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Otto von Bismarck's kulturkampf refers to his

Attack on the Catholic Church in the German empire

How did the conservative Bismarck pioneer the creation of an expansive system of social welfare?

He sought to blunt the attraction of socialism to the working classes and give them a small stake in the existing political system

Why did Bismarck enact high tariffs on grain from the US, Canada, and Russia in 1878?

He sought to win support from both the Catholic Center and the Protestant Junkers, both of whom had large land holdings

How did German Social democrats recover their losses in the 1907 election and become the largest party in the Reichstag in 1912?

They took on a more patriotic tone and broadened their base

What was the political goal of creating free, compulsory elementary education in the late 19th century?

To act as a nation-building tool in which all children would be taught secular, republican values

The most important reason for the linking of nationalism with liberalism or with radical democratic republicanism was

A faith in the creativity and nobility of the people

When Frenchmen went to the polls to elect representatives to the newly-formed Constituent Assembly in April 1848, what was the result?

A majority of the reps came from the conservative side of the spectrum

In the 19th century, Edwin Chadwick gained fame as

An advocate of improved public sanitation

What characteristic distinguished romantic painting?

Dramatic, colorful scenes that stirred the emotions

What was the result of the proposal made to Frederick William IV of Prussia by the Frankfurt Assembly of reps from various German states?

Frederick William rejected the proposal, hoping to become emperor of a united Germany without having to share power with a representative assembly

Which of these countries was untouched by uprisings or revolution in 1848?

Great Britain

What was the flaw in Jean-Baptiste Lamarck's theory of evolution?

His assertion that characteristics parents acquired in the courage of their lives could be passed on to their offspring by heredity

How did the French provisional government respond to the worsening depression and rising unemployment in March 1848?

It established national workshops to provide employment in public works projects

What effect did the Dreyfus affair have on late 19th century france?

It revived republican distrust of Catholicism

Which statement describes middle-class households of the 19th century?

Most could hire a full-time maid to cook and clean

Which of the following characterizes early-nineteenth-century British cities?

Nearly all land was used for buildings, which meat parks or open areas were almost nonexistent

How did the expanding right to vote in the late 19th century affect national politics across Europe?

Politicians and parties became more responsive to the people they represented

Max Weber, the most prominent and influential late 19th century sociologist, argued that the rise of capitalism was directly linked to

Protestantism in Northern Europe

What role did Archduchess Sophia play in Austria's 1848 revolt?

She promoted her son, Francis Joseph, as an alternative to the weak Emperor Ferdinand as a wat to respond to and reverse the revolution

The difference between greater Germany and lesser Germany centered around the issue of whether or not to include lands belonging to

The Austrian empire

In 1849, the revolution in Hungary was brought under control with the help of 130,000 troops sent by

The Russian empire

Why was Louis Philippe's "bourgeois monarchy" doomed to collapse in 1848?

The government failed to consider electoral reform and was hurt by an economic depression, which united numerous groups of citizens in opposition to the regime

Why did illegitimacy rates decline after 1850?

The higher incidence of marriage for expectant mothers

The 1857 novel Madame Bovary caused its author, Gustavo Flaubert, to be prosecuted for outrage against public morality and religion because it portrayed

The love affair of an adulterous middle-class housewife

Why did the latent conflict in Britain between the aristocracy & the working class become an open conflict in 1815?

The passage of the 1815 revisions to the corn laws

What was the basic principle of philosopher Jeremy Bentham's utilitarianism?

The promotion of the "greatest good for the greatest number"

What resulted from the Ladies National Association's protest against the British Contagious Diseases Acts in the 19th century?

The repeal of the laws

The Holy Alliance became a symbol of

The repression of libérala and revolutionary movements all over europe

What was the immediate result of the "June Days" in France in 1848?

The triumph of the republican army under General Louis Cavaignac, after street fighting and the death or injury of more that 10,000 people

T/F The 1848 revolutions in the Austrian Empire began in part due to nationalist ambitions. However, they were also weakened by those same nationalistic feelings as revolutionaries began to split along ethnic lines, allowing the monarchy to play off one ethnic group against the other.


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