TCM 221 Chapter 2
Many owners in both the private and the public sector have elected the __________ as the document of choice.
AIA general conditions of the contract
__________ is the most widely accepted system for arranging construction specifications and estimates.
CSI MasterFormat
Division 23
Any changes to the contract documents made during the bidding period in the form of modifications, clarifications, or revisions, for any reason, are called __________.
When contract documents have been issued, but have not been finalized, an __________ may be attached to the bid form. If the product is more expensive than budgeted for, the owner agrees to pay the difference, likewise, if the product is less expensive than budgeted for, the contractor agrees to pay the owner the remaining __________ back.
__________ are presented in the form of additions or deletions to the base price.
__________ are similar to a "wish list."
AIA stands for __________.
american institute of architects
Addenda can be issued only by the __________. Addenda must be in writing and automatically become part of the contract documents.
Preparation of the project manual is primarily the responsibility of the __________.
__________ are used to keep proposals uniform in appearance and content. __________ provide the language of the proposal with blanks for the contractor to fill in. Space is provided to acknowledge addenda; add or deduct alternates; list unit prices; state the name, address, and signatory party of the bidding contractor; and indicate the cost.
bid forms
What are -bid solicitation -instructions to bidders -information available to bidders -bid forms and supplements
bidding requirements
Devision 27
Division 3
CSI stands for __________.
construction specifications institute.
Must be included in __________: -clear identification of the parties to the agreement -clear identification of the project -rights and responsibilities of each party -basis and terms for compensation
contract for construction
The most important contract form is the agreement between the owner and the contractor, more commonly referred to as the __________.
contract for construction
Division 14
conveying systems
Division 31
Devision 26
Division 48
electrical power generation
Devision 28
electronic safety and security
Division 11
Part 3 of the technical specifications, called __________, deals exclusively with the method, techniques, and quality of workmanship. This section makes the allowable tolerances clear.
Division 2
existing conditions
Division 32
exterior improvements
Subgroup 2
facilities construction
Subgroup 3
facilities services
MasterFormat consists of __________ construction divisions within the technical specifications section.
__________ occurs when publicly funded projects require that certain subcontractors submit their proposals separately prior to the general contractor's bid date.
filed subbidding
Division 9
Division 21
fire suppression
MasterFormat has been divided into __________ subgroups.
__________ is a term that refers to the chain of command from top to bottom.
flow down
MasterFormat groups the information into __________ main groups, which are: -bidding requirements -contract forms -general conditions -technical specification sections
There are __________ basic articles to AIA 201.
Division 12
The __________ are the administrative ground rules for executing the contract and the work.
general conditions of the contract
Because the contract for construction is very complex, a separate set of guidelines is necessary, called the __________. The __________ are meant to complement the contract for construction, defining the complex relationships between all parties involved. The __________ include the definitions of key terms and provide procedures for resolving disputes or clarifying information.
general conditions of the contract for construction.
Division 1
general requirements
Subgroup 1
general requirements
Part 1 of the technical specifications is known as the __________ of the specifications, provides a summary of the work included within that particular section.
general section
The __________ ties the technical section to the general conditions and supplementary general conditions of the contract, an essential feature in maintaining continuity between the general contractor and the subcontractors.
general section
Division 45
industry specific manufacturing equipment
As owners become more informed and technically savvy, they are no longer satisfied by the term __________ when defining the quality of materials or workmanship to be included in a project.
industry standard
The __________ provides locations where bidders can obtain copies of additional documents helpful in the bidding process. These documents could include geotechnical reports or subsurface investigation, property surveys and record drawings, conservation commission reports or directives, and hazardous materials management reports.
information available to bidders
The __________ portion of the bidding requirements indicate the date, time, and location for procuring a set of contract documents and the cost, if any, to bidders. Other information such as the time frame for award or rejection, special wage rates, tax-exemptions, or legal rights of the awarding authority to accept or reject proposals, is also provided.
instruction to bidders
__________ contain any required pre-qualification or eligibility criteria to eliminate bidders who could later be considered unacceptable.
instructions to bidders
Devision 25
integrated automation
Each division of MasterFormat is a compilation of similar or related work numerically organized into subsections called __________.
Division 4
Division 41
material processing and handling equipment
Division 5
Currently, many specifications state that when there is a discrepancy between the plans and the specifications, the __________ expensive will supersede.
A __________ attests that bidders have not colluded or conspired with any entity to defraud the owner or awarding authority.
non-collusion affidavit
Bid forms include an area for bidders to acknowledge addenda, failure to do so could render the bid __________.
__________ is the term applied to a bidder who has incorrectly filled out or inadvertently left out information on the bid form, thereby rendering that bidder ineligible for award.
Division 8
Many projects today are required to carry more unusual forms of insurance, such as __________ policies, which have potential impact long after the project has been completed.
owner's protective and completed operations
The issuing of a __________ on a project has serious financial implications to the company as well as its principles. Default and/or termination while under the protection of a __________ can be devastating. It is important to understand all of the liabilities that can be associated with bonding.
performance and payment bond
Division 22
Division 44
pollution control equipment
Subgroup 5
process equipment
Division 43
process gas and liquid handling, purification and storage equipment
Division 42
process heating, cooling, and drying equipment
Division 40
process integration
Division 00
procurement and contracting requirements
Part 2 of the technical specifications deals with the __________ and materials to be incorporated within this technical section of the work. For products that are directly purchased by the contractor from a manufacturer or supplier, the items can be identified using one of four methods: -proprietary specification -performance specification -descriptive specification -specification compliance number
For most light commercial and many upscale residential projects, working drawings are issued with a separate set of specifications in a bound __________.
project manual
Successful communication of the architect's/engineer's design intent to the contractor depends heavily on how well the __________ is written and organized.
project manual
Specifications are the __________ of the project described in a written document.
qualitative requirements
What does RFP stand for?
request for proposal
Subgroup 4
site and infrastructure
Division 13
special construction
Division 10
__________ are part of the contract documents, along with the working set of drawings; they define in detail the processes and materials for the project.
If there is a conflict between plans and the architect/engineer cannot be contacted, use the more __________ of the options.
If necessary to change the general conditions of the contract, it is recommended that a new document is drafted known as the __________, commonly referred to as supplementary general conditions.
supplemental conditions of the contract.
Many design professionals in the high-end residential and commercial markets use __________ to establish the quality level for owners and as a guideline for subcontractors.
technical specifications
The __________ provide the following information for each activity: -administrative requirements -quality or governing industry standards -products and accessories -installation or application procedures -workmanship requirements
technical specifications
__________ define the scope, products, and execution of the work.
technical specifications
The person preparing the specifications, called a __________, makes every effort to cover all of the items or segments of work shown on the working drawings.
technical writer
Division 7
thermal and moisture protection
The term __________ refers to plumb, straight, level, or true.
Division 34
In certain circumstances the architect or engineer may be aware of what needs to be done along with the techniques or quality required, but cannot give a definitive amount of material. In this instance the owner agrees to pay the contractor x amount of dollars per y quantity. Typically, as more work is required, the cost of x in relation to y decreases (however the contractor does not lose money). This is an example of a __________.
unit price
Division 33
Division 46
water and wastewater equipment
Division 35
waterway and marine construction
Division 6
wood, plastics, and composites