviewed in your study group.


Questions about the content of your notes belong in the "Content" section of your organizer.


Reading quickly comes naturally to most people.


Repetition learning rates are the same for everyone, so there is no need to find an activation and break pattern that works best for you.


Response questions always have only one correct answer.


Reviewing notes from a previous class will not help you take notes in a future class.


Rhyming works best for understanding how multiple parts of a concept form relationships with each other.


Sending an email about questions on a test is not considered cheating in most schools.


Shana does not have good study habits because she writes down every single grade she earns on a test or assignment.


Support groups: 8,58,150-152 This is a table of contents entry.


Tables do not include numerical data.


Taking an online class doesn't require any special skills.


Taking notes during the survey step is very important.


Talking about what might be on a test with your study group is not a good idea. Everyone will think different topics are important.


The first step in the repetition strategy is to revisit the information.


The information given to you by your teachers is always accurate and should never be questioned.


The more resources you have to choose from during an open book test, the better you will do on the test because more information is available to you.


The more times you repeat something, the less likely you are to remember it.


The most efficient way to memorize multiple layers of information all at once is to use flashcards.


To locate the depth of the Great Lakes, you should look on a data map.


To organize notes, a student should review notes from class lectures, but not notes from the text book chapters.


Using NBA instead of National Basketball Association is an example of an acronymic sentence.


Using your friend's list of key topics that might be on an open book test is sufficient preparation for the test.


When it comes to getting a good night's sleep, the warmer your room is, the deeper you will sleep.


Writing down your assignments on a special school calendar does not count as a good study habit.


You do not need a tutor unless you are in danger of failing the class.


You do not need to tell a teacher you have downloaded anything as long as it did not save to your computer.


You will always get a system warning if the site you are on is unsafe.


Your goal should be important to the people around you in order for you to achieve it.


Your study space does not need to be quiet as long as you can ignore any noise coming from the space.


Your teacher is responsible for telling you exactly what questions and content will be on a test.


The guidewords for the word "feign" are

February and feline

A thesaurus is used to ______.

Find the synonyms and antonyms of a word

A___________will help you to understand how a President gets elected through the general election process.

Flow chart

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Choose the best organizational aid for the use described below. Identifies sequences


Which organizational aid is best to use when attempting to follow the process involved in an engineering production plan?


The additional information included in the bottom margin of your paper is called a


A timeline is necessary

For every goal

What should not be tolerated in your study group?

Getting upset if someone doesn't understand the material

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Government: the form or system of rule by which a state, community, etc., is governed


Using unsafe sites may be

Harmful to your computer

Which of the following statements demonstrates intrinsic motivation?

I traveled to Mexico to learn about my family's history.

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Important details are included


Surveying a chapter helps to________main ideas.


Which of the following is not one of the five major areas to include in your notes organizer?

Important People

Decide if the information below demonstrates effective note-taking and choose the best choice from the drop-down menu. Ex: apes, gorls and mnkys.

Include as is

Where should you look in order to find words as they are used in a variety of contexts?


Where can you find a wide range of information on a given topic?

Informational references

Angela is always forming study groups before tests. What type learning preference might she have?


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Easily expresses their feelings


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Cereal bars are a healthy alternative to candy bars.

Just right

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Picturing a pair of "lips" to remember what an ellipse is


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Visualizing a game of "tag" to remember the meaning of contagious


An appropriate strategy to learn difficult vocabulary words is the

Keywords technique

Most teachers develop fill in the blank questions from their

Lecture notes

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Explains symbols used on a map


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Represents a range of resources in an area


Sheri likes to study in the school library, but it is usually full of chatting students. It's a great place to study because her friends can always drop by when they want to talk to her. Sheri should seek a new study space with

Less distractions

"Identifies necessary help" Which goal-setting step is described by this sentence?

Locate resources

The strategy in which you periodically look away from the text and ask yourself about the material is called the

Look-away method

According to your lecture, what do successful students do?

Make studying part of their daily routine

To determine what to study, one should first

Meet with a teacher

Melinda has always wanted to know about export rates between the U.S. and China. Why is this a good research topic for her?

Melinda is curious about the topic

Story and Journey Systems are techniques for

Memorizing information

Which of the following answer choices should be eliminated first from this question? "Who was the first man to walk on the moon?"

Mickey Mouse is considered to be


Best answer tests include

Multiple choice, T/F and matching tests

Which is an example of "criteria"?

NOT "Example support"

A way to categorize information and point you to where to find that information is called

NOT A glossary

A position is either

NOT A thesis can be any of these

The purpose of prereading is to

NOT All of these, Prepare for a test

Essay questions may also be referred to as

NOT Explain questions

Which organizational aid allows time to be shown in a picture?

NOT Graphs

Some of the students in John's study group are doing an excellent job. But some students do not show up on time and do not complete their part of the assigned tasks. What can John do to help the group identify who and what is working out well and what isn't?

NOT Hold a joint meeting and aggressively confront those who are not holding up their end of the assignments

What necessary information is missing from this formula page? t-time V = d/t d-distance V = distance/time v-velocity

NOT Numeric values

The objectivity of a site relates to its

NOT Quotes from other Internet authors

After the latest Social Studies lecture, Alma's notes span 5 whole pages, front and back. Which note taking mistake does it sound like Alma may have made?

NOT She wrote in complete sentences

You should find a new topic if

NOT You can't find any information to support your thesis

Sarah often finds herself back at the beginning of a sentence, but isn't sure why. Sarah might be a victim of

Needless or unconscious rereading

Jana feels that listening to music at night helps her to sleep. Should Jana listen to music the night before a test?

No, the music keeps her from reaching a deep sleep.

A __________ is a familiar word used to replace an unfamiliar or difficult word or concept.

None of these

A_______________test depends on the test taker's ability to recall specific information.

None of these

In order to find last season's batting averages for his favorite baseball players, Jose should look in a Sport's

None of these

In which sections of your organizer should the outline be located?

None of these

This informational reference usually provides information covering one calendar year.

None of these

A source's copyright date is an indicator of

Not Accuracy

Which informational reference might one use to find highways, borders and information on tourist attractions?

Not All of these, or Almanac

Allison would like to find a list of hiking trails that she can follow all over Eastern Europe. What type of informational reference does she need?

Not Almanac

How many searches should you complete when looking up information using online references?

Not At least five, the more information you can find, the more references you can include in a paper

Gary is using several charts and tables to learn about patterns of migratory birds. Which information reference is he most likely using?

Not Encyclopedia, Atlas

Why is it important to know the overall organizational structure of your textbook?

Not To understand the overall course structure

Who should be interested in the topic chosen for a research paper?

Not Whoever writes the paper

A tutor is able to help a student organize their ____________ to make the most of their learning materials.


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Why the information was written


Fill in the blank questions usually require______________in the answer.

One key word

Where do teenagers get all the money they need to make purchases? I noticed several new stores had opened up at the local mall. Most of these new stores focused on teenage and young consumers. Yesterday I went shopping. This paragraph lacks


Which aid might you use to find your principal on the faculty phone list?

Organizational chart

Below is a portion of a dictionary entry for the word "type". Match the entry to the correct dictionary component. 1600-1680 - England


When reading text and answering associated questions, in which format should your answers appear?


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Shows physical features of an area

Physical Maps

To estimate what the temperature may be on your vacation, you could reference a

Physical map

To find where the Amazon river meets the rain forest, you would reference a

Physical map

Sarah was just elected Jr. Class President. She would like to find out which percentage of the total vote each candidate received. Which type of graph should she reference?


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Represents information using percentages

Pie graph

To determine which countries are part of the African nations, you should reference a

Political map

To find how many cities are on the coast of California, you would reference a

Political map

"How many of you plan to go to college?" This is a


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Repeating, "I will succeed."

Positive self-talk

In order to avoid any confusion, one should _____________the answer to a multiple choice question before reading the possible answers.


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Quizzing yourself one last time before a test

Preparing your mind

A variation of pronounce is


Looking back on previous tests and quiz questions can benefit you in determining what to study because they

Provide hints on what the teacher thinks is important

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition George Washington may have been afraid of snakes.


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition It is possible that baseball was created by Italian citizens.


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Some


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Some frog species only have one leg.


Choose the type of critical thinking demonstrated in the example: You are told that the only way to apply for the job is to mail in an application, but you suspect there might be another way and begin to investigate.


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Inquire


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Provides purpose to your reading


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition This is the first activity in the repetition strategy


Which is the correct order in which to apply the repetition strategy?

Read, write, say

What does subvocalization mean?

Reading the word in your head

Three steps to answering test questions correctly include

Reading, underlining, eliminating

To activate prior knowledge means to

Remember what you know about a topic

If a student asks you to email your homework to copy, you should

Remind them to watch the lecture again

__________for about 10 minutes in between each repetition session helps you to remember the information better.


What should you do with information you have marked, "Do not understand"?

Review it later

Decide if the information below demonstrates effective note-taking and choose the best choice from the drop-down menu. Along with plants, animals also need water


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Saying "In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue."


How do rubrics increase learning?

Rubrics give students the tools to "grade" their own and others' assignments

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition .edu sites

Safe Sites

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Sites your teacher has told you to visit

Safe sites

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition This activity lets you hear the information


In the lecture, the first supporting detail, which defines Science, is

Science is using different skills to make models

If you copy your answers directly from the book, your teacher may

Scold you for committing plagiarism

A synonym for the word "howl" which may appear in a dictionary is


"Creates a path to follow" Which goal-setting step is described by this sentence?

Set a timeline

The material chosen for your study group

Should be decided upon before the group meets

Marci doesn't have a lot of money and has heard tutors are very expensive. Marci

Should check with upperclassmen for help

Which area of a notes organizer does this statement belong in? Urban areas have high populations and extensive resources. Most urban areas are considered to be metropolitan. The opposite of urban is rural.


Match the word or phrase to the correct section title of the outline. Geography Notes I. The World A. Continents of the World 1. Africa Africa

Supporting detail or evidence

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Reading the summary first


The S in SQRW stands for


During which step should you attempt to understand how the content is organized?


While reading difficult content, you should always start with

Surveying the chapter

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Homecoming dance

Term Calendar

Terrence feels it takes him too long to get through a History chapter, though he is always sure to define vocabulary words, review the footnotes for each section and try to remember the author's personal stories about the events in the book. What might be Terrence's problem?

Terrence poorly evaluates what is important

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Shaky hands before a test

Test anxiety

Stretching your back before a test may help you avoid

Test anxiety

Allison notices the CD-ROM in the library and would like to use it to research information for her important term paper. Who should she ask about using the CD-ROM?

The Librarian because she manages all the school's informational resources

When reading, what should you look for first?

The answers to your own questions

Why should you always finish reading difficult content?

The content may become more clear as the concept builds upon itself

A chart offers many possibilities for

The number of categories included in the chart

If you have a choice of questions to answer on an essay test, which questions should you answer first?

The questions that you know a lot about so you can then focus on the more difficult ones

What might happen if we take a break from reading after we've read difficult material?

The rest allows our brains to process the information

Alex wrote the sentence: The big dog was really fat. He ate a lot. Why does Alex need a thesaurus?

The sentences lack creativity

In online learning, who is responsible for checking to make sure assignments are turned in?

The student

Evaluate this topic idea: "Teachers gave 18.5% more homework in 2007 than in 2005."

The topic is too narrow

Gilford is writing a paper about tigers. He notices that he has used the word "paws" many times. He would like to find a word he can use instead of "paws." Where is he most likely to find a new word for "paws"?


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Comparing the events of a story to what was going on in the world at the time the story was written


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition The years various books were published


Edited by: John Stevenson This information can be found where?

Title page

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Candy bars taste good.

Too broad

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Smoking is bad for your health.

Too broad

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition 25% of candy bars contain more saturated fat than cereal bars.

Too narrow

Match the word or phrase to the correct section title of the outline. Geography Notes I. The Eastern Hemisphere A. Africa 1. Much of Africa is wilderness a) 25% of Africa is not inhabited A. Africa


Match the word or phrase to the correct section title of the outline. Geography Notes I. The World A. Continents of the World 1. Africa Continents of the World


Once similarities are identified among class and lecture notes, a student should create a

Topic list

"Frogs are never red." This is an absolute statement.


'Some' is an example of a qualified term.


A Venn diagram is a graphic organizer.


A Web site should be held to the same credibility standards as traditional text sources.


A bar graph can be horizontally or vertically oriented


A benefit of using association is that it allows the learner to be creative and have fun.


A church might be a place to seek tutoring assistance.


A dictionary provides definitions for listed words.


A good introduction paragraph will state all three of the main supporting details to an argument.


A good rule of thumb is to keep your presentation simple and to the point.


A graphic organizer is a visual representation.


A notes organizer can be simple or complex, as long as the user understands how it works.


A personal idea is unique to the person who developed, discovered or created that idea.


A research paper which has been turned in for credit is a final product.


A study group is a great place to exchange ideas about school work.


A thesis statement is supported by arguments.


A timeline can be used to demonstrate cause and effect relationships.


A timeline may help you understand how a President came to run for public office.


A topic list is a list of important content and material which will be covered on a test.


A tutor can help you increase your confidence in school.


A visual aid can help a group stay on the same page when discussing large concepts.


Academic integrity can be applied to all subject areas.


Access to a restroom should always be a consideration when selecting a study space.


All graphs should contain a title to explain the purpose of the information.


Almost any concept can be made into an acronym if you use creativity.


An acronym uses the first letter of each word in a phrase.


An acronymic sentence does not need to be a realistic statement.


An atlas is an informational reference.


An interview can be considered a source.


An online thesaurus contains the same information as a traditional thesaurus.


Analyzing means to look at all the parts of a problem to see how they relate to each other.


Answering the easy questions first is a worthwhile test-taking strategy.


Atlases may provide physical or political information about an area.


Being able to type notes while watching lectures online is important to online learning.


Best answer tests always include the correct answer as one of the possible answer choices.


Breaking information down into organized and manageable chunks for your study guide will help to reduce test anxiety.


Calendars are useful to track homework assignments.


Creating a study guide "is half the studying."


Credible sources should explicitly identify the purpose or intent of the information included in a source.


Critical reading is the process of evaluating a text.


Critical thinking can also be called 'problem solving.


Critical thinking skills can be applied to reading.


Daily organizers help track materials you will need for class.


Dictionary entries may contain images.


Discussion is a technique to clarify possible questions you have about a topic.


Each criteria for a rubric has a corresponding point value.


Essay tests require students to present information with complete thoughts.


Essay tests tend to focus on debate and discussion of material covered.


For open book tests, you don't need to know everything, just where to find everything.


Graphic organizers bring new meaning to information.


Graphic organizers reorganize information.


Handouts and PowerPoint slides are visual aids.


Having different types of people in your study group will make it stronger.


If you get discouraged while reading difficult material, do not stop reading.


If you use a rubric, you can estimate your grade without even showing the assignment to a teacher.


In order to take quality notes, a student should have read the assigned chapter before listening to the lecture.


In this lesson, using keywords is a way to help remember confusing words or concepts.


Including quotes in your paper can bring additional meaning to the content.


Instead of reading a speech, a presenter should have a conversation with the audience.


It is acceptable to ask questions about a lecture after class.


It is the student's responsibility to meet the expectations identified by a rubric.


Kayla should look over the Science chapter's headings, vocabulary and summaries before she attempts to begin taking notes.


Line graphs can include more than one set of information.


Maps can be used to identify populations of various areas.


Math and Language Arts are major subject areas.


Misspelled words may bring your essay score down.


Monitoring your grades will help you pinpoint your academic weaknesses.


Never treat what is on Wikipedia as the whole and complete truth.


Open book tests often ask students to evaluate the relationships between concepts.


Positive self-talk is the mental repetition of something positive to avoid test anxiety.


Pre-questioning identifies a purpose for reading.


Preparing your body is just as important and preparing your mind on test day.


Primary technology skills are skills that are necessary for success in online education.


Public speaking is a good skill to develop for use in the workplace.


Reflecting means to consider what you will do with certain information.


Response questions depend on the test taker's ability to recall information.


Secondary technology skills are skills that may be improved as the online class progresses.


Sequential means "in order".


Short essay questions can be considered response questions.


Students have the right to know what they will be graded on.


Subject content is material learned in a major subject.


Text aids are sources of information regarding the contents of a book or document.


The 5 paragraph format includes an introduction, supporting evidence and a summary.


The extent to which critical thinking skills are used is influenced by the learner's motivation to do well.


The first read through for subject content is to simply identify what you do and do not know.


The first step in categorizing information is to create the categories.


The help of a tutor may lead to better use of study time.


The information provided in text aids can help us to understand a text's content before we even read it.


The key to avoiding nerves is to be as prepared as possible.


The second read through is to clarify confusing topics.


The skills needed to write and present quality papers can be used in the workplace.


The subject of the lecture will affect the way a student takes notes.


The use of a dictionary can help you improve the quality of your writing.


Thesauruses list words that have the same, or nearly the same, meanings.


Timelines show relationships among events.


To survey means to assess the information available.


Topics that are too broad cover too much information.


Unless you are running out of time and must outline an essay answer, essay answers should always be written in complete sentences.


Using a graphic organizer may bring deeper meaning to the information you are trying to learn.


Using acronyms can help you to memorize information easier.


Using flashcards is a repetition strategy.


Using images can increase one's understanding of given information.


Using prereading strategies will help to increase your reading speed.


Visual aids summarize main ideas and key points.


Visualization means to place information into a scene.


Visualizing and categorizing are strategies for remembering information.


Whether or not the information on an online source is credible and factual, is up to the user to decide.


While reading difficult content, it is best to focus on a small section of material.


Without motivation, nothing would get done in this world.


You are the only one who has full power to make your goal happen.


You must be willing to try to practice reading faster if you hope to increase your reading speed.


You will probably read a mystery novel much faster than a Science textbook.


You'll be fresh, and have more energy to take them on when you are at your best.


Your audience should be a part of your presentation.


Your keyword should sound similar to the word or phrase you are trying to learn.


Your research supports your thesis.


Your study group should create a plan about how and what to study.


According to the online content activity for this lesson, what should you do if you do not understand the material you are trying to learn?

Try a new approach to learning the material.

Angelo just doesn't want to go to school. How might a tutor help him?

Tutors help make learning easier so you aren't nervous about going school

A diagram of the water cycle is a

Visual aid

Andra is having a hard time remembering all the parts of a microscope. To help her label a microscope diagram on her test, she could use


Picturing the way a volcano erupts to remember how a volcano functions is called


Which area of a notes organizer would contain the following information? Urban- city, metropolitan Suburban- outskirts of a large town Rural- farmland


An acronym for the Women's Memorial Fund is


According to your online content assignment, a good schedule keeps a student from:

Wandering off course

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Soccer practice

Weekly Schedule

Flowcharting clarifies what will happen in a process or

What needs to happen

When attacking difficult material, read first for

What you do understand

Which question may be used to start your initial research about "Global Warming"?

When did global warming first become a concern?

The three W's of goal-setting are "what," "when," and


Having two, or even three, people explain the material to you

Will help you understand it

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Statements are unique

Word Choice

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Putting supporting details and evidence into your own words


Ashley forgot to get letters of recommendation for her college application. She failed to

Write down each step

What should you do when you find the answers to your questions as you are reading?

Write them down

If you are unsure about whether or not to include a citation because you have seen that information somewhere before,

You should include a citation anyway

Regarding critical reading, what affects how you absorb information about a topic?

Your personal feelings about that topic

When a site is unsafe, it means

Your personal information may be used in ways you do not want

In order to help pinpoint which topics might be covered on a test, a student should review _____.

all of the above

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Would enjoy a movie about the subject

visual learners

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition Would enjoy reading about a subject

visual learners

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