SW 4301 Social Wlfr Policy

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The origin of the gay rights movement is most often associated with whichone of the following?

1969 Stonewall Riots

The three effective elements of policy practice for social workers are

Analysis, advocacy, and empowerment

A "demand based" definition of need tends to favor

Both those who are able to express their needs and those represented by effective advocates

"Cost-effectiveness" analysis involves

Clearly describing the costs and benefits of a policy proposal

House and Senate versions of a bill are discussed and reconciled throughwhich of the following?

Conference Committee

Which of the following is not a process technique for policy analysis

Cost-benefit analysis

This national organization provides volunteers, appointed by judges, tosupport individual children involved in child welfare system until the childis placed in a safe, permanent home.

Court Appointed Special advocates for Children (CASA)

The _______________ approach to poverty is focused on addressing the rootcauses of poverty by imposing structural changes, such as higher taxes, andpromoting economic security and wealth redistribution.


By repealing this law, President Obama expanded rights for LGBTQ peopleserving in the military:

Don't Ask Don't Tell (DADT)

President Trump's "zero-tolerance policy" toward immigrants is anextension of Obama-era immigration policies.


True or False? A legislative concept or proposal represents the successfuloutcome of the evaluation stage in the policy change process.


True or False? As compared to other OECD (Organisation for EconomicCo-operation and Development) nations, the U.S. experiences relatively highincomes and relatively low levels of income inequality and poverty.


True or False? Because the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) isan international treaty that requires action by the President and nationallegislative bodies for ratification, all advocacy efforts should be focused oninfluencing decision-makers at the federal level


True or False? Child maltreatment is narrowly defined as any deliberate actof physical, sexual, emotional or psychological abuse by a parent.


True or False? Current federal law protects Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual andTransgender individuals from employment discrimination based on sexualorientation and gender identity.


True or False? In general, most social workers report feeling well preparedfor work in policy and politics.


True or False? Mandatory child abuse reporting laws were included in theSocial Security Act of 1935.


True or False? Most of the bills presented in the U.S. Congress result innew laws.


True or False? Pluralism theory suggests that all actors in the politicalprocess are motivated primarily to advance their own private self-interests.


True or False? Ratification of international human rights treaties (likethe Convention on the Rights of the Child) requires a simple majority vote bythe House and Senate.


True or False? Social Security is generally considered an inefficientfederal program.


True or False? The U.S. Constitution guarantees gender equality.


True or False? The Washington Chapter of the National Association ofSocial Workers (NASW) opposed the Death with Dignity Act because of concerns about client self-determination and the impact on vulnerable populations.


True or False? The right of same-sex couples to marry was established whenPresident Obama issued an executive order to that effect in 2015


True or False? Today, public schools are less racially segregated than theywere in the 1960s.


Sponsored by the Children's Aid Society, the Orphan Trains of the mid-1800swere the precursor to which of the following modern-day systems?

Foster care system

Which of the following Supreme Court decisions established that state lawscriminalizing contraceptive use were unconstitutional?

Griswold v. Connecticut

This public health insurance program provides coverage to the poorestindividuals and families in the U.S., and its beneficiaries include children,pregnant women, people with severe disabilities, and some seniors.


The creation of home-based and community-based supportive services forolder adults like meals-on-wheels, elder abuse prevention, and caregiversupport grew out of which of the following policies?

Older Americans Act

Which of the following social policies were signed into law by PresidentBill Clinton? Choose as many as apply.

Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (welfare reform) and Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)

During which Presidential administration did the federal government beginto reduce dramatically its direct involvement in administering large-scalesocial welfare programs?

President Ronald Reagan

The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) was established throughwhich policy process?

Presidential executive order

Policy analysis methods vary according to the question address. What are the three methods

Process, implementation, and impact

Which of the following represents the earliest efforts by social workers toengage in policy practice? Welfare rights organizing to increase benefit levels for AFDC recipients Settlement house workers advocating for laws protecting workers and children New Deal legislation expanding workers' rights to collective bargaining Charity Organizations Society "friendly visitors" work with parents and families

Settlement house workers advocating for laws protecting workers and children

Who coined the #MeToo movement in 2006 as part of her work with young women of color who had experienced sexual violence?

Tarana Burke

Which piece of legislation enacted as part of the New Deal is consideredthe cornerstone of social welfare policy, marking the birth of the U.S.welfare state?

The Social Security Act of 1935

According to current U.S. law, all students, regardless of immigrationstatus, have the right to receive a K-12 education.


In addition to payments to retirees, OASDI provides benefits to survivorsof deceased workers, disabled workers, and dependents of disabled workers.


True or False? Although the Death with Dignity Act in Oregon was a statelaw, it was subjected to scrutiny by federal courts, U.S. Attorneys General,and the Drug Enforcement Administration.


True or False? As of 2018, the U.S. was the only member nation of theUnited Nations that had not ratified the Convention on the Rights of theChild.


True or False? Current policy requires employers to hire women who arepregnant as long as they can perform the essential functions of the job.


True or False? Elder abuse must be reported to authorities, but—unlikechildren—older adults have more decision-making power in the process ofinvestigating allegations of abuse.


True or False? Even after completing their prison sentences, individualswith felony convictions often face discrimination in employment, voting, andaccess to some social welfare benefits.


True or False? Over the last few decades, public opinion on the issue ofsame-sex marriage has changed, with the majority of Americans now supporting marriage equality.


True or False? Planned Parenthood provides a wide range of reproductivehealth services that include HIV and STI testing, cancer screenings,contraceptives, and abortion.


True or False? Social Security and Medicare are the two most expensivefederal benefit programs.


True or False? The United States is the only wealthy industrialized nationthat does not guarantee any paid family and medical leave to workers.


True or False? When nations choose to ratify human rights treaties like theCRC, they are expected to implement domestic policies and programs thatsupport the goals of a particular treaty.


Which of the following government policies was not enacted as a result ofthe coronavirus pandemic:

Universal healthcare to ensure that all Americans have access to affordable healthcare services

When citizens bypass the state legislature by drafting legislation andsubmit their idea to voters directly, it is most accurately referred to as a

ballot initiative

Which one of the following statements about Social Security benefits isFalse?

benefit amounts are calculated based on the cost of living in a particular area

As a founder and leader of the United Farmworkers, Cesar Chavez is mostwidely recognized for using which of the following two nonviolent strategiesto promote farmworkers' rights? (Choose two.)

boycotss, strikes

Which of the following priorities are most closely associated withliberalism? Choose as many as apply.

civil rights, social responsibility

Which of the following policies would provide a path to legalization forthe approximately 11 million undocumented immigrants currently in the U.S.?

comprehensive immigration reform

The practice of government giving subsidies and tax breaks to corporationsis referred to by some as

corporate welfare

When individuals lobby decision-makers on behalf of a cause or an issue, itis referred to as

direct lobbying

New Deal legislation aimed to accomplish all but which one of the following

eliminate distinctions between "worthy" and "unworthy" poor

The Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and AddictionEquality Act of 2008 does which of the following? Choose as many as apply.

ensures that copays and deductibles for mental health and addiction are equal to those for other medical conditions outlaws discrimination in health insurance coverage for mental illness and addiction

The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 accomplished which of the following?Choose as many as apply.

established a minimum wage and maximum work week and abolished child labor

By providing jobs for unemployed workers, New Deal era work relief programs benefited all groups equally.


In the case of Terry Schiavo, most Americans agreed that the government had a right and responsibility to intervene in the decision about whether to keep her alive.


True or False? Child maltreatment was recognized as a social problem onlyrecently, coming to the attention of experts in the 1980s.


The use of workhouses or poorhouses/almshouses was a form of

indoor relief

By emphasizing the message that the lack of parity in mental health careconstituted discrimination, advocates and legislative leaders were engaged inwhich aspect of the policy change process?

issue framing

The U.S. Congress, during the Trump and Biden administrations, passedstimulus bills to support individuals and businesses impacted by thecoronavirus pandemic. This strategy is most closely associated with which ofthe following economic philosophies?

keynesian economics

Which one of the following is not an expression of Jim Crow policies andpractices?

laws stating that Black individuals were not citizens and thus did not have the right to vote

The two dominant political ideologies in the U.S. are

liberalism and conservatism

Which of the following is not a provision of the Affordable Care Act?

medicare for all

During Clinton's presidency, his administration's support for NAFTA andwelfare reform reflected a shift toward which of the following politicalphilosophies?


All but which one of the following conditions must be met in order forpatients to use the Death with Dignity Act in Oregon?

only one physician is required to provide a diagnosis and certify that the patient is mentally competent to make this decision

Advocates for the DREAM Act have relied on all but which one of thefollowing tactics?

paid media such as TV/ radio ads

A proposal by Warren Buffett to substantially increase tax rates forindividuals and corporations earning over $1 million a year is an example of

progressive taxation

The Fair Housing Act of 1968 prohibited discrimination in which of thefollowing areas? (Choose as many as apply.)

rental housing and financing and purchasing a home

All but which one of the following sources are likely to be used in theproblem definition stage of policy change process? anecdotal evidence and practice experience opposition research policy analyses scientific research

scientific research

Which of the following is the most commonly reported form of childmaltreatment?

sexual abuse

Advocating for the rights of marginalized or oppressed groups by educatingthe public and raising awareness with a goal of changing societal attitudes isan example of social action policy design political revolution problem definition

social action

Social scientists have argued that declining ___________________ in manycommunities is reflected in lower rates of political participation anddecreases in social cohesion and reciprocity. (Choose the best answer tocomplete the sentence.)

social capital

The federal government runs a deficit when ______________ in a givenfiscal year.

spending exceeds revenues

Among opponents of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC),concerns included all but which one of the following?

the CRC does not go far enough to protect children's rights

Which two of the following reasons are listed as possible explanations forwhy social workers are not more politically active? (Choose two.)

they are busy and lack adequate time to engage in politics engaging in political work is perceived by many social workers as intimidating

True or False? Block grant programs have been used to limit or decreasenational federal spending on social welfare programs.


True or False? Nations with the highest taxes relative to their GrossDomestic Product tend to have the lowest levels of income inequality.


True or False? One argument from mental health advocates like the NationalAlliance for Mental Illness (NAMI) for mental health parity is that mentalillnesses have a biological basis and should be classified as a braindisorder.


True or False? Prior to the Great Depression, the dominant explanation forpoverty focused on individual deficits and failings.


True or False? The #BlackLivesMatter movement has been successful infocusing the nation's attention on issues of police brutality and racialinequality in the criminal justice system.


True or False? Federal district courts ensure that state and federal lawsand lower court decisions do not conflict with the U.S. constitution.


True or False? Policy institutes or "think tanks" are generallynon-partisan and seek to produce unbiased research on important policy issues.


True or False? Prior to the Mental Health Parity Act of 2008, there hadbeen no other legislation at the state or federal level requiring parity inmental health treatment.


True or False? Rates of mental disorders are roughly equal across differentage groups.


True or False? Single-payer healthcare systems are typically moreexpensive than other healthcare systems.


True or False? The Economic Bill of Rights articulated by FDR wasultimately adopted as an amendment to the U.S. Constitution.


True or False? The U.S. spends more on healthcare per capita than any othernation and enjoys better health outcomes as a result of these investments.


True or False? The first proposals for national health insurance wereintroduced in the 1990s in an effort led by then First Lady Hillary Clinton.


True or False? The vast majority of Americans are covered by governmenthealth insurance.


True or False? There is abundant social work research on policy and theeffectiveness of social workers' policy interventions.


True or False? When it comes to lobbying, emails, form letters, personalletters, and personal visits all have roughly the same influence overdecision-makers.


In the policy development process for the Patient Protection and AffordableCare Act, which of the following groups opposed the creation of a publicoption as part of the health care reform? Choose as many as apply.

Republicans and some conservative Democrats Tea Party activists Health insurance companies and industry lobbyists

Although President Bill Clinton and then First Lady Hillary Clinton's planfor national health insurance reform was soundly defeated, they successfullyestablished which of the following program(s):

State-Children's Health Insurance Program

True or False? A central concern among conservatives opposing the PatientProtection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) was that the ACA expanded the federal government's role in health care.


True or False? Advocacy organizations are sometimes referred to as interestgroups or special interests.


True or False? Advocates are encouraged to maintain "message discipline,"which means sticking with an agreed-upon message and not straying to other arguments.


True or False? Choosing a social issue that you are passionate about andlearning as much as you can is an important step in policy engagement.


True or False? Employee handbooks and statements of clients' rights andresponsibilities are examples of policy practice at the organizational level.


True or False? Getting a policy proposal drafted into an actual bill ispart of the policy formulation stage of the policy change process.


True or False? In recent years, more American voters are identifyingthemselves as independent—that is, not members of the two mainstream political parties.


True or False? Policy is influenced in different ways by all threebranches of government: legislative, executive, and judicial.


True or False? Policy practice requires social workers to use the plannedchange process to determine whether and how policy interventions are necessary to achieve a stated goal.


True or False? Poverty rates declined sharply during the 1960s War onPoverty and Great Society.


True or False? Progressives criticized the Patient Protection andAffordable Care Act for not doing enough to create broad access to healthinsurance and for failing to include a public option.


True or False? Recent studies have shown that, in violation of the 2008Mental Health Parity Act was enacted, some insurers continue to engage indiscriminatory behavior by holding patients with mental illness to a stricter"medical necessity" standard than those with other medical conditions.


True or False? Social policies affect the scope and impact of socialwelfare programs by determining specific goals and funding levels.


True or False? Social work's commitment to social justice and thewell-being of vulnerable populations influences the profession's approach topolitics and advocacy.


True or False? Social workers employed in government and private non-profitorganizations may engage in political advocacy, provided that they adhere tothe regulations set forth by the IRS.


True or False? Social workers often possess unique experience andexpertise that could be helpful in developing policies that respondeffectively to social issues and community needs.


True or False? The United States has a long history of providing inadequatecare for mental illness.


True or False? The eventual success of mental health parity legislationdepended on bipartisan support and cooperation by Republican and Democratic leaders.


True or False? The term "political economy" can refer to how a society'seconomic and political systems interact to produce a specific set of laws andpolicies.


Which phase of election work involves learning where individual votersstand on an issue or candidate?

Voter identification

The Green Party is most closely associated with which of the followingvalues? Choose as many as apply.

austainability and responding to ecological concerns feminism and gender equity economic justice

Studies suggest that social workers are distributed evenly across thepolitical spectrum, with equal numbers identifying as liberal andconservative.


True or False? Both state and federal governments may run deficits andaccumulate debt.


True or False? Entitlement programs are funded and administered exclusivelyby the federal government.


True or False? Medicare and Medicaid are examples of universal health care.


True or False? Radicals are interested in improving society by makingexisting systems operate more fairly.


True or False? Roughly 18% of Americans suffer from serious mental illness,defined as a mental disorder so severe that it substantially interferes withmajor life activities.


True or False? The NASW Code of Ethics states that social workers have anethical duty to engage in social and political action and clearly explainswhat social workers need to do in order to meet this ethical standard.


True or False? The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act radicallyaltered the U.S. healthcare system by introducing a public option.


True or False? The Social Security Act included universal health insurancefor all U.S. citizens and residents.


True or False? The poverty line is a relative measure, defined in relationto median income in a particular geographic area.


True or False? War on Poverty programs focused largely on individualbarriers to economic mobility.


Social workers using the legislative process to enact policies at thestate, local, federal or international level is an example of _________-levelpractice. micro mezzo macro


Expressions of political dissent and direct action tactics typicallyinclude which of the following activities? (Choose as many as apply.)

marches, rallies, and protests sit-ins and street theater

The principle that health insurance should provide the same coverage formental health care and medical care is known as

mental health parity

Canada's health care system, characterized by publicly-financed healthinsurance and privately-administered health care services, is best describedas which of the following? Choose as many as apply.

single-payer system national health insurance

True or False? Historically, many social policies in the U.S. have beenbased on the belief that some groups are superior to others.


True or False? Lobbyists are individuals paid to represent specialinterests and convince elected officials to support specific legislativeproposals.


True or False? The national debt is the accumulation of deficits over manyyears.


Which of the following statements accurately describe discretionaryspending in the federal budget? Choose as many as apply.

within this category, military spending is often the single largest expense, this part of the budget is negotiated by the President and Congress

Which of the following groups have disproportionately high rates ofpoverty, relative to their percentage in the population? Choose as many asapply.

women, children, african americans

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