Test 1: BUAD309 Ch. 1, BUAD309 Ch. 2, Ch 2 Diversity in Organizations, MGT- 364, Ch.1-6

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________ may be defined as an individual's current capacity to perform the various tasks in a job. A) Ability B) Age C) Duty D) Role E) Tenure

A) Ability

Which of the following is the best example of the use of intimidation? A) Anya's boss Kira sets difficult targets and hints that Anya may lose her job if she doesn't meet them. B) Jill's manager Steve rarely considers her business ideas, but he consistently praises the contributions of Jill's colleague Emily. C) Natasha's colleagues often make jokes using cultural or ethnic stereotypes. D) Although Kathleen had spent a longer time in the organization, her colleague Gary was promoted to a management position. E) Jane's colleagues recently forgot to invite her to a team lunch, a fact that caused her great distress.

A) Anya's boss Kira sets difficult targets and hints that Anya may lose her job if she doesn't meet them

Which of the following is the best example of the use of intimidation? A) Anya's boss, Kira, sets difficult targets and hints that Anya may lose her job if she doesn't meet them. B) Jill's manager, Steve, rarely considers her business ideas, but he consistently praises the contributions of Jill's colleague, Emily. C) Natasha's colleagues often make jokes using cultural or ethnic stereotypes. D) Although Kathleen had spent a longer time in the organization, her colleague Gary was promoted to a management position. E) Jane's colleagues recently forgot to invite her to a team lunch, a fact that caused her great distress.

A) Anya's boss, Kira, sets difficult targets and hints that Anya may lose her job if she doesn't meet them.

________ is a dimension of intellectual ability which involves using logic to assess the implications of an argument. A) Deductive reasoning B) Spatial visualization C) Haptic perception D) Multistable perception E) Lateral masking

A) Deductive reasoning

________, which may occur intentionally or unintentionally, refers to keeping certain people in a work place away from job opportunities, social events, discussions, or informal mentoring. A) Exclusion B) Mockery C) Stalking D) Ragging E) Bullying

A) Exclusion

360.org, an organization working toward curbing climate change, recently conducted an interview with Jessica for the position of a public relations officer. However, the interviewers Brenda and Laura are divided over whether Jessica should be given the job. Brenda believes that Jessica does not have in-depth knowledge about the issue of global warming and its impact. On the other hand, Laura feels that Jessica would be perfect for the job because she has strong networking and interpersonal skills. Which of the following, if true, would strengthen Laura's argument? A) Gaining the support of corporate giants would comprise a large part of the job. B) Jessica will need to prepare extensive reports about the issue of climate change. C) The role will require Jessica to give presentations to environmental experts on renewable modes of energy. D) Jessica had negligible experience in research and development. E) Jessica has weak analytical skills to solve problems associated with implementing options of renewable energy.

A) Gaining the support of corporate giants would comprise a large part of the job

________ refers to an overall factor of intelligence as suggested by the positive correlations among specific intellectual ability dimensions. A) General mental ability B) Malleable intelligence C) Extelligence D) The Flynn effect E) Virtual memory

A) General mental ability

________ refers to a dimension of intellectual ability which involves identifying a logical sequence in a problem and using this logical sequence to solve the problem. A) Inductive reasoning B) Spatial visualization C) Form perception D) Visual perception E) Visual prosthesis

A) Inductive reasoning

________ is a dimension of intellectual ability which refers to the ability to do speedy and accurate arithmetic. A) Number aptitude B) Verbal comprehension C) Deductive reasoning D) Spatial visualization E) Amodal perception

A) Number aptitude

________ refers to the biological heritage people use to identify themselves. A) Race B) Values C) Beliefs D) Religion E) GMA

A) Race

Which of the following is the best example of mockery as a tool of discriminatory treatment in organizations? A) Rifka's supervisor often stereotypes Rifka because of her ethnic heritage and makes jokes about her ethnicity. B) Because she is considerably older than the rest of her team, Hannah's colleagues often do not invite her to team lunches or informal team get-togethers. C) Joan's boss sets impossible targets and reprimands her in front of her colleagues if she fails to complete them on time. D) Sheena is the only African-American employee in her department and often feels left out of office jokes and gossip. E) Most of Leanne's co-workers are male and share inappropriate jokes at the office.

A) Rifka's supervisor often stereotypes Rifka because of her ethnic heritage and makes jokes about her ethnicity

Which of the following is the best example of mockery as a tool of discriminatory treatment in organizations? A) Rifka's supervisor often stereotypes Rifka because of her ethnic heritage and makes jokes about her ethnicity. B) Because she is considerably older than the rest of her team, Hannah's colleagues often do not invite her to team lunches or informal team get-togethers. C) Joan's boss sets impossible targets and reprimands her in front of her colleagues if she fails to complete them on time. D) Sheena is the only African-American employee in her department and often feels left out of office jokes and gossip. E) Most of Leanne's co-workers are male and share inappropriate jokes at the office.

A) Rifka's supervisor often stereotypes Rifka because of her ethnic heritage and makes jokes about her ethnicity.

The ________ is the most widely used intelligence test in hiring decisions and takes only twelve minutes to be completed. A) Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Test B) Ammons Quick Test C) Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales D) Kohs block design test E) Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale

A) Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Test

Malcolm Industries recently hired a large number of workers for the company's new construction factory in Colorado. During the hiring process, the management made a clear effort to recruit physically strong individuals because the work at the factory involves manual labor. The jobs need to be performed by individuals who have the energy and physical stamina to work for long hours. Which of the following surface-level characteristics did the company most likely concentrate on when selecting the new workers? A) age B) values C) beliefs D) religion E) personality

A) age

Malcolm Industries recently hired a large number of workers for the company's new construction factory in Colorado. During the hiring process, the management made a clear effort to recruit physically strong individuals because the work at the factory involves manual labor. The jobs needed to be performed by individuals who had the energy and physical stamina to work for long hours. Which of the following surface-level characteristics did the company most likely concentrate on when selecting the new workers? A) age B) values C) beliefs D) religion E) race

A) age

Lesley Torres is a project manager for the campaign "Action against Deforestation in Indonesia". She recently faced a glitch when the campaign could not be launched publicly according to schedule. Torres monitored the schedule to find the cause of the delay, before speeding up the implementation process by allocating more members for the implementation phase. By doing this, which of the following functions is she performing? A) controlling B) planning C) formulating D) leading E) organizing

A) controlling

Which of the following functions do managers undertake as part of planning functions? A) defining an organization's goals B) implementing strategies for achieving goals C) executing plans to integrate activities D) accomplishing goals of a project E) employing strategies to coordinate tasks

A) defining an organization's goals

Jill Ivey has been working as a sales executive at Orbit Bank for the last two years. However, she has noticed that she is often not given an opportunity to attend training programs that her team members attend every quarter. She also is disappointed about the fact that she never gets to handle corporate clients, which provides better chances of a promotion. Which of the following kinds of discrimination is she most likely to have been subjected to? A) exclusion B) mockery C) gaslighting D) destabilization E) mobbing

A) exclusion

________, which may occur intentionally or unintentionally, refers to keeping certain people in a work place away from job opportunities, social events, discussions, or informal mentoring. A) Exclusion B) Mockery C) Stalking D) Ragging E) Bullying

A) exclusion

The ability to understand, communicate with, motivate, and support other people, both individually and in groups, may be defined as ________ . A) human skills B) technical skills C) conceptual skills D) cognitive skills E) analytical skills

A) human skills

Hazel Samuels has been working at her company for the past two years and consistently gets yelled at by her manager even when she is not at fault. He often makes derogatory references to her ethnicity. In addition, during team meetings, she is his target for practical jokes and nasty pranks. She is extremely upset and decides not to be subjected to such treatment any longer. Which of the following kinds of discrimination is she most likely to report to the human resource department in such a situation? A) intimidation B) sexual harassment C) hazing D) mobbing E) whistle-blowing

A) intimidation

In a workplace, ________ involves overt threats or bullying directed at members of specific groups of employees. A) intimidation B) risk aversion C) inequity aversion D) optimism bias E) ambiguity aversion

A) intimidation

Which of the following refers to a kind of discrimination which refers to overt threats or bullying directed at members of specific groups of employees? A) intimidation B) impact bias C) inequity aversion D) framing effect E) benefaction

A) intimidation

________ refers to a gut feeling not necessarily supported by research. A) Intuition B) Reasoning C) Rationality D) Logic E) Inference

A) intuition

Ellen Ortiz works as a sales manager at a telecom firm. The company has recently launched a new product in the market. Her work in the next few weeks involves sharing knowledge about the product with her team members. She will also need to inspire them to reach their sales targets, and clarify any doubts about the new product. Which of the following roles is Ortiz playing? A) leader B) liaison C) disseminator D) spokesperson E) negotiator

A) leader

Which of the following is a biographical characteristic of an employee? A) length of tenure B) work preferences C) personality D) values E) beliefs

A) length of tenure

A person who is made fun of because he is an Arab-American is being subjected to ________, a kind of discrimination in work environments. A) mockery B) vandalism C) cyberstalking D) gaslighting E) monomania

A) mockery

Stacy Hanes is an African-American woman who has recently taken her first job and does not seem to like the work environment at all. Her colleagues put down her ideas at team meetings and refer to them as "stupid." In addition, they make fun of her race and often ask her if she is educated enough to work for the company. Which of the following kinds of discrimination is Hanes most likely subject to? A) mockery B) sexual harassment C) stalking D) deception E) subterfuge

A) mockery

According to Mintzberg's classification of managerial roles, which of the following is a kind of decisional role? A) negotiator B) disseminator C) liaison D) spokesperson E) monitor

A) negotiator

According to Fred Luthans and his associates' study of 450 managers, ________ made the largest contribution to the success of managers in terms of speed of promotion within their organization. A) networking B) decision making C) planning D) controlling E) staffing

A) networking

Lorna Perry, who works in a financial firm in Michigan, is required to calculate a large number of clients' accounts daily. She needs to tally figures and check accuracy at a high speed. Which of the following dimensions of intellectual ability does Perry most likely use? A) number aptitude B) perpetual speed C) extent flexibility D) visual perception E) deductive reasoning

A) number aptitude

Green Planet, an environmental organization, recently opened an office in Indonesia. The organization is currently looking for employees to staff a deforestation project in the country. They need to recruit individuals who understand the intricacies of Jakarta's culture and the mindset of the locals and are fluent in the local language. Which of the following are they most likely to consider while they recruit for these positions? A) race B) age C) beliefs D) gender E) length of service

A) race

Green Planet, an environmental organization, recently opened an office in Indonesia. The organization is currently looking for employees to staff a deforestation project in the country. They need to recruit individuals who understand the intricacies of Jakarta's culture, the mindset of the locals, and are fluent in the local language. Which of the following are they most likely to consider while they recruit for these positions? A) race B) age C) beliefs D) gender E) length of service

A) race

April's colleague Nathan has consistently pestered her to go out on a date with him. Though she has refused his offer several times, he keeps persisting. She found an envelope on her desk from Nathan with inappropriate pictures and cartoons, which left her infuriated. She now intends to go discuss the matter with the human resource department of her company. Which of the following forms of discrimination is April most likely to cite? A) sexual harassment B) cyberstalking C) mobbing D) exclusion E) electronic harassment

A) sexual harassment

The role of a(n) ________, according to Mintzberg's classification of managerial roles, is to transmit information to outsiders about an organization's plans, policies, actions, and results and one which serves as an expert in the organization's industry. A) spokesperson B) disturbance handler C) entrepreneur D) leader E) liaison

A) spokesperson

The physical ability that allows a body to continue maximum effort at maintaining prolonged effort over time is known as ________. A) stamina B) extent flexibility C) static strength D) body coordination E) balance

A) stamina

Which of the following best describes spatial visualization? A) the ability to imagine how an object would look if its position were changed B) the ability to retain and recall or remember past experiences C) the ability to identify visual similarities and differences quickly and accurately D) the ability to understand what is read or heard and the relation between words E) the ability to calculate numbers in a speedy and accurate manner

A) the ability to imagine how an object would look if its position were changed

Angela Wells recently applied for a job at Spiga, a lounge in Paris. Having worked in several restaurants and lounges in and across France, she was confident that she would get the job. However, soon after the interview, she was informed that another candidate was offered the job, even though the other candidate had limited experience in comparison to her. Angela feels that she was discriminated against. Which of the following, if true, would best justify Angela's assumption? A) The woman who was selected over her could speak French fluently. B) Angela is a single mother with two young children. C) Angela does not have a degree in hospitality management. D) The lounge caters to elite business clientele in Paris. E) Angela learned of the position through a friend working at the lounge.

Angela is a single mother with two young children

________ is the study of societies to learn about human beings and their activities. A) Anthropology B) Deontology C) Epistemology D) Agnotology E) Dysteleology


Angela Wells recently applied for a job at Spiga, a lounge in Paris. Having worked in several restaurants and lounges in and across France, she was confident that she would get the job. However, soon after the interview, she was informed that another candidate was offered the job, even though the other candidate had limited experience in comparison to her. Angela feels that she was discriminated against. Which of the following, if true, would best justify Angela's assumption? A) The woman who was selected over her could speak French fluently. B) Angela is a single mother with two young children. C) Angela does not have a degree in hospitality management. D) The lounge caters to elite business clientele in Paris. E) Angela learned of the position through a friend working at the lounge.

B) Angela is a single mother with two young children.

Which of the following best defines organizational behavior? A) It involves the study of groups of people coming together for collective bargaining. B) It involves the study of what people do in a company and how it affects the company's output. C) It involves analyzing different people in an industry with independent profit-centered motives. D) It involves developing exclusively the knowledge of managers and senior -level employees. E) It is a field which is not influenced by factors in the external world.

B) It involves the study of what people do in a company and how it affects the company's output

Which of the following is true of workplace discrimination? A) Discrimination occurs more at lower levels in the organization than higher levels. B) It may lead to reduced productivity and citizenship behavior. C) Only intentional discrimination is addressed by diversity management efforts. D) Forms of discrimination like exclusion are easy to root out. E) The discriminators are invariably aware of their action toward the victim.

B) It may lead to reduced productivity and citizenship behavior

Which of the following is true with respect to workplace discrimination? A) Discrimination occurs more at lower levels in the organization than higher levels. B) It may lead to reduced productivity and citizenship behavior. C) Only intentional discrimination is addressed by diversity management efforts. D) Forms of discrimination like exclusion are easy to root out. E) The discriminators are invariably aware of their action toward the victim.

B) It may lead to reduced productivity and citizenship behavior.

________ are defined as people who oversee the activities of others and who are responsible for attaining goals in organizations. A) Assistants B) Managers C) Secretaries D) Interns E) Apprentices

B) Managers

Melissa Woods was recently hired as the campaign manager at an environmental organization. She has a degree in environmental sustainability and possesses substantial knowledge about the issue of global warming. She has the knowledge to lead the public relations team of the organization. However, a few months later, the board of directors of the organization expressed dissatisfaction with Melissa's performance and asked her to resign. Which of the following, if true, best explains this situation? A) Melissa had no prior experience in research and development. B) Melissa had weak interpersonal and networking skills to run the project. C) Melissa focused on the results her team achieved rather than how they achieved those results. D) Melissa is not up-to-date about the feasibility of using different modes of renewable energy. E) Melissa had a diverse network of contacts established from her previous job.

B) Melissa had weak interpersonal and networking skills to run the project

Raylon Inc. is in the process of recruiting a new Operations Manager. The Human Resources team has narrowed the candidate list down to two candidates, but cannot come to an agreement about whom to hire. Though both candidates have the relevant qualifications for the post, one will soon be 60 years old. The other candidate is in his early thirties. Rachel, a member of the HR team, recommends hiring the older candidate, citing his years of experience and leadership ability. Tim, on the other hand, strongly recommends that the company hire the younger candidate, as he is likely to be more flexible when it comes to working. Which of the following, if true, will most strengthen Rachel's argument? A) The job requires frequent travel around the company's six factories located across the country. B) Most of the employees the Operations Manager will be supervising are under 30 years of age. C) Research has shown that older workers are more prone to absenteeism for health-related issues. D) Almost half of the company's top managers are in the 45-65 age bracket. E) The company recently instituted a new production system that cuts waste by 30 percent.

B) Most of the employees the operations manager will be supervising are under 30 years of age

Raylon Inc. is in the process of recruiting a new operations manager. The human resources team has narrowed the candidate list down to two candidates but cannot come to an agreement about whom to hire. Though both candidates have the relevant qualifications for the post, one will soon be 60 years old. The other candidate is in his early thirties. Rachel, a member of the HR team, recommends hiring the older candidate, citing his years of experience and leadership ability. Tim, on the other hand, strongly recommends that the company hire the younger candidate, as he is likely to be more flexible when it comes to working. Which of the following, if true, most strengthens Rachel's argument? A) The job requires frequent travel around the company's six factories located across the country. B) Most of the employees the operations manager will be supervising are under 30 years of age. C) Research has shown that older workers are more prone to absenteeism for health-related issues. D) Almost half of the company's top managers are in the 45-65 age bracket. E) The company recently instituted a new production system that cuts waste by 30 percent.

B) Most of the employees the operations manager will be supervising are under 30 years of age.

Which of the following is the most likely reason why employers should employ older workers? A) They adjust to new technology promptly. B) Older workers have extensive work experience. C) Older workers are flexible and learn quickly. D) They have shorter tenures and hence lower pension benefits than younger workers. E) The rates of unavoidable absences are lower than those of younger workers.

B) Older workers have extensive work experience

Which of the following is the most likely reason why employers should employ older workers? A) They adjust to new technology promptly. B) Older workers have extensive work experience. C) Older workers are flexible and learn quickly. D) They have shorter tenures and hence lower pension benefits than younger workers. E) The rates of unavoidable absences are lower than those of younger workers.

B) Older workers have extensive work experience.

Which of the following is true of technical skills? A) They can be learned only through formal education. B) They encompass the ability to apply specialized knowledge. C) They are not required at all kinds of jobs. D) They are monopolized by professionals. E) They comprise the ability to understand and motivate people.

B) They encompass the ability to apply specialized knowledge

________ is a dimension of intellectual ability which refers to the ability to understand what is read or heard and the relationship of words to each other. A) Lateral masking B) Verbal comprehension C) Depth perception D) Spatial visualization E) Visual perception

B) Verbal comprehension

Thurman Inc., a manufacturing company in Vermont, needs to hire employees for its new office in the city. The positions require the employees to travel across the country regularly. The management has specified that they are looking for employees below the age of 40 who are young and dynamic. Which of the following beliefs is the management most likely to hold? A) Younger workers make stronger judgments. B) Younger workers are more flexible to change. C) Younger workers have more experience. D) Younger workers have stronger work ethics. E) Younger workers are more committed to quality.

B) Younger workers are more flexible to change.

The role of a ________ is a type of informational role according to Mintzberg's classification of managerial roles. A) figurehead B) disseminator C) liaison D) entrepreneur E) negotiator

B) disseminator

According to Henry Mintzberg, a factory supervisor giving a group of high school students a tour of the plant may be termed as a ________. A) leader B) figurehead C) resource allocator D) negotiator E) disturbance handler

B) figurehead

A market researcher who uses his ability to identify a logical sequence to predict demand for a new line of winter clothing is using the ________ dimension of intellectual ability. A) spatial visualization B) inductive reasoning C) verbal comprehension D) lateral masking E) deductive reasoning

B) inductive reasoning

Sally Mitchell works as a manager at an environmental organization. She is currently working on a global warming project and decides what tasks related to creating awareness about the issue need to be done. In addition, she is also deciding which members of her team will work on engaging with the public and which will work on lobbying with the government. She is also assigning people as team members to ensure that tasks are undertaken on time. Which of the following categories of functions is Mitchell undertaking? A) planning B) organizing C) scrutinizing D) controlling E) envisioning

B) organizing

Jeremy Samuels works in a police department in California. His job often requires him to observe clues that criminals leave behind. His job is to analyze these clues, which helps the department catch the criminal. Which of the following dimensions of intellectual ability does Samuels most likely have? A) spatial visualization B) perceptual speed C) extent flexibility D) dynamic flexibility E) number aptitude

B) perceptual speed

Gina Sanchez, an architect in California, is renovating an old school building and turning it into a retail and entertainment space. She must decide how the existing layout can be redesigned and modified to best suit the new uses. Which of the following dimensions of intelligence will most help Gina reimagine the existing building? A) haptic perception B) spatial visualization C) memory D) inductive reasoning E) deductive reasoning

B) spatial visualization

Which of the following best describes the physical ability known as dynamic flexibility? A) the ability to exert force against external objects B) the ability to make rapid, repeated flexing movements C) the ability to exert muscular force repeatedly or continuously over time D) the ability to expend a maximum of energy in one or a series of explosive acts E) the ability to move the trunk and back muscles as far as possible

B) the ability to make rapid, repeated flexing movements

Thurman Inc., a manufacturing company in Vermont, needs to hire employees for their new office in the city. The positions require the employees to travel across the country regularly. The management has specified that they are looking for employees below the age of 40 who are young and dynamic. Which of the following beliefs is the management most likely to hold? A) Younger workers make stronger judgments. B) Younger workers are more flexible to change. C) Younger workers have more experience. D) Younger workers have stronger work ethics. E) Younger workers are more committed to quality.

B) younger workers are more flexible to change

360.org, an organization working toward curbing climate change, recently conducted an interview with Jessica for the position of a public relations officer. However, the interviewers Brenda and Laura are divided over whether Jessica should be given the job. Brenda believes that Jessica does not have in-depth knowledge about the issue of global warming and its impact. On the other hand, Laura feels that Jessica would be perfect for the job because she has strong interpersonal skills. Which of the following, if true, would weaken Laura's argument? A) Jessica was unable to fare well in the written test which analyzed her conceptual skills. B) Jessica listened intently to the interviewers' questions before answering them. C) Jessica was unable to communicate clearly why she was right for the job. D) Jessica was very friendly and courteous with the receptionist while greeting her. E) Jessica was high on confidence about getting the job because of her strong networking skills.

C) Jessica was unable to communicate clearly why she was right for the job

________ refers to the ability to exert force against external objects. A) Body coordination B) Dynamic flexibility C) Static strength D) Extent flexibility E) Cognitive ability

C) Static strength

________ diversity refers to diversity in observable attributes such as race, ethnicity, sex, and age. A) Psychographic B) Additive C) Surface-level D) Disjunctive E) Conjunctive

C) Surface-level

Kimberly Ortiz strongly believes in working for a company which promotes diversity. She believes that such organizations are respectful of differences and allow employees more exposure. She recently attended an interview where she was told that the company follows policies which focus on organizational diversity. However, when she finally joined the company, she had a strong feeling that the company's claim was not true. Which of the following, if true, weakens Kimberly's belief that the company does not encourage diversity? A) 85 percent of the top management positions in the company are held by men. B) She is the only African-American member in the entire workforce. C) The workforce is not dominated by any specific ethnic or racial group. D) The previous company she worked for made a conscious effort to employee an equal number of women. E) Her team members believe that they are treated equally in spite of differences in performance.

C) The workforce is not dominated by any specific ethnic or racial group

Kimberly Ortiz strongly believes in working for a company which promotes diversity. She believes that such organizations are respectful of differences and allow employees more exposure. She recently attended an interview where she was told that the company follows policies which focus on organizational diversity. However, when she finally joined the company, she had a strong feeling that the company's claim was not true. Which of the following, if true, weakens Kimberly's belief that the company does not encourage diversity? A) Eighty-five percent of the top management positions in the company are held by men. B) She is the only African-American member in the entire workforce. C) The workforce is not dominated by any specific ethnic or racial group. D) The previous company she worked for made a conscious effort to employ an equal number of men and women. E) Her team members believe that they are treated equally in spite of differences in performance.

C) The workforce is not dominated by any specific ethnic or racial group.

Joann Hayes is currently working on a project to tackle climate change. During the project, she needs to find different options to replace the use of non-renewable energy and check the feasibility of different renewable energy options before choosing the most practical one. Which of the following skills does Hayes primarily need to use for these tasks? A) human skills B) interpersonal skills C) conceptual skills D) communication skills E) interactive skills

C) conceptual skills

According to Fred Luthans and his associates, managers involved in traditional management activities undertook which of the following tasks? A) motivating B) socializing C) decision making D) training E) politicking

C) decision making

Which of the following is a kind of physical ability which refers to the ability to make rapid, repeated flexing movements? A) equilibrium B) balance C) dynamic flexibility D) static strength E) body coordination

C) dynamic flexibility

According to Mintzberg's classification of managerial roles, a(n) ________ searches the organization and its environment for opportunities and initiates projects to bring about change. A) spokesperson B) disturbance handler C) entrepreneur D) resource allocator E) negotiator

C) entrepreneur

Regina George works as a campaign manager in a not-for-profit organization in Hampshire. For the upcoming campaign against genetic engineering, she is networking with managers who are working on the issue of food safety. Through her network of contacts, she strives to gain information about the stakeholders in the food industry and other lobby groups. Which of the following roles is George most likely to be playing according to Mintzberg's classification of managerial roles? A) figurehead B) leader C) liaison D) entrepreneur E) resource allocator

C) liaison

Rene Cox works as a media officer in a global forest protection organization. Her job requires her to interact with a large number of people from the press with whom she needs to establish strong professional relationships. This requires her to remember a large number of people's names and the organizations with which they are associated. Which of the following dimensions of intellectual ability will best help her accomplish this task? A) inductive reasoning B) spatial visualization C) memory D) visual perception E) polymodality

C) memory

Which of the following does systematic study use to look at relationships to attribute causes and effects? A) intuitive data B) feelings C) scientific data D) instinct E) premonition

C) scientific data

________ diversity refers to diversity in observable attributes such as race, ethnicity, sex, and age. A) Psychographic B) Additive C) Surface-level D) Disjunctive E) Conjunctive

C) surface-level

In order to predict human behavior, it is best to supplement intuitive opinions with information derived from ________. A) common sense B) direct observation C) systematic study D) speculation E) organizational theory

C) systematic study

Which of the following best describes the physical ability known as dynamic strength? A) the ability to maintain equilibrium despite forces pulling off balance B) the ability to coordinate the simultaneous actions of different parts of the body C) the ability to exert muscular force repeatedly or continuously over time D) the ability to expend a maximum of energy in one or a series of explosive acts E) the ability to move the trunk and back muscles as far as possible

C) the ability to exert muscular force repeatedly or continuously over time

________ diversity refers to diversity with respect to attributes that are less easy to observe initially but that can be inferred after more direct experience. A) Surface-level B) Additive C) Demographic D) Deep-level E) Conjunctive

D) Deep-level

________ diversity refers to diversity with respect to attributes that are less easy to observe initially but that can be inferred after more direct experience. A) Surface-level B) Additive C) Demographic D) Deep-level

D) Demographic

________ refers to basing managerial decisions on the best available scientific proof. A) Emergency management B) Personal knowledge management C) Property management D) Evidence-based management E) Knowledge management

D) Evidence-based management

Which of the following is true of systematic study? A) It attributes causes and effects based on intuition. B) It involves supporting decisions based on gut feelings. C) It analyzes relationships based on previous experiences. D) It involves analyzing relationships based on scientific data. E) It involves taking action based on instinct.

D) It involves analyzing relationships based on scientific data

Which of the following is true of surface-level diversity? A) It refers to psychographic characteristics of the members of a group. B) People with surface-level diversity will also share deep-level diversity. C) It indicates differences of values, emotions and personality traits between people. D) It refers to differences in easily perceived characteristics, such as gender and race. E) It represents a person's or group's thought processes and feelings.

D) It refers to differences in easily perceived characteristics, such as gender and race

Which of the following is true with respect to surface-level diversity? A) It refers to psychographic characteristics of the members of a group. B) People with surface-level diversity will also share deep-level diversity. C) It indicates differences of values, emotions and personality traits between people. D) It refers to differences in easily perceived characteristics, such as gender and race. E) It represents a person's or group's thought processes and feelings.

D) It refers to differences in easily perceived characteristics, such as gender and race.

Which of the following most likely indicates surface-level similarity? A) Tim and Jake are colleagues who take risks and are quick decision makers. B) The employees at GenSys prefer teamwork over individual assignments. C) Nina and Chuck are colleagues who share similar views on corporate social responsibility. D) Jane and Sara grew up in the same town and went to school together. E) Hannah and Nate are both introspective, and tend to be slow to reach decisions.

D) Jane and Sara grew up in the same town and went to school together

Which of the following most likely indicates surface-level similarity? A) Tim and Jake are colleagues who take risks and are quick decision makers. B) The employees at GenSys prefer teamwork over individual assignments. C) Nina and Chuck are colleagues who share similar views on corporate social responsibility. D) Jane and Sara grew up in the same town and went to school together. E) Hannah and Nate are both introspective and tend to be slow to reach decisions.

D) Jane and Sara grew up in the same town and went to school together.

________ may be referred to as the capacity to undertake tasks that demand stamina, dexterity, and strength. A) Cognitive abilities B) Intellectual abilities C) Mental abilities D) Physical abilities E) Emotional intelligence

D) Physical abilities

Which of the following is true of biographical characteristics? A) They are non-objective in nature and cannot be observed. B) They represent characteristics such as personality and work ethics. C) They cannot be obtained from personnel records. D) They are representative of surface-level diversity. E) They comprise features such as motivation and commitment.

D) They are representative of surface-level diversity

Which of the following is true with respect to biographical characteristics? A) They are non-objective in nature and cannot be observed. B) They represent characteristics such as personality and work ethics. C) They cannot be obtained from personnel records. D) They are representative of surface-level diversity. E) They comprise features such as motivation and commitment.

D) They are representative of surface-level diversity.

Which of the following explains why the relationship between age and job performance is likely to be of increasing importance during the next decade? A) The workforce is shrinking, and older workers are compelled to work beyond retirement. B) A decline in immigration has opened up more entry-level positions for older workers. C) Increasing job opportunities are opening up in the domestic sector, resulting in a dearth of employees. D) U.S. legislation, in effect, outlaws mandatory retirement. E) A majority of people believe that productivity rises as a person grows older.

D) U.S. legislation, in effect, outlaws mandatory retirement

Which of the following explains why the relationship between age and job performance is likely to be of increasing importance during the next decade? A) The workforce is shrinking, and older workers are compelled to work beyond retirement. B) A decline in immigration has opened up more entry-level positions for older workers. C) Increasing job opportunities are opening up in the domestic sector, resulting in a dearth of employees. D) U.S. legislation, in effect, outlaws mandatory retirement. E) A majority of people believe that productivity rises as a person grows older.

D) U.S. legislation, in effect, outlaws mandatory retirement.

Which of the following best represents deep-level similarity? A) colleagues who both hail from the same neighborhood in Alabama B) employees who are college graduates with a degree in business management C) employees who speak Spanish and share similar religious values D) employees who seek challenges in assignments and like to work collaboratively E) employees in their mid-thirties with 10 years' work experience in the publishing industry

D) employees who seek challenges in assignments and like to work collaboratively

Which of the following best represents deep-level similarity? A) colleagues who both hail from the same neighborhood in Alabama B) employees who are college graduates with a degree in business management C) employees who speak Spanish and share similar religious values D) employees who seek challenges in assignments and like to work collaboratively E) employees in their mid-thirties with 10 years' work experience in the publishing industry

D) employees who seek challenges in assignments and like to work collaboratively

Differences in ________ indicate surface-level diversity. A) personality B) values C) style of work D) ethnicity E) attitudes

D) ethnicity

Women being assigned marginal job roles that do not lead to promotion is an example of the ________ form of discrimination. A) hazing B) gaslighting C) coercion D) exclusion E) battery

D) exclusion

The ability to move the trunk and back muscles as far as possible is known as ________. A) static strength B) stamina C) trunk strength D) extent flexibility E) balance

D) extent flexibility

Which of the following determinants of behavior does organizational behavior study? A) profits B) job satisfaction C) perks D) individuals E) collective bargaining

D) individuals

Annette Simpson works for a fashion house in Paris and is preparing for the company's upcoming line of winter clothing. She is currently researching online to know what is in vogue this season. In addition, she is also networking with contacts from the press and fashion magazine editors to understand the changing tastes of consumers. Which of the following roles is Simpson playing according to Mintzberg's classification of managerial roles? A) figurehead B) leader C) symbol head D) monitor E) spokesperson

D) monitor

According to Fred Luthans and his associates, managers which are involved in networking activities are most likely to undertake which of the following? A) planning B) decision making C) controlling D) politicking E) staffing

D) politicking

According to Mintzberg's classification of managerial roles, the role of a(n) ________ is to make or approve significant organizational decisions and assign human, physical, and monetary assets. A) disseminator B) liaison C) entrepreneur D) resource allocator E) entrepreneur

D) resource allocator

Analyzing relationships, determining causes and effects, and basing conclusions on scientific evidence, all constitute aspects of ________ study. A) organizational B) intuitive C) theoretical D) systematic E) case-based

D) systematic

Which of the following best describes the physical ability known as trunk strength? A) the ability to maintain equilibrium despite forces pulling off balance B) the ability to coordinate the simultaneous actions of different parts of the body C) the ability to expend a maximum of energy in one or a series of explosive acts D) the ability to exert muscular strength using the abdominal muscles E) the ability to move the trunk and back muscles as far as possible

D) the ability to exert muscular strength using the abdominal muscles

Audrey Smith is a renowned psychiatrist in New Jersey. While interacting with patients, she needs to understand their points of view by listening intently to what they say. It is important that she understands their problems so that she can offer advice. In such a situation, Smith is using the ________ dimension of intellectual ability. A) number aptitude B) perpetual speed C) spatial visualization D) verbal comprehension E) lateral thinking

D) verbal comprehension

Raylon Inc. needs to hire a new Floor Supervisor. As the company has recently made an effort to increase diversity within the organization, the HR team wants to hire a qualified female candidate for the role, instead of adequately qualified male candidates. However, top management insists that optimal performance is the top priority and that the candidate hired should be the person best suited for the job. Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen HR's case for hiring the female candidate? A) There are nearly as many female employees on the floor as male employees. B) The company has recently introduced policies that provide greater benefits for working and single mothers. C) Most of the top-level managers in the company are female. D) The company policy stipulates that each employee has to work at least one week per month on a night shift. E) Both candidates have the qualifications required to perform up to expectations.

E) Both candidates have the qualifications required to perform up to expectations

Raylon Inc. needs to hire a new floor supervisor. As the company has recently made an effort to increase diversity within the organization, the HR team wants to hire a qualified female candidate for the role instead of adequately qualified male candidates. However, top management insists that optimal performance is the top priority and that the candidate hired should be the person best suited for the job. Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen HR's case for hiring the female candidate? A) There are nearly as many female employees on the floor as male employees. B) The company has recently introduced policies that provide greater benefits for working and single mothers. C) Most of the top-level managers in the company are female. D) The company policy stipulates that each employee has to work at least one week per month on a night shift. E) Both candidates have the qualifications required to perform up to expectations.

E) Both candidates have the qualifications required to perform up to expectations.

________ differences between people represent deep-level diversity. A) Race B) Age C) Ethnicity D) Gender E) Personality

E) Personality

________ differences between people represent deep-level diversity. A) Race B) Age C) Ethnicity D) Gender E) Personality

E) Personality

The human resources department of Orbit Bank believes in being unbiased toward all employees and treating them fairly. They believe it is crucial that the company treat all their employees equally. However Susan Daniels, an employee at the bank, recently filed a lawsuit against the company, claiming that she was discriminated against. Which of the following, if true, best justifies Susan's action? A) The company did not give her preferential treatment even though she was from the host country. B) She was asked whether she was over eighteen during the first round in the interview process. C) Her colleagues expressed their dissatisfaction over their pay and severance packages. D) She had faced a similar situation of discrimination in her previous company. E) She was given the same incentives as her colleagues in spite of performing better than them.

E) She was given the same incentives as her colleagues in spite of performing better than them

The human resources department of Orbit Bank believes in being unbiased toward all employees and treating them fairly. They believe it is crucial that the company treat all their employees equally. However Susan Daniels, an employee at the bank, recently filed a lawsuit against the company, claiming that she was discriminated against. Which of the following, if true, best justifies Susan's action? A) The company did not give her preferential treatment even though she was from the host country. B) She was asked whether she was over eighteen during the first round in the interview process. C) Her colleagues expressed their dissatisfaction over their pay and severance packages. D) She had faced a similar situation of discrimination in her previous company. E) She was given the same incentives as her colleagues in spite of performing better than them.

E) She was given the same incentives as her colleagues in spite of performing better than them.

The physical ability that allows a body to maintain equilibrium despite opposing forces is known as ________. A) stamina B) extent flexibility C) static strength D) body coordination E) balance

E) balance

Irene Jones, a project manager at a water conservation foundation, is holding a team meeting to discuss the different modes of spreading awareness about the issue of water conservation to the public. A team member, John Sullivan, states that using broadcasting media is the best way to reach out to the public. On the other hand, Pamela Riley states that print media is the right medium to spread word about the issue. Jones is now weighing the pros and cons of both her team members' suggestions before choosing the medium which will be most appropriate for the water conservation project. Which of the following dimensions of intellectual ability is Jones most likely to be using to make her decision? A) number aptitude B) spatial visualization C) memory D) lateral masking E) deductive reasoning

E) deductive reasoning

According to Mintzberg's classification of managerial roles, the role of a(n) ________ is to transmit information received from outsiders or from other employees to members of the organization. A) entrepreneur B) resource allocator C) spokesperson D) leader E) disseminator

E) disseminator

Johanna Reid, a campaign manager at a child rights organization, recently started working on an illiteracy project. During the project, she needs to motivate team members to attain their project milestones and direct them through different phases of the project. Which of the following kinds of functions will these tasks be covered under? A) planning B) organizing C) scrutinizing D) evaluating E) leading

E) leading

According to Mintzberg's classification of managerial roles, which of the following is a kind of interpersonal role? A) monitor B) disseminator C) spokesperson D) entrepreneur E) liaison

E) liaison

The management at Climate Action Development needs to recruit campaign managers for its Renewable Energy Project. They are looking for candidates who are assertive, extroverted, and who can tackle challenges head-on. Which of the following deep-level characteristics should they focus on to best help them recruit the right candidate for the job? A) race B) age C) ethnicity D) values E) personality

E) personality

A difference in ________ would indicate deep-level diversity. A) gender B) age C) ethnicity D) disability E) values

E) values

T/F: A person suffering from alcoholism is not classified as disabled according to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, as alcoholism is self-induced.


T/F: According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, employers are under no obligation to make accommodations for individuals with physical or mental disabilities.


T/F: Demographics mostly reflect deep-level rather than surface-level diversity.


T/F: Diversity management refers to being unbiased by overlooking the differences between individuals in an organization.


T/F: Federal law in the United States prohibits discrimination against employees based on sexual orientation.


T/F: Memory is not a component of intelligence and is considered as a separate faculty.


T/F: Older people are more likely to quit and change jobs than younger employees.


T/F: Perceptual speed is the ability to imagine how an object would look if its position in space were changed.


T/F: Recent U.S. legislation has instituted mandatory retirement at 70 in order to ensure that jobs are available for younger workers.


T/F: Religious discrimination claims have been a shrinking source of discrimination claims in the United States.


T/F: Studies show that satisfaction tends to continually increase among nonprofessionals as they age, whereas it falls among professionals during middle age and then rises again in the later years.


T/F: Targeting recruiting messages to specific demographic groups underrepresented in the workforce is an example of unfair discrimination.


T/F: The U.S. Bureau of the Census does not allow for classification of individuals by race.


T/F: The less complex a job in terms of information-processing demands, the more general intelligence and verbal abilities are necessary to perform successfully.


T/F: There has been a significant decrease in the female participation in the workforce over the past 40 years.


T/F: There is a strong correlation between intelligence and job satisfaction.


T/F: Two colleagues who bond over similarities of growing up in a French-speaking locality can be said to have deep-level similarities rather than surface-level similarities.


T/F: Unfair discrimination involves noticing and being aware of individual characteristics among people in a group.


T/F: A diversity program effective in improving representation in management is a strategy to measure the representation of minorities in managerial positions.


T/F: A method of enhancing workforce diversity is to target recruiting messages to specific demographic groups who are underrepresented in the workforce.


T/F: Denying overseas assignments to certain deserving employees over others is a form of exclusion, a kind of workplace discrimination.


T/F: Differences in easily perceived characteristics, such as gender, race, ethnicity, age, and disability, give rise to surface-level diversity.


T/F: Effective diversity management involves eliminating unfair discrimination.


T/F: Hispanics can be of any race.


T/F: Improving recruiting practices and making selection systems more transparent are ways of preventing target groups from being underutilized.


T/F: In general, older employees have lower rates of avoidable absence than do younger employees. However, they have equal rates of unavoidable absence, such as sickness absences.


T/F: Inductive reasoning is the ability to identify a logical sequence in a problem and then solve the problem.


T/F: Over the past 50 years, the earnings gap between whites and other racial and ethnic groups has decreased significantly.


T/F: Physical abilities may be defined as the capacity to do tasks that demand stamina, dexterity, strength, and similar characteristics.


T/F: The structures and measures of intellectual abilities generalize across cultures.


T/F: Women being passed over for promotion even when they are performing better than men is an example of a discriminatory practice.


360.org, an organization working toward curbing climate change, recently conducted an interview with Jessica for the position of a public relations officer. However, the interviewers Brenda and Laura are divided over whether Jessica should be given the job. Brenda believes that Jessica does not have in-depth knowledge about the issue of global warming and its impact. On the other hand, Laura feels that Jessica would be perfect for the job because she has strong networking and interpersonal skills. Which of the following, if true, would strengthen Laura's argument? A) Gaining the support of corporate giants would comprise a large part of the job. B) Jessica will need to prepare extensive reports about the issue of climate change. C) The role will require Jessica to give presentations to environmental experts on renewable modes of energy. D) Jessica had negligible experience in research and development. E) Jessica has weak analytical skills to solve problems associated with implementing options of renewable energy.

a. Gaining the support of corporate gains would comprise a large part of the job

Which of the following is true of contingency variables? A) They refer to situational factors that moderate the relationship between two or more variables. B) They make simple, accurate, and sweeping generalizations about concepts in organizational behavior. C) They indicate that everyone is motivated by money and financial perks. D) They refer to scientific factors which are based on universal truths. E) They remain constant irrespective of any change in the environment.

a. They refer to situational factors that moderate the relationship between 2 or more variables

Myriam is analyzing the gender roles of men and women in management in the United States and comparing them to the gender roles in management in Japan. She is surveying fifty male and fifty female managers in each country to compare their daily behavior. Myriam's study exemplifies how ________ contributes to OB. A) anthropology B) psychology C) archaeology D) political science E) corporate strategy

a. anthroplogy

Which of the following should employees undertake to deal with "temporariness" in the modern work climate? A) continually update their knowledge and skills to perform new job requirements B) be prepared to work in the same position for longer periods of time C) have closer connections with peers and subordinates D) avoid unpredictable situations to avert taking risks E) engage in organizational politicking

a. continually update their knowledge and skills to perform new job requirements

) Lesley Torres is a project manager for the campaign "Action against Deforestation in Indonesia". She recently faced a glitch when the campaign could not be launched publicly according to schedule. Torres monitored the schedule to find the cause of the delay, before speeding up the implementation process by allocating more members for the implementation phase. By doing this, which of the following functions is she performing? A) controlling B) planning C) formulating D) leading E) organizing

a. controlling

Which of the following functions do managers undertake as part of planning functions? A) defining an organization's goals B) implementing strategies for achieving goals C) executing plans to integrate activities D) accomplishing goals of a project E) employing strategies to coordinate tasks

a. defining an organization's goals

________ is a key independent variable in positive organizational behavior research. A) Engagement B) Apathy C) Despair D) Constraint E) Pessimism

a. engagement

Which of the following is a cause of work-life conflicts? A) global organizations B) sensemaking C) privatization of essential industries D) downshifting E) use of self-managed teams

a. global organization

The ability to understand, communicate with, motivate, and support other people, both individually and in groups, may be defined as ________ . A) human skills B) technical skills C) conceptual skills D) cognitive skills E) analytical skills

a. human skill

) ________ refers to a gut feeling not necessarily supported by research. A) Intuition B) Reasoning C) Rationality D) Logic E) Inference

a. intution

Ellen Ortiz works as a sales manager at a telecom firm. The company has recently launched a new product in the market. Her work in the next few weeks involves sharing knowledge about the product with her team members. She will also need to inspire them to reach their sales targets, and clarify any doubts about the new product. Which of the following roles is Ortiz playing? A) leader B) liaison C) disseminator D) spokesperson E) negotiator

a. leader

A(n) ________ is an abstraction of reality, a simplified representation of some real-world phenomenon. A) model B) input C) process D) outcome E) objective

a. model

A common characteristic of service jobs is that they ________. A) need substantial interaction with an organization's customers B) offer much higher pay in comparison with other non-service jobs C) have fewer working hours than other jobs D) require very little job knowledge compared to other jobs E) provide more perks and benefits to employees

a. need substantial interaction with an organization's customers

15) According to Mintzberg's classification of managerial roles, which of the following is a kind of decisional role? A) negotiator B) disseminator C) liaison D) spokesperson E) monitor

a. negotiator

Which of the following terms best describes organizations that allow people to communicate and work together even though they may be thousands of miles apart? A) networked organizations B) hierarchical organizations C) matrix organizations D) stable organizations E) flat organizations

a. network organization

According to Fred Luthans and his associates' study of 450 managers, ________ made the largest contribution to the success of managers in terms of speed of promotion within their organization. A) networking B) decision making C) planning D) controlling E) staffing

a. networking

Which of the following is one of the three variables proposed by a basic OB model which refers to actions that individuals, groups, and organizations engage in as a result of inputs? A) processes B) scrutinization C) planning D) association E) evaluation

a. processes

Austin Reed is a graduate student helping to organize a study on individual job satisfaction. The study focuses on the top five causes of satisfaction or dissatisfaction on the job. His department is surveying 200 individuals in 100 different types of organizations. Austin is most likely a graduate student in the department of ________. A) psychology B) anthropology C) political science D) entomology E) archaeology

a. psychology

Which of the following disciplines blends concepts from both psychology and sociology to focus on people's influence on one another? A) social psychology B) cosmology C) parapsychology D) lexicology E) eschatology

a. social psychology

Which of the following fields of study is most likely to involve studying organizational culture, formal organization theory and structure? A) sociology B) deontology C) epistemology D) agnotology E) dysteleology

a. sociology

The role of a(n) ________, according to Mintzberg's classification of managerial roles, is to transmit information to outsiders about an organization's plans, policies, actions, and results and one which serves as an expert in the organization's industry. A) spokesperson B) disturbance handler C) entrepreneur D) leader E) liaison

a. spokesperson

Which of the following best defines organizational behavior? A) It involves the study of groups of people coming together for collective bargaining. B) It involves the study of what people do in a company and how it affects the company's output. C) It involves analyzing different people in an industry with independent profit-centered motives. D) It involves developing exclusively the knowledge of managers and senior -level employees. E) It is a field which is not influenced by factors in the external world.

b. It involves the study of what people do in a company and how it affects the company's output.

1) ________ are defined as people who oversee the activities of others and who are responsible for attaining goals in organizations. A) Assistants B) Managers C) Secretaries D) Interns E) Apprentices

b. Managers

19) Melissa Woods was recently hired as the campaign manager at an environmental organization. She has a degree in environmental sustainability and possesses substantial knowledge about the issue of global warming. She has the knowledge to lead the public relations team of the organization. However, a few months later, the board of directors of the organization expressed dissatisfaction with Melissa's performance and asked her to resign. Which of the following, if true, best explains this situation? A) Melissa had no prior experience in research and development. B) Melissa had weak interpersonal and networking skills to run the project. C) Melissa focused on the results her team achieved rather than how they achieved those results. D) Melissa is not up-to-date about the feasibility of using different modes of renewable energy. E) Melissa had a diverse network of contacts established from her previous job.

b. Melissa had weak interpersonal and networking skills to run the project

Which of the following is true of technical skills? A) They can be learned only through formal education. B) They encompass the ability to apply specialized knowledge. C) They are not required at all kinds of jobs. D) They are monopolized by professionals. E) They comprise the ability to understand and motivate people.

b. They encompass the ability to apply specialized knowledge

________ refers to the heterogeneity of organizations in terms of gender, age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and inclusion of other diverse groups. A) Workforce associability B) Workforce diversity C) Cultural similarity D) Organizational congruity E) Operational homogeneity

b. Workforce diversity

An example of a process at a group level is ________. A) diversity B) communication C) values D) culture E) emotions

b. communcation

The role of a ________ is a type of informational role according to Mintzberg's classification of managerial roles. A) figurehead B) disseminator C) liaison D) entrepreneur E) negotiator

b. disseminator

Managers who oversee the movement of jobs to countries with low-cost labor are most likely to ________. A) provide poor customer service B) face opposition from labor groups C) manage a culturally homogeneous workforce D) operate in niche markets E) lose competitive advantage by exporting jobs

b. face oppostion from labor groups

According to Henry Mintzberg, a factory supervisor giving a group of high school students a tour of the plant may be termed as a ________. A) leader B) figurehead C) resource allocator D) negotiator E) disturbance handler

b. figurehead

With reference to a basic OB model, ________ are determined in advance of the employment relationship and refer to variables like personality, group structure, and organizational culture that lead to processes. A) actions B) inputs C) outcome D) processes E) goals

b. input

Sally Mitchell works as a manager at an environmental organization. She is currently working on a global warming project and decides what tasks related to creating awareness about the issue need to be done. In addition, she is also deciding which members of her team will work on engaging with the public and which will work on lobbying with the government. She is also assigning people as team members to ensure that tasks are undertaken on time. Which of the following categories of functions is Mitchell undertaking? A) planning B) organizing C) scrutinizing D) controlling E) envisioning

b. organizing

You are bringing together faculty from different behavioral disciplines to author a new textbook in organizational behavior. Represented are professors from psychology, sociology, social psychology, anthropology, political science, and industrial engineering.Which faculty member is most likely to furnish information about personality, learning, and motivation? A) sociology B) psychology C) anthropology D) political science E) industrial engineering

b. psychology

Which of the following is a difference between sociology and psychology? A) Sociology studies humans and animals whereas psychology focuses exclusively on humans. B) Sociology studies people in relation to their social culture whereas psychology focuses on the individual. C) Sociology incorporates research from social sciences, philosophy, and natural sciences; psychology does not. D) Sociology uses various methods of empirical investigation whereas psychology uses limited critical analyses. E) Sociology uses only qualitative techniques whereas psychology uses both qualitative and quantitative techniques.

b. sociology studies people in relation to their social culture whereas psychology focuses on the individual.

360.org, an organization working toward curbing climate change, recently conducted an interview with Jessica for the position of a public relations officer. However, the interviewers Brenda and Laura are divided over whether Jessica should be given the job. Brenda believes that Jessica does not have in-depth knowledge about the issue of global warming and its impact. On the other hand, Laura feels that Jessica would be perfect for the job because she has strong interpersonal skills. Which of the following, if true, would weaken Laura's argument? A) Jessica was unable to fare well in the written test which analyzed her conceptual skills. B) Jessica listened intently to the interviewers' questions before answering them. C) Jessica was unable to communicate clearly why she was right for the job. D) Jessica was very friendly and courteous with the receptionist while greeting her. E) Jessica was high on confidence about getting the job because of her strong networking skills.

c. Jessica was unable to communicate cleary why she was right for the job

Joann Hayes is currently working on a project to tackle climate change. During the project, she needs to find different options to replace the use of non-renewable energy and check the feasibility of different renewable energy options before choosing the most practical one. Which of the following skills does Hayes primarily need to use for these tasks? A) human skills B) interpersonal skills C) conceptual skills D) communication skills E) interactive skills

c. conceptual skill

) According to Fred Luthans and his associates, managers involved in traditional management activities undertook which of the following tasks? A) motivating B) socializing C) decision making D) training E) politicking

c. decison making

Which of the following is an example of a process at an individual level? A) group cohesion B) values C) decision making D) withdrawal behavior E) power and politics

c. decison making

12) According to Mintzberg's classification of managerial roles, a(n) ________ searches the organization and its environment for opportunities and initiates projects to bring about change. A) spokesperson B) disturbance handler C) entrepreneur D) resource allocator E) negotiator

c. entrepreneur

Which of the following is an example of a position in a service job? A) human resource executive B) administrative executive C) flight attendant D) environmental campaigner E) production line worker

c. flight attendant

Which of the following is true of positive organizational scholarship? A) It involves monitoring negative practices in organizations and rectifying them. B) It deals with how employees should analyze weaknesses and convert them into strengths. C) It studies how organizations develop human strengths, foster vitality, and unlock potential. D) It dwells on limitations that an organization faces and how it can turn them into opportunities. E) It involves scrutinizing loopholes in organizational practices and filling gaps in processes.

c. it studies how organizations develop human strengths, foster vitality, and unlock potential.

Regina George works as a campaign manager in a not-for-profit organization in Hampshire. For the upcoming campaign against genetic engineering, she is networking with managers who are working on the issue of food safety. Through her network of contacts, she strives to gain information about the stakeholders in the food industry and other lobby groups. Which of the following roles is George most likely to be playing according to Mintzberg's classification of managerial roles? A) figurehead B) leader C) liaison D) entrepreneur E) resource allocator

c. liason

28) Which of the following does systematic study use to look at relationships to attribute causes and effects? A) intuitive data B) feelings C) scientific data D) instinct E) premonition

c. scientific data

In order to predict human behavior, it is best to supplement intuitive opinions with information derived from ________. A) common sense B) direct observation C) systematic study D) speculation E) organizational theory

c. speculation

Gould Furniture is one of the leading furniture companies in Indonesia. In the past, the company had a homogeneous workforce of Indonesian employees. The company is desperate to cut operating and manufacturing costs and hence is considering outsourcing part of the manufacturing process to low-cost Taiwan. However, local community leaders across the country are opposing this decision strongly. They believe that exporting jobs to other countries is detrimental to their country in every way possible. Which of the following, if true, is the flaw in the local community leaders' opinion? A) The country has one of the lowest rates of employment in Asia. B) Over 85 percent of Indonesia's revenue comes from agriculture. C) The furniture market contributes to 20 percent of deforestation in the country. D) The government of Indonesia provides substantial subsidies to start-up companies. E) Gould Furniture has alliances with local furniture companies in Taiwan.

c. the furniture market contributes to 20% of deforestation in the country

Which of the following is an example of an input at an individual level? A) motivation B) moods C) values D) perception E) emotions

c. values

________ refers to basing managerial decisions on the best available scientific proof. A) Emergency management B) Personal knowledge management C) Property management D) Evidence-based management E) Knowledge management

d. Evidence-based management

Which of the following is true of systematic study? A) It attributes causes and effects based on intuition. B) It involves supporting decisions based on gut feelings. C) It analyzes relationships based on previous experiences. D) It involves analyzing relationships based on scientific data. E) It involves taking action based on instinct.

d. It involves analyzing relationships based on scientific data

The concept of "reflected best-self" involves ________. A) focusing on eliminating shortcomings to bring out the best in oneself B) making employees aware of their weaknesses and rectifying them C) observing and monitoring drawbacks of a team and then increasing their efficiency with the help of adequate training D) asking employees to think about when they were at their personal best in order to exploit their strengths. E) studying industry-wide best practices and then implementing it

d. asking employees to think about when they were at their personal best in order to exploit their strength

Which of the following is an example of a process at the organizational level? A) attitudes and stress B) withdrawal behavior C) emotions and moods D) change of practices E) team responsibilities

d. change of practices

The discretionary behavior that is not part of an employee's formal job requirements, and that contributes to the psychological and social environment of the workplace, is called ________ behavior. A) withdrawal B) associative C) networked D) citizenship E) cohesive

d. citizenship

Group ________ is the extent to which members of a group support and validate one another at work. A) affect B) associability C) think D) cohesion E) maturity

d. cohesion

4) Differences in ________ indicate surface-level diversity. A) personality B) values C) style of work D) ethnicity E) attitudes

d. ethinicity

Which of the following determinants of behavior does organizational behavior study? A) profits B) job satisfaction C) perks D) individuals E) collective bargaining

d. individuals

9) Annette Simpson works for a fashion house in Paris and is preparing for the company's upcoming line of winter clothing. She is currently researching online to know what is in vogue this season. In addition, she is also networking with contacts from the press and fashion magazine editors to understand the changing tastes of consumers. Which of the following roles is Simpson playing according to Mintzberg's classification of managerial roles? A) figurehead B) leader C) symbol head D) monitor E) spokesperson

d. monitor

According to Fred Luthans and his associates, managers which are involved in networking activities are most likely to undertake which of the following? A) planning B) decision making C) controlling D) politicking E) staffing

d. politicking

According to Mintzberg's classification of managerial roles, the role of a(n) ________ is to make or approve significant organizational decisions and assign human, physical, and monetary assets. A) disseminator B) liaison C) entrepreneur D) resource allocator E) entrepreneur

d. resource allocator

Analyzing relationships, determining causes and effects, and basing conclusions on scientific evidence, all constitute aspects of ________ study. A) organizational B) intuitive C) theoretical D) systematic E) case-based

d. systematic

Josh Wallace, a sales executive, has recently been promoted to the position of sales manager at Synergy Corporation Bank. He has in the past gained a strong track record of making the highest number of sales in his branch. During his first few months as a manager, he regularly appreciated and acknowledged the team's efforts because he knew that it was the driving force behind high performance. However, the company has recently expressed its dissatisfaction with Josh's team as it has consistently failed to meet the sales targets of the branch. Which of the following, if true, would best explain this situation? A) The bank had an existing list of contacts which was shared with the team. B) The team was allotted areas with families from high income groups. C) There has been a sharp rise in the country's citizens' purchasing power. D) Josh had prior experience in leading large sales teams. E) The team was motivated by extrinsic factors instead of intrinsic factors.

e. The was motivated by extrinsic factors instead of intrinsic factors

Which of the following is an example of an outcome at an individual level? A) structure B) culture C) politics D) power E) attitude

e. attitude

Raymond Mayer is conducting a study on discrimination against campaign activists based on gender. In his study, he noted that male executives who visited Indonesian villages to promote the use of renewable energy received a highly positive response. In contrast, women who visited the same villages, received an antagonistic response from them. However, Mayer stated that his findings only applied to villages. In this study, the presence of a village is considered a ________ variable. A) global B) general C) dependent D) non-reactive E) contingency

e. contingency

________ variables are variables that moderate the relationship between two or more variables. A) Global B) General C) Dependent D) Non-reactive E) Contingency

e. contingency

According to Mintzberg's classification of managerial roles, the role of a(n) ________ is to transmit information received from outsiders or from other employees to members of the organization. A) entrepreneur B) resource allocator C) spokesperson D) leader E) disseminator

e. disseminator

Which of the following is a result of globalization? A) organizations being bound by national borders B) lower production of goods in developing nations C) highly homogeneous workforce D) shared social value among all cultures E) jobs moving to nations with low-cost labor

e. jobs moving to nations with low-cost labor

14) According to Mintzberg's classification of managerial roles, which of the following is a kind of interpersonal role? A) monitor B) disseminator C) spokesperson D) entrepreneur E) liaison

e. laison

3) Johanna Reid, a campaign manager at a child rights organization, recently started working on an illiteracy project. During the project, she needs to motivate team members to attain their project milestones and direct them through different phases of the project. Which of the following kinds of functions will these tasks be covered under? A) planning B) organizing C) scrutinizing D) evaluating E) leading

e. leading

________ seeks to measure, explain, and sometimes change the behavior of humans and other animals. A) Meteorology B) Theology C) Epistemology D) Lexicology E) Psychology

e. lexicology

Which of the following is the major challenge for managers in a fully networked organization? A) eliminating the need for paper communication by relying entirely on e-mail, file transfers, and the like B) retaining team members who can easily move to another employer when demand for their services changes C) managing contract and temporary workers D) maintaining a "virtual office" through the use of computers, interoffice networks, and the Internet E) managing people who work together but are geographically separated

e. managing people who work together but are geopgraphyhically separated

Which of the following is true of models? A) Models propose five types of variables. B) Models proceed from outcomes to processes. C) Models are used only in manufacturing organizations. D) Models proceed from processes to inputs. E) Models show that outcomes can influence inputs in the future.

e. models show that outcomes can influence input in the future

Christopher Richardson works as a graphic designer in Sydney. He often coordinates with colleagues working in Germany. In addition, he interacts with clients across the globe. Which of the following is most likely to facilitate his communications with clients and colleagues? A) ergonomic cubicle B) lateral thinking C) sensemaking D) systems thinking E) networked organization

e. networked organization

Eighty percent of the employees in the United States work today in ________ jobs. A) textile B) military C) mining D) research E) service

e. service

Which of the following is an example of an ethical dilemma? A) Should I work extra hours to complete my assignment? B) Should I e-mail my manager about queries on the project? C) Should I discuss with the management about perks being offered? D) Should I ask my manager for leave during Christmas? E) Should I play politics to advance my career?

e. should I play politics to advance my career

One of the key challenges for managers in today's organizations is to ________. A) be static in nature B) conform to norms and practices C) be resistant to change D) follow age-old rules rigidly E) stimulate tolerance for change

e. stimulate tolerance for change

An example of an input at an organizational level is ________. A) motivation B) conflict C) power D) communication E) structure

e. structure

________ is an example of an outcome at the organizational level. A) Productivity B) Diversity C) Personality D) Mood E) Culture


An organization is a consciously coordinated social unit composed of two or more people. = T or F


Organizational behavior applies the knowledge gained about individuals, groups, and the effect of structure on behavior in order to make organizations work more effectively = T or f.


The planning function involves defining an organization's goals and establishing an overall strategy for achieving those goals. =T or F


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