Tears of a Tiger- Whole Novel

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Why does Andy feel that Rob wouldn't blame him for the accident?

He was easy going and would know Andy never meant to hurt him.

w?hy does Keisha assume that it was Andy involved in the accident?

He wouldn't answer the phone

How was rob positioned in the car?

His feet were on the dashboard

What sentence did the judge give to Andy?

His license revoked until he is 21 and a 2 year suspended sentence.

Why does Gerald hate peanut butter?

His mom used to fix him peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and now she is gone.

⦁ Comparison: What do you know of Hazelwood High School from the descriptions given in the text? How would you describe the building itself, the teachers, the students, the administration, the "feel" of the school? Compare and contrast our high school culture and culture to that of the one in this book.

I would say that the school is much bigger

How did Gerald get that scar on his face?

Parental abuse

Who calls Keisha to inform her about the accident?


What does the newspaper article report in the first chapter?

Robert Washington's death

Who did Rob call to for help?


Who had the most to drink according to Tyrone?


Who does not drink? Why?

B.J. He thinks it stunts his growth and tastes terrible

Who should have driven the car that night?

B.J. because he was not drinking

Who reaches out to Andy after the court hearing?

Coach Ripley

How would you describe Andy's coach as a person? Do you think he helps Andy?

Concerned and supportive of Andy

Which member of the team decides to go home after the game instead of going with the guys? Why?

Gerald, because his dad would be mad.

What impresses Andy about Dr. Carrothers?

He is a "black shrink"

How is Andy dealing with the tragedy?

He is depressed

How is Andy reacting to Keisha not spending enough time with him?

He is expecting more from her and is taking out some of his hurt/anger on her.

Why does B. J. not ever make the basketball team?

He is too short.

Why do you think Andy says he is not a killer?

He never would want to hurt anybody

Why do you think Andy played better than ever for his first game back?

He played for Rob

How does the author let you know that Andy is unhappy with his parents?

He tells his coach and counselor how they do not come to any of his games or know anything about him.

How does Andy feel about his brother, Monty?

He thinks he's cool but he worries about him in the future

Why did Andy cry when he was in court?

He thinks its his fault that rob dead and he deserves to be punished

How does Rhonda feel about the grief counselors who visit the school? Why do you think she feels that way?

That they just sat around and looked concerned and smiled a lot.

What is ironic about Andy being appointed as the new team captain for the basketball team?

The old captain was Rob

What is happening to Andy's grades? Why?

They are slipping. He doesn't care about school, only basketball.

Who is Rhonda dating?


Who was the first to escape from the car?


⦁ What does Dr. Carrothers mean when he states, "It's like the system is set up so you don't succeed?" Do you agree or disagree with his statement?


⦁ What will Rhonda never be able to forget?

andy commited suicide

⦁ Why is Gerald angry at Andy?

andy ended his life without saying goodbye

⦁ What types of comments do the teachers make in "Hidden Openings"?

andy was failing

Describe the poem that Andy wrote. How does it make you feel? How do you think Andy felt when he wrote it?


⦁ What excuse does Andy give for not making straight "A's"? What do you think about that?

bad teachers

⦁ Infer: Why is Andy upset that Monty only likes blond-haired girls?

because blond hair girls were only whites back then

⦁ Why do you think Keisha is frustrated with Andy?

he doesn't talk to her like he use to

⦁ At the end of the later chapters, such as "Private Pain" and "Slipping Away," who is Andy talking to? What do you think is happening to Andy as he hides his emotional problems and his fears from everyone?

he doesn't want to let everybody know how they feel

According to Andy, how does his dad communicate with him?

he dont

⦁ What does Keisha mean when she states, "You (Andy) had so much to live for"? What did he have to live for?

he had so much more to do in life

⦁ Why is Andy feeling so cold and empty?

he is depressed

⦁ What is the bad news Coach Ripley has for Andy?

he is not going to play college basketball

⦁ Infer: What is one thing Monty says he will miss about Andy?

he tells monty its okay to but dinosaurs in the jungle and tears of a tiger

⦁ Discuss all of the factors that contributed to Andy's suicide. Could Andy's death been prevented? How?

he thought he killed rob

⦁ What has Marcus learned from this experience?

he wanted to be popular like andy

⦁ Why does Andy snap at Keisha during the talent show?

he wanted to see Keisha and her group sing

Why is Andy late to the basketball game?

he was with the doctor

⦁ How have Keisha's feelings changed about dating Andy?

it gets on her nerves that andy is always depressed

⦁ What is B.J.'s tone in his prayer about Andy?

make sure he go to heavon

⦁ Who was the first to notice that something was wrong at Andy's house?


⦁ What has changed in Andy's family now that he is gone?

monty and his mom moved to another house

⦁ What does B.J. say has kept him sane all of this time?


⦁ How does Keisha feel about her breakup with An

she felt better without him

⦁ Why does Keisha feel that it is time to break up with Andy?

she is tired of dealing with his pain

⦁ Opinion: Do you think Keisha had the right to break up with Andy in his time of need? Was she being cruel to him, or good to herself

she was being cruel

⦁ Infer: Why does Andy feel he doesn't deserve to have Keisha in his life?

she was the only best thing that happened to andy

⦁ Why does Andy suddenly feel the need to talk to someone?

so he can have support

⦁ When talking to his mom what incident from his childhood does Andy compare his pain to?

the accident with rob

⦁ Why won't Andy talk to Dr. Carrothers' associate, Dr. Kelly?

the doesn't know dr kelly

⦁ Why did Monty put tears on his picture of a tiger?

the tiger was sad like andy

⦁ Why do B.J. and Tyrone feel that the counselors cannot help them deal with

they didn't see the counselor wwhen andy was alive

⦁ Why doesn't Andy talk to the guidance counselor at school?

to express his feelings

⦁ Why won't Andy's mother do more to console Andy?

too much is going on with her

⦁ What other time in the story has Andy felt trapped this way?

when he always went to school

What are the things that Gerald says a five-dollar bill can buy? Why does Gerald mention these things?

bottle of whiskey or drugs; because that is what his dad does.

⦁ How is a caged tiger similar to Andy at this time?

cannot escape

What are the four friends going to do after the game?

drink bottles of liquid sunshine.

⦁ Who believes Andy is a coward for his actions?


What does Andy have to do in order to be eligible to play basketball?


⦁ Why does Tyrone say that Andy was stupid

he didn't go to senior prom

⦁ Why do you think Andy doesn't turn in the poem he wrote?

he didn't want to do it

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