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23. Standard sign shape: Mainly used for regulatory signs; A. Octagon B. Circle C. Equilateral triangle, one point vertically downward D. Rectangle with long axis horizontal


An index of the operational performance of traffic on a given traffic lane, roadway, or intersection, based on service measures such as delay, degree of saturation, density and speed during a given flow period. A. Major Stop B. Level of Service C. Peak Period D. Lane Utilization


Device mounted on a fixed support (permanent signs) or portable support (temporary signs) whereby a specific message is conveyed by means of words or symbols placed or erected for the purpose of regulating, warning, or guiding traffic A. Warning Signs B. Traffic Signs C. Special Instruction Signs D. Regulatory Signs


Reserved as background color for all tourist facility directional and information signs A. Green B. Brown C. Blue D. White


Roadwork devices consisting of pre-cast concrete sections, sandbag, and others which, may be used to guide traffic at the construction site A. Flashing Lamps B. Temporary Curbing C. Delineators D. Traffic Cones


Signs which provide means of displaying essential traffic information on wide multi-lane roads, where some degree of lane use control is required, or where side-of-road clearance is insufficient to accommodate a roadside sign A. Overhead Signs B. Barriers C. Roadwork Signs D. Guide Signs


The maximum sustainable flow rate at which vehicles or persons reasonably can be expected to traverse a point or uniform segment of a lane or roadway during a specified time under given roadway, geometric, traffic, environmental, and control conditions; usually expressed as vehicles per hour, passenger cars per hour, or persons per hour. A. Flow B. Capacity C. Density D. Delay


Background color for most signs and legends for some colored background. A. Green B. Brown C. Blue D. White


Classification of Signs I. Regulatory Signs II. Warning Signs III. Guide Signs or Informative Sign IV. Signs for Expressways V. Signs for Special Purposes VI. Hazard Makers A. All except VI B. All except V, and VI C. All except IV, V, VI D. All of the above


Devices which may be conical in shape or tubular shaped capable of performing channelization of traffic which may be set on the surface of the roadway or rigidly attached for continued use A. Flashing Lamps B. Temporary Curbing C. Delineators D. Traffic Cones


Inform and advise road users of directions, distances, routes, the location of services for road users, and point of interest. A. Overhead Signs B. Barriers C. Roadwork Signs D. Guide Signs


Highway appurtenances designed to prevent vehicular penetration from the travel way to areas behind the barrier such as to minimize damage to impacting vehicles and their occupants, and to reduce the risk of injuries to pedestrians and workers A. Overhead Signs B. Barriers C. Roadwork Signs D. Guide Signs


Number of vehicles or pedestrians per unit time passing (arriving or departing) a given reference point. A. Flow B. Capacity C. Density D. Delay


Standard sign shape: Reserved exclusively for the STOP sign A. Octagon B. Circle C. Equilateral triangle, one point vertically downward D. Rectangle with long axis horizontal


The provision of safety sight distance depends on the following: I. Driver II. Vehicle III. Road Environment IV. Time of Day A. I, II, III B. I, II, IV C. I, III D. All of the above


Used as background color for direction signs. A. Green B. Brown C. Blue D. White


Warn road users of condition on or adjacent to the road that may be unexpected or hazardous A. Warning Signs B. Traffic Signs C. Special Instruction Signs D. Regulatory Signs


Warning devices used to supplement other controls and devices necessary to alert motorists of construction and maintenance activities or obstructions in the roadway A. Flashing Lamps B. Temporary Curbing C. Delineators D. Traffic Cones


Components of stopping sight distance I. Road Geometry II. Reaction Distance III. Braking Distance IV. Driver V. Vehicle A. I, IV, V B. I, II, III, IV C. II, III D. All of the above


Signs that instruct road users to meet certain traffic rule requirements or road condition A. Warning Signs B. Traffic Signs C. Special Instruction Signs D. Regulatory Signs


Standard sign shape: Reserved for the GIVE WAY sign; A. Octagon B. Circle C. Equilateral triangle, one point vertically downward D. Rectangle with long axis horizontal


The number of vehicles per unit distance along a road segment as measured at an instant in time. A. Flow B. Capacity C. Density D. Delay


Used as background color for service signs. A. Green B. Brown C. Blue D. White


Warn or advise of temporary hazardous conditions that could endanger road users or the men and equipment engaged on roadwork A. Overhead Signs B. Barriers C. Roadwork Signs D. Guide Signs


Shoulder paving is a valuable method of providing: I. Integrity of the pavement II. Width to place edge line pavement markings III. Additional safety to prevent vehicles skidding or drivers losing control in gravel IV. Low maintenance costs compared with unpaved shoulders A. I, III B. II, IV C. I, II, IV D. All of the above


Signs that inform road users of traffic laws and regulations, which if disregarded, will constitute an offense A. Warning Signs B. Traffic Signs C. Special Instruction Signs D. Regulatory Signs


Standard sign shape: Used for directional signs, service signs, road work signs, signs for special purposes, and supplementary plates for warning signs; A. Octagon B. Circle C. Equilateral triangle, one point vertically downward D. Rectangle with long axis horizontal


The additional travel time experienced by a vehicle or pedestrian with reference to a base travel time A. Flow B. Capacity C. Density D. Delay


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