Survey of the Bible LUOA

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Chapter 3 is the climax of the entire book of Lamentations, where Jeremiah exclaims:

"Great is Your faithfulness."

Perhaps the most significant statement that Job makes amidst his suffering was:

"I know that my Redeemer lives."

What does Amos 5:14-15 say?

"Seek good, not evil, that you may live."

What does the Hebrew title for the book of Ecclesiastes mean?

"The Preacher/Teacher"

What does the name "Zechariah" mean?

"Yahweh remembers"

What does the word "intertestamental" mean?

"between the testaments"

What does the name "Malachi" mean?

"my messenger"

How many times is God's name mentioned in the book of Esther?


The Old Testament was written over a period of approximately _______ years.


According to 2 Chronicles, how many of the Israelites' twelve tribes were in the Northern Kingdom of Israel?


How many years of history do the books of Ezra and Nehemiah cover?

100 years total

According to 2 Chronicles, how many of the Israelites' twelve tribes were in the Southern Kingdom of Judah?


How many books are in the English Old Testament? How many authors?

39 books; approximately 30 authors

The Intertestamental Period was the _______ year time period between the last events in the Old Testament and the first events in the New Testament.


Some people refer to the Intertestamental Period as the...

400 silent years

The book of Psalms can be broken up into how many smaller books?


How many days did it take Nehemiah and the Israelites, who had returned from exile, to rebuild the walls around the city of Jerusalem?


How many prophetic speeches are found in the book of Malachi?


Modern Old Testament translations closely resemble the text of the Dead Sea Scrolls. To what percentage do modern OT translations resemble the text of the Dead Sea Scrolls? Where are the differences found?

95% - differences in spelling and grammar

What is the book of Lamentations about?

A cry of grief and sorrow about the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple.

What happened in Nineveh when Jonah finally preached repentance to them?

A spiritual revival broke out.

Who sinned in the Garden of Eden by disobeying God and giving into the temptation of the serpent?

Adam and Eve

What were the two big mistakes that David made in 2 Samuel?

Affair with Bathsheba. Murder of Uriah.

What became the main language of education and trade during the Intertestamental Period?

Alexander the Great

How did Joshua divide up the Promised Land?

Amongst the twelve tribes of Israel

What is Song of Solomon about?

An intimate marital relationship between a bridegroom and his bride.

Malachi ministered to the Jews that had returned from exile around the same time as Ezra and .

Answer 1: Babylonian Answer 2: Ezra Answer 3: Nehemiah

Although God had been their king for years, in the book of 1 Samuel, the Israelites succumbed to the pressure of surrounding pagan nations and asked God for a human king to lead them.

Answer 1: God Answer 2: Israelites Answer 3: human

Much like the were more than conquerors through , today are more than conquerors through Christ .

Answer 1: Israelites Answer 2: God Answer 3: Christians Answer 4: Christ

Jesus and Paul attributed the five Books of the Law (Genesis-Deuteronomy) to Moses, although he likely had help from a few other people.

Answer 1: Jesus Answer 2: Paul

In the book of Joshua, leads the across the Jordan River and into the Promised Land (Canaan), where gives them the land and divides it up among the tribes of .

Answer 1: Joshua Answer 2: Israelites Answer 3: Jordan Answer 4: God Answer 5: Israel

Leviticus 11:45 - "For I am the who brought you up out of the land of to be your . You shall therefore be , for I am holy."

Answer 1: Lord Answer 2: Egypt Answer 3: God Answer 4: holy

The fact that God chose to use Ruth, a Moabitess (in ancient times Moabites were pagans and enemies of God), shows Christians today that God can use anyone that strives to be obedient to Him.

Answer 1: Moabitess Answer 2: obedient

Much like the Israelites looked forward to entering the Promised Land and strived to follow God by keeping His commands, Christians today can look forward to the second coming of Christ and strive to follow God by keeping His commands.

Answer 1: Promised Answer 2: second Answer 3: Christ

God confused the languages of the people at the Tower of Babel , and as a result they began dispersing across the earth.

Answer 1: Tower Answer 2: Babel

The book of Nahum shows that God us when we sin against Him, and He shows us when we call upon His name.

Answer 1: disciplines Answer 2: mercy

The cycle in the book of Judges is as follows: 1) Israel God and is oppressed; 2) Israel cries out to God and He sends a to deliver them; 3) Israel is delivered and experiences peace ; 4) Israel disobeys God and is oppressed...and so the cycle continues.

Answer 1: disobeys Answer 2: judge Answer 3: peace

One of the main applications from 2 Samuel for Christians today is that God can use anyone, despite their , to carry out the .

Answer 1: failures Answer 2: Great Answer 3: Commission

"Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return. The Lord , and the Lord has taken ; be the name of the Lord" (Job 1:21).

Answer 1: gave Answer 2: taken Answer 3: away Answer 4: blessed

Nehemiah 6:3 - "And I sent messengers to them, saying, 'I am doing a and I cannot . Why should the work stop while I leave it and come down to you?'"

Answer 1: great Answer 2: work Answer 3: come Answer 4: down

The book of Judges shows Christians today, that even when they fall short of God's holy standards, God still extends His mercy and grace when they call upon His name.

Answer 1: holy Answer 2: call

"If my people who are called by my name themselves, and and my face and turn from their ways, then I will hear from heaven and will their sin and their land" (2 Chronicles 7:14).

Answer 1: humble Answer 2: pray Answer 3: seek Answer 4: wicked Answer 5: forgive Answer 6: heal

"In those days when there was no in Israel, everyone did what was in his own eyes" (Judges 17:6).

Answer 1: king Answer 2: right

God is on a mission to redeem His creation. Just as He called people in Genesis to join in on that mission , He continues to call believers today.

Answer 1: mission Answer 2: redeem Answer 3: mission

The book of Job shows that the power of Satan in temptation is always limited by the prerogative of God.

Answer 1: power Answer 2: prerogative

The book of Nehemiah shows Christians that and are at the heart of God's covenant with His people.

Answer 1: purity Answer 2: obedience

After the walls in Jerusalem had been rebuilt, a restored community was established, which was signified by the Israelites' and .

Answer 1: repentance Answer 2: covenant Answer 3: renewal

In the beginning, Saul served the nation of Israel well as their first king, but eventually he became exceedingly and .

Answer 1: well Answer 2: prideful Answer 3: corrupt

During the Intertestamental Period, who eventually attacked Jerusalem, raided the temple, killed or captured many women and children, banned traditional Jewish practices and events, and set up altars to Greek gods where unclean animals were sacrificed?

Antiochus IV Epiphanes

One of the highlights of 1 Chronicles is David bringing the _______ of the _______ back to Jerusalem.

Ark; Covenant

How does the book of Haggai point to Jesus?

As the true temple (Immanuel - "God with us").

Why do Christians not celebrate the Day of Atonement annually?

Because Jesus atoned for the sins of the world once and for all.

Unlike Jews, why do Christians not celebrate the Passover?

Because Jesus is the Passover Lamb; He can be celebrated every day.

Why is it significant that Jesus is the Great High Priest?

Because of Jesus' death on the cross we can have direct access to God regardless of our location or the time of day.

Why were Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego thrown into the fiery furnace?

Because they refused to worship King Nebuchadnezzar's image of gold (false god).

Micah 5:2 - "But you, _______ Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times."


What were the names of the two men God called and equipped to build the tabernacle?

Bezalel Oholiab

Who did Ruth marry?


Choose the five major sections of the Old Testament.

Books of Wisdom and Poetry Books of Israel's History Minor Prophets Books of the Law Major Prophets

How could each Israelite family avoid the tenth plague while in Egypt?

By placing the blood of an unblemished animal above the doorpost to their house.

Identify three key themes throughout the book of Proverbs.

Characteristics of a foolish man/woman. Wisdom. Characteristics of a wise man/woman.

Although Song of Solomon describes the intimate marital relationship between a bridegroom and his bride, what does this book ultimately picture?

Christ's love for His bride, the Church.

In the book of Ezra, what was the name of the Persian Emperor that ordered the Jews to return to Jerusalem?


Ezekiel was an associate of what other prophet?


Identify the two main sections of the book of Daniel.

Daniel and his friends (1-6) Daniel's visions and dreams about future events (7-12)

Who succeeded Saul as the second king of Israel?


Who wrote the majority of the psalms in the book of Psalms?


Who were two of Ruth's most well known descendants?

David Jesus

Who were Solomon's parents?

David and Bathsheba

Who was Israel's king after David?

David's son, Solomon

Most of the Psalms were composed between the time of _______ (1000 B.C.) and the time of _______ (450 B.C.).

David; Ezra

What major event is found in Leviticus 16?

Day of Atonement

What are the earliest manuscripts of the Old Testament that have been found to date?

Dead Sea Scrolls

Identify two themes found in the book of Genesis.

Despite man's sin, God still shows grace and mercy by initiating His plan of redemption. God is the creator of all things.

What is the bad news that Micah predicts?

Destruction of the northern kingdom by the Assyrians and the southern kingdom by the Babylonians.

"The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your brothers—it is to him you shall listen."

Deut. 18:15

"And the Lord your God will circumcise your heart and the heart of your offspring, so that you will love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, that you may live."

Deut. 30:6

"But from there you will seek the Lord your God and you will find him, if you search after him with all your heart and with all your soul."

Deut. 4:29

The book of Obadiah contains prophecies about God's punishment of which nation?


In Hosea, Jesus is God's Son who has been called out of _______.


What lineage do the people of Edom come from?


Choose the two main events from the book of Esther.

Esther saves the Jews from annihilation. Esther becomes the queen of Persia.

What does the book of Esther remind Christians of today?

Even when God seems absent, we must remember that He is always with us.

When studying the book of Esther, what is the main thing that Christians should look for?

Evidence of God's providence.

Daniel was an associate with what other prophet?


Jeremiah lived at the same time as what other prophets? (Hint: Choose four)

Ezekiel Obadiah Daniel Habakkuk

Which two Old Testament books were written from Babylon?

Ezekiel and Daniel

According to Jewish and Christian tradition, who wrote the book of Nehemiah?


According to Jewish tradition, who wrote the book of 1 Chronicles?


Who wrote 2 Chronicles?


Who wrote the book of Ezra?


What does the name "Haggai" mean?


Identify the two major sections of the book of Isaiah.

Future hope (40-66) Present judgment (1-39)

What key theme in the book of Isaiah is mentioned 30 times?

Gd is the holy one of Israel

In which verse does God initiate His plan of redemption, by promising to send One who would overcome sin and Satan?

Genesis 3:15

More than any other book in the Old Testament, Isaiah...

Give a rich picture of Christ

Ecclesiastes demonstrates to man that it is meaningless to attempt to find truth and joy apart from _______.


Hosea shows Christians that they must ultimately place their trust in who/what?


The book of Habakkuk details a conversation between Habakkuk and _______.


Identify four themes that run throughout the book of Micah.

God always keeps His promises. God desires justice, mercy, and humility from His people. God is loving God punishes disobedience.

Identify three key themes in the book of Jeremiah.

God always restores His people. Sin will not go unpunished by God. God makes a new covenant with His people.

Three key themes in the book of Haggai are:

God is always present with His people. God is involved in the world and in the affairs of human beings. The house of the Lord (the temple).

How could Leviticus be summarized into one sentence?

God is holy and He desires for His people to live holy lives.

Identify four key themes from Lamentations.

God is holy. God is good. God's love, compassion, and faithfulness never fail. Sin has consequences.

Identify two key themes that run throughout the book of Habakkuk.

God is omnipotent. God is sovereign.

Identify four key themes that run throughout the book of Nahum.

God is slow to anger and great in power. God is merciful and just. God will not leave the guilty unpunished. God is good (He cares for His people).

Identify three key themes from the book of Daniel.

God is the sovereign Ruler. God is the righteous Judge and Savior of His people. God is involved in the lives of His people.

What is Ezekiel 37:26-27 about?

God making a covenant of peace with His people.

How does the book of Job conclude?

God speaks to Job, rebukes his friends, and blesses/restores Job.

There are many major events in Exodus; choose three of them below.

God uses Moses to deliver the Israelites from Egyptian slavery. The Israelites build the tabernacle (God's dwelling place prior to the temple). God gives the people His Law.

Identify five key themes from the book of Ezekiel.

God will bless those who are faithful to Him. God will never allow His people to be utterly destroyed. God is the sovereign Judge. God doesn't punish a person for another person's sin. God finds great pleasure when people repent and turn to Him.

Perhaps the central truth in the book of Habakkuk is this:

God will punish human sinfulness.

Identify three key themes from the book of Obadiah.

God will restore His people. God always keeps His promises. God cannot allow sin to go unpunished.

What does the name "Ezekiel" mean?

God will strengthen

How could the overarching message of 2 Samuel be summarized into one sentence?

God's chosen man (David) rules from God's chosen city (Jerusalem), where he experiences his fair share of triumphs and tragedies.

What is the book of Hosea ultimately a picture of?

God's faithfulness to His unfaithful wife, Israel.

What was the temple a symbol of in the Old Testament?

God's presence amongst His people

What do the walls, which Nehemiah rebuilt, around the city of Jerusalem symbolize for God's people?

God's protection

What became the main language of education and trade during the Intertestamental Period?


The Hebrew Old Testament was translated into what other language first? What is this translation called?

Greek; Septuagint

On the Day of Atonement, what was the first goat used for?

Had sins of the people confessed over it and was slaughtered as a substitute sacrifice.

On the Day of Atonement, what was the second goat used for?

Had the sins of the people confessed over it and was sent away into the wilderness.

Zechariah lived at the same time as the older prophet _______.


Who sought to kill all of the Jews in the entire kingdom of Ahasuerus?


What did Ezekiel's ministry consist of?

He was a prophet and religious leader to the exiled Jews in Babylon as well as to the few Jews that remained in Jerusalem.

In what two languages was the Old Testament originally written?

Hebrew Aramaic

What is the book of Hosea about?

Hosea's marriage to his unfaithful wife, Gomer.

Identify the two key questions that Habakkuk asks God.

How can a loving God allow the wicked Babylonians to punish Judah, a less wicked people? Why does evil go unpunished?

The Masoretes also had strict guidelines as to how they copied the Old Testament Scriptures. Identify three of these guidelines below.

If a copy did not agree exactly with the original, it was destroyed. They knew the number of times each letter of the alphabet appeared in each book. Counted the number of words and letters in each book and also calculated the middle word and middle letter.

The Talmudists had strict guidelines relating to how they copied the Old Testament Scriptures. Identify six of these guidelines below.

Ink had to be black and made in a very specific way. Each page of the codex must have the same number of columns (48 lines in length). Nothing, not even a part of a letter, could be written from memory. If a king addressed the copyist while he was writing the name of God, he was to ignore the king. Each line had to be 30 letters long. The copyist had to wear specific clothes and follow certain rules about bathing.

What was significant about the tabernacle?

It was God's dwelling place with His people prior to the temple.

What lineage do the people of Israel come from?


Who wrote the book of Lamentations?


David's failures as king should point us to our need for the only perfect King - _______.


The Greek form of "Joshua" is _______.


Who/what is the source of the meaning of life?


_______ is God's final solution to the problem of sin, oppression, suffering, and evil.


The book of Zechariah points to Jesus in a number of ways. Identify seven of these ways below.

Jesus is the crucified Savior. Jesus will sit on the throne in the millennial kingdom. Jesus is the Righteous King that will ride on a donkey (Palm Sunday reference). Jesus is the Branch. Jesus is the One who will dwell in the midst of His people. Jesus will be victorious at the Battle of Armageddon (end times reference). Jesus will be betrayed for thirty pieces of silver.

Choose three references to Jesus (pictures of Christ) in Leviticus from the list below.

Jesus is the perfect sacrifice that makes all other sacrifices unnecessary. Jesus is the Great High Priest. Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law.

What is the book of Ezra about?

Jews returning to Jerusalem after being released from exile.

Choose three major events from the book of Job.

Job's friends falsely accuse him of personal sin. God restores Job and blesses him with twice as much as he had before. God allows Satan to tempt and afflict Job.

Which one of Jacob's sons was sold into Egyptian slavery by his brothers, lived an obedient life, and was blessed by God as a result?


In the book of Numbers, who was chosen to succeed Moses as the leader of the Israelites?


Who are the two major people in the book of Deuteronomy?

Joshua and Moses

Where does the title for the book of Joshua come from?

Joshua, Israel's second great leader

Jeremiah prophesies that _______ will be punished by God for its sinful behavior by being overtaken by another nation (Babylon).


Which one of the twelve tribes of Israel did Jesus eventually come from?


The reigns of Saul and David as king of Israel pale in comparison to Jesus' reign as... (hint: choose six answers)

King of peace King of righteousness heavenly King King of Israel King of kings King of the Jews

In Deuteronomy, God instructed Moses to retell the _____ to the Israelites, in order to prepare them to enter into the Promised Land.


The English Old Testament has the same books as the Hebrew Bible, although they are arranged differently. Unlike the English Old Testament, the Hebrew Bible is arranged into three main sections. What are these three sections?

Law Writings Prophets

The book of Nehemiah is named after Nehemiah, the one who is most well-known for:

Leading an effort to rebuild the walls around the city of Jerusalem.

How can Jesus be compared to Jonah?

Like Jonah spent three days/nights in the belly of a whale, Christ spent three days in the grave after His death.

Identify the three ways that Song of Solomon can be interpreted.

Love between God and His people, Israel. Love between Christ and His bride, the Church. Love between a man and a woman.

Jesus affirmed the three sections of the Hebrew Bible as Scripture in which New Testament verse?

Luke 24:44

During the Intertestamental Period, the traditional Jews revolted and sought independence from the tyrannical rule of Antiochus, which they eventually achieved under the _______ and the _______ dynasty.

Maccabees; Hasmonean

Identify who Jesus is in the book of Daniel. (Hint: Choose four answers)

Messiah and Prince everlasting King Son of Man Son of God

Although there are many people mentioned in Exodus, there are only four main characters in this book. Who are they?

Miriam Moses Pharaoh Aaron

Who is a possible author of the book of Esther?


How many times is the "day of the Lord" mentioned throughout the first two chapters of Zephaniah?

More than 15 times

Who is the author of Genesis?


Zephaniah lived at the same time as what other two prophets?

Nahum Jeremiah

What is the book of Nahum about?

Nahum warns the Assyrian capital of Nineveh of God's judgment for their cruelty, idolatry, and wickedness.

Samuel most likely wrote the book of 1 Samuel, but he probably had help from at least two other people. What were the names of the two other people?

Nathan and Gad

Where does God command Jonah to go preach repentance?


When Israel's kingdom split into two, after Solomon's death, what were the two new kingdoms known as?

Northern Kingdom (Israel); Southern Kingdom (Judah)

"The Lord is slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love, forgiving iniquity and transgression, but he will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, to the third and the fourth generation."

Numbers 14:18

"...a star shall come out of Jacob, and a scepter shall rise out of Israel; it shall crush the forehead of Moab and break down all the sons of Sheth."

Numbers 24:17

"The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace."

Numbers 6:24-26

How many times is the Old Testament quoted in the New Testament?

Over 1,600 times.

The _______ celebration in Exodus points to Jesus as the sinless _______ Lamb. (Hint: The same word fills both blanks.)


One of the most significant prophecies that Joel makes is in reference to the Day of _______.


The legalistic understanding of religion that resulted from the difficult cultural conditions that the Jews faced during the Intertestamental Period led to the rise of at least three strict Jewish sects. What are these three sects?

Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes.

What is 1 Chronicles about?

Positive elements from the forty year reign of David as king.

When was the book of Job written?

Possibly before any other book in the Bible (depending upon who wrote it).

What does suffering provide Christians with an opportunity to do?

Praise God

When was the book of Nahum written by the prophet?

Prior to the destruction of Nineveh in 612 B.C.

In the book of Deuteronomy, the Israelites were about to enter the _______ _______.

Promised Land

What is the book of Amos about?

Prophecies about the divine judgment that Israel and surrounding nations would face due to their sins.

"Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs."

Psalm 100: 1-2

"I lift up my eyes to the mountains - where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth."

Psalm 121: 1-2

"For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well."

Psalm 139: 13-14

"The heavens declare the glory of God, the sky above proclaims his handiwork."

Psalm 19:1

"Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me of my sin"

Psalm 51: 1-2

"O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!"

Psalm 8:1

"Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God."

Psalm 90: 1-2

What queen did Esther replace when she became queen of Persia?

Queen Vashti

What was the name of the person who hid the two men that Joshua sent to scope out the Promised Land?


Choose the five main people from the book of Joshua.

Rahab Eleazar Achan Joshua Phineas

There were two types of reform that are described in the book of Nehemiah: 1) physical reform; and 2) spiritual reform. What did the physical reform consist of?

Rebuilding the temple and walls in Jerusalem.

What did Haggai encourage the Israelites to continue doing?

Rebuilding the temple.

There were two types of reform that are described in the book of Nehemiah: 1) physical reform; and 2) spiritual reform. What did the spiritual reform consist of?

Repenting of sin and renewing the covenant.

The _______ government continued in its prominence throughout the New Testament.


Who is the author of Judges?


Who is the author of Ruth?


Who was the first human king of Israel?


The three most famous kings throughout Israel's monarchy were:

Saul David Solomon

Who is the most likely author of the book of Ecclesiastes?


Who wrote the majority of the book of Proverbs?


_______ built the temple while he was reigning as king of Israel.


Name some of the materials used to build the Tabernacle. Use complete sentences and include at least three specific materials that were used by the builders.

Some of the materials that were given to them were olive oil for the lights, spices for the anointing oil, and gems to be mounted on the ephod and breastpiece.

What is the Song of Solomon also known as?

Song of Songs

The book of 2 Chronicles focuses mainly on which kingdom?

Southern Kingdom of Judah

Which message corresponds to the overarching theme of the book of Psalms and the Bible as a whole?

The Lord Reigns

The six prophetic speeches in Malachi each follow a specific structure that involves three steps. Identify the three steps (in the correct order) below.

The Lord confronts His people. - ONE The Lord responds to His people. - THREE The people question the Lord. - TWO

The name "Joshua" comes from the Hebrew word yehoshua, which means what?

The Lord is salvation.

The last 27 chapters of Isaiah describe the merciful servant (Jesus) and the comfort of God. What are these 27 chapters comparable to?

The New Testament

Identify four myths about the Old Testament.

The OT is insignificant. The OT is outdated. The OT is too difficult to understand. The OT is inconsistent with the NT.

The first 39 chapters of Isaiah describe the effects of sin and the judgment of God. What are these 39 chapters comparable to?

The Old Testament

Who conquered the Judean region in 63 B.C. and set up a regional government?

The Romans

The five Old Testament Books of the Law are also referred to as...

The Torah

What were the 400 years of silence (Intertestamental Period) broken by?

The announcement of the gospel of Jesus Christ!

What does the Song of Solomon contain?

The best song that Solomon ever wrote (he wrote over 1,000 songs).

What is the good news that Micah predicts?

The birth of the Messiah, the King of the Jews.

What is the "day of the Lord" typically a reference to?

The events surrounding the end times.

In the book of Job, who is Jesus?

The living Redeemer.

Choose three major events from the book of 2 Chronicles.

The nation of Israel is divided into two separate kingdoms (northern and southern kingdoms). Jerusalem is destroyed by the Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar. Solomon asks God for wisdom and he has the first temple built in Jerusalem.

What is the Feast of Purim?

The yearly feast that celebrates/commemorates the Jewish people being saved from Haman's wicked plot to destroy them.

Where were the people of the world when God first dispersed the human race?

Tower of Babel

One practical piece of advice when studying 2 Chronicles is:

Try to understand the perspective of the author (Ezra).

Identify three key themes found in the book of Joshua.

When God's people come together, in His name, they can accomplish great things. God always keeps His promises. God is the righteous judge.

We should pay close attention to the first eleven chapters of the book of Genesis, because at least five key questions that most humans have are answered within the eleven chapters. What are these five questions?

Where did all the different people groups and languages come from? Why is there so much evil in the world? Where did humans come from and what is their purpose? Where did the universe come from? Where did animals come from?

What does "Joel" mean?

Yahweh is God

What is the name of the other prophet that Haggai prophesied alongside? See Ezra 5:1-2 and 6:14.


Who were two of Nahum's contemporaries from the prophets? In other words, what two prophets also lived at the same time as Nahum?

Zephaniah Jeremiah

What is the book of Zephaniah about?

Zephaniah warns the people of Judah about God's impending judgment upon them and the nations that surround them.

What were the names of Job's four friends that spoke to him throughout the book of Job?

Zophar Eliphaz Bildad Elihu

According to Micah 6:8, what are the three things that God requires from His people?

act justly walk humbly with God love mercy

One of the overarching messages of Amos is that:

actions speak louder than words.

Jonah shows us that God's plan of salvation is for _______ _______.

all people

What does "Genesis" mean?


One of David's greatest successes in 2 Samuel was:

bringing the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem.

Of all the Israelites who were about to enter into the Promised Land, in the book of Numbers, who were the only two that God eventually allowed to enter into the Promised Land? (Note: These two men never complained to God, they were obedient to Him, and they placed their faith in Him continually.)

caleb joshua

In the Garden of Eden, God gave Adam and Eve the _______ to follow Him; He gives people the same _______ today. (Note: the same word fills both blanks.)


The book of Ecclesiastes shows humans that _______ is an inevitable event in the life of every person.


What four things does Isaiah predict about Jesus?

death birth life resurrection

What does "exodus" mean?


In the New Testament, Jesus _______ the teachings of Amos.


"The _______ of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge" (Proverbs 1:7).


At the end of Ecclesiastes, what does Solomon say the purpose of life is?

fear God and keep his commands

The book of Lamentations is made up of:

five poems

God grants the Israelites victory when they _______ _______.

follow Him

In the book of Proverbs, Jesus is a "_______ that sticks closer than a _______."

friend; brother

"A _______ answer turns away wrath, but a _______ word stirs up anger" (Proverbs 15:1).

gentle; harsh

What was Nehemiah's position in Jerusalem, after the Jews were released from exile?


"Above all else, guard your _______, for everything you do flows from it" (Proverbs 4:23).


In the book of Numbers, where do the Israelites wander for forty years as a result of their disobedience to God?

in the wilderness

Throughout Israel's history, the temple was significant because...

it was God's dwelling place.

The Old Testament is the _______ to understanding the New Testament.


The book of Joel records a terrible _______ plague that God sent to punish His people for their sins.


In the book of Psalms, Jesus is the fulfillment of what type of prophecies?

messianic prophecies

Who did Amos prophesy to?

northern kingdom of Judah

In 1 Chronicles, it is clear that God's expects _______ from His children.


One of the key themes in Numbers is: God honors those who are and punishes those who are .

obedient disobedient

In the beginning, God created _____ _____ _____.

out of nothing.

Ecclesiastes is a summary of Solomon's lifelong journey to find what?

peace and meaning in life

What time period do the events in the book of Ruth take place?

period of judges

What does "Leviticus" mean?

pertaining to Levites/priests

What are the two types of reform that take place in the book of Ezra?

physical reform spiritual reform

Habakkuk shows Christians that God should be _______ through the difficult seasons in life.


"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a _______ to the nations" (Jeremiah 1:5).


During the Intertestamental Period, there was no _______ _______ from God.

prophetic word

The book of Ezra shows individuals that _______ and _______ are at the heart of God's covenant with His people.

purity; obedience

What is the key event in the book of Ezra, aside from the Jews being released from exile and returning to Jerusalem?

rebuilding of the temple

The theme of _______ runs throughout the four chapters of Ruth; this theme is extremely important when we think of Jesus, the One who _______ us from our sinful state.

redemption; redeems

The book of Zephaniah shows humans that God calls people everywhere to _______ and turn to Him.


After the terrible locust plague was sent, God called His people to...

repent of their sins

In the book of Jeremiah, Jesus is the...

righteous Branch from the lineage of David.

What does "Hosea" mean?


Jesus came to the world to _______ it, and one day He will return to _______ it.

save; judge

Jeremiah is the _______ longest book in the Bible.


What does "Deuteronomy" mean?

second law

What does "Obadiah" mean?

servant of Yahweh

Obadiah is the _______ book in the Old Testament.


What is the book of Psalms a collection of?


Where did Amos prophesy from?

southern kingdom of Judah

Who was the book of Joel written to?

southern kingdom of Judah

Who was the book of Lamentations written to?

southern kingdom of Judah

Who was the book of Zephaniah written to?

southern kingdom of Judah

What does the Greek title for the book of Psalms (psalmos) refer to?

stringed instruments that accompany songs

The book of Job shows Christians that _______ is the mark of a true disciple of Jesus Christ.


The book of Job shows Christians that _______ is not always the result of _______ in a person's life.

suffering; sin

Who is Jesus in the book of Habakkuk? (Hint: Choose three answers)

the Savior God the Holy One the coming King

The Intertestamental Period is sometimes referred to as...

the Second Temple Period

In Ezekiel, Jesus is... (Hint: Choose four answers)

the Shepherd King. the God of the new covenant. the true temple. the source of living water.

How long was Jonah in the belly of the whale?

three days and three nights

The book of Proverbs is a collection of:

tidbits of wisdom

Why do humans ultimately exist?

to know Jesus and make him known

In the book of 2 Chronicles, the nation of Israel is _______ again.


The book of Nehemiah shows Christians that when God's people come together to _______ for Him, they can accomplish _______.

work; much

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