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Explain plan area vs calculated area for direct line of sight

'Plan Area' is when you look at drawings (from above, like a space plan) and draw straight lines to see how much of the room has a view. 'Calculated Area' would be actually walking the space and sitting at 42'' to look and document which 'building occupant work areas/SF' has a view.

What 6 activities must be completed by the project team for fundamental commissioning?

1. Designate an individual as the commissioning authority (CxA) to lead, review and oversee the completion of the commissioning process activities. 2. The owner must document the owner's project requirements. The design team must develop the basis of design. The CxA must review these documents for clarity and completeness. The owner and design team must be responsible for updates to their respective documents. 3. Develop and incorporate commissioning requirements into the construction documents. 4. Develop and implement a commissioning plan. 5. Verify the installation and performance of the systems to be commissioned. 6. Complete a summary commissioning report.

A Core and Shell project in an urban area has a stacked building plan, minimal parking on site and is located next to public transportation. The project will be 250,000 SF located on two acres. Other buildings located within an area twice as large as required for Sustainable Sites Credit, Development Density and Community Connectivity are listed below. Given the information, how many points can this project earn? Building size (sf) Site area (acres) ----------------------------------------- 143,125 1.50 81,957 0.50 165,876 1.00 75,000 0.75 A 6 B 4 C 3 D 5


A Core and Shell project is 213,000 gross SF of which 183,180 SF is considered usable. The building is expected to consume 11.7 kWh/SF/yr. How much energy must be from renewable sources to earn points for Energy and Atmosphere Credit, Green Power? A 261,671 kWh B 244,225 kWh C 122,113 kWh D 130,835 kWh


A LEED AP is verifying that project spaces have views to the exterior. What vision glazing measurement must the LEED AP verify if building occupants in 90% of all regularly occupied areas have access to outdoor views? A Between 30 inches and 90 inches above the floor B 72 inches above the floor C 42 inches D 3 ft. - 6 ft. above the finished floor


A civil engineer is working with the project team to finalize a construction activity stormwater pollution prevention plan. What must be included in this plan? A All measures to prevent stormwater contamination, control sedimentation,, and erosion during construction, and comply with the requirements of the Clean Water Act B Stormwater harvesting measurements C Quantity of total suspended solids removed D Pre and post stormwater discharge rates


A contractor has been given instructions to perform M&V with more intensity and vigor. What factor will not affect the M&V accuracy and cost? A Performance risk B Number and types of metering points C Availability of existing data collection systems D Duration and accuracy of metering activities


A development company has chosen a previously graded site in a suburban area on which to build. The development will restore 10% of the total site area. The open space for the site will exceed the local zoning requirements by 20%. 50% of the sidewalks will be shaded within 5 years. The building area is located within a 100-year flood plain. Based on this information alone, what credit could this project earn? A Sustainable Sites Credit, Site Selection B Sustainable Sites Credit, Site Development-Protect or Restore Habitat C Sustainable Sites Credit, Heat Island Effect-Nonroof D Sustainable Sites Credit, Site Development-Maximize Open Space


A new construction project is modeling two rooms for Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Daylight and Views-Daylight. The rooms have the following readings: Room A SF within Grid Footcandle --------------------------------------- A1 100 62 A2 60 48 A3 40 22 A4 100 26 Room B --------------------------------------- B1 200 38 B2 100 21 B3 40 42 B4 60 53 What is the percentage of compliant area? A 80% B 86% C 0% D 94%


A previously developed site has been selected for a new bank. Part of the site will be restored with native plants. Which of the following stabilization strategies would help control erosion and reduce potable water use for irrigation? A Mulching B Connecting impervious areas C Permanent seeding D Rain garden


A project site will have 500 parking spaces. Once occupied the building will have 1,000 occupants. Parking rates discounted at 20% will be given to owners of low-emitting/fuel-efficient vehicles. The discounted parking rates must be available to how many occupants to achieve Sustainable Sites Credit, Alternative Transportation - Low-Emitting and Fuel-Efficient Vehicles? A All occupants B 25 occupants C 50 occupants D 15 occupants


A project will renovate an old historic building into new office space. The surface area of the existing building structure and envelope is 100,000 sf. How much of the existing building structure and envelope will need to be reused to earn 3 points for Materials and Resources Credit, Building Reuse-Maintain Existing Walls, Floors, and Roof? A 95,000 sf B 100,000 sf C 75,000 sf D 50,000 sf


A school project team doing a renovation of a historic school is using the performance rating method for whole building energy simulation. The school will use photovoltaic panels, day lighting, under floor air distribution system and other energy saving technologies. The school will use an estimated 2,895 (103 Btu) annually vs. a baseline case of 4,763 (103 Btu). The team has fallen short of its goal to earn an exemplary performance for Energy and Atmosphere Credit, Optimize Energy Performance. What is the minimum amount of energy savings the team must find in addition to the current model to earn the exemplary performance point? A 323 (103 Btu) B 514 (103 Btu) C 2,191 (103 Btu) D 2,381 (103 Btu)


A schools project has a materials budget of $867,000. The project wants to earn 3 points for its efforts related to Materials and Resources Credit, Materials Reuse. What amount of materials will achieve the desired points? A $130,050 B $86,700 C $173,400 D $43,350


In the LEED charrette the team is discussing Energy and Atmosphere Credit, Optimize Energy Performance and what strategies might help earn that credit. The project type is a one-story office building. What design decision has the greatest impact toward achieving this credit? A The building orientation B The amount of non-reflective hardscapes surrounding the building C The use of grid-source renewable energy D The SHGC of the windows


In the design phase the architect calculated the materials cost for a project as $400,000. The breakdown of the wood used on the project is: $40,000 FSC Pure $10,000 FSC Recycled $10,000 Salvaged wood $40,000 non FSC certified wood What is the certified wood material percentage for Materials and Resources Credit Certified Wood? A 50% B 80% C 100% D 90%


What is not required for janitorial rooms where chemicals are stored for Indoor Chemical and Pollutant Source Control? A Roll-out mats or an exit system to capture pollutants when leaving the room B Pressure differential with at least 5 Pa on average and a minimum of 1 Pa when the doors to the room are closed C Self-closing doors D Containment for disposal of hazardous liquid wastes


Which design decisions can earn a project exemplary performance credit? A Using 7% rapidly renewable materials B Reducing potable water consumption for irrigation by 50% C Using 20% regional materials D Installing low-emitting furniture and furnishings


Which product does not qualify towards rapidly renewable materials? A Concrete that contains high-volume fly ash from a local power plant B Bamboo flooring imported from China C Wool carpet D Linoleum flooring


A new school project will have 1,000 students from grades 4-8 and 75 FTE staff. What must the project have to earn Sustainable Sites Credit, Alternative Transportation-Bicycle Storage and Changing Rooms? A 54 secure bicycle racks and/or storage B 5 shower and changing facilities C Dedicated bike lanes that extend at least to the end of the school property in 2 or more directions D 4 shower and changing facilities


A project moved beyond the design phase before a green-building consultant was asked to join the project team. The building owner wants to hear about design strategies that can have minimal impact on the project budget. The design consultant suggests using light-colored pervious paving in lieu of a black asphalt parking lot. What credits would this design strategy contribute toward? A Sustainable Sites Credit, Stormwater Design-Quantity Control B Sustainable Sites Credit, Light Pollution Reduction C Sustainable Sites Credit, Heat Island Effect-Roof D Sustainable Sites Credit, Stormwater Design-Quality Control


A project site is chosen in a rural area. In the charrette the project team is discussing the option of including a packaged biological wastewater treatment system to treat 100% wastewater on-site to tertiary standards. What statements are true about the decision to include one of these systems? A Public infrastructure costs would be reduced B Building energy costs would be decreased C The recycled water could not be used for fountains in the landscape D The project may earn 3 points for this decision


A project team will need to consult the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations to determine if the site meets what definition? A Wetland B Flood prone C Brownfield D Prime farmland


A project design will include two 10,000 gallon storage tanks to capture rainwater. These tanks will help the project earn which of the following credits? A Water Efficiency Credit, Water-Efficient Landscaping, No Potable Water Use or Irrigation B Sustainable Sites Credit, Stormwater Design-Quality Control C Sustainable Sites Credit, Heat Island Effect-Roof D Sustainable Sites Credit, Heat Island Effect-Nonroof

A and B

Which of the following instructional initiatives would satisfy the requirements of an education program for an innovation point under ID Credit 1? A Comprehensive signage program throughout the project to educate occupants about the benefits of sustainable buildings B An education program open to the public held once after the project is completed This is a onetime event - the requirements for an education program state the initiative must be ongoing. C A newsletter sent out at project completion announcing the project This is a onetime event - the requirements for an education program state the initiative must be ongoing. D Case study highlighting the successes of the LEED-NC project that could be used for other building projects E Weekly guided tours about sustainability using the project as an example


A mixed-use project site will have three restaurants, a post-office, and a convenience store when the property is opened. Within 3 years a new phase of the site will add a fitness center and an elementary school. How many additional basic services outside of the property are needed to qualify for Community Connectivity? A 8 B 9 C 6 D 10 E 4


A construction project purchases the following wood products. What percentage can be applied to Materials and Resources Credit, Certified Wood? Material Cost ------------------------------------ FSC Pure (100%) $45,000 FSC Mixed (50%) $75,000 FSC Recycled (75%) $65,000 Non-FSC wood $35,000 A 85% B 53% C 77% D 84%


A contractor is putting together an IAQ management plan to reduce the indoor contaminants of a new community center. What can the contractor do for the pre-occupancy phase to achieve Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan-Before Occupancy? A Protecting installed absorptive materials from moisture damage B Demonstrate contaminant concentrations have not been exceeded using air quality testing C Prohibit smoking inside the building once the building is enclosed D Meet or exceed SMACNA IAQ Guidelines


A manufacturing building in a southern climate will use extensive photovoltaic panels on the roof to generate electricity. What must occur to allow the sale of RECs for the on-site renewable energy systems? A The energy must come from a district energy system B RECs equal to 200% of the system's annual rated energy output each year are purchased from a Green-e eligible source C The project must engage in a 2-year contract with the local utility provider D The seller must claim the environmental attributes for the on-site system


A mixed-use residential and office project will require 600 parking spaces. 300 of the parking spaces will be underground. 10 spaces will be reserved for carpools and vanpools. How many preferred parking spaces are needed to achieve Sustainable Sites Credit, Alternative Transportation - Low-Emitting and Fuel-Efficient Vehicles? A 45 B 30 C 15 D 60


A new construction project has 420 parking spaces permitted under local zoning restrictions. The owner of the building has decided to provide a 10% discount off parking passes to all those driving low-e or fuel efficient cars as define by LEED. There will also be a carpool drop off zone. What does this project need to do to achieve Sustainable Sites Credit, Alternative Transportation-Low-Emitting and Fuel-Efficient Vehicles? A Increase the parking discount by 5% B Provide 21 preferred parking spaces for qualifying vehicles C The owner should provide 10 low-e vehicles to occupants D Provide 13 preferred parking spaces to qualifying vehicles


A new school project is being modeled for energy use. The baseline building project has an energy cost of $225,282 / year. The proposed building has an energy cost of $119,750 / year. How much additional energy must be saved to earn a point in the Innovation in Design category for optimizing energy performance? A $2,395 B $7,109 C $12,641 D $19,750


A project design includes renovating a 10,000 sq. ft. mill and re-using existing interior non-structural elements. Part of the design includes an addition to the building. What is the maximum size of the addition that will allow the project to achieve Materials and Resources Credit, Building Reuse-Maintain Interior Nonstructural Elements? A 5,000 sq. ft. B 20,000 sq. ft. C 15,000 sq. ft. D 10,000 sq. ft. E 25,000 sq. ft.


A project team has not been able to perform an energy simulation for Energy and Atmosphere Credit, Optimize Energy Performance. For Energy and Atmosphere Credit, On-Site Renewable Energy, where can the project team find information to determine the energy cost supplied by the renewable energy systems? A US DOE 2003 Commercial Sector Average Energy Costs by State B Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey C EPA Energy Guide by Metro Area D Registered Project Tools database


After the design phase of a school project the team decided to replace outdoor basketball courts with an athletic field covered in turf grass. What statement is true regarding this design change? A The field will not contribute to maximizing open space B The field may be included in the Water Efficient Landscaping calculations C The field will require curfew timers for the lighting that shutoff no later than 10 p.m. D The field would not contribute to joint use of facilities


How can Measurement and Verification assist projects that will pursue LEED for Existing Building certification? A ECM strategies qualify for LEED-EB credits B Provides for energy use accountability over time C IPMVP will lead to increased energy savings D M&V strategies will lower costs for LEED-EB


The project scope for a new building has changed to include graywater for non-potable applications and native plants for landscaping. What credit would this change not affect? A Water Efficiency Credit, Innovative Wastewater Technologies B Sustainable Sites Credit, Site Development-Maximize Open Space C Water Efficiency Credit, Water-Efficient Landscaping D Water Efficiency Credit, Water Use Reduction


The site of a new school has been selected. The school will be built in an empty home improvement building. The following interior nonstructural elements will be reused: Item Total area (sf) Reused (sf) ------------------------------------------------- Wall partitions 8,400 8,400 Interior doors 789 0 Cabinets 568 568 How many points would the project earn for Materials and Resources Credit, Building Reuse-Maintain Interior Nonstructural Elements? A 3 B 1 C 0 D 2


What criteria is not used to determine what prescriptive measures must be followed when using the ASHRAE Advanced Energy Design Guide to calculate minimum energy performance? A Climate zone in which the building is located B Building orientation C Type of building D Square footage of the building


What item cannot be included in the calculation for Materials and Resources Credit, Building Reuse-Maintain Interior Nonstructural Elements? A Finished ceiling B Interior doors reused as tables C Ceramic tile flooring D Interior doors


A new school project will have 1,000 students from grades 4-8 and 75 FTE staff. What must the project have to earn Sustainable Sites Credit, Alternative Transportation-Bicycle Storage and Changing Rooms? A 5 shower and changing facilities B 54 secure bicycle racks and/or storage C Dedicated bike lanes that extend at least to the end of the school property in 2 or more directions D 4 shower and changing facilities


During an early design review, a project team has decided to consolidate the building footprint and add underground parking. These changes can contribute to earning which credits? A Sustainable Sites Credit, Alternative Transportation-Parking Capacity B Sustainable Sites Credit, Heat Island Effect-Nonroof C Sustainable Sites Credit, Stormwater Design-Quantity Control D Water Efficiency Prerequisite, Water Use Reduction


If a building will have a glazed facade, what should be done for the project design to reduce birds colliding into the building? A Do not use highly reflective materials on hardscapes B Place all landscaping plants so that they do not reflect in the windows C Place all landscaping plants 3 feet or less away from glazed facades D Do not use plants that grow higher than 20 ft. tall


A new suburban retail project will be implemented using a bio-fuel based electrical system. Which bio-fuels are excluded from eligibility for Energy and Atmosphere Credit, On-Site Renewable Energy? A Corn B Forestry biomass waste, other than mill residue C Landfill gas D Pressure treated lumber E Manure


A residential building will include a common laundry room, postal area, and heated swimming pool. An independent CxA has been hired to help the project achieve Energy and Atmosphere Credit, Enhanced Commissioning. What additional activities will the CxA be required to complete beyond the requirements of fundamental commissioning? A Implement the commissioning plan B Review contractor submittals applicable to the heated swimming pool C Verify that requirements for training are completed D Develop a systems manual for the heated swimming pool E Commissioning design review prior to mid-construction docs


The ASHRAE Standard 55-2004 applies to which of the following? A Sustainable Sites Credit, Light Pollution Reduction B Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Thermal Comfort-Design C Energy and Atmosphere Prerequisite, Minimum Energy Performance D Energy and Atmosphere Credit, Optimize Energy Performance E Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Controllability of Systems-Thermal Comfort


A project team is reviewing strategies for retaining stormwater on site for a project that will have a large amount of open space with turf grass. Which strategies will help with retaining stormwater on-site? A Increasing the efficiency of the irrigation system B Installing bioswales C Building a constructed wetland D Placing mulch around the areas of turf grass E Installing cisterns to capture stormwater for irrigation


A building contractor is finalizing the tasks that must be complete before a building flush-out begins. What task does not have to be completed prior to a building flush-out? A Installation of all carpet B Cleaning C Commissioning D Installation of all furnishings


A building owner selects a 10 acre site of a former strip mall for the site of a new mixed-use development. The project design will restore 6 acres of site with adapted vegetation. The site is located 75 ft. from a wetland defined by the U.S. CFR. The building footprint will be 2 acres and the remaining 2 acres will be paved with low-albedo, impervious concrete. What credit will these design decisions help earn? A Sustainable Sites Credit, Brownfield Redevelopment B Sustainable Sites Credit, Heat Island Effect-Non-Roof C Water Efficiency Credit, Water-Efficient Landscaping D Sustainable Sites Credit, Site Selection


A contractor is planning for an occupied flush-out to reduce IAQ problems from the construction of a new wing in an office. The contractor introduces 3,500 cubic feet of outdoor air per square foot of floor area 3 hours prior to the first occupants arriving. What will need to be done next to achieve Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan-Before Occupancy? A Nothing, the flush-out is complete B Flush out the space with 3,500 cubic feet of outside air per square foot of floor area each day for a period of 7 days C Continue the flushout until a total of 14,000 cubic feet per square foot of outside air has been delivered to the space D Conduct a baseline IAQ test


A general contractor is working on documenting the quantity of materials reuse for a project. If a salvaged material came from on-site, how will the contractor determine the replacement value of the material? A An estimate based on the contractor's knowledge of material prices B Using a comparable material in the local market, including labor and shipping C Using a comparable material in the local market, excluding labor and shipping D Using a comparable material in the local market and multiplying it by 45%


A landscape architect is selecting trees that will not require irrigation once they are established. What will the effective species factor be for these trees? A 1.3 B 0.5 C 0.0 D 1.0


What certification program tests and certifies hard surface flooring and associated products for compliance with criteria adopted in California for indoor air emissions of VOCs with potential health effects? A Green Label Plus B Green Label C FloorScore D SCAQMD Rule 1113


A lighting designer is assessing if minimum daylight measurements have been achieved. How must the measurements be done? A Measure all areas located 20 feet inside and 10 feet to either side of each window B Use a computer simulation under clear sky conditions on September 21 at 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. C Measure all occupied spaces on a 10-foot grid and record the measurements on building floor plans D Measure all areas with direct line of site to perimeter glazing


A museum is closing down for a period of time while some major renovations occur, and a new addition is added to the building. What housekeeping tasks must be completed to meet SMACNA requirements for the IAQ management plan during construction? A Store all porous building materials outside of the construction area until they are needed B Ventilate the construction area at least weekly with outside air C Using wetting agents for dust D Clean the project site at least every 24 hours when construction has taken place


A new construction project team will have a budget of $657,987 for project materials. What cost of materials must be attributed to recycled content to earn the project an exemplary performance point? A $131,597 B $59,219 C $197,396 D $65,799


A new government office building will provide individual occupant controls for lighting. What credit or prerequisite must include task lighting for the lighting allowance? A Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Daylight and Views-Views B Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Controllability of Systems-Lighting C Energy and Atmosphere Prerequisite, Minimum Energy Performance D Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Daylight and Views-Daylight


A new mixed-use building project in an urban area has a site area of 800,000 sq. ft. A zoning ordinance exists, but there is no requirement for open space. How big must the open space be to achieve an Innovation Point for Sustainable Sites Credit, Site Development-Maximize Open Space? A 240,000 B 200,000 C 320,000 D 160,000


A project has a 980 sq. ft. shared workspace. The plan area of direct line of sight to perimeter vision glazing is 780 sq. ft. The calculated area with direct line of sight to perimeter vision glazing is 980 sq. ft. The space has horizontal views at 42 inches. What amount of area is compliant for views? A 0 sq. ft. B 200 sq. ft. C 980 sq. ft. D 780 sq. ft.


A project team is attempting Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Construction Indoor Air Quality Management both During Construction and Before Occupancy. The contractor will be using air quality testing to determine if contaminant levels have not been exceeded. What should occur after the final cleaning and before the baseline IAQ testing has begun? A Replacing all filtration media with MERV 13 filters B Air testing and balancing of the HVAC system C Installing furnishings D Completing punch list items


A project team is discussing the daylight, views, thermal comfort, and acoustic issues to be addressed in a new school. For the project which of the following spaces is not regularly occupied? A Custodial office used 1 hour per day B Physics lab uses 1 hour per day C Student's locker area used 30 minutes per day D Kitchen used 5 hours per day


A renovation project includes refurbished bamboo flooring that will satisfy the requirements of Materials and Resources Credit, Materials Reuse. Which credit could the materials also be applied to in order to earn additional points? A Materials and Resources Credit, Recycled Content B Materials and Resources Credit, Rapidly Renewable Materials C Materials and Resources Credit, Regional Materials D Materials and Resources Credit, Certified Wood


A school in a northern climate is being designed to have naturally ventilated spaces. What should be used to determine that natural ventilation is an effective strategy for the project? A Whole building air quality simulation B Simulated grid based measurements for all occupied spaces C Flow diagram process from the CIBSE Applications Manual D ASHRAE 55-2004


A school project will include a natatorium. What must be done to prevent mold in the project? A Maximize infiltration of the building envelope B Limit relative humidity to 60% or less, only during occupied hours C Demonstrate compliance with the Typical Natatorium Design Conditions of the ASHRAE HVAC Applications Handbook, 2003 D Install MERV 13 air filters


A schools project in a suburban location is building on a previously developed site. The project site area is 174,240 SF. The building footprint is 65,000 SF and there are 20,000 SF of access roads and parking area. There is 30,000 SF of protected habitat on the site. How much more does the project have to restore to earn a Sustainable Sites Credit, Site Development-Protect or Restore Habitat? A 34,848 SF B 17,848 SF C 24,620 SF D 54,620 SF


An office park will contain 450 parking spaces. There will be 30 preferred parking spaces and 3 spaces for van or carpools. The team wants to earn a point for Sustainable Sites Credit, Heat Island Effect-Nonroof. What should be done to earn the credit? A Reduce parking to 200 spaces B Add 2 more van/carpool spaces C Design an underground parking deck for at least 225 parking spaces D Shade 200 parking spaces within 5 years


For a new building that will be mechanically ventilated, which standard is applicable to establishing minimum IAQ performance? A ASHRAE 55-2004 B CIBSE AM10 C ASHRAE 62.1-2007 D ASHRAE 90.1-2007 E ASHRAE 62.1-2004


Some of the design strategies a project team is proposing include daylighting, drip irrigation, photovoltaic systems, optimizing building orientation, and providing high albedo parking surfaces. The building owner would like to offset some of the higher costs for the sustainable design strategies being proposed for the building project. What could the design team propose to provide the greatest reduction to the owner's operating costs? A Increasing ventilation B Implementing stormwater collection C Installing net metering D Purchasing RECs


The roof of an office building is approximately 30,000 sq. ft. Skylights and mechanical equipment account for 5,000 sq. ft. of the total roof area. What amount of roof needs to have a vegetated roof to qualify for exemplary performance for Sustainable Sites Credit, Heat Island Effect-Roof? A 30,000 sq. ft. B 12,500 sq. ft. C 25,000 sq. ft. D 15,000 sq. ft.


When performing a whole building simulation for Energy and Atmosphere Credit, Optimize Energy Performance, can the process loads for the design case differ from the baseline case? A No, the loads must always be identical B Yes, if the process loads will run off of a central plant C Yes, when the project teams follow the exceptional calculation method of ASHRAE 90.1-2007 to document measures that reduce process loads D Yes, if the process loads will run off of renewable energy systems


Which factor is used in the calculation of Materials and Resources Credit, Rapidly Renewable Materials? A Volume B Area C Cost D Weight


A residential building will include a common laundry room, postal area, and heated swimming pool. An independent CxA has been hired to help the project achieve Energy and Atmosphere Credit, Enhanced Commissioning. What additional activities will the CxA be required to complete beyond the requirements of fundamental commissioning? A Implement the commissioning plan B Verify that requirements for training are completed C Commissioning design review prior to mid-construction docs D Review contractor submittals applicable to the heated swimming pool E Develop a systems manual for the heated swimming pool


When calculating materials costs for some of the MR credit calculations, what is the potential benefit of using the actual materials costs vs. the default 45% materials cost? A It is easier to break out the material costs from labor and equipment B It streamlines the documentation process C Projects with less than 45% materials cost can achieve credit thresholds more easily D It becomes easier to earn an Innovation in Design point for exemplary performance


Which of the following are types of shared multi-occupant spaces? A Private office B Ticket booth C Classroom D Lounges


What strategies should the project team consider for removing TSS from runoff? A Temporary seeding B Plants with a high species factor C Porous pavement D Mulching E Open grid pavement


What are structural strategies to reduce water pollution from stormwater for LEED certification? A Rain gardens B Pervious pavement C Rainwater cisterns D Ponds E Manhole treatment devices


A 20-story condominium project will permit smoking in residences on certain floors of the building. What is an acceptable way of demonstrating sealing of the residential units for ETS? A Conduct air sampling B Installing impermeable deck-to-deck partitions C Installing spray foam insulation D Blower door test conducted in accordance with ASTM-E779-03


A 5-story Core & Shell project is being developed as part of a larger mixed-use community. The project architect, design team, and building owner are creating the tenant design and construction guidelines. What purpose will these guidelines serve? A To document design requirements for tenants to follow B To earn an Innovation in Design credit C To document the minimum performance measurements to meet D To highlight building-specific best practices


A Core and Shell project in an urban area has a stacked building plan, minimal parking on site and is located next to public transportation. The project will be 250,000 SF located on two acres. Other buildings located within an area twice as large as required for Sustainable Sites Credit, Development Density and Community Connectivity are listed below. Given the information, how many points can this project earn? Building size (sf) Site area (acres) ----------------------------------------- 143,125 1.50 81,957 0.50 165,876 1.00 75,000 0.75 A 4 B 5 C 3 D 6


A CxA has been selected who is a subcontractor of the general contractor with construction responsibilities. What tasks do not need to be performed for fundamental commissioning? A Review the basis of design B Develop and incorporate commissioning requirements into the construction documents C Complete a summary commissioning report D Develop a systems manual


A condominium project will have 100 residential dwellings with an estimated 200 occupants. The project team is trying to achieve Sustainable Sites Credit, Alternative Transportation - Bicycle Storage & Changing Rooms. How many secure bicycle storage spaces will be required? A 10 B 5 C 15 D 30


A new construction office building will be naturally ventilated. The team will use macroscopic, multizone, analytic model that predicts room by room airflow. What standard should the team use to determine the minimum ventilation rates for Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Increased Ventilation? A CIBSE Applications Manual 10-2005 B ASHRAE 55-2004 C I-BEAM D ASHRAE 62.1-2007


A new high-rise residential project is going up in a master site development. The site will be connected to an off-site master stormwater management system. What is true about the project's ability to achieve Sustainable Sites Credit Stormwater Design - Quantity Control? A The project can only earn the credit if the area of the development boundary has an existing imperviousness of 50% or less B The project can only earn the credit if BMPs are followed by all buildings connected to the stormwater system C The project can only earn the credit if the original master planned site was previously developed D The project can only earn the credit if the stormwater system meets the LEED requirements for all drainage areas that it serves


A project team for a retail project wants to increase the daylighting of the store to offset energy costs and provide more natural light to display products. What strategies are not as important to the design of this project? A Interior color schemes B Integration with the electric lighting system C Direct beam penetration D Vision glazing


A project team working a new construction project is attempting to divert construction waste from the landfill. Total construction waste is estimated to be 257 tons. What is the minimum number of tons that need to be diverted to earn exemplary performance for Materials and Resources Credit, Construction Waste Management? A 193 tons B 218 tons C 257 tons D 245 tons


A school project is located in a suburban area that does not have minimum zoning requirements for parking. The school is expected to have 50 full time staff and 25 part time staff as well as 300 students in grades K-8. The 2003 Institute of Transportation Engineers 'Parking Generation' study recommends this project to have 150 parking spaces. What number of parking spaces should be provided to earn Sustainable Sites Credit, Alternative Transportation-Parking Capacity? A 125 B 128 C 150 D 113


A subcontractor paints a row of offices in a new construction project with high-voc paint. The total paint surface area was 10,000 SF. What should the project team do to earn Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Low-Emitting Materials-Paints and Coatings? A The project cannot earn the credit B Make a note in LEED online C Paint over the high-voc paint with low-voc paint D Paint other areas with low voc paint to offset the mistake


An asphalt concrete mix is purchased for a schools project. The sand for the concrete is extracted 220 miles away, the cement is from 750 miles away, and the aggregate is from 625 miles away. The total cost for the mix will be $265,000. Cement will make up 15%, sand 35% and aggregate 50%. What is the allowable cost for Materials and Resources Credit, Regional Materials? A $132,500 B $265,000 C $0 D $92,750


An office park in a suburban area needs to earn Sustainable Sites Credit, Heat Island Effect-Nonroof to comply with local code. The site is required by code to have 330 parking spaces. The project area has 4 acres of hardscape. What project option would not earn the credit? A Install 2 acres of open grid pavement B Install paving materials that have an SRI of at least 29 C Shade 2 acres of the hardscape within 5 years D Place 83 parking spaces under cover


An office project is estimated to have gross building area of 42,135 SF. The project team is searching for an appropriate site and has four under consideration. Which of the following sites would help the project achieve the desired development density? A 0.75 acre Brownfield site B 0.75 acre previously graded site C 1 acre Greenfield site D 0.50 acre site of former schoolhouse


Community leaders are meeting with the school board to discuss sharing some of a new school's facilities. If the community engages in a contract with the school for dedicated-use spaces, how many spaces must be provided? A 4 B 3 C 1 D 2


During the construction phase a contractor has painted a wall with high VOC paint. What is the process to use to correct the error or submit information to qualify for Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Low-Emitting Materials-Paints and Coatings? A Paint over the high VOC paint with an approved low VOC paint B Subtract the high VOC paint from the design case calculations C Subtract the high VOC paint from any calculations D Include the volume of high VOC paint in both the baseline and design case VOC calculations


In a mechanically ventilated office project many of the office workers will have personal printers. The mailroom and main copy/print room will be located in two spaces on the interior of the second floor. What must occur for the project to achieve Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Indoor Chemical and Pollutant Source Control? A The mailroom must have a dedicated exhaust system B The building must have a negative pressure compared to the main copy/print room C The personal printers must be isolated behind closed doors in a sealed room D MERV 13 filters must be used


Systems furniture and seating for a schools project that meets the GREENGUARD certification can help earn points for what LEED Credit? A Innovation in Design B Materials and Resources Credit, Certified Wood C Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Low-Emitting Materials-Composite Wood and Agrifiber Products D Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Low-Emitting Materials-Furniture and Furnishings


What is true about the timing of commissioning as it relates to a building flush-out? A Commissioning cannot begin until after the building flush-out has been completed B Commissioning can only occur at the same time as a flush-out if an occupied flush-out is being performed C Commissioning must be completed before the building flush-out D Commissioning can occur during the flush-out if it does not introduce any additional contaminants into the building


A site is being selected for a company's new corporate headquarters. What site is the best choice if the project wants to qualify for Sustainable Sites Credit, Site Selection? A Previously undeveloped land with an elevation 3 feet above a FEMA defined 100 year flood B Land that is the habitat for a rare species of animal C 10 acres of land that is a currently a run down city park D 10 acres currently owned by a farmer E A previously developed site near similar projects


Explain the difference between earning an ID credit for exemplary performance vs innovative design.

ID credits for exceptional performance are awarded for doubling the credit requirements and/or achieving the next incremental percentage threshold. ID credits for innovative performance are awarded for comprehensive strategies which demonstrate quantifiable environmental benefits.

What are the two options for IEQ 2 Increased Ventilation?

Option 1 which uses diagrams and calculations to show the design of the system meets the requirements of the CIBSE Applications Manual Option 2 allows for using a macroscopic, multizone, analytic model that predicts room by room airflow. This model must predict if the spaces provided the minimum ventilation rates required by ASHRAE 62.1-2007.

In a condominium project, what requirements must be met for ETS control if the hallways and rooms have the same air pressure? - Locate all exterior smoking areas 20 feet away from any outdoor air intakes - Use MERV 13 filters on all vents to common areas - Weatherstrip all doors leading to common hallways - Meet the requirements of ASHRAE 62.1-2007

Weatherstrip all doors leading to common hallways

What is the most effective way to minimize runoff volume and water treatment requirements?

reduce the area of impervious surfaces

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