Terrorism Unit

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A holy struggle or striving by a Muslim for a moral or spiritual or political goal


Exchange of goods and services

white supremacist

Someone who believes the white race is superior to all other races


The taking control of a public transport vehicle, such as an airliner or train to use the people aboard as hostages.

political reform

the improvement or amendment of what is wrong, corrupt, or unsatisfactory

Baruch Goldstein

(1956-1994) An American physician who immigrated to Israel. In February 1994 he entered a religious site in Hebron wearing his Israeli military uniform. He then began shooting Muslim worshippers, killing twenty-nine and wounding more than a hundred

Osama Bin Laden

(1957-) Founder of al Qaeda, the terrorist network responsible for the attacks of September 11, 2001, and other attacks.

Columbine High School

- 2 teenage gunman killed 13 people in a shooting spree - Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris dressed in trench coats, began shooting students outside the school before moving inside to continue their rampage. - the two teens turned their guns on themselves after - also attempted to bomb the school

Hostages policies and Anti-Terror / Counter-Terrorism Units

- Irseal comanders wore Ugand clothes and they were able to get in and get out with the hostages.

Major threats from terrorism today

- Isis - Boko Haram - Al Qaeda - Right - Wing groups - Al Shabab - Hezbollah Thamas - Gunmen - Nuclear terrorism threats - bomb attacks - hostage

US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania

- The United states embassy bombings were attacks that ocurred on August 7, 1998 - more than 200 people were killed in nearly stimulaneous truck bomb explosions in Kenya and Tanzania


- Theodore Kaczynski is an American domestic terrorists - he conducted a 17 year series attacks using mail bombs to target academics, business executive and others

World Trade Center Bombing

- a truck bomb denoted below the North Tower of the World Trade center - bomb was designed to knock down both towers; it failed to knock down either tower. It killed 6 and hurt many

Family Planning Center / Abortion Clinics bombings

- bomb was planted at family center - second explosion injured more - anti abortion bombing done by Eric Rudolph

Randy Weaver / Ruby Ridge

- gunfire broke out - Randy lived out in the mountains and refused to reform because he wanted a gun - house was swarmed and he was shot along with his wife

PFLP and Airplanes

- hijacking became popular - airplanes became popular to use for terrorists attacks

How were the 9/11 attacks similar to previous terrorists attacks?

- hostages were taken (the people in the planes) - World Trade Center high profile targer

The Weatherman - Greenwich Village and DC

- house destroyed by explosions - found basement had bomb stuff - they were planning on bombing places but an accident occured and they died

How were the 9/11 attacks different from previous terrorists attacks?

- it was the first televised terrorist attack - hijacking and killing was shocking and devastating - people were jumping to their deaths

Patty Hurst and the Symbionese Liberation Arm (Sla)

- kidnapping group - patty held gun at bank robbery - stockhold syndrome was what patty experienced.

Osama bin Laden

- most well known for his role in masterminding the 9/11 attacks - he caused over 3,000 deaths and promoted the U.S. to iniate the war on terror - founder of Al Qaeda

Ma'Alot, Israel

- slaughter at school - was devasting

Belfast, Ireland - IRA

- street fighting - catholics protested terrorism and it resulted in violence - British army killed 13 innicient people over 120 hurt

Evolution of Protest bombings in the USA and UK

- terrorists bombing raise - it was used to disrubt things - UK oil head quaters bombed

1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta

- the centennial olympic park bombing was a domestic terroriest pipe bombing attack - the black directly killed 2 ppl and hurt 11.

The number of antigovernment and patriot militia groups in the United States has jumped from

149 in 2008 to more than 900 in 2016

George W. Bush

43rd president of the US who began a campaign toward energy self-sufficiency and against terrorism in 2001

militia groups

A group of private citizens who train for military duty in order to be ready to defend their state or country in times of emergency.


A person who opposes all forms of government.


A political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them


A system for producing and distributing goods, and services to fulfill people's wants

What is the Christian Identity movement

A system that blends white supremacy with extreme policial and religious conservation, its followers believe that the gov. Is run by Jewish - liberal conspiral that's determine deprive citizens of their freedom and to institute a secular world gov.


Ability of a state to govern its territory free from control of its internal affairs by other states.

diplomatic privileges

Advantages given to someone who works as a diplomat or a person who works to ensure good relationships between their country and other countries.

trade relations

Agreement to trade goods/services with another country.

regional security

An intense focus on the political, economic and military issues in a particular area of the world


Beliefs, customs, and traditions of a specific group of people.

Weapons of mass destruction

Biological, chemical, or nuclear weapons that can cause a massive number of deaths in a single use.

Black hand

Black Hand, byname of Ujedinjenje Ili Smrt (Serbo-Croation: Union or Death), secret Serbian society of the early 20th century that used terrorist methods to promote the liberation of Serbs outside Serbia from Habsburg or Ottoman rule and was instrumental in planning the assassination of the Austrian archduke Franz

Oklahoma City Bombing

Bombing of Murrah Federal Building. The blast, set off by Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, killed 168 people, including 19 children in the building's day-care center.

Why did the U.S. go to war in Iraq?

Bush identified Iraq as a member of an axis of evil that was a threat. The U.S. had evidence of Iraq links to Al Qaeda so the U.S. invaded.

What argument have critics of US military strikes against terrorism made?

Critics notes that killing civilians lost the U.S. the moral high ground it claimed to hold above terrorists.

Domestic vs international threats from terrorism

Domestic - Right - wing groups recruit members through social media - U.S. citizens study terrorism abroad - Anti gov patroit / milital groups - Boston bombing - Dylann Rooc International - Al Shabab - Hezbellaht Hamas - Laskav - e - taiba Both - Isie - Al Qaeda - Boko Haram - Gunman - Hostage taking

Who were the targets of Baruch Goldstein's attack? Why?

Dr. Baruch Goldstein felt betrayed by his gov. actions in the Israeli - Palestinaen peace process so he killed zappol and wounded Iso Palestiein muslim worpshippers.

What did Edward Snowden reveal about government surveillance?

Edward Snowden revealed documents outlined the NSA data collection programs that gathered phone records and text messages of hundreds of millions of U.S. citizens publicy reavealing information that had been seceret.

Sheik Omar Abdul Rahman

Egyptian who planned and ordered the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing


Federal siege of Branch Davidian (cult) that resulted in the deaths of many of the members of church during the Clinton era. Used by Timothy McVeigh bombing of the Federal building in Oklahoma in 1995.

imminent threats

Immediate danger of attack.

What is the Department of Homeland Security? and what is its main purpose?

In 2002, president Bush created the department of Homeland Security to coordinated and direct the work of formly seperate federal agencies. the department considers many issues as it shapes the domestic terrorism.

How has the United States tried to strike back at state-sponsored terrorism?

It has applied economic punishments it has taken military action.

What is the Extraordinary Rendition and secret prisons program and why is it controversial?

It was to obtain to the custody of foreign government for purposes of detention and intergation. It is controversial because it violates international law and is not humane.

Of the various causes that motivated terrorists, which one has shown a sharp increase in the past few decades?

Most of the religious terrorists groups were motivated by the belief that something had gone terribly wrong with the world.

ideological movement

Movement in which people began to believe in fundamentalism and stuff happened.

economic openness

Nondomestic transactions take place


Originally called the Weatherman or the Weathermen, a name taken from a line in a Bob Dylan song, the Weather Underground was a small, violent offshoot of Students for a Democratic Society, or SDS, a group created in the turbulent '60s to promote social change.


Packing or producing a material, such as a chemical, biological, or radiological agent, so it can be used as a weapon, for example, by dissemination in a bomb detonation or as an aerosol sprayed over an area or introduced into a ventilation system

Give an example of diplomatic policy to fight terrorism

Pakistans were angry about the U.S. raid arguing that it violated their countries sovereignty. U.S. gov. had been in contact with pakistan officials it didn't get permission for U.S. forces to enter the country


Palestine Liberation Organization. The PLO was considered by the United States and Israel to be a terrorist organization until the Madrid Conference in 1991

Give an example of Economic policy to fight terrorism

President Bill Clinton ordered the U.S. treasury to block all financial transactions between al Qaeda and U.S. companies and citizens.


Red Army Faction (RAF), also called Red Army Fraction, byname Baader-Meinhof Gang, German Rote Armee Fraktion and Baader-Meinhof Gruppe, West German radical leftist group formed in 1968 and popularly named after two of its early leaders, Andreas Baader (1943-77) and Ulrike Meinhof (1934-76).

Aum Shinrikyo

Religious Corporation in Tokyo, Japan that used sarin gas in tokyo subway —First non-government group to use weapons of mass destruction (biological weapons)

The reading says that state-sponsored terrorism increased after the U.S. hostage crisis in Iran. What did many governments learn from that event?

Terrorists benefitted from having states sponsor activity. States could provide advanced military training and pay terrorists well for activities.

How might terrorist groups acquire a nuclear weapon?

Terrorists groups could achieve acquiring a nuclear weapon by acquiring an intact nuclear weapon or by obtaining highly enriched uranium or plutonium and build a bomb themselves.


The Earth Liberation Front (ELF), also known as "Elves" or "The Elves", is the collective name for autonomous individuals or covert cells who, according to the ELF Press Office, use "economic sabotage and guerrilla warfare to stop the exploitation and destruction of the environment".

What lesson did terrorist throughout the world learn from the attack on the Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics.

Terrorists understood that they could capture the world's attention if they chose the right victims the wider the audience, the greater the impact of their actions.


The African National Congress is the Republic of South Africa's governing political party. It has been the ruling party of post-apartheid South Africa since the election of Nelson Mandela in the 1994 election, winning every election since then.


The ETA, which stands for Euskadi ta Askatasuna or "Basque Homeland and Freedom" in Basque, killed 853 people before it announced its dissolution last year.


The Front de libération du Québec (FLQ; "Quebec Liberation Front"; French pronunciation: ​[fʁɔ̃ də libeʁasjɔ̃ dy kebɛk]) was a terrorist, separatist, and paramilitary group in Quebec. Founded in the early 1960s, it was a militant part of the Quebec sovereignty movement.


The Irish Republican Army (IRA; Irish: Óglaigh na hÉireann), also known as the Provisional Irish Republican Army, and informally as the Provos, was an Irish republican paramilitary organisation that sought to end British rule in Northern Ireland, facilitate Irish reunification and bring about an independent, socialist


The Jewish Defense League is a Jewish religious-political organization in the United States, whose stated goal is to "protect Jews from antisemitism by whatever means necessary

What happened at the Munich Summer olympics?

The Munich Olympics opened on August 26, 1972 on the morning of September 5th Palestinian terrorists in Ski masks ambushed the Israeli team. After negotiations to free the 9 Isrealis broke down, the terrorists took the hostages to the Munich Airport. German police then opened fire from rooftops and killed 3 of the terrorists. A gun battle started and left the hostages, 2 more palestnians and an officer dead.

Red bridge

The Red Bridge is a late 19th-century painting by American artist Julian Alden Weir. Done in oil on canvas, Red Bridge has been cited as an excellent example of Weir's Japanese-inspired style of impression. The painting is in the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

What is the Targeted Assassinations program and why is it controversial?

The U.S. has assassinated terrorists leaders instead of capturing them. It is controversial because targeted killings are illegal under U.S. law.

What is the drone attack program and why is it controversial?

The U.S. use of drones to launch missiles against terrorist targets. It is controversial because they often kill civilians, legitimate target is unknown, and pushes ppl to join militant groups against the U.S.


The Ulster Defence Association is an Ulster loyalist paramilitary group in Northern Ireland. It was formed in September 1971 as an umbrella group for various loyalist groups and undertook an armed campaign of almost twenty-four years as one of the participants of the Troubles.


The Zapatista Army of National Liberation, often referred to as the Zapatistas, is a libertarian socialist political and militant group that controls a substantial amount of territory in Chiapas, the southernmost state of Mexico. Since 1994 the group has been nominally at war with the Mexican state.

Personal Freedoms

The freedom of speech, press, religion, petition, and Assembly; amount of freedom allowed by a government

What was the West German Goal for the 1972 Summer Olympic Games

The goal was for propagantion of Nazi ideology

What motivated the terrorists in the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993?

The group (Egyptian Shein Omar Abdul Bohaman) was angered by U.S. support for Israel and were angered by U.S. secular culture - hostile to religion

The sarin gas attack in the Tokyo subway was the first use of a new kind of terrorism. How did it differ from earlier attacks?

The groups with roots in the Japanese Buddism boarded trains at different ends of Tokyo's subway system when they approached the city Cento with Sarin nerve gas.

What was the Patriot Act, and what did it allow the government to do?

The partiot act is an act of the United states congress that was signed into law by George W. Bush. It's a backronym that stands for uniting and strengthening to intercept and obstruct terrorism

human rights abuse

The violation or abuse of the ideals of right to life, freedom of expression and equality before the law.

Why did many U.S. politicians speak out against the U.S. treatment of detainees?

They spoke out to argue that the treatment of detainees violated fundamental U.S. principles and law, hurt the image of the U.S. in the world, fueled anti-American feelings

How do terrorist groups use social media and the internet?

They will post propoganda online as a tool to spread messages between terrorists groups. Isis fighters managed to recruit many people by estabilishing connections via social media. Isis also used technology to spread fear, they would post execution videos of hostages onlineq

nuclear weapons

Weapons in which the explosive potential is controlled by nuclear fission or fusion.

Money laundering

When illegally obtained money is put into or through a business to hide its origin

Why did the U.S. go to war in Afghanistan?

When the Taliban did not hand over Osama Bin Laden the U.S. decided to use armed forced. They bombed Afghanistan and targeted Bin Laden and the Al Qaeda

Targeted assassinations

a form of assassination based on the presumption of criminal guilt

foreign policy

a government's strategy in dealing with other nations


a group or system of interconnected people or things


a nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government.


a person who holds extreme or fanatical political or religious views, especially one who resorts to or advocates extreme action.


a person who works for or engages in political revolution.

Global War on Terror

a worldwide military campaign to defeat nonstate terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda and the rogue states that support them

Give three reasons why many religious scholars say it is incorrect to identify the religion of Islam as violent and intolerant?

a. experts warn that increasing suspicion of Islam that creates a hostile environment for Muslims help achieve the goal of causing fear b. most interpretations of Islamic tradition not a history of tolerance and peace c. Throughout much of history Muslims have lived peacefully with followers of other religions

In speeches and public statements, what were bin Laden's complaints against the United States?

a. he expressed anger about U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia b. objected to U.S. policy towards Iraq and U.S. support of Israel C. believed U.S. actions in the middle East amounted to a declaration of war by the U.S. on gods and muslims


an alliance for combined action, especially a temporary alliance of political parties forming a government or of states.


an associated person or organization; a member; to join or unite with a larger body

nonstate actors

an individual or organization that has significant political influence but is not allied to any particular country or state.


an official ban on trade or other commercial activity with a particular country.


belief in unilateral nuclear disarment

economic weapons

boycotts, embargoes, divestment or refusing to invest in another country, freezing assets and withholding foreign aid.

How does the U.S. state department define terrorism

by political motivated violence directed at civilians and perpetrated by non state groups.


collection of information of military or political information.


denoting attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis.




dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery.


dislike of or prejudice against Islam or Muslims

transitional government

emergency governmental authority set up to manage a political transition

state-sponsored terrorism

government support of violent non-state actors engaged in terrorism

What is homegrown terrorism? and give two examples

homegrown terrorism is committing terrorists acts in perpatator's own country against their fellow citizens 1. san franciscoo coal miners massacre 2. mountain meadow massacre

Right wing terrorism

individuals or groups that attack liberal democratic governments

foreign aid

money, food, or other resources given or lent by one country to another.


of, relating to, or characteristic of a colony or colonies.


official permission or approval for an action


refers to an alliance of multiple countries pursuing a common goal.

Means and ends

something you do in order to achieve something else

Religiously motivated terrorism

terrorism carried out based on motivations and goals that have a predominantly religious character or influence.

intelligence sharing

the ability to exchange intelligence, information, data, or knowledge among Federal, state, local or private-sector entities as appropriate


the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities (e.g., buildings, roads, and power supplies) needed for the operation of a society or enterprise.

civil liberties

the freedoms we have to think and act without government interference or fear of unfair treatment


the invalidation of a U.S. state law that conflicts with federal law

civil defense

the organization and training of civilians for the protection of lives and property during and after attacks in wartime.


the process by which a country determines its own statehood and forms its own allegiances and government.

International law

the set of rules generally regarded and accepted as binding in relations between states and between nations


uprising, rebellion


vigorously active and aggressive, especially in support of a cause

Anarchists International

was a group of international anarcho-communist organisations. The IUA's main objective was coordinating the efforts of various anarchist organizations to reorganize society according to the principles of federative self-governance.

social media

websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.

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