Test 2 Possible Questions

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Theory-of-mind skills in early childhood are _____ associated with popularity in elementary skills.


Which child is MOST apt to engage in gender-segregated play?

*kids that are age 4*

At age 3 Max can throw a ball clumsily but by age 4 he can throw and catch a ball smoothly. This demonstrates the _____ principle.


A neuropsychological patient with specific impairments in recalling autobiographical memories has MOST likely suffered damage to the ____ cortex.

*medial frontal*

Jenny says, "Me going car." This sentence has four _____.


Samantha can observe her own actions and abilities from an outside frame of reference and is able to reflect on her feelings. Samantha has _____.


Three-year-old Melissa pulled 2-year-old Isabel's hair and made Isabel cry. Melissa put her hands over her face and began to cry when Isabel cried. Melissa is demonstrating _____

*self-conscious emotions*

Children who beam with pride when their mother congratulates them on a perfect spelling test are displaying a(n) ______ emotion.


Corsaro's observation that children do not like it when other children bring up gory themes led him to conclude that play teaches _____.

*social norms*

Christy is 25 months old. She is in a transitional life stage called _____.


When 12-month-old Nicholas looked at his mother to check her expression as a stranger entered the room, he demonstrated _____.

*social referencing*

The dose-response effect refers to _____..

*the change in effect on an organism caused by differing levels of exposure to a stressor*

Ten-year-old Bella has a best friend named Sophia. Which would be Bella's MOST likely description of why Sophia is her best friend?

*"I can tell her anything, and I know she will stand up for me."*

In a laboratory setting, if toddler Marieke scores high in _____, you can predict she might score high in moral behavior later on.


Members of a certain preindustrial society worship the spirits that they believe inhabit the rocks and streams in their mountainous terrain. This belief is an example of _____.


Stacey is comparing two day-care settings for her toddler. Which ratio of caregiver to children should she look for if she wants the optimal setting?

*2 to 3*

Ms. Anderson was teaching kindergarten in 2014. If her class was representative of the United States, about _____ percent of her students were living in poverty


By ages _____, children initiate their own past-talk conversations, indicating the development of _____ memory.

*4 or 5; autobiographical*

Ms. Rossi was the principal of a public school in the United States in 2014. There were 200 students at the school. In round numbers, if the school's rates of poverty were representative of the United States, approximately how many of its students were living in poverty?


Rounding up, in 2014, nearly _____ percent of children under 6 in the United States are living in low-income (poor or near-poor) families.


Jeanine is considered to be in the early childhood stage of development. This means she must be between age 3 and age _____.


Marcus can copy two short words and catch a ball with both hands with his arms in front of his body. Mastery of these skills indicates that Marcus is at LEAST _____ year(s) old.


Armando is in middle childhood. That means he is between the ages of _____.

*7 and 12*

A family friend asks 10-year-old Ebony about her visit to her grandparents in a distant state during the preceding December holiday season. Ebony's recollections seem vague, lacking the specific impressions and details one might expect. Ebony's mother may be _____.


Baby Jamey has recently become visibly upset when her mother leaves the room. Jamey is approximately _____ months old and experiencing _____.

*7; separation anxiety*

Which child is in middle childhood?

*8 year old*

Penny is an obese 10-year-old. Her weight is at or above the ______ percentile, based on national norms.


Gerry is exceedingly proud of the United States and declares that it is the greatest and richest country in the world. You suggest that child poverty is alarmingly prevalent in the United States. Gerry denies this. Which is NOT a fact you can tell him?

*Child poverty figures are misleading because the cutoff income for the "poverty line" is too high.*

When a baby has a difficult temperament, which statement is true?

*Particularly sensitive caregiving can promote a secure attachment.*

Marek was adopted from a Romanian orphanage in 1992. As a child, he MOST likely showed _____.

*a strange indiscriminate friendliness*

Personality theorist Harry Stack Sullivan believed that children's friendships fulfill the developmental needs of self-validation and intimacy. Which child is Sullivan MOST likely describing?

*age 10*

Dr. Nicholl believes that much of cognitive development may be explained by children's increasing memory capacity, and increasing ability to concentrate, plan ahead, and control their thoughts, feelings, and actions. Dr. Nicholl uses ______ to explain cognitive development.

*an information-processing perspective*

Eleven-year-old Frankie tells his best friend Alex his recollection of a bicycle crash he had while riding down a steep hill last summer. Frankie's recollection of this event is an example of a(n) _____ memory.


In Harry Harlow's research, the "motherless mother" monkeys produced offspring through artificial insemination. Researchers found that _____.

*because the "motherless mothers" were traumatized in early childhood, they could not attach to their offspring*

Marek is 2 years old. He will be MOST concerned with _____.

*being independent and feeling connected*

Cade is 4 years old and often shares spontaneously with his preschool classmates. According to research, Cade has a high likelihood of _____ as he grows older.

*being prosocial*

A color-matching activity is within Cleo's zone of proximal development. In other words, Cleo _____.

*can perform this activity with guidance or is being taught by a more skilled person*

Despite the fact that both rows have six buttons, Monroe thinks there are more buttons in the row that is spread further apart than in the row that is spaced more closely together. The reason Monroe is focused on the length of the rows rather than the number of buttons is called _____.


Four-year-old Jalonny understands that Jerome is her father, but cannot grasp that Jerome is also her grandmother's son. In this way, she is demonstrating _____.


At 3, Jada had a squat, chunky body and her head seemed big for her body. Now 7, she is slim and long-legged. Jada's physical growth has followed the _____ principle.


Susan has two children. She notices how different they look physically. Carrie, a 3-year-old girl, has a relatively large head and short body, while, John, a 6-year-old boy, has a more proportioned head and a long, thin body. These differences between Carrie and John demonstrate that physical development during childhood follows the _____ principle.


Eight-year-old Drew's third-grade class is watching salmon spawn in the Goldstream River outside their hometown. They learn that coho, pink, sockeye, and chum are types of salmon. This lesson capitalizes on the logical ability of _____.

*class inclusion*

Pia is 8 years old. According to Piaget, Pia is MOST likely in the ______ stage of cognitive development.

*concrete operations*

Western legal systems that suggest that children who are 7 or 8 years old have attained the ability to reason are consistent with Piaget's theory because basic reasoning skills appear during the _____ period.

*concrete operations*

In mathematics education, the abstract concept of the variable, usually represented as "x" or "y," is often introduced when children are about 12 years old, marking the transition from the _____ stage to the _____ stage in Piaget's theory of cognitive development.

*concrete operations; formal operations*

Eleven-year-old Danny has difficulty making friends. His impulsive outbursts cause other children to avoid him. Danny's mother has alcohol problems and has spent very little time with him. Child Protective Services has intervened from time to time and placed him in temporary foster homes when her drinking became severe. Danny is MOST likely to have had a(n) _____ attachment style as a baby.


"Quitting smoking now greatly reduces risks to health," reads a warning label on a package of cigarettes. This label BEST expresses the _____ effect.


When asked to explain why Josie is her best friend, Samantha answers, "Because she makes me laugh and is nice to me." These girls are MOST likely _____ children because they describe their friendship in terms of _____.

*elementary school-age; internal qualities*

Jamal is watching his best friend being bullied by some older children. Jamal is frozen with fear and unable to run and get an adult or to step in to help his friend. Jamal is most likely experiencing _____.


A parent who asks a child, "How would you feel if someone did that to you?" does so in order to _____.

*encourage sympathy*

"The attachment response is biologically built in to promote human survival." This statement would MOST likely be made by a(n) _____.


Eight-year-old Tamika wanted to play with her little sister's new doll. Her first thought was to take it from her, but then she thought about the fact that her sister would cry and she would get into trouble. Instead Tamika asked her sister to play together. Tamika's thought process is an example of the _____ of the frontal lobe.

*executive functions*

Following a stroke, Violet has difficulty ordering problem-solving steps in a logical sequence. Additionally, she is much more impulsive than she had been before the stroke. Violet's _____ appear(s) impaired.

*executive functions*

John, Greg, Richie, and Matt are walking back to John's house from the convenience store. A half-block from the house, Greg starts running. "Last one to John's is a rotten egg!" he exclaims. This is an example of _____ play.


Mr. and Mrs. Franklin are taking their son to see a psychiatrist who helps children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Which intervention will the psychiatrist NOT suggest?

*exposing the child to difficult processing tasks*

Six-year-old Mikey gets very angry at school and will often have outbursts in class in which he yells at the teacher and knocks over his desk. Mikey has _____.

*externalizing problem*

Caleb is 8 years old, and he lives in an abusive home. Caleb's autobiographical memories are likely to be _____.

*false or absent*

Elizabeth is 5 years old, and she likes to help her mother when it is time for supper. However, her mother is often quick tempered at the end of the day, scolding Elizabeth when she tries to help. Her mother finds she can get things done more quickly if Elizabeth stays out of the way. Based on Erikson's theory, Elizabeth may develop _____.

*feelings of guilt*

Daja's kindergarten students are cutting paper snowflakes. Students hold up their snowflakes as they are completed so that their classmates may admire them. The more delicate-looking the snowflake, the more enthusiastically it is greeted by the students. Cutting snowflakes encourages the development of _____ motor skills, which is in turn _____ associated with academic proficiency later on.

*fine; positively*

After a stroke, Reginald has difficulty ordering problem-solving steps in a logical sequence. Moreover, he is noticeably more impulsive than he had been in the past. Reginald appears to have suffered damage to the _____ lobe.


Chelsea is 18 years old and has just acquired her driver's license. Despite her mother's warnings, she still acts impulsively when she drives. For example, she always speeds up to "beat" yellow lights, and she changes lanes without looking. Chelsea's impulsivity may be caused by the slow development of her _____ lobes.


Alicia wants her difficult child to thrive, so she provides a calm home environment for the child and does not become upset when her child is distressed. This is an example of _____.

*goodness of fit*

Climbing a ladder is an example of a _____ motor skill.


Pruning in the frontal lobes starts _____.

*halfway through middle childhood*

Patrick is receiving early intervention. According to research, the intervention will _____.

*help if he is low income and the intervention is of high quality*

Michaela has to go back to work 6 weeks after her daughter's birth in order to support the family. She is extremely worried that because she is gone most of the day, her daughter will be insecurely attached to her. As an expert on child development, you tell Michaela that the MOST recent research on attachment suggests that _____.

*her baby is apt to be securely attached to her if she is a sensitive caregiver*

If Ivor has reactive attachment disorder, he MOST likely displays _____.

*indiscriminate friendliness to strangers*

Nine-year-old Warren is in middle childhood and faces the psychosocial task that Erikson called _____.

*industry versus inferiority*

Ten-year-old Ramon will feel _____ if he fails to resolve the Eriksonian psychosocial task of middle childhood.


Four-year-old Tate is playing soccer for the first time. He is energetically chasing the ball and running around the field. Erik Erikson says that Tate's mission is to achieve _____.


Reese is 4 years old. Over the past few years, she has been excitedly learning new skills and trying new things. Reese feels confident in her ability to do almost anything and has been fairly successful in learning these skills. She can tie her shoes, knows all her colors and the alphabet, and loves playing tag with her siblings. Erik Erikson would MOST likely say that Reese is developing _____.


Four-year-old Jose just received a game that involves placing foam numbers into a template. As Jose looks for where each number belongs, his mother notices that he is mumbling "eight," "six," and so on. Jose is using what Vygotsky called _____ to master this task.

*inner speech*

Although Tim is 6 years old, he hides behind his mother's legs every time he is in a social situation and frequently looks depressed. Tim may have _____ tendencies.


Janice is being bullied. This means that she _____.

*is verbally and/or physically abused by her peers*

Jason believes he is a failure at everything he does. He is timid, anxious, and does not try, even when he could succeed. Jason has developed _____.

*learned helplessness*

Eli is 22 years old and has just graduated from college. Nonetheless, some parts of his body have yet to develop fully. One of them is the fatty covering surrounding the axons of neurons known as the _____.

*myelin sheath*

When Romanian orphans were first discovered by Western Europeans, they were found to have ______ attachment response(s).


Silvio is 11. His body mass index is at the 96th percentile. Silvio would be considered _____.


Two-year-old Gage says "kitty" every time he sees any four-legged animal. This illustrates _____.


Adrian's attachment style has changed dramatically since he was a toddler. It is possible that he has a gene that affects _____ that is linked to this change.


is the hormone whose production is centrally involved in bonding, nurturing, and caregiving behaviors..


Yesterday, Sandra took her 6-year-old son Colby to the zoo. The next morning, she asked Colby questions such as "Did you like the zoo?" "What animals did you see?" "Which animal was your favorite?" and "Would you like to go again on Saturday?" She listens to Colby's answers. Their verbal exchange is an example of _____.

*past talk conversation*

Jana works in a day-care center where she cares for children between the ages of 1 and 2 years. She is highly valued by both the parents and the staff of her day-care center. The children attach to her shortly after being in her care. Jana is likely to have which pair of qualities?

*patient and caring*

Five-year-old Brittany believes that her cup now holds more juice because it was poured into a taller container. Brittany is in Piaget's _____ stage of development.


Theresa thinks that her sister is a princess when she wears a tiara in her hair and a servant when she wears old clothes. Theresa is in the _____ stage, and is probably _____.

*preoperations; in preschool*

When something really good happens to him Neil immediately calls his husband, Chris. Chris is Neil's _____ attachment figure.


A security guard is shot during an attempted robbery of a jewelry store. The guard's shooting exemplifies the thieves' _____ aggression.


Five-year-old Edward approaches a shy new student in his school and invites him to join in a game he is playing with other children. Edward is displaying _____.

*prosocial behavior*

Albert crawls after his father when his father leaves the room. In doing so, Albert is exhibiting _____.

*proximity seeking behavior*

Chinyelu is 9 years old. He is extremely athletic and can run and jump almost as well as his older siblings. However, he has great difficulty in controlling his impulses. This is because _____ has just begun in the frontal lobes, unlike the visual and motor cortices in which the process began much earlier.


After Jermaine accidently bumps into a fellow commuter while exiting a subway train, the commuter elbows him forcefully in the ribs on the escalator to the street. Jermaine is the victim of _____ aggression.


After a visiting-team hockey player slams a home-team player into the boards lining the rink, the home-team player shoves the visiting player. This home-team player's action illustrates _____ aggression.


Eleven-year-old Sarah loves to tattle on her older sister. Last week, Sarah told her sister's boyfriend that her sister had kissed another boy. Sarah is using _____ aggression.


Six-year-old Gemma spreads rumors about Ava, and tells her that she is not going to be invited to anyone's birthday parties anymore. Gemma's behavior is called _____ aggression.


Beverly is a school psychologist studying social interactions in the later elementary school years in the United States. In her field work, she notices that some types of children seem to be unpopular and rejected more often. Which group is apt to be rarely rejected?

*relationally aggressive children who vigorously compete for status and then reach out to enlist the group in a caring way*

Reggie can ride a bike only if his mom is providing some physical support and coaching. Lev Vygotsky would say that _____.

*riding a bike is within Reggie's zone of proximal development*

Mrs. Taylor gives help to her class when needed and then backs off when a student masters a specific skill. Mrs. Taylor is using a teaching technique called _____.


When Alberto talks to his 1-year-old daughter, he speaks slowly in a high-pitched voice about the things at which his daughter is looking. Alberto is using infant-directed speech, which is an example of _____.


Larissa's friend is overly clingy and easily ashamed. Larissa knows that in early infant development, self-awareness emerges at 18 months and without reaching autonomy, a child feels ashamed and doubtful. In Erikson's framework, Larissa's friend did NOT successfully resolve the task of _____.

*second stage of life, autonomy versus shame and doubt*

Tonya has a toddler son named Brad. Tonya's sister Jill is encouraging Brad to enjoy a variety of different ethnic foods. Tonya's sister tempts Brad by pretending to spoon feed herself and smacking her lips each time the food is served. One day, Tonya goes to pick up Brad from Jill's house and is amazed to see her child enjoying a plate of very spicy curried goat. Jill was successful with Brad because of _____.

*social referencing*

You want to measure attachment via the Strange Situation laboratory procedure, but there are simply too many children involved in the study. Instead, you will be using _____ and interviewing parents.


Yolanda and her 7-month-old son are totally in tune and engrossed with one another. They are sensitive to each other's signals as they relate. This joyful attunement is called _____.


Chelsea has noticed that when she and her son go to the public swimming pool, instead of saying, "No in water" when he protests going in, he has begun to say, "Don't put me in the water." Chelsea's son is beginning to master grammar, also known as _____.


Alex is 5 years old, and he likes to help his father work in the garden. Alex's father always praises Alex's efforts to rake leaves into a tidy pile. Based on Erikson's theory, Alex is likely to develop a(n) _____.

*tendency towards initiative*

With respect to the universality of attachment in human development, it is NOT true that _____.

*the percentages of infants who are classified as having an anxious-ambivalent attachment style is relatively the same in all countries*

With respect to the universality of attachment in human development, it IS true that _____.

*there are large differences in the percentage of babies in different countries who fall into the different insecure categories* *the percentage of infants who are classified as securely attached is relatively stable regardless of country* *in Western Europe, avoidant attachment is the most common form of insecure attachment*

Taylor has a cat named Rudy. One day on a walk, Taylor's mother says, "See that cat?" Taylor replies, "That not cat, that not Rudy!" Taylor's mistake is called a(n) _____.


Johanna is 8 years old. Her mother suffers from major depressive disorder. Johanna's autobiographical memories are likely to be _____.


Eight-year-old Jewel will _____ if she successfully resolves the Eriksonian psychosocial task of middle childhood.

*work for what she wants*

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