Structure Functionalism Theory

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Working women

"Early functionalists found working mothers to be destabilizing and, therefore, a treat to quality child rearing... However, structural functionalism tends to look to outside forces, particularly economics, to explain change (Smith 51). Example: Rise in working mothers,, gender pay gap, need for childcare.

Family Univerality

"Murdock's (1949) research convinced him that the nuclear family is universal and necessary for human social life: No society, in short, has succeeded in finding an adequate substitute for the nuclear family, to which to transfer these functions. It is highly doubtful whether any society ever will succeed in such an attempt, utopian proposals for the abolition of the family to the contrary notswithstanding."

Origin of the family

"There have been many philosophical and theoretical speculations, and most of them have come to the same basic conclusion: The structure of the family developed as the result of the economic division of labor (Smith 49)" The division of labor could have been done for convenience or out of necessity of survival. • Economic division of labor. • Economic efficiency and sexual attraction • Division of labor was desirable. • Origin of sex roles coincided with the origin of the family.

Propositions of the Structure Functionalism Theory

1. Social solidarity - the feeling that we belong to a common society. Based upon such things as common culture, socialization, basic values and norms, etc. 2. Collective conscience - the "external expression: of the collective will of people living in a society.

Functions of social structure and culture

Each part of the social system exists because it serves some function.


Giving up on success but continuing to work hard because it is in human nature.

How does this relate to or fit in with the theory?

In some regions there are people that live in harsh terrain and they have adapted by having the wife ease the difficulty of eking out a living in a harsh climate.

How is Structural Functionalism used?

It is mainly used by political science because it stimulates research and helps create comparisons.

What are the critiques of Structural Functionalism theory?

Never reached popularity in usage because its terms, beliefs, and basic assumptions were never fully developed into a formalized theory. It is criticized for confusing "function" with "cause." The theory does not explain the historical process of how family types come to exist in a given society. It is based on a static model of society, and does not account for change. Just because something is functional doesn't mean it should be maintained.

What are the critiques of Structural Functionalism theory?

Never reached popularity in usage because its terms, beliefs, and basic assumptions were never fully developed into a formalized theory. It is criticized for confusing "function" with "cause." The theory does not explain the historical process of how family types come to exist in a given society. It is based on a static model of society, and does not account for change. Just because something is functional doesn't mean it should be maintained.


Nondeviance, conformed to the social norm

Marital structure

Over ¾ of societies are polygyny. Economy is to blame. Polygny (multiple wives) is preferred in majority of societies. Not done out of sexual drive but rather for need of economics. Labor of women and children create wealth making these families more successful than monogamous (Smith 51).


Person rejects both normative goals and the means to obtain them (retreat from cultural norms).

Deviant behavior

Robert K. Merton expounded on structural functionalism developing behaviors that deviate from social norms but still play a part in the theory.


Similar to previous categories with an attempt to create a new social structure. "They may argue that material success is corruptive, and that we should focus on other goals instead.

Consensus and cooperation

Societies have a tendency towards consensus, which is to have certain basic values that nearly everyone in the society agrees upon. Inability to cooperate will paralyze the society and people will devote more and more effort to fighting one another rather than getting anything done.

In the book, what does it mean that polyandrous unions "are adaptations to economic poverty due to living in a harsh environment?"

Societies that engage in agriculture tend to prefer polygyny because the labor of women and children create wealth. Polyandrious (multiple husbands) are adaptations to economic poverty, life in harsh environments.

How does this theory relate to the human body?

Society is like the human body. It has various social structures working together like the major organ systems of the body. They need to work together to maintain a state of equilibrium, or balance. Our body functions best when we maintain our health. The family is the key system in society, and we should do what we can to avoid structures (divorce, single parenthood) that threaten its function.


Society is made up of interdependent parts. Every part of society is dependent to some extent on other parts of society.

How is Structural Functional theory used?

Stimulates research Can fit together puzzle pieces that seem very different. Can compare two areas or types of politics that on the surface seem very different. It is good to use because it focuses on figuring out how structures that are in place meet the functions needed by a system.

What does it mean that Structural Functionalism is a theory of social survival?

Structural Functionalism is a theory of social survival. It asks the question, how do we meet the need of families to survive? The family evolved to provide a certain function to meet the needs of the human species in order to help them survive.

Primary terms and concepts

Structure, function, instrumental, expressive, equilibrium, the Benchmark Family, deviant behavior, conformity innovation, ritualism, retreatism, rebellion.

Family functions

The Function is what services the family provides to society. The family has provided many important functions (religious, health care, protection, education, and entertainment). Murdock (1949) concluded there are four functions that a family provides in all societies: 1. Sexual (mostly occurred in marriage) 2. Reproduction (majority is done within society norm and preference) 3. Socialization (care for children and family physically and train them to be contributing members of society) 4. Economic (divide responsibilities according to capacity)

Cherlin, Lauer and Yodanis articles and how they relate to the Structure/functionalism theory

The Lauer and Yodanis article was written to understand the signs of deinstitutionalization in marriage. In order for marriage to be deinstitutionalized it would require the rules and assumptions of marriage to weaken and no longer be relevant or practiced. This is not the case because the alternatives are paralleling marriage. As cohabitation becomes more institutionalized it will become more like marriage. It will have similar criteria (stable long-term relationships, raising kids, integrating resources). The occurring pattern shows that people are returning to the rules of established marriages. People are postponing marriage, trying alternatives, and then eventually marrying.

How does this theory relate to the Family Proclamation?

The Structural Functionalism theory deals with how societies maintain internal stability. This theory harmonizes well with the Family Proclamation in that the function of families is to procreate and socialize children. The family functions best with an intact nuclear family of husband, wife, and children. Maintaining this structure is central to meeting the needs of its members. The best way to accomplish this is to have husbands and wives play certain roles.

Family structure

The Structure is the make-up of our family- the members of it, their roles. George Murdock (1949) surveyed 250 societies and discovered that the nuclear family was the basic social structure for humans everywhere.


The characteristic of the society will achieve the form that is best adapted to its situation. It will remain in that condition until it is forced to change by some new condition. Balance in the family structure. Coinciding values and goals when performed by different and complimentary roles (example: instrumental husband and expressive wife).

How would you describe the debate on Gay marriage from a structural/functionalism perspective?

The family is the key system in society, and we should do what we can to avoid structures (divorce, single parenthood) that threaten its function. Gay marriage is one of those structures that have the potential to threaten family functioning. Structural Functionalism asks the question, how do we meet the need of families to survive? One of the assumptions of this theory is the need for society to procreate and socialize children. A gay lifestyle cannot procreate and has the potential to confuse children socially.

What are the basic assumptions of the Structural Functionalism theory?

The function of families is to procreate and socialize children. All systems have functions.

What does it mean that Structural Functionalism is a theory of social survival?

The purpose of an organism is to survive. In order for society to survive, the family must function in ways that promote the maintenance of society as a whole.

How does this theory relate to the human body?

The purpose of an organism is to survive. In order for society to survive, the family must function in ways that promote the maintenance of society as a whole. Society is like the human body. It has various social structures working together like the organ systems of the body. They need to work together to maintain a state of equilibrium, or balance. Our body functions best when we maintain our health. The family is the key system in society, and we should do what we can to avoid structures (divorce, single parenthood) that threaten its function.

Benchmark Family

The traditional nuclear family - husband, wife, and children - with husband as breadwinner and wife as homemaker.

What does "instrumental" and "expressive" have to do with structure and function?

There are certain tasks that need to be performed in the family. There are two main types of tasks: Instrumental has to do with protection, providing money by having a job. Focused on making sure that problems are solved and tasks are accomplished. Expression is the nurturing, caring role that shows love for the next generation. Keep people involved and integrated, and help to manage and resolve internal tensions and conflict.

What is Structural Functionalism Theory?

There are needs that must be met in families and structures (patterns or family types) emerge to meet those needs.

How can Structural Functionalism be used by therapists?

This theory helps us look at behaviors (both healthy and unhealthy) and what purpose or function that behavior is fulfilling. Remember, all behavior is purposeful and designed to meet need. People do what is functional and create structures to meet a need. Sometimes structures are weird and may not be meeting the needs of the individual family members. There might be people getting hurt or some things aren't getting done. A therapist can show them that the structure is not working. 1. Needs exist 2. Functions of the Structure 3. Structure Created Help the family experience something new. Until they experience something new they won't want to change.

In what ways does it support and diverge from the Proclamation?

This theory relates well to the proclamation in that men and women fulfill the two types of tasks according to their natural abilities. Women have greater ability of expression and are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. Men are instrumental in providing protection due to their size and physical strength. They are to preside over their families in love and righteousness.

Expressive/Instrumental Roles

• Instrumental - men provide for the family. Their abilities should be focused on meeting the physical needs of family members in terms of food, shelter, education, and income. Focused on making sure that problems are solved and tasks are accomplished. • Expressive - females meet the emotional needs of family members by being nurturing and smoothing out problems in relationships (Smith 46). Expression is the nurturing, caring role that keep people involved and integrated, and help to manage and resolve internal tensions and conflict. Fathers while usually classified as instrumental are slowly displaying expressive behaviors.

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