Syllabus Quiz Psychology

Réussis tes devoirs et examens dès maintenant avec Quizwiz!

When is your research paper due?

The research paper is due Wednesday April 14th.

How many points are deducted for turning in late work?


Where are all due dates located?


How can you find out what we did in class today if you missed?

By looking back at the grades in the Canvas Home Section.

All assignments should be in what format? (what size and what type font should you use?)

Each assignment MUST BE TYPED, double-spaced, 12-point type, Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, double-spaced.

How often will announcements be posted?

Each week I will post at least one announcement.

What should you do if your ebook doesn't work?

If your ebook doesn't work: email [email protected] Or, click on the "?" in Canvas-that's 24/7 Canvas support

What is the punishment for plagiarism?

Incidents of dishonesty regarding assignments, examinations, classroom/laboratory activities, and/or the submission of misleading or false information to the College will be treated seriously.

When are my office hours?

Mondays-Thursdays: 8-9 am and 1:30pm-2:30pm Fridays: 9:00am-11:00am

How long does your research need to be?

My research paper needs to be 5-7 pages long.

Should you read the announcements each week?

PLEASE read through this carefully. These will probably answer some of the questions you may have.

How many files should you upload per assignment?

Please turn in each assignment as one file.

This is a 3-credit course. How many hours EACH WEEK can you expect to spend doing reading and homework for this course? When is your final due?

Students should expect to spend approximately 2 to 4 hours per week studying, reading, and working on assignments for each registered credit hour. The final due date is May 10th at midnight and Journal 19 (Extra Credit).

Where is the "Modules" tab in Canvas?

The Modules tab is posted on the Canvas Home Page.

Where are the announcements located in Canvas?

The announcements are located on the Canvas Home Page.

Where is the syllabus located in Canvas?

The syllabus is posted on the Canvas Home Page and in Files.

Where is the information located to enable your ebook?

There's a unit in Modules explaining how to register for your ebook.

Where are outlines located in Canvas?

They are located in your emails.

What information will be included in announcements?

This/these will include the assignments due that week, as well as other important information that pertains to our class and/or MACC.

Is late work allowed?


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