Substance Abuse For Supervisors

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26 An prescription expired for more than ___ _____ old will not be accepted

1 year

40 The employee would need to be provided __ hours to provide specimens in the event the employee is required to have tests conducted under both DOT and Non-DOT (Company/Customer) requirements.

6 hours

An employee backs into a garage door while driving a forklift at work. There is no damage to the forklift and only a small dent in the garage door. Both the garage and the forklift are still operable and will not be repaired. Is a drug and alcohol test required? If so, what is the test reason? What action, if any should be taken?

A post incident test should not be conducted. Further investigation and evaluation of the incident is needed to determine if the events dictate a reasonable cause test is necessary.

51 DOT post accident?

An "Accident" is defined by FMCSA regulations as an accident involving a commercial motor vehicle which results in a fatality, or bodily injury to a person who, as a result of the injury immediately receives medical treatment away from the scene of the accident; or one or more of the vehicles towed from the scene of the accident

39 Blood, saliva, breath, or hair testing will not meet the ____ drug testing requirements. DOT permits saliva and breath testing for alcohol testing requirements only. Halliburton utilizes collection sites that have evidential breath testing (EBT) devices. DOT requires _____ for all alcohol confirmation testing.


67 What Supervisors Should Do during a reasonable suspicion test?

Focus on Job performance Avoid allowing personal issues to interfere with judgment Don't diagnose or try to solve Understand the value of a constructive crisis Seek the assistance of local

Who must substantiate and concur in the decision to initiate the reasonable suspicion process?

HR and/or a trained supervisor

63 Should the employee refuse transportation contact ____ immediately for further direction

HR. The employee should not be permitted to drive, HR must to be notified if the employee refuses transportation, and help the employee in making arrangements to get his/her vehicle home if necessary.

40 After a reasonable cause, post accident, or random how long does a supervisor have to get the EE to testing?

HR/Supervisors should schedule testing allowing 3 hours for the employee to complete the testing per sample.

47 Who shall ensure that participants proceed immediately to the collection site upon notification of the random or the observed follow up testing requirement?

Human Resources / Supervisor

A Halliburton employee with a CDL is driving a light duty pick-up truck (less than 10,000 lbs without placards) and has a vehicle accident involving a 3rd party on a public roadway. A passenger in the other vehicle is hurt and is being transported to the hospital. The Halliburton driver is cited for following too closely. What test is required? DOT Drug & Alcohol Post Accident Non-DOT Drug & Alcohol Post Accident Both

Non-DOT post accident - it is not a DOT vehicle.

16 What are considered acceptable prescriptions for employees?

Only prescriptions written by medical practitioners licensed to practice medicine in the United States will be accepted.

47 What are the reasons for drug testing?

Pre-Employment - New employees and re-hires must have a pre-employment drug and alcohol post offer but prior to start date. This test is also required if an employee has been off-duty 30+days. Return-to-Duty - Used only for employees who have violated the Policy. Observed collections are required. Pre-Assignment - As required by customers prior to going on customer property or on annual basis. Random - Monthly/Quarterly selections. Employees have an equal opportunity to be selected each month. Follow-up Testing - required for employees who have violated the Policy. Must be observed collections. Company Post Incident

47 Just because an EE works with EAP after termination it does not mean that....

Re-Employment opportunity is guaranteed

48 Damage that would be repaired during the normal course of business or as required by law.

Tangible Property Damage

50 What happens after a customer post accident?

The employee(s) must be removed from customer property and surrender his/her site credentials to the customers. An individual so removed will be allowed to return to work on customer Property only after Halliburton is in receipt of the employees drug and alcohol results indicating negative results. Results along with a consent form signed by the employee must be provided to the customer before the employee is allowed to return to customer property.

63 Who must transport must transport the employee to the collection site?

The supervisor and a witness

39 The following samples may be collected to detect the presence of drugs or alcohol:

Urine Breath Saliva Hair Blood

58 DOT employees must always have what first?

a DOT test

62 Advise the employee that the tests are a request for?

additional objective data

61 The drug test must be conducted at any time during the reasonable suspicion test if the employee?

admits to using

16 Medication containing __________ shall not be used immediately proceeding or during an individual's scheduled work day.


49 Customers will frequently have specific testing requirements for incidents that occur on their property. Halliburton is responsible for ensuring the drug and alcohol testing in conducted on?

any Halliburton employee, Contractor Employee or Vendor representing Halliburton on a Customer property. The decision to test is based on the customer's requirements.

9 It is the responsibility of each employee to seek assistance _______ the employee's substance abuse problem leads to a violation of this or any other Company workplace policy.


51 Except for a fatal accident, verification of the driver's responsibility in a DOT accident scenario must be established by?

citation to the driver for a moving violation.

18 May only show up in a urine drug test for 2 days after use (a short window of opportunity to determine if someone has been using this substance and the need for expediency in identifying and organizing reasonable cause/suspicion testing).


59 An individual removed from customer Property for Reasonable Suspicion will be allowed to return to work on customer Property only after?

company conducts alcohol and drug testing on the individual as soon as possible following the individual's removal from the site, and the company certifies in writing the test identification number, the individual's social security number (last 4 digits), the test date, time and a negative test result. On that written certification the company will include a consent signed by the individual permitting disclosure to customers of the test result.

7 The Company encourages employees who think that they may have a problem with alcohol, legal or illegal drugs to seek assistance by?

contacting the Halliburton Employee Assistance Program (EAP) directly.

61 During a reasonable suspicious, the employee should be given the opportunity to?

describe/explain the behavior and events

24 Substances whose molecular structure has been modified in order to optimize their effect on the one hand, and in order to by-pass laws and regulations governing the control of substances on the other hand.

designer drugs

43 If alcohol level (BAC) is 0.02-0.039?

employee is suspended for one week per pay plan, referred to EAP, and must have a negative return-to-duty alcohol test

43 If MRO determines a drug test is positive?

employee is terminated and referred to EAP

43 If alcohol level (BAC) is 0.040 or greater?

employee is terminated and referred to EAP.

41 Halliburton requires split samples be collected so that employees who receive positive drug test results have the opportunity to what?

have the 2nd sample tested at a referee laboratory. These arrangements are made with the MRO.

16 It is each employee's responsibility to consult with his or her health care provider to review relevant dosing instructions and determine whether the use of a medication could lead to _________.


48 The Company will conduct post-incident testing when an employee is involved in an accident or near-accident that caused, or could have caused:

loss of life, serious bodily injury, or tangible property damage,

40 If the employee can not provide a specimen in the allotted time he/she will be sent for a ___________ ____________

medical exam

62 Employee will be on paid leave until?

pending the results

61 During the reasonable suspicion, conversation, also observe ?

physical behaviors and thought processes

Testing positive for a _________ __________ that is not prescribed to you is a Policy Violation and will result in adverse employment action up to and including termination

prescription medication

63 After the collection the employee is to be provided?

transportation home

43 How long do EE's have to request a split sample?

within 72 hours

65 Dan had knee surgery eight months ago following a flag football game and missed several weeks of work during his recovery. When Dan returned to work, he reported to his supervisor (James) that he was taking medication for the pain. The supervisor required Dan to provide a letter from his physician stating Dan was safe to do his job functions. In the past month Dan seems to be zoning out. He has been making numerous mistakes. He's been late for call-out several times. This morning on the job, James caught Dan dozing when he was responsible for performing a critical operation on the well. Come to think of it, he has been really moody lately. Some of the other hands have been complaining about him as well. When James requested Dan to explain, Dan was slow to answer, his speech was slightly slurred, and he kept losing his train of thought. Dan eventually explained that he hadn't been sleeping well because of the new baby. What should James do?

First part of scenario was properly handled by the supervisor to ask for physician statement for fit for duty. Using Flip Charts, have the participants list what they think is wrong with Dan. Next : Facilitator will, on Flip Charts, identify "diagnosis" and "facts". Split chart in half for two columns (Diagnosis/Facts). Example: Diagnosis—Drugs; New Baby; Fatigue; Work Too Many Hours. Facts—Zoning Out; Dozing on Job; Making Numerous Mistakes; Late for Call- Outs; Moody; Other Personnel Complaining; Slow to Answer; Slurred Speech; Losing Train of Thought. Is this an opportunity for reasonable cause testing? Would you do a supervisory referral to EAP? Supervisory/Hard Referral to EAP should be carried out for this type scenario due to job performance issues. Reasonable cause testing should be carried out with these type behaviors as they are consistent with drug abuse as we have seen in this presentation.

26 An employee who uses prescription or over-the-counter medications that may impair his or her ability to perform safely is responsible for notifying _____________ _______________ representative to initiate a medication review with AllOne Health Resources, so that steps can be taken to minimize the safety risks posed by such use

Human Resources

66 Supervisors Enable Substance Abuse and Poor Work Performance When They?

Let an employee function below standards Let their own guilt or fear of intervention delay addressing the problem Let personal loyalties or friendship delay corrective action

If a manager is are unable to reach HR, they should contact?

Mary Pruitt - HSE Drug and Alcohol Program Manager.

40 Any individual whose laboratory drug test is positive for the presence of an Illicit Drug or Drugs will be so notified by a __________ ______________ ____________, and given an opportunity to provide the MRO, in confidence, a legitimate explanation for the positive drug test.

Medical review officer

39 Halliburton ______ testing does permit testing substances other than urine for drug testing. Approval to do so must be obtained from the Manager-HSE Drug and Alcohol Program.


64 Annie has been working in the accounting group for 8 years. She knows her job and gets her work done. Lately when you go to ask Annie a question about a SAP entry she hasn't been at her work station. She seems to be taking frequent "restroom breaks". Yesterday Greta Gossip came by your office to let you know that Annie is using drugs. Greta knows this because Greta's sister used to be married to Annie's brother who just got busted for having a "meth house" and Annie is over at her brother's house all the time. Greta knows this because her best friend, Sally Is-a-snoop, follows Annie from work and has seen her there. Greta wants to know what you're going to do about it. As a supervisor, how should you respond to this?

Thank Greta for information, tell her you will look into this. (She will not be informed of what you will do) Is Greta spreading this information to other workers? Is this "rumor mill" a work performance problem affecting others? If yes contact HR for assistance in dealing with this. What do you need to do in regard to Annie? As a supervisor, because this allegation has been brought to your attention, you have responsibility to document this and take appropriate action . It is recommended that the supervisor talks with HR to determine the proper documentation to develop and guidance on personal monitoring of the employee going forward to gather/document factual observations that may or may not substantiate the allegation. The "positive" behaviors should also be part of the documentation. What could happen here? Let's take a hypothetical look at some possibilities. Let's say this employee leaves the office in a vehicle and is involved in an accident or consider this an employee in field operations. What if? What if the accident involves a DOT driver in a DOT vehicle and a third party is involved? There will be a thorough investigation. The investigation may discover prohibited substances were used by our driver and that the supervisor had received information to that affect and did not act on it. What may happen to the supervisor?

59 Customer Reasonable Suspicion of company and/or customers of that company personnel are under the influence of a prohibited substance while on customer property, company shall

remove the individual(s) from customer Property and surrender his/her site credentials to the customers

41 Employees in what kinds of roles are required to provide Halliburton documentation from the prescribing physician indicating the employee is fit to safely perform his/her job functions while taking the prescribed medication.?

safety sensitive

19 Typically show up in a urine drug test for 1-4 days after use


43 If a sample is tampered with or adulterated with, or an employee refuses to cooperate in the collection process, or otherwise refuses to test?

the employee is terminated and will not be eligible for re-hire consideration.

Reasonable Suspicion/Cause Testing is REQUIRED of Supervisors when?

there is a reasonable and documentable belief that employee(s) are currently exhibiting behaviors of impairment.

12 This is not a time for you as the supervisor to diagnose anything. Recognize impairment, and you most likely have Reasonable Cause; then look at the facts presented by the circumstances and look at:

the physical traits demonstrated, and recognize other physical signs. The decision to test must not be based solely on what you think, or suspect, or have heard. Both physical traits and work performance can be used to document reasonable cause testing.

27 In regards to prescription medication, the company reserves the right to:

transfer, reassign, place on leave of absence, or take other appropriate action related to any employee during the time the employee uses medication that may affect the employee's ability to perform his or her job functions safely.

Two Halliburton bulk trucks are being driven on the Interstate. One driver rear-ends the other unit. One vehicle must be towed out of a ditch to be driven. Only one Halliburton driver is cited for following too closely. Who will be tested? The cited driver The driver who was not cited Neither Both What test is required? DOT Drug & Alcohol Post Accident Non-DOT Drug & Alcohol Post Accident Both

· The cited driver is required to have both the DOT and Company test for drug and alcohol. The DOT test must be administered 1st. · The driver who was not cited would be required to have a Company test if there was tangible property damage or an injury requiring treatment other than routine first aid. · Further investigation and evaluation of the incident is needed to determine if the events dictate a reasonable cause test is necessary.

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