Straub final pt.2

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How did Ronald Reagan win the support of the American public during the 1980 presidential election?

He appeared articulate and charismatic during the presidential debates.

How did John F. Kennedy gain support from the African American community in the election of 1960?

He appeared supportive of the civil rights movement.

How did Silent Spring shape the environmental movement?

It empowered environmental activists to launch grassroots initiatives.

What was the effect of the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty?

It ended above ground nuclear tests

How has satellite technology affected national economies?

It has increased globalization and expanded markets.

How has computer technology affected the U.S. economy?

It has made businesses more efficient and competitive

How did the nuclear meltdown at Three Mile Island affect the United States?

It increased public fear of disasters and opposition to nuclear energy.

How did the Obama Administration's military priorities shift as the war in Iraq was ending?

It increased the presence of U.S. military forces in Afghanistan

How did the Vietnam War affect education in the United States?

It limited education funding due to high defense spending.

How did the War Powers Act readjust the relationship between the branches of government?

It limited the power of the executive branch to conduct war without congressional consultation

What effect did the Supreme Court's decision in Plessy v. Ferguson have on the nation?

It made segregated schools, parks, restaurants, and other facilities that served the public legal anywhere in the United States

Why was the Civil Rights Act of 1957 significant?

It mandated the desegregation of all public schools

How did the American Indian Movement convince the United States government to reexamine native treaty rights?

It occupied the site of the massacre at Wounded Knee.

How did the intervention of NATO affect the Balkans crisis?

It quickly brought about a cease-fire

Why did the U.S. government attract criticism after Hurricane Katrina?

It responded slowly to the disaster

How did the domino theory influence United States foreign policy?

It suggested that the United States would need to support governments fighting communism

In what way was the United States' decision to support the French in Indochina a departure from its usual foreign policy?

The U.S. was generally in favor of decolonization.

How did the United States respond to Ngo Dinh Diem's crumbling anticommunist regime?

The United States helped to remove him from power.

Which statement best expresses King's main idea?

The Vietnam War takes money away from the poor.

Why did the 2008 presidential election represent a turning point in U.S. politics?

The first African American president was elected

What was the purpose of the proposed Equal Rights Amendment?

The purpose was to provide legal equality for women.

Where did Martin luther King give his "I have a dream" speech?

The steps of the Lincoln Memorial

"If we can help the lowest part of society, we can help everyone in that society"


Health care should be run by the government


Increase in taxes to pay for social programs


Known as "the left"


More Social Programs


President Clinton was a


known as "liberal"


What defined the generation gap that opened during the 1960s?

a difference in outlook between people of different ages

Napalm is

a jellied gasoline

How can the 1960s counterculture movement best be described?

a rejection of mainstream American life

Baby boomers defined freedom as

a release from social restrictions

The civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s led to

an increase in African American voter participation

The generation gap developed as

baby boomers grew up during a time of greater affluence than their parents

How did modern conservatives propose to improve the economy?

by limiting the power of the federal government

Ho Chi Minh compared his troops to a tiger and the U.S. troops to an elephant in order to convey the idea that his troops

could eventually wear down their more powerful enemy and kill it.

Which practice was judged unconstitutional by the Brown v. Board of Education ruling?

creating separate but equal schools

The U.S. landing on the moon in 1969 helped

demonstrate American technological superiority in the space race.

Many Americans lost faith in the Great Society programs because they believed these programs

did not work and made poverty worse.

Some people argue that illegal immigration hurts American society because they believe that illegal immigrants

occupy jobs that would otherwise belong to citizens

Which policy was President Nixon committed to at the end of the Vietnam War?

peace with honor"

Thurgood Marshall changed the course of American history because he

showed that the "separate but equal" principle was unconstitutional

What was the goal of President Nixon's "Vietnamization" plan?

to withdraw U.S. troops gradually and let Vietnamese soldiers fight the war

The term "Third World" was originally coined to refer to countries that

were aligned with neither the U.S. or the Soviet Union

The practice of college deferments meant that most of the draftees who served in Vietnam came from the

working class

The Service Sector is any job that

you are not physically the one putting stuff together

Which one of these descriptions is of Barack Obama ?

- Graduated Columbia - Graduated Harvard law school - Community Organizer in Chicago - Served as State legislature - Served On the US Senate

The March on Washington happened in

the capital of the United States

To what did the "credibility gap" refer?

the contradiction between official statements and media reports

What inspired the development of the first computer?

the effort to defeat the enemy during World War II

What did Rachel Carson's book Silent Spring describe?

the harmful impact of pesticides on animals

Which minority rights movement had the greatest influence on the women's rights movement?

African American civil rights

How did al Qaeda threaten the United States during the 1990s?

Al Qaeda ordered terrorist attacks against U.S. buildings and embassies.

A "Hot Line" was installed in the white house to

Ease tensions with the Soviet Union

What happened after East Germany's government fell in 1989?

Authorities opened the gates of the Berlin Wall.

Which of these was a failed invasion by the CIA?

Bay of Pigs invasion

Which technology made possible all the rest?


According to the chart, was American support for the war increasing or decreasing?


"Health care should not be interfered with by the government at all, it should be a private industry"


Favored military spending, especially defense spending


Having less social programs run by the government, this usually lowers taxes


In terms of energy, they want to keep killing the planet by using oil and fossil fuels


Known as "Conservatives"


Known as "the right"


President Donald Trump is a


Wanted to privatize all social programs


How did Cesar Chavez contribute to the Chicano civil rights movement?

He fought for the rights of exploited Latino farm laborers

How did Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus's actions in the Little Rock crisis provoke a political conflict between state and federal governments?

He resisted the Supreme Court's Brown decision to desegregate, which forced President Eisenhower to send federal troops.

Why do some historians credit President Reagan with ending the Cold War?

His arms buildup strategy forced the Soviet Union to abandon its military competition with the United States.

Who was in charge of North Vietnam?

Ho Chi Minh

Why do some people argue that illegal immigration benefits the economy?

Illegal immigrants occupy low-paying jobs that contribute to the economy.

How did the United States v. Windsor Supreme Court case affect civil rights in the United States?

It allowed same-sex married couples access to federal rights enjoyed by all married couples.

He fought for the rights of exploited Latino farm laborers

It eased immigration restrictions and opened the way for the largest number of U.S. immigrants in history.

What was an essential goal of the feminist movement?

Many in the feminist movement wanted women to have equal opportunity to pursue their goals in education and the workplace.

How did the decision in Mendez v. Westminster relate to Brown v. Board of Education several years later?

Mendez v. Westminster declared the segregation of students in California public schools to be unconstitutional.


New Frontier-A. President Kennedy's plan to improve the economy, fight racial discrimination, and explore space Equal Pay Act-C. 1963 law requiring men and women to receive equal pay for equal work Deficit spending-F. practice of a nation paying out more money than it is receiving in revenues space race-G.competition between the United States and the Soviet Union to successfully land on the moon Civil Rights Act-I.1964 law that banned discrimination in public places and employment based on race, religion, or national origin War on Poverty-B.President Lyndon Johnson's programs aimed at aiding the country's poor through education, job training, proper health care, and nutrition Economic Opportunity passed in 1964 creating antipoverty programs Great society-H.President Lyndon Johnson's goals in the areas of health care, education, the environment, discrimination, and poverty Medicare-D. federal program created in 1965 to provide basic hospital insurance to most Americans over the age of sixty-five Medicaid -J. federal program created in 1965 to provide low-cost health insurance to poor Americans of any age

Who built the Berlin Wall?

Nikita Krushchev

Who is more likely to promote free trade throughout the world?


During this time period, who was putting nuclear missiles in Cuba?

The Soviet Union

At this point, pollution was so bad that a _____ caught on fire.


Which aspect of the counterculture may have had a negative effect on society?

Sex, drugs, and rock and roll is not a sustainable way to run a society

What important role did Hillary Clinton play during her husband's presidency?

She led a task force that investigated healthcare reform options

Why did the U.S. holding of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay spark controversy?

Some believed it violated the writ of habeas corpus

What was the effect of President Clinton's major political scandal?

The House of Representatives impeached Clinton.

Why did the 9/11 terrorists choose the World Trade Center and the Pentagon as targets for their attack?

These buildings represented U.S. economic and military power

How did Sergey Brin and Larry Page shape the Internet?

They created a way for Internet users to efficiently locate information.

Why did some Americans oppose the North American Free Trade Agreement?

They feared that it would cause many people to lose their jobs.

How did Rosa Parks's actions redirect the tactics of the civil rights movement?

They inspired a mass movement of direct action to create political change

How did the hawks feel about the war in Vietnam?

They opposed withdrawing troops from Vietnam

How did technological innovations affect the U.S. economy during the 1990s?

They strengthened the economy and improved the standard of living.

What was the purpose of Title IX of the Higher Education Act of 1972?

Title IX was written to help balance the number of women in collegiate sports.

Which global warming policy did the Obama administration favor?

establishing stronger federal legislation to reduce pollution

Which defense policy did President Kennedy favor?

flexible response

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution affected the relationship between branches of the U.S. government because it

gave the president, instead of Congress, the power to declare war.

Which factor has encouraged technological innovation?

global competition

Critics of the Selective Service System were concerned that

many draftees were from working-class or poor backgrounds

Which demographic provided widespread support for Barack Obama during the 2012 presidential election?

minority voters

Who were the braceros that started coming to the United States in the 1940s?

temporary farmers

What did the Pentagon Papers reveal?

that U.S. leaders lied to about involvement in Vietnam

What did supply-side economics suggest?

that a reduction in taxes would stimulate the economy

What did the National Rifle Association seek to defend during the 1980s?

the right to bear arms

Which goal was included as part of President Kennedy's "New Frontier" agenda?

to achieve equal pay for both females and males in some industries

What was the intention of Newt Gingrich's Contract With America?

to attack the government for being too liberal and wasteful

What was the primary goal of the Vietcong?

to undermine the anticommunist Diem government in South Vietnam

What was the goal of President Reagan's "Peace Through Strength" policy?

to build military strength in order to challenge communist power

Why did the United States become involved in the Vietnam War?

to defend Vietnam and its neighbors from communism

Why did President Eisenhower send federal troops to Little Rock, Arkansas?

to enforce state compliance with federal laws

Why did the United States support French colonial efforts in Vietnam?

to ensure French support of the United States during the Cold War (even though we disagreed with colonialism)

Why did the United States invade Afghanistan in 2001?

to find and prosecute the terrorists responsible for the 9/11 attacks

What is the intent of affirmative action?

to help minorities overcome generations of discrimination

What was the purpose of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act?

to help the nation by stimulating the economy

Why did a group of American Indians occupy the island of Alcatraz in 1969?

to insist that the land belonged to them according to a treaty provision

What was the purpose of the Patriot Act?

to monitor suspected terrorists

Why did the Bush Administration create the Department of Homeland Security?

to prevent future terrorist attacks

What was the purpose of the Environmental Protection Agency?

to regulate pollutants that threatened humans and wildlife

Why did the Supreme Court intervene during the 2000 presidential election?

to resolve the confusion over the election

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