Systems Engineering 489P
Identify and briefly describe the five major types of capability (technical) requirements?
-Constraints -Functional Requirements -Performance Requirements- Measures of effectiveness (MOE), Measure of performance (MOP), Key Performance Parameters (KPP) -Interface Requirements -Other
What are the 10 SE Technical Management Processes?
-Project Planning Process -Project Assessment and Control Process -Decision Management Process -Risk Management Process -Configuration Management Process -Information Management Process -Measurement Process -Quality Assurance Process -Acquisition Process -Supply Process
What is an Architecture View or Viewpoint?
How the stakeholder will use the product
What are the three major engineering goals associated with systems analysis?
-Solve a problem -Answer a question -Provide recommendation
What are the 3 principal types of factors in a System Performance Model?
-System Factors -Operational Factors -Environmental Factors
What is a "Metric?"
A parameter that may be measured
What are MOE's?
Measures of Effectiveness
What are the four principal properties of a system/element?
- Functionality - task performed by a system or element - Attributes - an observable characteristic or property of a system - Compositional structure - The elements that constitute the system of interests and how they are structured - External interfaces - the external elements with which the SOI interacts and the characteristics of those interactions/interfaces
What are the 8 different major types of models?
- Text Based: a description via words only - Schematic model: a description via diagram/picture - Mathematical: describes by equations - Physical Model: a physical representation of a system or element - Algorithmic/rule/behavioral model -Data model -Meta-model/ontology -Table top exercise/model/game
***What does a LCM consist of?***
-A graphic that indicates stage, dependency relationships with stages and decision gates. -Supplementary text document: defines purpose of each stage
What are the 5 principal levels of requirements documents?
-Acquisition Baseline document -Stakeholders requirement document -System requirements document/specification -Elements requirements document/specification -Sub-element requirements document/specification
What are the 14 INCOSE specialty engineering areas?
-Affordability/Cost-Effectiveness/Life Cycle Cost Analysis -Electromagnetic Compatibility -Environmental Engineering/Impact Analysis -Interoperability Analysis -Logistics Engineering -Manufacturing and Producibility Analysis -Mass Properties -Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability -Resilience Engineering -System Safety Engineering -System Security Engineering -Training Needs Analysis -Usability/Human Systems Integration -Value Engineering
What are the 4 characteristics of well-written requirements that apply to sets of requirements?
-Bounded-should define entire scope of the solution to the stakeholder needs -Complete- includes all the requirements for that entity -Consistent-no contradictory or inconsistent requirements -Feasible/affordable: they are achievable given the cost and schedule constraints
What are the 10 characteristics of well-written requirements that apply to individual requirements?
-Conforming to applicable standards -Every Requirement should be a "shall statement"-shall means a must -Singular: only state one requirement -Necessary: every requirement should be necessary -Implementation independent: specify what the system needs to do -Unambiguous: should not be subject to interpretation -Complete: should not need a further description -Achievable: should be technically achievable -Verifiable: should be clear what the goal is so you can establish success or failure -Traceable: may be traceable to another requirement
What are the 3 principal types of metrics described in project management texts?
-Cost Metric -Schedule Metric -Technical Performance Metric
What are the 3 major types of programmatic requirements?
-Cost objectives- setting cost restrictions -Schedule objectives- setting time constraints. -Other programmatic requirements
What are some programmatic baselines?
-Cost/budget baselines -Schedule baseline -Various reports
What are 5 major sources of project/system failure?
-Failure to meet user needs -Cost overruns -Schedule overrun -Program cancellation
What are the three basic types of technical baseline documents?
-Functional baseline -Allocated baseline -Production baseline
What criteria should one use to determine the package structure of a system architecture?
-Guidelines. -Blocks, Diagrams, Requirements
Identify five planning artifacts that are generally part of a SEMP or SEP
-Introduction -System Description -System Development LCM -Development Schedule -Project Organization
What are 3 important M&S development heuristics?
-Know the purpose of model -Know the minimum scope needed to accomplish the purpose -Develop a cost estimate
What are some of the nine key planning artifacts that are of importance to Systems Engineers?
-Life Cycle Models -Team Structures -Work Packages -Cost Estimates -Schedules -Cost-Loaded Schedules
What are the INCOSE Cross Cutting Methods?
-Modeling and simulation -Model Based System Engineering -Function Based System Engineering -Object Oriented System Engineering
Why is it important to baseline requirements documents?
-Only what is "baselined" is required -Changes to requirements result in significant cost/schedule increases
What is the purpose of a Requirements Database?
-Organize status of requirements. -Used to capture requirements -Capture trace relationships -Capture verification/validation information -Capture the allocation of requirements -Generate requirements documentation -Track the verification status
What are the 7 principal sources of team conflict?
-Poor communication -Change -Interpersonal Relationships -Management Relationships -Harassment -Limited Resources -Sub-par Performance
What are the 4 major requirements-related products of the Stakeholder Needs and Requirements Definition process?
-Prioritized capability list -Validation criteria -List of MOE and KPP -Baselined Stakeholder (Operational) Requirements Document
Identify and briefly describe the 2 major types of stakeholder requirements?
-Programmatic Requirements -Capability Requirements
What are the 2 principal top-level types of requirements?
-Programmatic requirements -Operational/capability/technical requirements
What are the types of capability requirements?
-Required capabilities -Required states and modes -Interface requirements -Other requirements -Constraints
What are the purposes of the 7 types of systems analyses?
-Requirements Analysis -Architecture/Design Analysis -Performance Analyses -Sensitivity Analyses -Design Optimization Analyses -Trade-off Analyses & Decision Analyses -Risk Analyses
What are 3 major purposes of a Requirements Document?
-Serve as the contractually binding technical agreement between two parties. -They serve as the basis for the testing and acceptance of a product -Serves as a basis for system/element architecture, design and production
What are the 4 levels of requirements?
-Stakeholder requirements document -System requirements document (for specification) -Element requirements document (for specification) -Sub-element specifications
What are the 2 most important major products produced in each phase of the "Reference Development V LCM"?
-Stakeholder requirements: SHRD, System description -System requirements: SRD, Systems Engineering Management Plan(SEMP) -Element Requirement: Element-Level Requirements, Element-Level test plans -Detail Design: Design packages, Refined system
What are the 5 major types of operational/technical requirements?
-States and modes -Functional and associated performance requirements -Interface requirements -Design constraints -Other(non functional technical requirements)
What are the three principal planning documents developed by Systems Engineers?
-Systems Engineering Management Plan (SEMP) -Configuration Management Plan (CMP) -Risk Management Plan (RMP)
What are a few of the principal purposes of each of the SEHB Technical Processes?
-Translation Process: Transfer product to user and train user -Validation Process: Validate that the product/system meets the stakeholders' needs -Operation Process: Operate product -Maintenance Process: Maintain the product -Disposal Process: Retire product
What are 6 major types of products that are developed or refined during the INCOSE Stakeholder Needs and Requirements Definition process?
-Updated stakeholders list -Updated operational concept -Context architecture -Initial RTVM -Stakeholders requirements analysis
What is a "spec-tree"?
A list of all specifications associated with the system of interest
What is a modeling language?
A set of architecture views
What is a complex system?
A system that has a large number of interaction components
What are factors?
A variable/parameter that is expected to affect the value of the response variable
What does it mean for a requirements document to be "baselined?"
A version of a document that serves as the "official" version and serves as a reference document for work performed on a project
What are the two major categories of LCMs?
Acquisition: Identify all the highest level stages associated with the entire lifecycle of a system Development: identify all the phases associated with the development of a system (the substages associated with each acquisition LCM development stage)
What is an (engineered) System?
An integrated set of elements.
What is functional organizational structure?
An organization that divides into smaller groups based on specialized functional areas
How are modeling and simulation related to analysis?
Both are developed to support analysis
What is the Object-Oriented Systems Engineering Method (OOSEM)?
Captures information throughout the life cycle
What is the purpose of the INCOSE System Requirements Definition process?
Changes the stakeholders view into a technical view of a solution that meets the operational needs of a user
What is a Requirements Database and what sort of information should it contain?
Contains all of the systems approved, rejected and proposed requirements
What is Systems Engineering?
Customer and requirements focused, interdisciplinary, and takes into account the whole life cycle of the product.
What is the purpose of the INCOSE Stakeholder Needs and Requirements Definition process?
Defines the stakeholder requirements for a system
Briefly describe the purpose and content of a SEMP (or SEP)
Describe the scope of a systems engineering for a project
What are two major components of a Life Cycle Model (LCM)?
Design and Implementation
What is the difference between a desirement and a requirement?
Desirement is a capability a stakeholder wants the system to have. A requirement is a high-level capability a system must provide so the goal can be accomplished.
What is a Response Model Diagram?
Diagram that identifies the (output) Response variable and (input) factors
What are the principal purposes/uses of a LCM?
Establishes the framework within which systems engineering is practiced
What are the 5 stages of team evolution?
Forming, Storming, Normalizing, Performing, Adjourning
Why is this course introducing you to specialty engineering areas right after the lecture on Stakeholder Requirements?
Generally the stakeholder and system requirements are related to each engineering specialty area
What are the purpose of each of the Generic LCM stages?
Identification of a need, concept selection, development and production, operations and support, retirement/disposal
What is meant by the term "Use Case?"
Identify the principle capabilities that a system element provides
What does Requirements Management consist of?
Identifying , Deriving and Decomposing of requirements
What is Model-Based Systems Engineering?
It uses models to guide and support the system process
What are KPP's?
Key Performance Parameters
What is KSA?
Key System Attributes
What are MOP's?
Measures of Performance
Why is requirements definition one of the most important jobs of a systems engineer?
Mistakes will lead to: wrong thing being built, cost and schedule overrun, potential loss of reputation and or legal action.
Why does one develop models?
Models are developed to support analysis
How does Object-Oriented Systems Engineering (OOSE) differ from Function-Based Systems Engineering (FBSE)?
Object oriented is during the whole life cycle. FBSE is only the first 3 stages
What is the purpose of a System Performance Analysis?
Predict how well a system will perform in a given set of scenarios
What is a Response Model?
Predicts the outputs values of a system given input values
What is an element?
Products (hardware, software, firmware)
Why should complicated or complex projects practice Systems Engineering?
Reduces risk of significant failure
What is a model?
Representation of a system
What is the principal reason for drawing the V LCM as a V?
Shows that each step has accountability to other steps. Same for verification
What is an architecture framework?
Specifies the kinds of views an architecture should provide
What is the spiral approach to model development
Starting with a overly simplified model and then progressively making it more complicated
What are some supporting goals of analysis?
Supporting model
What modeling language is used by systems engineers to capture the architecture of a system?
What are TPM's?
Technical Performance Measures
What type of measurement is of most concern to Systems Engineers?
Technical Performance Metrics
What stage of the Acquisition LCM focuses on this process?
The concept stage but continues through development, operational, and maintenance
What is SysML?
The principle modeling language used to develop system architecture
What is an architecture?
The properties of a system in its environment
What is a system's environment?
The space in which a system operates. (Which is a system itself and is composed of elements)
What is a Measurement?
The value of a metric or parameter
Why is it important for systems engineers to know about specialty engineering areas?
They are critical to development, design, operations and maintenance of successful systems
Why use simulations?
To capture and communicate requirements and system architecture
What is the purpose of the INCOSE Measurement Process?
To collect analyze and report objective data and information
What is the purpose of a package diagram?
To display the way a model is organized in the form of a package containment hierarchy
What is the purpose of the INCOSE Architecture Definition Process?
To generate system architecture alternatives
What is the purpose and scope of an Acquisition LCM?
To identify all the highest level stages of the lifecycle of a system
What is the purpose of team management?
To keep the team on track and following the 5 stages of team evolution
Why does one develop models and simulations?
To support analysis
What is the purpose of the INCOSE System Analysis Process?
To understand the system or process
What is the difference between a Use Case Name, Use Case Specification/ Narrative, and Use Case Diagram?
Use case name states what the UCN will contain. The narrative describes what happens in the UCN and the diagram is just a picture of what happens in the UCN.
What is a simulation?
Using a model in a specific environment over time
What are the six major types of LCMs?
Waterfall - for acquisition and development Sequential - for acquisition V - Developement Spiral - Development Iterative - Development Scrum - Development
What is emergent behavior?
When a number of simple elements operate in an environment, making behaviors more complex