Test 1 - management 2010

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what about Frederick Taylor?

Frederick Taylor saw workers soldiering, he devised a four step method to overcome this issue (narrow approach/ micro) 1. develop science for each element of the job to replace old-rule of thumb methods 2. scientifically select employees and then train them for the job 3. supervise employees doing jobs 4. continue to plan the work, using workers to accomplish

Layer of managers?

1. Top managers - control everything 2. middle managers - implement policies from those above 3. first line managers - supervise and coordinate the activities of OPERATING EMPLOYEES

Definition of an organization

A group of people working together in a structured and coordinated fashion to achieve a set of goals

Michael Porter defined the?

Five competitive forces -Threat of new entrants - competitive rivalry - threat of substitute products - power of buyers - power of suppliers


Leaders assumptions about work/workers guide their behaviors Theory X and Theory Y

Henri Fayol

Macro level focus how do we manage an organization? Administrative management and processes that exist today

diagnostic skills

The manager's ability to visualize the most appropriate response to a situation

What about Henri Fayol?

Suggested classical management consist of both Scientific management ideas and administrative management ideas 1. planning 2. organization 3. command 4. coordinate 5. control

what is the integrative/systems perspective?

Systems perspective - a system is an interrelated set of elements functioning as a whole - an open system acts with its environment - a closed systems does not act with its environment - a subsystem is a system within another system

Kurt Lewin (father of social psychology)

"there is nothing so practical as a good theory" father of social physcology

what is organization behavior?

- contemporary field focusing on behavioral perspectives on management - organization behavior takes a holistic view of behavior and addresses individual, group, and organization processes Limitations: - behavior difficult to predict -managers reluctant to adopt concepts - research ineffectively communicated to managers

Tools business uses for social responsibilities?

- personal contacts - lobbying - Political action committees (PAC) - favors and other influence tactics

Tools government use on social responsibilities?

- regulation: laws, rules, dictate what can/cannot be done - indirect regulation: tax incentives from companies opened new training centers

Single parents, gays and lesbians, and people with different religious beliefs represent major dimensions of _______________in today's organizations?


Theory X vs Theory Y managers?

Theory X: (negative assumptions) - people do not like work - threaten employees to accomplish - no ambition Theory Y: (positive assumptions) - people are motivated if committed - people seek responsibility given right conditions - people are bright, potential underutilized

what is the managers job?

To achieve organizational goals -efficiently: using resources wisely and in a cost effective way -effectively: making the right decisions and effectively implementing them

what are yuppies?

Young urban professionals 80s generation x,y, and millenials

humans relation movement started?

argued that workers respond primarily to the social context of the workplace -stemmed from Hawthorne studies - basic assumption is that a managers concern for workers will lead to increased satisfaction and improved performance

Imagine you are the manager of a quick service restaurant that sells sub sandwiches. Using the systems perspective, match each item in the table below with the appropriate system element. (what is input, transformative process, output, feedback)? yelp reviews, training, bread, sandwiches

bread - input training - transformative process sandwiches - output yelp reviews - feedback

The manager must also be able to make the right decisions meaning she/he needs to also be?


The managers job is to use the organizations resources wisely, meaning he/she must be _______________?


Behavioral management theory?

emphasizes individual attitudes and behaviors and group processes

As environmental forces change—including consumer shopping patterns and the power of competitors—companies like JCPenney and Best Buy seek to remain relevant. They seek to avoid__________?


1940s - management new field of study

first textbook on management

Mary has been promoted several times but she has struggled to make it into top management. This may be due to a barrier known as the

glass ceiling

Major catalyst for management theory?

industrial revolution


involves determining how activities and resources are to be grouped what do we want to accomplish?

decision making

involves selecting a course of action from competing alternatives


is monitoring organization progress toward goal attainment how we will motivate and inspire our employees?


is set of processes used to get members of the organization to work together to further the interest of the organization how we are performing against our goals?

How can we explain the increase in the diversity of the labor force?

legislative requirements for diversity

Max weber again?

macro level focus, bureaucracy and later organization theory how should organizations be structured and organized?

conceptual skills

managers ability to think in the abstract

administrative management focuses on?

managing the total organization

Frederick Taylor again?

micro level focus, scientific management how do we make work more efficient? "Soldiering"

Organizations are influenced by the broad issues associated with differences in values, beliefs, behaviors, customs, and attitudes held by employees of different cultures known as


Approaches to Social Responsibility (low -> high)

obstructionist, defensive, accommodative, proactive

what is distributive justice?

reflects the perceived fairness of decision making outcomes - equity, equality, need

procedural justices what is it?

reflects the perceived fairness of decision making processes does the organization... -make decisions accurately - treat people with consistency - have a way to correct decisions - ethical and legal standards - avoid supervisor bias

information justice?

reflects the perceived fairness of the communication between organization authorities from employees

interpersonal justice

reflects the perceived fairness of the treatment received by employees from authorities

Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

requires that the CEO and CFO of large companies that have publicly traded stock personally certify that financial reports made to the SEC comply with SEC rules and that info in the reports are accurate.

social responsibility?

set of obligations an organization has to protect and enhance the societal context in which it functions


setting an organization's goals and deciding how best to achieve them who does what?

Disney experienced _____________ with the development of the movie, Frozen, because it was able to also use Frozen as a theme at its theme parks and in product merchandising?


Which of the following has contributed to the increased diversity in the labor force?

the percentage of people who are of Hispanic origin is increasing

Organization justice what is it?

the perceptions of people in an organization regarding fairness

Which type of organization represents the employees of a firm?


Scientific management focuses on?

ways to improve production of individual workers

Your inputs from environments are? then _____ process? and what is goals are attained?

your resources (humans, financial, physical, etc...) management process cycles goals attained are efficiently and effectively

Who are the "founding fathers" of classical management theory

1. Frederick Taylor 2. Henri Fayol 3. Max Weber

20th century saw field emerge into what two perspectives

1. classical 2. behavioral

similarities across Henri Fayol's, Max Webers, and Frederik Taylors theories

1. hierarchy and division of labor 2. standardization 3. centralization of authority at the top 4. separate work from the personal 5. select most qualified people (no favorites) 6. use fair pay as an incentive to keep the best people

resources the manager must use efficiently?

1. human resources 2. financial resources 3. physical resources 4. informational resources

what is the management process

1. planning and decision making 2. organizing 3. leading 4. controlling

Using the elements of the systems perspective, synergy can be thought of as a(n) ______________?


What is synergy?

Effect of two or more agents combined to produce a greater effect than the sum of their individual effects.

what is entropy?

Entropy may occur when an organization does not adequately monitor environmental feedback and make adjustments.

Mayo is?

Hawthorne studies, social context was important

Integration Framework (main idea from all these perspectives)?

Managers should include portions of each perspective relevant to their situation and apply them using systems and contingency approaches.

Though ____________ is less statistically sophisticated than management science, it is still categorized with the quantitative management perspective.

Operations management

Technical skills

The skills necessary to accomplish or understand the specific kind of work being done in an organization

what are theories?

a conceptual framework for organizing knowledge and providing a blueprint for action

Classical Management review (scientific and administrative) ?

contributed: - foundation for management theory - identified key processes, functions, and skills - made management a valid subject of study limitations - best used in simple organizations - universal procedures may not be appropriate in some settings - employees not viewed as resources

Management in past civilizations?

over 4000 years of breakthroughs and practices over these years

Quantitative Management Perspective

1. management science - focuses on specifically the development of mathematical models 2. operations management - concerned with helping the organization more efficiently produce its products or services (Grouped with management science less sophisticated) often includes use of metric "Return on Investment" (ROI) limitations: - cannot fully explain or predict behavior - models may require unrealistic assumptions

Stuff about max weber

bureaucracy - big picture approach (macro) - move away from feudal systems - authority derived from your position - legal/rational approach - clear rules and standard guidelines avoiding favoritism

key assumptions of scientific management?

people are tools to be tweaked and perfected people will work harder for financial incentives level of analysis problem

Systematic, dynamic, logical, intuitive, experience, rational, objective, subjective are Art or science?

systematic - science dynamic - art logical - science intuitive - art experience - art rational - science objective - science subjective - art

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