SYG2000 Chapter 4. Socialization and the Construction of Reality

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Historically, the idea that childhood is a distinct developmental stage is fairly recent. Place the events that led to its emergence in chronological order.

- development of industrial factories - parents away from kids during work day - schools est. for kids while parents gone - passage of laws lmiting child labor

Which of the following are examples of socialization?

-Someone acts visibly uncomfortable when a coworker tells a sexist joke. -A parent teaches a child not to burp at the dinner table. -A child shows a parent how to check email using a smartphone.

Identify some tools for repairing social breaches (mistakes in the impression management game).

-a temporary suspension of the usual rules -humor -an apology

Identify the examples of breaching behavior in the United States.

-eating off someone else's plate without permission -staring intently at a stranger on a public bus

Which of the following skills do Marines learn in boot camp as part of their socialization into the Marine Corps as a total institution?

-how to carry and use the equipment they have been issued -how to kill -how to conform to rules about personal attire and personal areas

Identify the obstacles that keep computers from effectively mimicking human beings in a Turing test experiment.

-inability to send and receive nonverbal signals -lack of socialization

The difference between role strain and role conflict is that role strain is about the competing demands imposed by___ , while role conflict is about competing demands imposed by____A worker struggling to decide what task to get done first is experiencing role___A worker having to leave work early to care for a sick child is experiencing role____

1. a single status 2. different statuses 3. strain 4. conflict

Adolescence is defined as a stage of life when young people are ____ but delayed in their assumption of___

1. biologically able to procreate 2. adult sexual roles

According to Erving Goffman, ____is the esteem in which an individual is held by others. In order to protect it, we often must engage in an act of____wherein we try to avoid____or losing esteem.

1. face 2. saving face 3. embarrassment.

Place these elements in the order they might appear in Erving Goffman's conversational script.

1.opening bracket 2.civil inattention 3.lines, or a verbal encounter 4.closing bracket

Place the following items in order, based on when the developing child acquires them.

Early to Later: - a sense of the self as "I," wanting and being able to do things - a sense of the self as "me," the object of others' perception - a sense of others having their own needs and wants

Identify each scenario as a nurture-, nature-, or neutral-based understanding of human development.

Identical twins raised under very different circumstances have very different personality traits= nurture Identical twins raised under very different circumstances have similar personality traits= nature Two nonidentical children raised under different circumstances have different personality = neutral

For a boy on a youth soccer team, socialization involves an appreciation of the perspectives of various "others." Use George Herbert Mead's theory to place each item in the appropriate circle.

Inner to Outer: - the boy himself - the boy's best friend, part of the same team - players on both teams - spectators

Identify the reasons why adolescence could be considered socially constructed.

Reasons: -It is seen as a period of life in which individuals are free from adult responsibilities. -Having children during this period is considered problematic.

Identify the spectator responses to a 1999 televised wrestling event that continued even though a wrestler had been killed in a pre-match stunt.

Reasons: -Spectators felt that the event should continue. -Spectators felt the event should have been stopped.

What is the definition of socialization?

The process through which individuals fit into a society and internalize its values, beliefs, and norms and learn to function as its members.

On which side of the nature-versus-nurture debate do sociologists generally land?

They focus on nurture.

The Internet has taken some of the unpredictability and randomness out of human interactions. How might this be a bad thing?

We are less likely to be challenged by making friends with different backgrounds and interests from ours.

In her interview with Dalton Conley, how does Lareau classify families as middle-class or working-class?

by education

Match each term to the correct definition.

the set of duties and responsibilities associated with a particular social position= role tension between different roles associated with a single status= role strain a social position occupied by a person= status the set of different social positions occupied by a single person= status set

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