tcp/ip illustrated volume 1: chapter 5

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A Routing header is not processed until it reaches the node whose address is contained in the Destination IP Address field of the IPv6 header. At this time, the Segments Left field is used to determine the next hop address from the address vector, and this address is swapped with the Destination IP Address field in the IPv6 header. Thus, as the datagram is forwarded, the Segments Left field grows smaller, and the list of addresses in the header reflects the node addresses that forwarded the datagram. The forwarding procedure is better understood with an example (see Figure 5-9).


As the datagram is forwarded, the process of swapping the destination address with the next address from the address list in the Routing header repeats until the last destination listed in the Routing header is reached.


This command arranges to use the source address 2001:db8::100 when sending a ping request to 2001:db8::1. The -r option arranges for a Routing header (RH0) to be included. We can see the outgoing request using Wireshark (see Figure 5-10).


Although it is possible to send a 65,535-byte IP datagram, most link layers (such as Ethernet) are not able to carry one this large without fragmenting it (chopping it up) into smaller pieces. Furthermore, a host is not required to be able to receive an IPv4 datagram larger than 576 bytes. (In IPv6 a host must be able to process a datagram at least as large as the MTU of the link to which it is attached, and the minimum link MTU is 1280 bytes.) Many applications that use the UDP protocol (see Chapter 10) for data transport (e.g., DNS, DHCP, etc.) use a limited data size of 512 bytes to avoid the 576-byte IPv4 limit. TCP chooses its own datagram size based on additional information (see Chapter 15).


Although the original uses for the ToS and Traffic Class bytes are not widely supported, the structure of the DS Field has been arranged to provide some backward compatibility with them. To get a clear understanding of how this has been accomplished, we first review the original structure of the Type of Service field [RFC0791] as shown in Figure 5-4.


As mentioned previously, RH0 has been deprecated by [RFC5095] because of a security concern that allows RH0 to be used to increase the effectiveness of DoS attacks. The problem is that RH0 allows the same address to be specified in multiple locations within the Routing header. This can lead to traffic being forwarded many times between two or more hosts or routers along a particular path. The potentially high traffic loads that can be created along particular paths in the network can cause disruption to other traffic flows competing for bandwidth across the same path. Consequently, RH0 has been deprecated and only RH2 remains as the sole Routing header supported by IPv6. RH2 is equivalent to RH0 except it has room for only a single address and uses a different value in the Routing Type field.


As we can see from Table 5-5, the IPv6 extension header mechanism distinguishes some functions (e.g., routing and fragmentation) from options. The order of the extension headers is given as a recommendation, except for the location of the Hop-by-Hop Options, which is mandatory, so an IPv6 implementation must be prepared to process extension headers in the order in which they are received. Only the Destination Options header can be used twice—the first time for options pertaining to the destination IPv6 address contained in the IPv6 header and the second time (position 8) for options pertaining to the final destination of the datagram. In some cases (e.g., when the Routing header is used), the Destination IP Address field in the IPv6 header changes as the datagram is forwarded to its ultimate destination.


As we have seen, IPv6 provides a more flexible and extensible way of incorporating extensions and options as compared to IPv4. Those options from IPv4 that ceased to be useful because of space limitations in the IPv4 header appear in IPv6 as variable-length extension headers or options encoded in special extension headers that can accommodate today's much larger Internet. Options, if present, are grouped into either Hop-by-Hop Options (those relevant to every router along a datagram's path) or Destination Options (those relevant only to the recipient). Hop-by-Hop Options (called HOPOPTs) are the only ones that need to be processed by every router a packet encounters. The format for encoding options within the Hop-by-Hop and Destination Options extension headers is common.


C:\> ping -l 3952 ff01::2


C:\> ping6 -r -s 2001:db8::100 2001:db8::1


In this chapter we take a look at the fields in the IPv4 (see Figure 5-1) and IPv6 (see Figure 5-2) headers and describe how IP forwarding works. The official specification for IPv4 is given in [RFC0791]. A series of RFCs describe IPv6, starting with [RFC2460].


Delivering differentiated services in the Internet has been an ongoing effort for over a decade. Although much of the standardization effort in terms of mechanisms took place in the late 1990s, only in the twenty-first century are some of its capabilities being realized and implemented. Some guidance on how to configure systems to take advantage of these capabilities is given in [RFC4594]. The complexity of differentiated services is due, in part, to the linkage between differentiated services and the presumed differentiated pricing structure and consequent issues of fairness that would go along with it. Such economic relationships can be complex and are outside the scope of the present discussion. For more information on this and related topics, please see [MB97] and [W03].


Every IP datagram contains the Source IP Address of the sender of the datagram and the Destination IP Address of where the datagram is destined. These are 32-bit values for IPv4 and 128-bit values for IPv6, and they usually identify a single interface on a computer, although multicast and broadcast addresses (see Chapter 2) violate this rule. While a 32-bit address can accommodate a seemingly large number of Internet entities (4.5 billion), there is widespread agreement that this number is inadequate, a primary motivation for moving to IPv6. The 128-bit address of IPv6 can accommodate a huge number of Internet entities. As was restated in [H05], IPv6 has 3.4 × 1038 (340 undecillion) addresses. Quoting from [H05] and others: "The optimistic estimate would allow for 3,911,873,538,269,506,102 addresses per square meter of the surface of the planet Earth." It certainly seems as if this should last a very, very long time indeed.


Extension headers, along with headers of higher-layer protocols such as TCP or UDP, are chained together with the IPv6 header to form a cascade of headers (see Figure 5-6). The Next Header field in each header indicates the type of the subsequent header, which could be an IPv6 extension header or some other type. The value of 59 indicates the end of the header chain. The possible values for the Next Header field are available at [IP6PARAM], and most are provided in Table 5-5.


Figure 5-1 shows the format of an IPv4 datagram. The normal size of the IPv4 header is 20 bytes, unless options are present (which is rare). The IPv6 header is twice as large but never has any options. It may have extension headers, which provide similar capabilities, as we shall see later. In our pictures of headers and datagrams, the most significant bit is numbered 0 at the left, and the least significant bit of a 32-bit value is numbered 31 on the right.


Figure 5-1. The IPv4 datagram. The header is of variable size, limited to fifteen 32-bit words (60 bytes) by the 4-bit IHL field. A typical IPv4 header contains 20 bytes (no options). The source and destination addresses are 32 bits long. Most of the second 32-bit word is used for the IPv4 fragmentation function. A header checksum helps ensure that the fields in the header are delivered correctly to the proper destination but does not protect the data.


Figure 5-10. The ping request appears as an ICMPv6 Echo Request in Wireshark. The IPv6 header includes a Next Header field indicating that the packet contains a type 0 Routing header, followed by an ICMPv6 header. The number of segments in the RH0 left to be processed is one (2001:db8::100).


Figure 5-11. The IPv6 Fragment header contains a 32-bit Identification field (twice as large as the Identification field in IPv4). The M bit field indicates whether the fragment is the last of an original datagram. As with IPv4, the Fragment Offset field gives the offset of the payload into the original datagram in 8-byte units.


Figure 5-12. An example of IPv6 fragmentation where a 3960-byte payload is split into three fragment packets of size 1448 bytes or less. Each fragment contains a Fragment header with the identical Identification field. All but the last fragment have the More Fragments field (M) set to 1. The offset is given in 8-byte units—the last fragment, for example, contains data beginning at offset (362 * 8) = 2896 bytes from the beginning of the original packet's data. The scheme is similar to fragmentation in IPv4.


Figure 5-13 shows the Wireshark output of the activity on the network as it runs.


Figure 5-13. The ping program generates ICMPv6 packets (see Chapter 8) containing 3960 IPv6 payload bytes in this example. These packets are fragmented to produce three packet fragments, each of which is small enough to fit in the Ethernet MTU size of 1500 bytes.


Figure 5-14. The second fragment of an ICMPv6 Echo Request contains 1448 IPv6 payload bytes including the 8-byte Fragment header. The presence of the Fragment header indicates that the overall datagram was fragmented at the source, and the Offset field of 181 indicates that this fragment contains data starting at byte offset 1448. The More Fragments bit field being set indicates that other fragments are needed to reassemble the datagram. All fragments from the same original datagram contain the same Identification field (2 in this case).


Figure 5-2. The IPv6 header is of fixed size (40 bytes) and contains 128-bit source and destination addresses. The Next Header field is used to indicate the presence and types of additional extension headers that follow the IPv6 header, forming a daisy chain of headers that may include special extensions or processing directives. Application data follows the header chain, usually immediately following a transport-layer header.


Figure 5-3. The Internet checksum is the one's complement of a one's complement 16-bit sum of the data being checksummed (zero padding is used if the number of bytes being summed is odd). If the data being summed includes a Checksum field, the field is first set to 0 prior to the checksum operation and then filled in with the computed checksum. To check whether an incoming block of data that contains a Checksum field (header, payload, etc.) is valid, the same type of checksum is computed over the whole block (including the Checksum field). Because the Checksum field is essentially the inverse of the checksum of the rest of the data, computing the checksum on correctly received data should produce a value of 0.


Figure 5-4. The original IPv4 Type of Service and IPv6 Traffic Class field structures. The Precedence subfield was used to indicate which packets should receive higher priority (larger values mean higher priority). The D, T, and R subfields refer to delay, throughput, and reliability. A value of 1 in these fields corresponds to a desire for low delay, high throughput, and high reliability, respectively.


Figure 5-5. The DS Field contains the DSCP in 6 bits (5 bits are currently standardized to indicate the forwarding treatment the datagram should receive when forwarded by a compliant router). The following 2 bits are used for ECN and may be turned on in the datagram when it passes through a persistently congested router. When such datagrams arrive at their destinations, the congestion indication is sent back to the source in a later datagram to inform the source that its datagrams are passing through one or more congested routers.


Figure 5-6. IPv6 headers form a chain using the Next Header field. Headers in the chain may be IPv6 extension headers or transport headers. The IPv6 header appears at the beginning of the datagram and is always 40 bytes long.


Figure 5-7. Hop-by-hop and Destination Options are encoded as TLV sets. The first byte gives the option type, including subfields indicating how an IPv6 node should behave if the option is not recognized, and whether the option data might change as the datagram is forwarded. The Opt Data Len field gives the size of the option data in bytes.


Figure 5-8. The now-deprecated Routing header type 0 (RH0) generalizes the IPv4 loose and strict Source Route and Record Route options. It is constructed by the sender to include IPv6 node addresses that act as waypoints when the datagram is forwarded. Each address can be specified as a loose or strict address. A strict address must be reached by a single IPv6 hop, whereas a loose address may contain one or more other hops in between. The IPv6 Destination IP Address field in the base header is modified to contain the next waypoint address as the datagram is forwarded.


Figure 5-9. Using an IPv6 Routing header (RH0), the sender (S) is able to direct the datagram through the intermediate nodes R2 and R3. The other nodes traversed are determined by the normal IPv6 routing. Note that the destination address in the IPv6 header is updated at each hop specified in the Routing header.


Following the header length, the original specification of IPv4 [RFC0791] specified a Type of Service (ToS) byte, and IPv6 [RFC2460] specified the equivalent Traffic Class byte. Use of these never became widespread, so eventually this 8-bit field was split into two smaller parts and redefined by a set of RFCs ([RFC3260][RFC3168][RFC2474] and others). The first 6 bits are now called the Differentiated Services Field (DS Field), and the last 2 bits are the Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) field or indicator bits. These RFCs now apply to both IPv4 and IPv6. These fields are used for special processing of the datagram when it is forwarded. We discuss them in more detail in Section 5.2.3.


For the mathematically inclined, the set of 16-bit hexadecimal values V = {0001, . . . , FFFF} and the one's complement sum operation + together form an Abelian group. For the combination of a set and an operator to be a group, several properties need to be obeyed: closure, associativity, existence of an identity element, and existence of inverses. To be an Abelian (commutative) group, commutativity must also be obeyed. If we look closely, we see that all of these properties are indeed obeyed:


In some TCP/IP networks, such as those used to interconnect supercomputers, the normal 64KB limit on the IP datagram size can lead to unwanted overhead when moving large amounts of data. The IPv6 Jumbo Payload option specifies an IPv6 datagram with payload size larger than 65,535 bytes, called a jumbogram. This option need not be implemented by nodes attached to links with MTU sizes below 64KB. The Jumbo Payload option provides a 32-bit field for holding the payload size for datagrams with payloads of sizes between 65,535 and 4,294,967,295 bytes.


IP is the workhorse protocol of the TCP/IP protocol suite. All TCP, UDP, ICMP, and IGMP data gets transmitted as IP datagrams. IP provides a best-effort, connectionless datagram delivery service. By "best-effort" we mean there are no guarantees that an IP datagram gets to its destination successfully. Although IP does not simply drop all traffic unnecessarily, it provides no guarantees as to the fate of the packets it attempts to deliver. When something goes wrong, such as a router temporarily running out of buffers, IP has a simple error-handling algorithm: throw away some data (usually the last datagram that arrived). Any required reliability must be provided by the upper layers (e.g., TCP). IPv4 and IPv6 both use this basic best-effort delivery model.


IP supports a number of options that may be selected on a per-datagram basis. Most of these options were introduced in [RFC0791] at the time IPv4 was being designed, when the Internet was considerably smaller and when threats from malicious users were less of a concern. As a consequence, many of the options are no longer practical or desirable because of the limited size of the IPv4 header or concerns regarding security. With IPv6, most of the options have been removed or altered and are not an integral part of the IPv6 header. Instead, they are placed after the IPv6 header in one or more extension headers. An IP router that receives a datagram containing options is usually supposed to perform special processing on the datagram. In some cases IPv6 routers process extension headers, but many headers are designed to be processed only by end hosts. In some routers, datagrams with options or extensions are not forwarded as fast as ordinary datagrams. We briefly discuss the IPv4 options as background and then look at how IPv6 implements extension headers and options. Table 5-4 shows most of the IPv4 options that have been standardized over the years.


IPv6 options are aligned to 8-byte offsets, so options that are naturally smaller are padded with 0 bytes to round out their lengths to the nearest 8 bytes. Two padding options are available to support this, called Pad1 and PadN. The Pad1 option (type 0) is the only option that lacks Length and Value fields. It is simply 1 byte long and contains the value 0. The PadN option (type 1) inserts 2 or more bytes of padding into the options area of the header using the format of Figure 5-7. For n bytes of padding, the Opt Data Len field contains the value (n - 2).


If an unknown option were included in a datagram destined for a multicast destination, a large number of nodes could conceivably generate traffic back to the source. This can be avoided by use of the 11-bit pattern for the Action subfield. The flexibility of the Action subfield is useful in the development of new options. A newly specified option can be carried in datagrams and simply ignored by those routers that do not understand it, helping to promote incremental deployment of new options. The Change bit field (Chg in Figure 5-7) is set to 1 when the option data may be modified as the datagram is forwarded. The options shown in Table 5-7 have been defined for IPv6.


In Figure 5-12 we see how the larger original packet has been fragmented into three smaller packets, each containing a Fragment header. The IPv6 header's Payload Length field is modified to reflect the size of the data and newly formed Fragment header. The Fragment header in each fragment contains a common Identification field, and the sender ensures that no distinct original packets are assigned the same field value within the expected lifetime of a datagram on the network.


In Figure 5-13 we see the fragments constituting four ICMPv6 Echo Request messages sent to the IPv6 multicast address ff01::2. Each request requires fragmentation because the -l 3952 option indicates that 3952 data bytes are to be carried in the data area of each ICMPv6 message (leading to an IPv6 payload length of 3960 bytes due to the 8-byte ICMPv6 header). The IPv6 source address is link-local. To determine the target's link-layer multicast address, a mapping procedure specific to IPv6 is performed, described in Chapter 9. The ICMPv6 Echo Request (generated by the ping program) spans several fragments, which Wireshark reassembles to display once it has processed all the constituent fragments. Figure 5-14 shows the second fragment in more detail.


In Figure 5-9 we can see how the Routing header is processed by intermediate nodes. The sender (S) constructs the datagram with destination address R1 and a Routing header (type 0) containing the addresses R2, R3, and D. The final destination of the datagram is the last address in the list (D). The Segments Left field (labeled "Left" in Figure 5-9) starts at 3. The datagram is forwarded toward R1 automatically by S and R0. Because R0's address is not present in the datagram, no modifications of the Routing header or addresses are performed by R0. Upon reaching R1, the destination address from the base header is swapped with the first address listed in the Routing header and the Segments Left field is decremented.


In IPv6, special functions such as those provided by options in IPv4 can be enabled by adding extension headers that follow the IPv6 header. The routing and timestamp functions from IPv4 are supported this way, as well as some other functions such as fragmentation and extra-large packets that were deemed to be rarely used for most IPv6 traffic (but still desired) and thereby did not justify allocating bits in the IPv6 header to support them. With this arrangement, the IPv6 header is fixed at 40 bytes, and extension headers are added only when needed. In choosing the IPv6 header to be of a fixed size, and requiring that extension headers be processed only by end hosts (with one exception), the designers of IPv6 have made the design and construction of high-performance routers easier because the demands on packet processing at routers can be simpler than with IPv4. In practice, packet-processing performance is governed by many factors, including the complexity of the protocol, the capabilities of the hardware and software in the router, and traffic load.


In defining the DS Field, the precedence values have been taken into account [RFC2474] so as to provide a limited form of backward compatibility. Referring to Figure 5-5, the 6-bit DS Field holds the DSCP, providing support for 64 distinct code points. The particular value of the DSCP tells a router the forwarding treatment or special handling the datagram should receive. The various forwarding treatments are expressed as per-hop behavior (PHB), so the DSCP value effectively tells a router which PHB to apply to the datagram. The default value for the DSCP is generally 0, which corresponds to routine, best-effort Internet traffic. The 64 possible DSCP values are broadly divided into a set of pools for various uses, as given in [DSCPREG] and shown in Table 5-2.


Most of the standardized options are rarely or never used in the Internet today. Options such as Source and Record Route, for example, require IPv4 addresses to be placed inside the IPv4 header. Because there is only limited space in the header (60 bytes total, of which 20 are devoted to the basic IPv4 header), these options are not very useful in today's IPv4 Internet where the number of router hops in an average Internet path is about 15 [LFS07]. In addition, the options are primarily for diagnostic purposes and make the construction of firewalls more cumbersome and risky. Thus, IPv4 options are typically disallowed or stripped at the perimeter of enterprise networks by firewalls (see Chapter 7).




Omitting the checksum field from the IPv6 header was a somewhat controversial decision. The reasoning behind this action is roughly as follows: Higher-layer protocols requiring correctness in the IP header are required to compute their own checksums over the data they believe to be important. A consequence of errors in the IP header is that the data is delivered to the wrong destination, is indicated to have come from the wrong source, or is otherwise mangled during delivery. Because bit errors are relatively rare (thanks to fiber-optic delivery of Internet traffic) and stronger mechanisms are available to ensure correctness of the other fields (higher-layer checksums or other checks), it was decided to eliminate the field from the IPv6 header.


Referring to Figure 5-11, the Reserved field and 2-bit Res field are both zero and ignored by receivers. The Fragment Offset field indicates where the data that follows the Fragment header is located, as a positive offset in 8-byte units, relative to the "fragmentable part" (see the next paragraph) of the original IPv6 datagram. The M bit field, if set to 1, indicates that more fragments are contained in the datagram. A value of 0 indicates that the fragment contains the last bytes of the original datagram.


Referring to Figure 5-5, the class portion of the DS Field contains the first 3 bits and is based on the earlier definition of the Precedence subfield of the Type of Service field. Generally, a router is to first segregate traffic into different classes. Traffic within a common class may have different drop probabilities, allowing the router to decide what traffic to drop first if it is forced to discard traffic. The 3-bit class selector provides for eight defined code points (called the class selector code points) that correspond to PHBs with a specified minimum set of features providing similar functionality to the earlier IP precedence capability. These are called class selector compliant PHBs. They are intended to support partial backward compatibility with the original definition given for the IP Precedence subfield given in [RFC0791]. Code points of the form xxx000 always map to such PHBs, although other values may also map to the same PHBs.


Table 5-1. The original IPv4 Type of Service and IPv6 Traffic Class precedence subfield values


Table 5-2. The DSCP values are divided into three pools: standardized, experimental/local use (EXP/LU), and experimental/local use that is eventually intended for standardization (*).


Table 5-3 indicates the class selector DSCP values with their corresponding terms for the IP Precedence field from [RFC0791]. The Assured Forwarding (AF) group provides forwarding of IP packets in a fixed number of independent AF classes, effectively generalizing the precedence concept. Traffic from one class is forwarded separately from other classes. Within a traffic class, a datagram is assigned a drop precedence. Datagrams of higher drop precedence in a class are handled preferentially (i.e., are forwarded with higher priority) over those with lower drop precedence in the same class. Combining the traffic class and drop precedence, the name AFij corresponds to assured forwarding class i with drop precedence j. For example, a datagram marked with AF32 is in traffic class 3 with drop precedence 2.


Table 5-3. The DS Field values are designed to be somewhat compatible with the IP Precedence subfield specified for the Type of Service and IPv6 Traffic Class field. AF and EF provide enhanced services beyond simple best-effort.


Table 5-4 gives the reserved IPv4 options for which descriptive RFCs can be found. The complete list is periodically updated and is available online [IPPARAM]. The options area always ends on a 32-bit boundary. Pad bytes with a value of 0 are added if necessary. This ensures that the IPv4 header is always a multiple of 32 bits (as required by the IHL field). The "Number" column in Table 5-4 is the number of the option. The "Value" column indicates the number placed inside the option Type field to indicate the presence of the option. These values from the two columns are not necessarily the same because the Type field has additional structure. In particular, the first (high-order) bit indicates whether the option should be copied into fragments if the associated datagram is fragmented. The next 2 bits indicate the option's class. Currently, all options in Table 5-4 use option class 0 (control) except Timestamp and Traceroute, which are both class 2 (debugging and measurement). Classes 1 and 3 are reserved.


Table 5-4. Options, if present, are carried in IPv4 packets immediately after the basic IPv4 header. Options are identified by an 8-bit option Type field. This field is subdivided into three subfields: Copy (1 bit), Class (2 bits), and Number (5 bits). Options 0 and 1 are a single byte long, and most others are variable in length. Variable options consist of 1 byte of type identifier, 1 byte of length, and the option itself.


Table 5-5. The values for the IPv6 Next Header field may indicate extensions or headers for other protocols. The same values are used with the IPv4 Protocol field, where appropriate.


Table 5-6. The 2 high-order bits in an IPv6 TLV option type indicate whether an IPv6 node should forward or drop the datagram if the option is not recognized, and whether a message indicating the datagram's fate should be sent back to the sender.


Table 5-7. Options in IPv6 are carried in either Hop-by-Hop (H) or Destination (D) Options extension headers. The option Type field contains the value from the "Type" column with the Action and Change subfields denoted in binary. The "Length" column contains the value of the Opt Data Len byte from Figure 5-7. The Pad1 option is the only one lacking this byte.


The 4 bytes in a 32-bit value are transmitted in the following order: bits 0-7 first, then bits 8-15, then 16-23, and bits 24-31 last. This is called big endian byte ordering, which is the byte ordering required for all binary integers in the TCP/IP headers as they traverse a network. It is also called network byte order. Computer CPUs that store binary integers in other formats, such as the little endian format used by most PCs, must convert the header values into network byte order for transmission and back again for reception.


The D, T, and R subfields are for indicating that the datagram should receive good treatment with respect to delay, throughput, and reliability. A value of 1 indicates better treatment (low delay, high throughput, high reliability, respectively). The precedence values range from 000 (routine) to 111 (network control) with increasing priority (see Table 5-1). They are based on a call preemption scheme called Multilevel Precedence and Preemption (MLPP) dating back to the U.S. Department of Defense's AUTOVON telephone system [A92], in which lower-precedence calls could be preempted by higher-precedence calls. These terms are still in use and are being incorporated into VoIP systems.


The Expedited Forwarding (EF) service provides the appearance of an uncongested network—that is, EF traffic should receive relatively low delay, jitter, and loss. Intuitively, this requires the rate of EF traffic going out of a router to be at least as large as the rate coming in. Consequently, EF traffic will only ever have to wait in a router queue behind other EF traffic.


The Fragment header includes the same information as is found in the IPv4 header, but the Identification field is 32 bits instead of the 16 that are used for IPv4. The larger field provides the ability for more fragmented packets to be outstanding in the network simultaneously. The Fragment header uses the format shown in Figure 5-11.


The Fragment header is used by an IPv6 source when sending a datagram larger than the path MTU of the datagram's intended destination. Path MTU and how it is determined are discussed in more detail in Chapter 13, but 1280 bytes is a network-wide link-layer minimum MTU for IPv6 (see section 5 of [RFC2460]). In IPv4, any host or router can fragment a datagram if it is too large for the MTU on the next hop, and fields within the second 32-bit word of the IPv4 header indicate the fragmentation information. In IPv6, only the sender of the datagram is permitted to perform fragmentation, and in such cases a Fragment header is added.


The Header Checksum field is calculated over the IPv4 header only. This is important to understand because it means that the payload of the IPv4 datagram (e.g., TCP or UDP data) is not checked for correctness by the IP protocol. To help ensure that the payload portion of an IP datagram has been correctly delivered, other protocols must cover any important data that follows the header with their own data-integrity-checking mechanisms. We shall see that almost all protocols encapsulated in IP (ICMP, IGMP, UDP, and TCP) have a checksum in their own headers to cover their header and data and also to cover certain parts of the IP header they deem important (a form of "layering violation"). Perhaps surprisingly, the IPv6 header does not have any checksum field.


The Hop-by-Hop and Destination Options headers are capable of holding more than one option. Each of these options is encoded as type-length-value (TLV) sets, according to the format shown in Figure 5-7.


The IPv6 Routing header provides a mechanism for the sender of an IPv6 datagram to control, at least in part, the path the datagram takes through the network. At present, two different versions of the routing extension header have been specified, called type 0 (RH0) and type 2 (RH2), respectively. RH0 has been deprecated because of security concerns [RFC5095], and RH2 is defined in conjunction with Mobile IP. To best understand the Routing header, we begin by discussing RH0 and then investigate why it has been deprecated and how it differs from RH2. RH0 specifies one or more IPv6 nodes to be "visited" as the datagram is forwarded. The header is shown in Figure 5-8.


The IPv6 Routing header shown in Figure 5-8 generalizes the loose Source and Record Route options from IPv4. It also supports the possibility of routing on identifiers other than IPv6 addresses, although this feature is not standardized and is not discussed further here. For standardized routing on IPv6 addresses, RH0 allows the sender to specify a vector of IPv6 addresses for nodes to be visited.


The Identification field helps indentify each datagram sent by an IPv4 host. To ensure that the fragments of one datagram are not confused with those of another, the sending host normally increments an internal counter by 1 each time a datagram is sent (from one of its IP addresses) and copies the value of the counter into the IPv4 Identification field. This field is most important for implementing fragmentation, so we explore it further in Chapter 10, where we also discuss the Flags and Fragment Offset fields. In IPv6, this field shows up in the Fragmentation extension header, as we discuss in Section 5.3.3.


The Internet Header Length (IHL) field is the number of 32-bit words in the IPv4 header, including any options. Because this is also a 4-bit field, the IPv4 header is limited to a maximum of fifteen 32-bit words or 60 bytes. Later we shall see how this limitation makes some of the options, such as the Record Route option, nearly useless today. The normal value of this field (when no options are present) is 5. There is no such field in IPv6 because the header length is fixed at 40 bytes.


The Internet checksum is a 16-bit mathematical sum used to determine, with reasonably high probability, whether a received message or portion of a message matches the one sent. Note that the Internet checksum algorithm is not the same as the common cyclic redundancy check (CRC) [PB61], which offers stronger protection.


The Offset field in the Fragment header is given in 8-byte units, so fragmentation is performed at 8-byte boundaries, which is why the first and second fragments contain 1448 data bytes instead of 1452. Thus, all but the last fragment (possibly) is a multiple of 8 bytes. The receiver must ensure that all fragments of an original datagram have been received before performing reassembly. The reassembly procedure aggregates the fragments, forming the original datagram. As with fragmentation in IPv4 (see Chapter 10), fragments may arrive out of order at the receiver but are reassembled in order to form a datagram that is given to other protocols for processing.


The Protocol field in the IPv4 header contains a number indicating the type of data found in the payload portion of the datagram. The most common values are 17 (for UDP) and 6 (for TCP). This provides a demultiplexing feature so that the IP protocol can be used to carry payloads of more than one protocol type. Although this field originally specified the transport-layer protocol the datagram is encapsulating, it is now understood to identify the encapsulated protocol, which may or not be a transport protocol. For example, other encapsulations are possible, such as IPv4-in-IPv4 (value 4). The official list of the possible values of the Protocol field is given in the assigned numbers page [AN]. The Next Header field in the IPv6 header generalizes the Protocol field from IPv4. It is used to indicate the type of header following the IPv6 header. This field may contain any values defined for the IPv4 Protocol field, or any of the values associated with the IPv6 extension headers described in Section 5.3.


The Quick-Start (QS) option is used in conjunction with the experimental Quick-Start procedure for TCP/IP specified in [RFC4782]. It is applicable to both IPv4 and IPv6 but at present is suggested only for private networks and not the global Internet. The option includes a value encoding the sender's desired transmission rate in bits per second, a QS TTL value, and some additional information. Routers along the path may agree that supporting the desired rate is acceptable, in which case they decrement the QS TTL and leave the rate request unchanged when forwarding the containing datagram. When they disagree (i.e., wish to support a lower rate), they can reduce the number to an acceptable rate. Routers that do not recognize the QS option do not decrement the QS TTL. A receiver provides feedback to the sender, including the difference between the received datagram's IPv4 TTL or IPv6 Hop Limit field and its QS TTL, along with the resulting rate that may have been adjusted by the routers along the forward path. This information is used by the sender to determine its sending rate (which, for example, may exceed the rate TCP it would otherwise use). Comparison of the TTL values is used to ensure that every router along the path participates in the QS negotiation; if any routers are found to be decrementing the IPv4 TTL (or IPv6 Hop Limit) field and not modifying the QS TTL value, QS is not enabled.


The Router Alert option indicates that the datagram contains information that needs to be processed by a router. It is used for the same purpose as the IPv4 Router Alert option. [RTAOPTS] gives the current set of values for the option.


The TLV structure shown in Figure 5-7 includes 2 bytes followed by a variable-length number of data bytes. The first byte indicates the type of the option and includes three subfields. The first subfield gives the action to be taken by an IPv6 node attempting to process the option that does not recognize the 5-bit option Type subfield. Its possible values are presented in Table 5-6.


The TTL field was originally specified to be the maximum lifetime of an IP datagram in seconds, but routers were also always required to decrement the value by at least 1. Because virtually no routers today hold on to a datagram longer than 1s under normal operation, the earlier rule is now ignored or forgotten, and in IPv6 the field has been renamed to its de facto use: Hop Limit.


The Time-to-Live field, or TTL, sets an upper limit on the number of routers through which a datagram can pass. It is initialized by the sender to some value (64 is recommended [RFC1122], although 128 or 255 is not uncommon) and decremented by 1 by every router that forwards the datagram. When this field reaches 0, the datagram is thrown away, and the sender is notified with an ICMP message (see Chapter 8). This prevents packets from getting caught in the network forever should an unwanted routing loop occur.


The Total Length field is the total length of the IPv4 datagram in bytes. Using this field and the IHL field, we know where the data portion of the datagram starts, and its length. Because this is a 16-bit field, the maximum size of an IPv4 datagram (including header) is 65,535 bytes. The Total Length field is required in the header because some lower-layer protocols that carry IPv4 datagrams do not (accurately) convey the size of encapsulated datagrams on their own. Ethernet, for example, pads small frames to be a minimum length (64 bytes). Even though the minimum Ethernet payload size is 46 bytes (see Chapter 3), an IPv4 datagram can be smaller (as few as 20 bytes). If the Total Length field were not provided, the IPv4 implementation would not know how much of a 46-byte Ethernet frame was really an IP datagram, as opposed to padding, leading to possible confusion.


The algorithm used in computing the checksum is also used by most of the other Internet-related protocols that use checksums and is sometimes known as the Internet checksum. Note that when an IPv4 datagram passes through a router, its header checksum must change as a result of decrementing the TTL field. We discuss the methods for computing the checksum in more detail in Section 5.2.2.


The arrangement provides for some experimentation and local use by researchers and operators. DSCPs ending in 0 are subject to standardized use, and those ending in 1 are for experimental/local use (EXP/LU). Those ending in 01 are intended initially for experimentation or local use but with eventual intent toward standardization.


The datagram serving as input to the fragmentation process is called the "original packet" and consists of two parts: the "unfragmentable part" and the "fragmentable part." The unfragmentable part includes the IPv6 header and any included extension headers required to be processed by intermediate nodes to the destination (i.e., all headers up to and including the Routing header, otherwise the Hop-by-Hop Options extension header if only it is present). The fragmentable part constitutes the remainder of the datagram (i.e., Destination Options header, upper-layer headers, and payload data).


The first field (only 4 bits or one nibble wide) is the Version field. It contains the version number of the IP datagram: 4 for IPv4 and 6 for IPv6. The headers for both IPv4 and IPv6 share the location of the Version field but no others. Thus, the two protocols are not directly interoperable—a host or router must handle either IPv4 or IPv6 (or both, called dual stack) separately. Although other versions of IP have been proposed and developed, only versions 4 and 6 have any significant amount of use. The IANA keeps an official registry of these version numbers [IV].


The following example illustrates the way an IPv6 source might fragment a datagram. In the example shown in Figure 5-12, a payload of 3960 bytes is fragmented such that no fragment's total packet size exceeds 1500 bytes (a typical MTU for Ethernet), yet the fragment data sizes still are arranged to be multiples of 8 bytes.


The header contains an 8-bit Routing Type identifier and an 8-bit Segments Left field. The type identifier for IPv6 addresses is 0 for RH0 and 2 for RH2. The Segments Left field indicates how many route segments remain to be processed—that is, the number of explicitly listed intermediate nodes still to be visited before reaching the final destination. The block of addresses starts with a 32-bit reserved field set by the sender to 0 and ignored by receivers. The addresses are nonmulticast IPv6 addresses to be visited as the datagram is forwarded.


The pair of ECN bits in the header is used for marking a datagram with a congestion indicator when passing through a router that has a significant amount of internally queued traffic. Both bits are set by persistently congested ECN-aware routers when forwarding packets. The use case envisioned for this function is that when a marked packet is received at the destination, some protocol (such as TCP) will notice that the packet is marked and indicate this fact back to the sender, which would then slow down, thereby easing congestion before a router is forced to drop traffic because of overload. This mechanism is one of several aimed at avoiding or dealing with network congestion, which we explore in more detail in Chapter 16. Although the DS Field and ECN field are not obviously closely related, the space for them was carved out of the previously defined IPv4 Type of Service and IPv6 Traffic Class fields. For this reason, they are often discussed together, and the terms "ToS byte" and "Traffic Class byte" are still in widespread use.


The ping message appears as an ICMPv6 Echo Request packet (see Chapter 8). By following the Next Header field values, we can see that the base header is followed by a Routing header. In the Routing header, we can see that the type is 0 (indicating an RH0), and there is one segment (hop) left to process. The hop is specified by the first slot in the address list (number 0): 2001:db8::100.


The term connectionless means that IP does not maintain any connection state information about related datagrams within the network elements (i.e., within the routers); each datagram is handled independently from all other others. This also means that IP datagrams can be delivered out of order. If a source sends two consecutive datagrams (first A, then B) to the same destination, each is routed independently and can take different paths, and B may arrive before A. Other things can happen to IP datagrams as well: they may be duplicated in transit, and they may have their data altered as the result of errors. Again, some protocol above IP (usually TCP) has to handle all of these potential problems in order to provide an error-free delivery abstraction for applications.


The third and fourth fields of the IPv4 header (second and third fields of the IPv6 header) are the Differentiated Services (called DS Field) and ECN fields. Differentiated Services (called DiffServ) is a framework and set of standards aimed at supporting differentiated classes of service (i.e., beyond just best-effort) on the Internet [RFC2474][RFC2475][RFC3260]. IP datagrams that are marked in certain ways (by having some of these bits set according to predefined patterns) may be forwarded differently (e.g., with higher priority) than other datagrams. Doing so can lead to increased or decreased queuing delay in the network and other special effects (possibly with associated special fees imposed by an ISP). A number is placed in the DS Field termed the Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP). A "code point" refers to a particular predefined arrangement of bits with agreed-upon meaning. Typically, datagrams have a DSCP assigned to them when they are given to the network infrastructure that remains unmodified during delivery. However, policies (such as how many high-priority packets are allowed to be sent in a period of time) may cause a DSCP in a datagram to be changed during delivery.


This option holds the "home" address of the IPv6 node sending the datagram when IPv6 mobility options are in use. Mobile IP (see Section 5.5) specifies a set of procedures for handling IP nodes that may change their point of network attachment without losing their higher-layer network connections. It has a concept of a node's "home," which is derived from the address prefix of its typical location. When roaming away from home, the node is generally assigned a different IP address. This option allows the node to provide its normal home address in addition to its (presumably temporarily assigned) new address while traveling. The home address can be used by other IPv6 nodes when communicating with the mobile node. If the Home Address option is present, the Destination Options header containing it must appear after a Routing header and before the Fragment, Authentication, and ESP headers (see Chapter 18), if any of them is also present. We discuss this option in more detail in the context of Mobile IP.


This option is used for supporting the Common Architecture Label IPv6 Security Option (CALIPSO) [RFC5570] in certain private networks. It provides a method to label datagrams with a security-level indicator, along with some additional information. In particular, it is intended for use in multilevel secure networking environments (e.g., government, military, and banking) where the security level of all data must be indicated by some form of label.


To compute the IPv4 header checksum for an outgoing datagram, the value of the datagram's Checksum field is first set to 0. Then, the 16-bit one's complement sum of the header is calculated (the entire header is considered a sequence of 16-bit words). The 16-bit one's complement of this sum is then stored in the Checksum field to make the datagram ready for transmission. One's complement addition can be implemented by "end-round-carry addition": when a carry bit is produced using conventional (two's complement) addition, the carry is added back in as a 1 value. Figure 5-3 presents an example, where the message contents are represented in hexadecimal.


Tunneling refers to the encapsulation of one protocol in another that does not conform to traditional layering (see Chapters 1 and 3). For example, IP datagrams may be encapsulated inside the payload portion of another IP datagram. Tunneling can be used to form virtual overlay networks, in which one network (e.g., the Internet) acts as a well-connected link layer for another layer of IP [TWEF03]. Tunnels can be nested in the sense that datagrams that are in a tunnel may themselves be placed in a tunnel, in a recursive fashion.


We can arrange to include a Routing header with a simple command-line option to the ping6 command in Windows XP (Windows Vista and later include only the ping command, which incorporates IPv6 support):


We can see the construction of an IPv6 fragment using this command on Windows 7:


What is interesting about the set V and the group <V,+> is that we have deleted the number 0000 from consideration. If we put the number 0000 in the set V, then <V,+> is not a group any longer. To see this, we first observe that 0000 and FFFF appear to perform the role of zero (additive identity) using the + operation. For example, AB12 + 0000 = AB12 = AB12 + FFFF. However, in a group there can be only one identity element. If we have some element 12AB, and assume the identity element is 0000, then we need some inverse X´ so that (12AB + X´) = 0000, but we see that no such value of X´ exists in V that satisfies the criteria. Therefore, we need to exclude 0000 from consideration as the identity element in <V,+> by removing it from the set V to make this structure a true group. For an introduction to abstract algebra, the reader may wish to consult a detailed text on the subject, such as the popular book by Pinter [P90].


When a jumbogram is formed for transmission, its normal Payload Length field is set to 0. As we shall see later, the TCP protocol makes use of the Payload Length field in order to compute its checksum using the Internet checksum algorithm described previously. When the Jumbo Payload option is used, TCP must be careful to use the length value from the option instead of the regular Length field in the base header. Although this procedure is not difficult, larger payloads can lead to an increased chance of undetected error [RFC2675].


When an IPv4 datagram is fragmented into multiple smaller fragments, each of which itself is an independent IP datagram, the Total Length field reflects the length of the particular fragment. Fragmentation is described in detail along with UDP in Chapter 10. In IPv6, fragmentation is not supported by the header, and the length is instead given by the Payload Length field. This field measures the length of the IPv6 datagram not including the length of the header; extension headers, however, are included in the Payload Length field. As with IPv4, the 16-bit size of the field limits its maximum value to 65,535. With IPv6, however, it is the payload length that is limited to 64KB, not the entire datagram. In addition, IPv6 supports a jumbogram option (see Section that provides for the possibility, at least theoretically, of single packets with payloads as large as 4GB (4,294,967,295 bytes)!


When an IPv4 datagram is received, a checksum is computed across the whole header, including the value of the Checksum field itself. Assuming there are no errors, the computed checksum value is always 0 (a one's complement of the value FFFF). Note that for any nontrivial packet or header, the value of the Checksum field in the packet can never be FFFF. If it were, the sum (prior to the final one's complement operation at the sender) would have to have been 0. No sum can ever be 0 using one's complement addition unless all the bytes are 0—something that never happens with any legitimate IPv4 header. When the header is found to be bad (the computed checksum is nonzero), the IPv4 implementation discards the received datagram. No error message is generated. It is up to the higher layers to somehow detect the missing datagram and retransmit if necessary.


When sending an IP datagram, a sender does not ordinarily have much control over how many tunnel levels are ultimately used for encapsulation. Using this option, however, a sender can specify this limit. A router intending to encapsulate an IPv6 datagram into a tunnel first checks for the presence and value of the Tunnel Encapsulation Limit option. If the limit value is 0, the datagram is discarded and an ICMPv6 Parameter Problem message (see Chapter 8) is sent to the source of the datagram (i.e., the previous tunnel entry point). If the limit is nonzero, the tunnel encapsulation is permitted, but the newly formed (encapsulating) IPv6 datagram must include a Tunnel Encapsulation Limit option whose value is 1 less than the option value in the arriving datagram. In effect, the encapsulation limit acts like the IPv4 TTL or IPv6 Hop Limit field, but for levels of tunnel encapsulation instead of forwarding hops.


When the original packet is fragmented, multiple fragment packets are produced, each of which contains a copy of the unfragmentable part of the original packet, but for which each IPv6 header has the Payload Length field altered to reflect the size of the fragment packet it describes. Following the unfragmentable part, each new fragment packet contains a Fragment header with an appropriately assigned Fragment Offset field (e.g., the first fragment contains offset 0) and a copy of the original packet's Identification field. The last fragment has its M (More Fragments) bit field set to 0.


Within enterprise networks, where the average path length is smaller and protection from malicious users may be less of a concern, options can still be useful. In addition, the Router Alert option represents somewhat of an exception to the problems with the other options for use on the Internet. Because it is designed primarily as a performance optimization and does not change fundamental router behavior, it is permitted more often than the other options. As suggested previously, some router implementations have a highly optimized internal pathway for forwarding IP traffic containing no options. The Router Alert option informs routers that a packet requires processing beyond the conventional forwarding algorithms. The experimental Quick-Start option at the end of the table is applicable to both IPv4 and IPv6, and we describe it in the next section when discussing IPv6 extension headers and options.

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