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One nurse leader performs exceedingly well by assuring that change happens and is promoted as the leader. Which quality attributes would have been shown by the nurse? Select all that apply.

assuring change is a result of taking initiative. The nurse who assures change also has to go beyond his or her role. When the nurse thinks outside the box, change is assured. The caring aspect of a nurse relates to being committed to the clients and their welfare. When the nurse is courageous in challenging power, he or she gets closest to the work.


a persistent pattern of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness that is pervasive and inappropriate for developmental level.


A client is diagnosed with intermittent explosive disorder (IED). What drugs are likely to be prescribed for the client? Select all that apply. Barbiturates Antipsychotic drugs Antidepressant drugs Mood-stabilizing drugs Stimulant drugs

Which statement of the nurse leader reflects the actions suggested by the Joint Commission for disruptive behavior by a direct care nurse?

According to the actions suggested by the Joint Commission, there is "zero" tolerance for an intimidating and/or disruptive behavior. The action to be taken for this type of behavior should be suspension, termination, loss of clinical privileges, and reporting to professional licensure bodies. The actions suggested by the Joint Commission do not include giving last a warning. The nurse who has behaved disruptively is not eligible for any assessment. By saying, "You should not behave this way because as you are very talented," the actions suggested by Joint Commission are not being carried out.



2, 1, 3, 6, 5, 4

Arrange the steps in the order that a nurse leader would implement while following the strategic marketing planning process. 1-Assess strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis) presented by the external environment. 2-Analyze the mission and culture. to which the strategy must contribute 3-Analyze the future environment the marketer is likely to face. 4-Establish benchmarks to measure interim and final achievements. 5-Formulate the core marketing strategy to achieve the specified goals. 6-Determine the objectives and goals for the relevant planning period.

moderate conduct disorder

Behaviors such as conning people and drinking alcohol are seen with moderate forms of


Children with conduct disorder may be diagnosed with which disorder as adults?DepressionBipolar disorder Antisocial personality disorder Schizophrenia


Cruelty to classmates is seen with the

I will return at 5 o'clock pm

The basic expectations of a client are reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy, and responsiveness

The nurse leader teaches the student nurse about the quality assurance (QA) process. Which statement made by the student nurse indicates ineffective learning?

The major task is staff development. Staff development is the major task of the quality improvement process while the goal of the QA process is to improve quality. The focus of the QA process is on discovery and correction of errors. The outcomes of the QA process are set by the QA team with input from staff.

Identifying and understanding the relationships between clients, families, communities, and local economies

The nurse leader is focused on recognizing the dynamic, complex, and interdependent nature of systems in an organization. Which nursing action indicates an effective implementation of this principle of systems thinking theory?

The nurse leader teaches student nurses about ways of making care visible. During a follow up visit, the leader observes the nurse holding the client's hand after finding him or her anxious before radiation therapy. Which communication skill applied by the student nurse shows effective learning?

The use of a facial expression, intonation, posture, eye contact, and other body language to mirror the client's feelings signify nonverbal care. Expressing appreciation may involve giving a personal gift of positive regard. A blameless apology is used to express the genuine regret for a negative experience. Positive intent is made clear by explaining the work being done to suit the client's best interest.

the nurse is serving as a symbol in a management position

When the nurse represents the nursing unit and the values and beliefs of the organization to staff When serving as a symbol in an executive position, the nurse represents client care services and the values and beliefs of the organization to both internal and external constituents. When representing a group in an executive position, the nurse as a leader serves on assigned boards, councils, and committees representing the organization and client care services. Representing a group in a management position, the nurse as a leader represents nursing and the organization on assigned boards, councils, and committees.


Which behaviors should the nurse anticipate in children with mild conduct disorder? Select all that apply. Minor shoplifting Conning people Repeated lying Cruelty to classmates Drinking alcohol


Which statement, made by the parent of a teen diagnosed with conduct disorder, demonstrates effective parenting? "Do you understand that you hurt your sister's feelings when you call her names?" "You will lose your driving privileges for a week if you don't clean your room today." "When are you going to learn that bullying is not acceptable behavior?" "A person your age knows better than to skip school."


Which would be the most appropriate intervention for an adolescent who is manipulative and exhibiting aggressive behaviors?Social skills training Self-esteem enhancement Limit setting Time out


an antipsychotic drug used in the long-term treatment of psychosis. Gynecomastia is one of the adverse effects of this drug. Ataxia, asthenia, and insomnia are the adverse effects of clozapine.

What is the order of evidence-based practice that a nurse should follow while caring for a client?

ask a question collect evidence appraise the evidence make a decison evaluate changes share outcomes

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)

characterized by a persistent pattern of disobedience, argumentativeness, angry outbursts, low frustration tolerance, and tendency to blame others for misfortunes.


how many steps are in evidence based practice

ense of humor

is the key to self-support through challenges. The caring aspect of the nurse leader is associated with commitment to the clients and their welfare. Humility focuses on the change, not on oneself. Persona is associated with self-motivation.

stronger support systems

one crisis goal intervention


A 15-year-old client with intermittent explosive disorder (IED) gives no history of childhood abuse, neglect, or maltreatment. What could be the cause of the disorder in this client? Presence of coronary artery disease Imbalance in the production of serotonin Depleted levels of glucose in the blood Dysfunction of the parietal lobe


A nurse is counseling the parents of a child with oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). What does the nurse advise the parents for dealing with the maladaptive behavior of their child? The parents should ignore the child's behavior. The parents should take the child to a psychotherapist. The parents should scold their child. The parents should explain to the child the inappropriateness of the behavior.

The nurse leader taught the student nurse the principles of quality management and quality improvement. Which statement made by the student nurse indicates ineffective learning?

Managers define the quality." The quality is defined by the clients, not by the managers. All the decisions should be based on the data and not on the theory. Quality improvement focuses on outcomes. Quality improvement is based on the work commitment of both the manager and the workers.


Repeated lying and minor shoplifting are examples of the


fluid retention-

difference between evidence-based practice and quality improvement?

focuses on the implementation of evidence already known into practice whereas quality improvement measures the effect of changing practices on a specific population. -Both are a part of regular clinical practice. -Both aim at to improve client care and outcomes. -Both consist of internal funding; for practicing nurses and other hcps

Measuring morale, working relationships, team work, and the number of clients

helps focus on both measurable and non-measurable data. Recognizing the consequences of actions taken on the long-term effect of the organization or client care is an example of balancing short-term and long-term objectives principle of systems thinking theory. Focusing on the needs of all the residents in a long-term care facility and thinking of emergency complications is an example of the thinking of the "big picture" principle of systems thinking theory.

The nurse leader wants to avoid a conflict and postpone its resolution. What could be the reason for this avoidance?

Avoidance in conflict management style postpones conflict. One of the reasons for avoidance may be the leader wants to gather more information. Accommodation in conflict management style means neglecting one's own needs, goals, and concerns in favor of satisfying others. Accommodation is used when a person has made a mistake, wants to preserve good relationships with others, or the person wants other people to learn from his/her mistakes

reviews ebp prior to identifying interventions

One standard of practice for case managers is to use evidence-based guidelines. These guidelines explain research performed and outcomes that can be applied to client care. Discussing medication side effects would be an activity performed in client-focused care. Preparing a performance appraisal for cross-trained staff would be performed by a manager of a client-focused care area. Meeting with family when preparing discharge instructions would be performed by a primary nurse.

Intrapersonal conflict

arises due to imbalance between the nurse's personal and professional priorities. The conflict due to a difference in opinions with others causes interpersonal conflicts. Organizational conflicts arise from a discord between policies and procedures. Organizational conflict also arises from hierarchical structure and role differentiation among employees.


characterized by serious violations of social norms, including aggressive behavior, destruction of property, and cruelty of animals.

guilt, anger, self-blame

children sexually abused overwhelming feelings

During a group discussion of nurse leaders on assessment of the degree of conflict resolution, a senior leader emphasizes the quality of relationships. Which statement made by the leader refers to quality of relationships? Select all that apply.

1"How creative are the resulting plans?" Incorrect2"How well were intended goals achieved?" Correct3"How willing are people to work together?" Correct4"How much understanding has been created?" 5"How practical and realistic are the resulting plans?" Two important outcomes that are considered while assessing the degree of conflict resolution are quality of decisions and quality of relationships. The statement "How willing are people to work together?" shows relationships among peers, and "How much understanding has been created?" also shows relationships among peers. A statement such as "How creative are resulting plans?" indicates the quality of the decision. Similarly, the statements "How well were intended goals achieved?" and "How practical and realistic are the resulting plans?" also refer to the decisions and so they reflect the quality of the decisions.

affirming values (determine; articulate personal values about health problems)

Values are the connecting thoughts and inner driving forces that give purpose, direction, and precedence to life priorities. According to the Gardner's tasks of leadership, helping the client sort out and articulate personal values that are related to health problems Explaining includes teaching and interpreting information to promote well-being in the client. Managing involves assisting the client with planning, priority setting, and decision making. This also includes ensuring that organizational systems work on behalf of the client. Motivating includes inspiring clients or family members to achieve their vision.


assisting people to make decisions when they do not have sufficient data or expertise. Helping the staff member understand all effects of a possible career change and how the potential change could impact his or her future growth reflects the leader nurse following paternalism .Justice is the principle of treating all persons equally and fairly. By following veracity, the nurse manager tells the truth and demands that the truth be told completely. The principle of non-maleficence states that one should do no harm to others.

The nurse leader asks, "Do I avoid taking a stand so that I can escape risk?" Which behavior is the nurse most likely practicing?

competing means pursuing one's own needs and goals at the expense of others. Therefore, when the leader uses competing rarely, the leader may ask, "Do I avoid taking a stand so that I can escape risk?" When the nurse uses avoidance rarely, the leader may ask, "Do I lack a clear view of what my priorities are?" The rare use of negotiation may force the leader to ask, "Do I find it difficult to make concessions?" The rare use of accommodation may force the leader to ask, "Do I admit when I have made a mistake?


involves three steps: informing the client of the rule or limit, explaining the consequences if the client exceeds the limit, and stating the expected behavior.

Role theory

involves understanding behavior in certain circumstances. It also includes collecting the concepts that predict the leader's performance in a given role. Diffusion theory focuses on allowing anon-linear change. The lower levels of the basic needs are considered important according to McGregor's Theory X. Path-Goal theory focuses on the environment for clarifying the relationship between the pathway employees.

evidence based practice

is conducted by practicing nurses and other members of the healthcare team. Institutional review board (IRB) approval is not needed to implement evidence-based practice. However, approval is required to conduct research. Evidence-based practice uses information from research, professional experts, and personal experience to determine safe and effective nursing care with a goal of improving the client care and outcomes. The funding source is internal (from a healthcare agency) for evidence-based practice. An external funding source, such as a grant, is required for research. Evidence-based practice focuses on the implementation of evidence already known in practice. However, in case of research study, evidence is generated to find answers for questions that are not known about nursing practice.

evidence-driven approach

mainly shows a concern about the safety of clients. The management of emotions could be associated with emotional intelligence. The concern about the focus on emergence may be executed through the use of phrases such as "think outside the box." The focus on efficiency and cost may not be signified though the phrase "evidence-driven approach."


required in this situation to encourage people to build upon or spin off ideas from ones already suggested. The nurse leader needs to list all the ideas without critique or discussion to effectively deal with what the group member has said. The purpose of focus groups is to explore issues and generate new and innovative information. The Delphi technique involves systematically collecting and summarizing opinions and judgment on a particular issue from respondents. The nominal group technique provides group members with the opportunity to offer input into the decision-making process.


responsibility of a nurse manager. The role of nurse leader is to motivate the nursing subordinates. Resolving conflicts is the responsibility of both the nurse leader and the nurse manager. Penalizing for poor performance is a behavior of transactional leadership.

How creative are the resulting plans?

should be considered while assessing quality of decisions. -The willingness of the people to work together, development of "understanding", and generation of the mutual respect and concern for each other are related to quality of relationships.

principle of non-maleficence

that one should not do harm. Therefore the approach towards this while evaluating the performance of staff includes emphasizing the staff's good qualities and giving positive direction for growth. Fulfilling the commitment of promotion to a preceptor position within the unit is the principle of fidelity. Acknowledging the right of individuals to make decisions and to live by these decisions is respect for others. The principle of justice is used while deciding which staff members are to be promoted or recommended for development opportunities.

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